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of various materials. The series of op-
erations termed cutting give the surface
its brilliant iridescent appearance, which
is superior to any of the other designs
that have thus far been manufactured.
In fact, the cut glass is as superior to the
pressed and acid-
treated material as
iron wrought by
hand is superior to
machine-made ar-
ticles of the same

by the skill of the operator, produces nearly all the figures seen upon the surface of modern cut-glass ware, although the designs are almost innumerable, the fashions changing from time to time like those of the modiste and the milliner. Wrought iron and copper are the principal materials used in the roughing wheels. The iron wheels are called "millers" in the English works. In making shallow cuts, stone and wooden wheels are occasionally used; but the metal wheels are principally depended upon for the first process. A wheel with a rounded edge is used for fluting and hollowing. The deep and fine cutting is of course done with a narrow wheel, termed a "splitter." The edge of the split wheel, slightly flattened, performs what is called panel work; but most of the ornamentation is done by miter wheels, which, in the hands of a skilled workman, create really marvelous patterns. Taking the model as it comes from the annealing oven, the cutter applies it to the surface of the wheel, which traces Cutting glass is really "roughing" it, vertical, horizontal, and diagonal lines for the material is eaten away by apply- upon it almost as rapidly as a scroll saw ing it to the rapidly revolving metal cuts ornamental outlines in the thin patwheels, the edges of which are covered tern in the hands of the woodworker. with moistened sand. Water from above Merely additional pressure of the surface constantly drips upon the wheels from a to the wheel produces a deeper cutting, reservoir, to cool them on the same while rocking the model slightly from principle as when a farmer moistens his side to side broadens the opening at its grindstone. outer edge to suit the particular deThe size of the roughing wheels, aided sign. The diamond pattern so fa


Before cutting the figures to be worked upon the dish, the surface of the latter is divided into equal sections with some adhesive composition insoluble in water. Usually a mixture of resin, turpentine, and oxide of red lead is employed. If the design is very intricate, as is sometimes the case, it may be traced upon the surface. with a steel point; but the glass cutter is usually such an expert that he can fashion the leaf, diamond, or star, depending almost entirely upon his eye and memory, the lines traced with the pigment serving merely to assure proper measurement, SO that all the proportions will be exact. Roughing

Showing Diamond, Star, and Other Designs
in the Pattern.

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Smoothing, Polishing, and Finishing After leaving the roughing department, the dish contains the design; but the surface is of a dull color, and only the expert could distinguish it from common glass. To give it the brilliancy and luster so much desired, it must be smoothed and then polished. In this process, stone and wooden wheels are used, also revolving at a high rate of speed. Great Britain furnishes the best stone so far discovered for the treatment of glass, the Yorkshire, Newcastle, and Craigleith districts being the principal sources of supply. Roughly hewn into shape, the stones are purchased by the glass manufacturers, and "trued" to the proper edge by abrasion. Then, mounted upon axles, they are driven by shafting and belting. The contact of the stone

gives the surface of the glass its smooth finish, although great care has to be taken lest too much of the material should be cut away and the dish thus destroyed; in fact, a very straight and "true" eye is required for the work of roughing and smoothing. A notch at quarter or an eighth of an inch out of the way, might destroy the most costly vessel, for, as is well known, the finest cuttings are the deepest. The stone wheels are mitered and of other shapes, to correspond with the patterns to be finished.

Wooden wheels for finishing and polishing have been largely supplanted in recent years by revolving brushes, and also by wheels having a felt surface, or "buffers," as they are sometimes termed. The

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wood preferred is willow, elder, or cherry, as these varieties give a very lustrous appearance, and do not leave any imperfections upon the surface if the polishing is properly done. The finishing of the dish is a process which involves much care, but cut glass owes its popularity as an ornament very largely to the manner in which this process is carried


As already stated, each year brings new fashions in designs of glass; consequently an opportunity is given the artisan to display ingenuity as well as skill. The size of some of the dishes and other articles which are produced is surprising. They have been manufactured from masses weighing 100 pounds. Probably the largest ever finished was a punch bowl which was presented to President McKinley. The bowl, and the pedestal by which it was supported, weighed no less than 75 pounds. In addition to this form of ware, however, so many shapes are manufactured that the

setting of the dinner table, with the exception of the cutlery and plates, can be completely composed of glass, for even meat and vegetable dishes, in addition to tumblers, carafes, pitchers, dessert plates, salad bowls, and bread trays, are produced from it.

The popularity of cut glass has led to the establishment of a number of important industries in the United States. Not only is the product sold in this country, but large quantities have been sent abroad, where the use of cut glass made in America is becoming more and more extensive.


The Sun is Always Shinin', an' the

Sky is Always Blue



'HEN you go to gettin' troubled, an' the world seems upside down, When misfortune stares upon you with an awful-lookin' frown, There's a cheerfulness in knowin', when its dark for me an' you,

That the sun is always shinin', an' the sky is always blue.

When the clouds appear the thickest an' the daylight seems withdrawn,

An' the hopeful joy o' livin' seems to be entirely gone,

Just remember, when the darkest, just a little distance through,
That the sun is always shinin', an' the sky is always blue.

So there ain't no use in frettin' at the hardships that we meet,

For the birds are still a-singin', an' the flowers are just as sweet;
An' behind the deepest shadow there's a heap o' promise, too,
For the sun is always shinin', an' the sky is always blue.

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