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"HOW TO ATTAIN SUCCESS" is a text-book for those who will have success-it's not filled with nicely spun theories, but gives the master-key to your capacity and powers. A $60.00 man writes he studied its principles hard and now has an income in the five figures. YOU CAN DO THE SAME-IT'S ONLY LEARNING AND DEVELOPING YOUR OWN POWERS AND FOROES-do this, success will be yours. To the ambitious man or woman possessed of energy "HOW TO ATTAIN SUCCESS" will unfold a world of possibility. will transform hope of success into realization. Sent on receipt of $1. CHAS. VANAGH, Room 8, 992 Harrison St., Chicago. ¶ TO EMPLOYERS THE TECHNICAL WORLD offers its services in bringing employers of skilled labor into communication with trained and efficient men. Write the Employment Department full particulars as to the qualifications necessary. SITUATIONS VACANT WANTED-The application of every competent technical man desirous of securing a position or bettering his present one, is wanted at once. We are constantly searching for high-class vacancies and always have from 100 to 300 places open for the highest grade men. Write to-day. The Engineering Agency, 1218 Monadnock Bldg., Chicago, Ill. SITUATIONS WANTED WANTED A graduate of the American School of Correspondence in Electrical Engineering, desires à position, with opportunities for advancement, on Construction work or as Engineer at mines or smelter, Mill Foreman in oil fields, or Assistant to practical engineer installing machinery. Has had 12 years' experience in steam fitting, engineering, and as foreman in oil fields. Address The Technical World, No. 301. WANTED-A student of the American School of Correspondence wants a position in a power plant. No experience. Address The Technical World, No. 302. WANTED A young man of some experience in steam engineering wishes a position as a Locomotive Fireman for a manufacturing plant. ReferLocation preferred, Chicago. ences. Address The Technical World, No. 303. WANTED A young man with a third-class license in engineering and four years' experience, desires a position. References. Address The Technical World, No. 304. WANTED-A position in a Machine Shop where engines are manufactured, is wanted by a beginner. References. Address The Technical World, No. 305. WANTED-Position as Mechanical Draftsman. Desired locality, Central New York. No experience. Address The Technical World, No. 306. Mention The Technical World. WANTED SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Strong Young Firemen and Brakemen Men for on all railroads. Firemen average $65 monthly, become Engineers and average $125. RHEUMATISM CURED WITHOUT EMPLOYMENT DEPARTMENT-(Concluded) WANTED Position as Apprentice in some good electrical repair shop where armature winding can be learned, is wanted by a student of the American School of Correspondence. nical World, No. 307. MEDICINE Location, Pacific Coast. Address The Tech New Remedy Discovered Which Absorbs Acid A DOLLAR PAIR FREE Don't take medicine for Rheumatism, but send your name to the makers of Magic Foot Drafts, the great Michigan discovery which is curing every kind of Rheumatism without medicine-chronic or acute Muscular, Sciatic, Lumbago, Gout, etc., no matter in what part of the body. You'll get the Drafts by return mail. If you are satisfied with the relief they give, send us one dollar. If not, send nothing. You Decide. TRADE MARK MAGIC Magic Foot Drafts possess the remarkable quality of absorbing from the blood the impurities which cause Rheumatism, curing where everything else has failed. They are even curing cases of 30 and 40 years' standing. They will cure you. Send your name today to Magic Foot Draft Co., 1252 Oliver Bldg., Jackson, Mich. Our splendid new book on Rheumatism comes free with the Drafts. Send no money-only your name. Write today. Which Cyclopedia? SPECIAL BARGAINS in all of THEM WANTED-AN AMERICAN SCHOOL student desires work that will give him experience in handling electrical machinery. Locality, Chicago or vicinity. Address The Technical World, No. 308. FOR SALE A $185.00 Gurley transit for $125,00; and a $105.00 Gurley level for $60.00. Both in firstclass condition. Address The Technical World, No. 306 TL. FOR SALE One No. 9 Blake & Johnson double-geared rolling mill. Diameter and face of roils 10 in. x 15 in. In Al condition; never used. Address BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL Co., Rochester, N.Y. NEW REPORTER: "Old Golding says that if I approach him again regarding that bank scandal he'll break every bone in my body; and he means it too." EDITOR: "Great! That'll be good for three columns; go, interview him at once. I'll have an ambulance at the door when they bring you out.' If you are interested in the Cyclopedia question, write us AT ONCE. No agents employed; you will not be "hounded" and humbugged by them in consequence of writing to us. Just now we have exceptional bargains in a few sets, new, of some of the latest, largest and best of the great Cyclopedias-all cash or easy payments. ¶ It is against our interest. and yours, to antagonize publishers by unnecessary publicity of "cut prices," so we do not print details, but if you will write us we will send you particulars. Your old Cyclopedias marketed for you. Coupon 50 cents Inclose this advertisement with your letter and we will credit it as 50c. toward the price of any Cyclopedia you may buy of us within 30 days. (T. W. 12.) "WHAT," inquired the psychological student, "do you regard as the chief end of man?" "Well," answered Mr. Blykins, "it depends on what you want the man for. If you want him to do brain-work, it's his head; but if you want him to run errands, it's his feet." IN THE FOG.-Driver of 'bus (to conductor whom he has called up): “Jim, th' ol' gent behind's just fell hoff!" CONDUCTOR: "All right, Bill; 'e's paid his fare." |