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Mention Technical World, Feb./

DO YOUR BEST-(Concluded)

out after success soon learns, is that when he does another man's work, he must do it better than his predecessor did. If one bookkeeper or clerk takes the place of another, he will attract no attention as long as he does the work exactly as it was done before. If he does not do it well, he will not be likely to last very long in his new position. But if he does it better, he will be noticed, and will stand an excellent chance of promotion.

In any business, ruts are soon formed, and the man who takes the place of another finds it easier to get into the same rut and plod steadily along there, satisfied if he brings down upon himself no criticism. He is usually sorrowful because he is not paid as much as the other man. He does the same work, he says, and he ought to get the same pay. But the man who is doing the paying is not looking for that kind of substitute. He is in a rut himself; and the fact that everything is going on as formerly, makes no particular impression on him. But if the new man once gets out of the rut, and does things that the man whose place he took could or did not do, then he begins to be noticed and marked out for advancement.

All young men are naturally anxious to earn more money-to get, somehow or other, that valuable and useful thing which is known as success. Unhappily the systems of employment in use by the great corporations limit the opportunities of vast numbers of their employees, and make it necessary for many of them to work for far less than their services are worth; but the men who do advance are not those who are the most careful to do only that for which they are paid. And big corporations, as well as individual employers, are alive to the value of men who can learn to be worth more; and that is the kind of men who get the big salaries in the end, or acquire the information and experience which enable them some day to get into business for themselves and become employers on their own account.


Mention The Technical World.

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