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A globe such as is here offered, should be in every home, every office, and every public reading It is especially valuable, however, when used in conjunction with the TECHNICAL WORLD MAGAZINE which deals with happenings in the remotest corners of the world.


We have endeavored for some time past to make possible such an offer as is now presented to our readers. The great draw back has been the matter of expense, as a globe of this size and character could not be purchased at retail for less than $6.00. We have, however, contracted for many thousands in order to obtain a low price and we are, therefore, exceedingly anxious that our readers and friends should take advantage of this most unusual opportunity, which we can frankly say, will never again be equaled.



The ball of the globe is 12-inches in diameter, over three feet in circumference and mounted on the pedestal, stands twenty inches in height. The map is lithographed in ten permanent oil colors, guaranteed not to fade even in the presence of moisture, and the engraving is wonderfully distinct. The enlarged State of Alabama, the Panama Canal, and the new Provincial changes in Canada, serve as evidence that the globe is strictly up-to-date. The base, which is made of oak, weathered finish, is more modern and far superior to the old style iron base. It is lined with felt and thus makes scratching impossible. Each globe is fitted with an adjustable time disc which will show, at a glance, the time at any point of the globe. The Analemma and the Isothermal lines are striking features, making the globe all in all far more handy than an atlas, at the same time most suitable and ornamental for the home or office.



U.S. A.

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