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From Now

to New Year's for


THE OUTLOOK is the only periodical in the world which is a Weekly Newspaper and an Illustrated Monthly Magazine in one. It issues fifty-two numbers a year, and twelve of them (one each month) are richly illustrated Magazine numbers, with a Special Cover, a serial novel by Ian Maclaren, and many important literary features. The subscription price is Three Dollars a year, or less than a cent a day.


IN THE OUTLOOK for July 25 will appear two illustrated articles descriptive of the personal side of the Presidential candidates of the Republican and Democratic parties. Mr. Murat Halstead will write concerning Major McKinley, and the Democratic candidate (yet to be named) will have equally interesting treatment.

St. Louis An illustrated article on

The Higher Life of St.

Louis will appear in the August Maga-
zine Number. The author, the Rev. John
Snyder, is pastor of the Church of the
Messiah in St. Louis.


An illustrated article by President Harper, of the University of Chicago, on Bishop Vincent and his relation to the Chautauqua movement, is in course of preparation and will soon

The Dean of Can- | appear.

The Dean of terbury will con-
Canterbury tribute to the nota-

ble series entitled "Prophets of the Christian Faith" an eloquent paper entitled "Can We Be Prophets?"

A character sketch

Philadelphia Mr. Talcott Will

iams, the editor of the Philadelphia "Press," will furnish an illustrated article on The Higher Life of Philadelphia for the July Magazine Number.

Basket - Ball at

of the Rev. Francis Basket-Ball Smith is a pictu

Y. P. S. C. E.
E. Clark, D.D., founder of the Christian
Endeavor movement, written by Mr. J. W.
Baer, the General Secretary, and pro-
fusely illustrated, will be printed in the
July Magazine Number.

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You may secure under this offer, complete, “Kate Carnegie,”

by Ian Maclaren

For a remittance of One Dollar we will send THE OUTLOOK

Special to a New Subscriber from date to 1 January, 1897, and


will include the Seven Magazine Numbers already issued, each containing an installment of "Kate Carnegie” and a large quantity of important literary and artistic features. THE OUTLOOK COMPANY, 13 Astor Place, New York


A Biography. By his son. With portraits and

other illustrations. 8vo, cloth, $1.50.

"We shall be greatly disappointed if the Life of
the late Dr. A. J. Gordon be not immediately recog-
nized as one of the best biographies that has been
written during the last twenty-five years. In point
of view both of completeness and of style, it leaves
nothing to be desired. The author, Mr. Ernest B.
Gordon, is a worthy son of his father, whose life he
has had the good fortune to chronicle.... His
powers of graphic description are extraordinary."-
N. Y. Examiner.

Scottish Character Sketches. By David Lyall.

16mo, cloth decorated, 75c.

David Lyall has attracted much attention recently
in Great Britain, and it is generally admitted that
he has earned a place alongside of Maclaren,
Crockett, and Barrie. He has the gift, which seems
to belong only to those who hail from the land of the
heather, of investing Scottish character with the
charm and truthfulness of reality, but while he is
thus comparable with the writers named, he has a

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Studies. By Robert E. Speer. 16mo, cloth, 75c.
This is not a life of Christ, but a study of what
Christ was, His character, His spirit, Himself,
studied with reference to its testimony to His divin-
ity and to its revelation of what God means each
disciple of Christ to be. Its chapters have found the

na," by W. Nephew King

"When the boundary line is drawn, if the 'forty thou-

sand British subjects' do not like it, they can put them-

selves and their goods into a few canoes and move."

[ocr errors]

The Spirit in Literature

and Life

By JOHN P. COYLE, D.D. Crown 8vo, $1.50.
"The theme is great enough for an epic poem.
The treatment is full of luminous insight and sanity.
It reveals the spiritual vista which so attracts the
higher critic and lends nobility to the obscure details
of his research; it traces with sympathetic hand the
spiritual thread which guides the way through the
nebulous ages of prophetic, legislative, didactic, and
devotional literature."-The Atlantic Monthly.
"Among the most luminous and vital of the recent

theological works of this country."-The Outlook.

Sold by Booksellers. Sent, postpaid, by



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"A Family Record of Marshal Ney's

Execution," written by Madame

Campan, and hitherto unpublished

Contributed by Mr. George Clinton Genet, of Green-

bush, N. Y., sole surviving son of Citizen" Genet, to

whom this account was sent by his sister, Madame Cam-


author of memoirs of Marie Antoinette, and lady of

the bedchamber to the Queen. A special interest attaches
to this paper by reason of the recent attempt to prove that
Marshal Ney was not shot in 1815, but escaped to America
and became a schoolmaster in North Carolina.

Mrs. Humphry Ward's Novel, "Sir
George Tressady," is continued in
an instalment of great power

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And on thirty days' trial. If satisfied, you remit $10.00;

if disappointed, hold goods subject to our order.

The Larkin Soap Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y.

Our offer explained more fully in The Outlook, June 20th.

NOTE.-The Larkin Soap Mfg. Co. make our readers a wonderful offer. Not only do they give you a box of

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A customer once is a customer always with them."-Christian Work.

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Volume 54

The Outlook


Saturday, 4 July, 1896

N Monday of this week, at his home in Canton, Ohio, Mr. McKinley was officially notified of his nomination for the Presidency, and accepted in a short and well-worded speech, commending the St. Louis platform in its entirety. Senator Thurston, of Nebraska, the Chairman of the recent Convention, made the address of notification. He assured Mr. McKinley that his nomination had been the result of the spontaneous demand of the plain people of all sections, who recognized in him the champion of the principle which meant adequate public revenue, full employment for labor, and the restoration of the Nation's credit. The currency question was barely touched upon in a few words about "sound money" and "honest finance." Mr. McKinley's speech of acceptance took up the four subjects of increased protection, increased revenue, increased reciprocity, and increased confidence in the value of all our money. Like Senator Thurston, Mr. McKinley attributed the universal fall in values and lessening of production to the changes in the tariff. He declared that the loss of revenue and the consequent deficit had alone occasioned the embarrassment of the Treasury and forced the issue of bonds. "If sufficient revenues," he said, "are provided for the support of the government, there will be no necessity for borrowing money and increasing the public debt. During all the years of Republican control following resumption there was a steady reduction of public debt, while the gold reserve was sacredly maintained, and our currency and credit preserved without depreciation, taint, or suspicion." Mr. McKinley urged the increase of tariff duties in the interests of the home market, but he also urged a renewal of reciprocity treaties in order to provide a foreign market. for our surplus products. Despite his belief that our high wages make it impossible for our manufacturers to compete with those abroad in our own markets, he believes that some of our producers can undersell foreigners in their markets. On the question of the currency his words were as follows: "The money of the United States, and every kind and form of it, whether paper, silver, or gold, must be as good as the best in the world. It must not only be current at its full face value at home, but it must be counted at par in any and every commercial center of the globe."

Democratic State Conventions were held last week in Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, New York, North Carolina, and Georgia. In all of these States except New York and Wisconsin the Conventions declared for the immediate renewal of the free coinage of gold and silver at the old ratio. In the Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio Conventions old party leaders were conspicuous by reason of their absence. In Ohio few of the delegates had ever before been present at a Democratic Convention. They were a much plainer set of men than usual; many of them from the farms, and all of them enthusiastic for the free coinage of silver. In Ohio the platform adopted contained but one plank. Ex-Governor Campbell tried to

Number 1

secure the adoption of other planks indorsing the Monroe Doctrine, demanding the liberation of Cuba, supporting a tariff for revenue only, etc., but the Convention tabled these resolutions by a majority of more than four to one. Little interest was manifested in the selection of candidates a Republican victory being anticipated because of the personal popularity of Mr. McKinley. In Illinois and Indiana the Conventions were no less enthusiastic for the free coinage of silver, and were apparently far more hopeful of victory. In Indiana the anti-silver element was practically obliterated by the unseating of gold delegates from the city of Indianapolis. Three or four anti-silver men were sent as delegates to Chicago, but these were bound by the unit rule to vote with the majority. They were elected at the request of Governor Matthews, who wished them to support his candidacy for the Presidential nomination. In the Illinois Convention the anti-silver element made no demonstration of its strength or weakness. The Convention seemed to be entirely unanimous for the renomination of Governor Altgeld.

In Wisconsin an explicit gold-standard platform was adopted, and the delegates to Chicago were instructed to vote as a unit. There was, however, a sharp fight made on behalf of silver, for the first time in the history of Wis. consin Democracy. Even some of the strongly German counties this year elected a few silver delegates. Senator Vilas attributed the strength shown by the free-coinage men to the disposition of delegates to ride with the current of popular opinion. In New York State the platform adopted indorsed bimetallism, but urged that the restoration of silver to the currency of this country would not help, but would hinder, its restoration to the currency of the world. This portion of the platform was evidently prepared by Mr. Whitney, and will be urged as a basis for compromise at Chicago. The attitude assumed toward the greenbacks was more in accordance with previous declarations of the New York Democracy. Their complete retirement was demanded, and the issue of bonds in order to redeem them in gold was indorsed. The North Carolina and Georgia Conventions were practically unanimous for the free coinage of silver. All the Democratic State Conventions have now been held, and the delegations elected stand as follows on the currency issue:

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