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I. Gelatin stab culture, six days at 22°.

II. Agar streak culture, thirty-six hours at 37°. It is

actually a grayish color and transparent.


Surface growth. Natural size.

III. Agar stab culture, six days at 22°. IV. Agar stab culture, six days at 22°. V. Gelatin plate, seven days at 22°. VI. Gelatin plate, thirty-six hours at 22°. Natural size.

[ocr errors]

VII. Gelatin plate, twenty-four hours at 22°. × 90. Thread-like portion of the deep colony.

VIII. Gelatin plate, twenty-four hours at 22°. X 60. Superficial colony. Compare Plate 31, vii; Plate 32, VIII.


Bacterium Zopfii. Kurth.

I. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. X 90. Peripheral portion of a colony.

II. Microscopic preparation. X 1000. Pure culture, from agar plate, stained with fuchsin.


III. Agar plate, four days at 22°. Deep colony.
IV. Agar plate, twenty-four hours at 37°. Natural

V. Agar plate, twelve hours at 37°. Deep and superficial colony.

VI. Agar plate, twenty-four hours at 37°. X 60. Superficial colony, surrounded by innumerable bacteria swarming outward.

VII. Gelatin plate, eight days at 22°. Sausage-shaped forms of the deep colony.

IX. Bacteria with numerous flagella. × 1000. Stained according to Löffler.

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