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Bacterium pneumoniæ. Friedländer.

Friedländer. (Friedländer's

Pneumonia Bacillus.)

Stab canal. Surface growth. Natural size.

I. Agar streak culture, four days at 22°.
II. Gelatin stab culture, ten days at 22°.
III. Agar stab culture, four days at 22°.
IV. Agar stab culture, four days at 22°.
V. Gelatin plate, three days at 22°.
VI. Agar plate, two days at 22°.
whetstone-shaped colony is deep.

60. The brown

VII. Gelatin plate, three days at 22°. × 50. Upper, superficial; lower, deep colony.

VIII. Agar plate, four days at 22°. Natural size. The delicate gray colonies are deep; also the smallest colonies. One colony in the reproduction has turned out yellowish.

IX. Microscopic preparation. Pure culture from an agar plate. × 800. Stained with fuchsin.

X. Microscopic preparation. Smear preparation from sputum. 800. Stained with fuchsin.

XI. Potato culture, six days.


Bacterium typhi. Eberth. Gaffky. (Typhoid Bacillus.)

I. Agar stab culture, three days at 22°. Stab canal.
II. Agar stab culture, three days at 22°.



III. Gelatin stab culture, eight days at 22°. Stab canal. IV. Gelatin stab culture, eight days at 22°. Surface growth.

V. Agar streak culture, four days at 22°. Compare also Plate 18, III.

VI. Gelatin streak culture, three days at 22°. Compare also Plate 18, II.

VII. Gelatin plate, thirty-six hours at 22°. Deep colony. Compare also Plate 14, vi; Plate 19, v.

VIII. Gelatin plate, thirty-six hours at 22°. Superficial colony. Compare also Plate 14, VIII; Plate 19, m.

IX. Gelatin plate, four days at 22°. Compare also Plate 19, IV, VII.

Superficial colony.

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