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turgische Blätter, Vermischte Aufsätze, Erzählungen, Reisen, Schilderungen aus Paris, Fragmente, Aphorismen, Kritiken, aus meinem Tagebuche, und Briefe aus Paris, 14 vols. 12mo. in 7, cloth, 10s 6d 1832-40 96 Boethius de CONSOLATIONE PHILOSOPHIE, in textu Latina Alemanicaque lingua refertus ac translatus, una cum apparatu et expositione, folio, a fine clean copy in sound calf gilt, gilt leaves, £4. 158

Nurembergi, A. Coburger, M.CCCCLXXII. The First Edition, very scarce: besides containing the Latin Text it has a translation into High Dutch, a Commentary and Index. A very complete, and very handsome volume, in Gothic Letter, and a fine specimen of early Typography. Some of the Initials are rubricated, others are coloured.

97 BONETI (T.) SEPULCHRETUM, sive Anatomica Practica, ex edit. J. Mangeti, fine portrait, 3 vols. folio in 2, bound in white vellum, very neat, 10s 6d

Lugd. 1700

"Bonne édition d'un ouvrage recherché et rare."-Brunet. 98 BOOK of COMMON PRAYER, and Administration of the Sacraments, with Notes selected from the Works of approved Writers of the Church of England, by Bp. Mant, thick impl. 8vo. cloth, 7s 6d


99 BOOK of COMMON PRAYER; a beautifully printed edition in red and black inks on fine hotpressed toned paper, with an elaborately designed full page woodcut title page preceding the several Offices, and an elegant border surrounding each page, drawn by Holmes and engraved by Jewitt, post 8vo. limp calf antique, gilt leaves, 10s 6d-Another copy, limp purple morocco antique, gilt leaves, 15s


100 BOOK of COMMON PRAYER, elegantly printed in red and black at the Chiswick Press, each page being surrounded by a tastefully designed border, 8vo. cloth antique, gilt leaves, 10s 6d Longmans, 1864

101 BOPP'S (Prof.) COMPARATIVE GRAMMAR of the Sanscrit, Zend, Greek, Latin, Lithuanian, Gothic, German, and Sclavonic Languages, translated by EASTWICK, second edition, 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 128


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chiefly illustrating the Origin of our Vulgar Customs, Ceremonies, and Superstitions, enlarged by Sir H. Ellis, BEST EDITION, 2 vols. 4to. boards, 188 1813

A thoroughly reliable, most amusing, and instructive work. 109 BRETON DIALECT. - PELLETIER (Louis le) Dictionnaire de la LANGUE BRETONNE, ou l'on voit son Affinité avec les anciennes Langues, folio, calf gilt, scarce, £1. 14s Paris, 1752

110 BREWSTER'S (Sir D.) MEMOIRS of the Life, Writings, and Discoveries of SIR ISAAC NEWTON, with portrait and woodcuts, 2 vols. sq. post 8vo. calf gilt, 15s

Edin. 1860

111 BRIGGS' (H. G.) CITIES OF GUJARASHTRA; their Topography and History Illustrated, 4to. boards, SCARCE, £1. 18 Bombay, 1849

112 BRISBANE'S (Dr.) ANATOMY of PAINTING, or a short and easy Introduction to Anatomy, being a new Edition of the six Tables of Albinus, with their linear Figures, of the Anatomy of Celsus and the Physiology of Cicero, and a short view of picturesque Anatomy, 12 plates, folio, hf. calf, 5s 6d 113 BRITISH REFORMERS; comprising the Writings of the Fathers and Martyrs, portraits, 12 vols. post 8vo. hf. calf, neat and uniform, £1. 5s


Rel. Tr. Soc. 1831, &c.

Includes the writings of Fox, Bale, Coverdale, Wiclif, Latimer, Becon, Jewel, Hooper, Ridley, Philpot, Cranmer, Bradford, Tindal, Frith, Barnes, &c. 114 BRITTON'S (J.) DICTIONARY of the ARCHITECTURE and Archæology of the MIDDLE AGES, with Biographical Notices of Ancient Architects, 42 fine engravings on steel by Le Keux, thick impl. 8vo. hf. morocco, gilt top, £1. 1s


115 BRITTON (J.) and BRAYLEY'S HISTORY of the ANCIENT PALACE and late Houses of Parliament at WESTMINSTER, with 39 highly finished engravings by WOOLNOTH, roy. 8vo. calf gilt, 12s 6d


116 BRITTON (J.) and PUGIN'S PUBLIC BUILDINGS of LONDON; Illustrations of the, nearly 150 fine engravings by Le Keux, &c. with Historical and Descriptive Accounts, LARGE PAPER, 2 vols. impl. 8vo. cloth, £1. 8s (pub. £8.8s)


Includes the most ample illustrations and descriptions of St. Paul's Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, the late Houses of Parliament, Carlton Palace, Buckingham Palace, &c.

117 BRITTON'S (J.) AUTOBIOGRAPHY, complete in 3 parts, with numerous portraits and engravings, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. morocco, 18s


Only 500 copies printed. A subscriber's copy with inscription.

118 BROOKE'S (Rajah) BORNEO and CELEBES; Narrative of Events in, from his Journals, by Capt. Mundy, portrait, engravings, and maps, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 9s 6d


119 BROOKE'S (Ralph, Yorke Herauld) Catalogue of the Succession of the Kings, Princes, Dukes, Marquesses, Earls, and Viscounts of this Realm from the Norman Conquest, several hundred Coats of Arms, folio, old calf neat, 12s 6d

"A truly valuable work, compiled from official records."


See Moule's Heraldry.

120 BROOKES' (R.) GENERAL GAZETTEER, revised and enlarged by FINDLAY, with numerous large maps, thick 8vo. calf gilt, 9s 6d



121 BROWN'S (E., M.D.) TRAVELS through a great part of GERMANY and the LOW COUNTRIES, through Marca Trevisana, and Lombardy, with Observations on the Natural Productions of those Countries, numerous plates of Antiquities, folio, calf, 6s 6d 122 BROWNE'S (Sir T.) WORKS; comprising Vulgar Errors, Religio Medici, Urn Burial, and Tracts, portrait by White, folio, a very well preserved and clean copy in the original calf, £1. 85


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134 BURNET'S (Bp.) Lives and Actions of James and William DUKES of HAMILTON and CASTLEHERALD, containing an account of the Civil Wars of Scotland, 1625-52, fine portraits by White, folio, calf gilt, 9s 6d

1677 Contains also many Letters, Instructions, and other Papers, written by K. Charles I. never before published.

135 BURNET'S (J.) REMBRANDT and his WORKS, with Critical examination of his Principles and Practice, 19 beautiful engravings, LARGE PAPER, impl. 4to. cloth, £2.10s

"Fifty copies only of this size have been printed."



John Burnet.

136 BURNET (J.) TURNER and his WORKS, illustrated with Examples from his Pictures, and critical remarks his Pri Principles of Painting, the Memoir by P. Cunningham, LARGE PAPER COPY, with proof impressions on INDIA PAPER of the 10 Etchings from Turner's Works, impl. 4to. cloth, clean and uncut, £2. 10s

Bogue, 1852

The present copy has Burnet's signature in facsimile at the back of the title.

137 BURNS' (R.) POEMS, chiefly in the Scottish Dislect, third edition, with portrait by Beugo, and list of Subscribers, 8vo. calf gilt, 12s 6d


138 BURNS' (R.) POEMS, LETTERS, and LAND of, with a Memoir, and Notices critical and biographical, by Allan Cunningham, with numerous engravings after Bartlett and Allom, 2 vols. 4to. hf. calf neat, (some of the plates slightly foxed), £1. 58 (1840) 139 BURNS' (R.) POETICAL WORKS, with Memoir of the Author, ALDINE EDITION, portrait, 3 vols. fcap. 8vo. plain morocco by Hayday, gilt leaves, £1. Is

Pickering, 1839

140 BURNS' (R.) POETICAL WORKS and Correspondence complete, with all the Variorum Notes, Life and Glossary, by Allan Cunningham, portrait and facsimile of writing, roy. 8vo. morocco extra, gilt leaves, 15s


141 BURTON'S (R.) ANATOMY of MELANCHOLY, with the Satyrical Preface and Life, 2 vols. 8vo. calf meat, good copy, 10s 6d


142 BURTON'S (T.) CROMWELLIAN DIARY, from 1656 to 1659, now first published from the original MSS. with Introduction and Notes by Rutt, farsimiles of writing, 4 vols. 8vo. bright calf gilt, 18s

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147 CABALA, MYSTERIES of STATE and Government, in Letters of Illustrious Persons and Ministers of State, both Foreign and Domestic, with fine portrait of the Earl of Arlington, folio, russia extra, by Mackenzie, 12s 6d


These Letters are illustrative of the reigns of Henry VIIL Q. Elizabeth, James I. and Charles I. 148 CÆSAR'S COMMENTARIES, with Discourse concerning the Roman Art of War, translated by W. DUNCAN, with maps, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, 10s 6d 1819 149 CALLCOTT'S (Mrs.) Description of GIOTTO'S CHAPEL in PADUA, with 10 illustrative wood engravings, thin sm, folio, sewed, 7s 6d

Printed for the Author, 1835

150 CALLCOTT'S (Mrs.) Essays towards the HisTORY OF PAINTING, with Chapters on the Classification of Pictures, and on the materials used by Painters, post 8vo. boards, 5s (pub. 9s) Moron, 1836 151 CALLIMACHUS' WORKS, translated into English Verse, the HYMNS and EPIGRAMS from the Greek, and the COMA BERENICES from the Latin of Catullus, with the Original Text, and Notes, by Tytler, 4to. hf. russia, 5s 6d

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154 CAMOES (Luis de) Os LUSIADAS, poema epico | 170 CERVANTES' DON QUIXOTE, translated by Morrestituido a' sua primitiva pri linguagem, e augmentado com a vida d'este poeta, portrait, 8vo. vellum, gilt back and edges, 6s Paris, 1846

155 CAMPBELL'S (J.) NAVAL HISTORY of Great Britain from the earliest period, with Lives of the Admirals, fine portraits, LARGE PAPER, 8 vols. roy. Svo. boards, 12s 6d


156 CAMPBELL'S (T.) LIFE of PETRARCH, with Notices of Boccaccio and his illustrious Contemporaries, second edition, with fine portraits and plates, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth. 6s (pub. £1. 11s 6d)

1843 "The standard Life of Petrarch, and one of the most interest

ing and important historical works of our time."-ATHENÆUM. 157 CAMPBELL'S (T.) SPECIMENS of the BRITISH POETS, with Biographical and Critical Notices, and an Essay on English Poetry, 7 vols. post 8vo. boards,

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161 CARLYLE'S (T.) Past and PRESENT, post 8vo. calf gilt, 6s 6d


162 CARTER'S (O. B.) The ANCIENT PAINTED GLASS of Winchester Cathedral, 28 COLOURED illustrations in facsimile, and a key plate, 4to. hf. bound, uncut, 6s Weale, 1845 163 Cartheny's (J.) VOYAGE of the WANDERING KNIGHT; shewing the whole course of Man's life, how apt hee is to follow Vanitie, translated by W. G(oodyere), sm. 4to. calf neat, EXCELLENT COPY, £3.10s Printed by W. Stansby, n. d.

Remarkably clean and sound copy, but two or three of the leaves have been slightly mended. The book is usually found in a very indifferent state. Bunyan is said to have been indebted to this work for the idea of his "Pilgrim's Progress."

164 CARTWRIGHT'S (Jos.) VIEWS in the IONIAN ISLANDS, 12 very large and BEAUTIFULLY COLOURED PLATES, in the style of Drawings, mounted on Drawing Paper, atlas folio, hf. morocco, £2. 8s (pub. £12. 128)


165 CASTELNAU (M. de) Memoirs of the Reigns of Francis II. and Charles IX., with a particular account of the Three first Civil Wars raised by the Hugonots, folio, calf, 6s 6d


166 CATALOGUE of the LONDON LIBRARY, St. James' Square, a collection of 80,000 volumes in every Department of Literature and Philosophy, third edition, with Classified Index, compiled by R. Harrison, thick roy. 8vo. cloth, 5s 6d


167 CATLIN'S (G.) NORTH AMERICAN INDIANS; Letters and Notes on the Manners, Customs, and Conditions of the, with 360 engravings illustrative of the Manners, Customs, &c. of the most Remarkable Tribes, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth, £1. 6s

1857 168 CATULLUS, TIBULLUS et PROPERTIUS, cum Comento per Simon Bevilacquam, folio, calf, fine copy, 12s 6d Venetiis, MCCCCLXXXXIII

This edition is rare: the text is printed from that of 1448, and the Commentaries are by Parthenius and Barnard Cyllerius. 169 CERVANTES' DON QUIXOTE, translated by Jarvis, with numerous plates by VANDERGUCHT, 2 vols. 8vo. calf, 15s


TEUX, with Notes and Life by J. G. LOCKHART, 5 vols. post 8vo. new hf. morocco extra, gilt tops, £1. 18s

Edin. 1822

"An edition not only infinitely superior to any that has ap

peared in England, but more complete and satisfactory than any 171 CERVANTES' DON QUIXOTE, translated from the Spanish, with Life of the Author, by T. SMOLLETT, portrait and fine engravings by Bromley, from the Designs of the Madrid Royal Academy, 4 vols. 8vo. half calf neat, 18s

that exist in the literature of Spain."-Blackwood.

Dublin, 1796

172 CHALMERS' (G.) CALEDONIA: or an Account, Historical and Topographical, of North Britain from the most ancient times, with a Dictionary of Places Chorographical and Philological, large map, 3 thick vols. 4to. newly bound in polished calf extra, gilt tops, edges uncut, £8. 10s


"This work, the most elaborate and exact in its peculiar walk which modern or perhaps any time has seen, may justly be ranked with the immortal Britannia' of Camden."

173 CHAMBERS' (R.) ANCIENT SEA-MARGINS, as Memorials of Changes in the relative Level of Sea and Land, with map and engravings, 8vo. hf. calf neat, 9s 6d


174 CHAMBERS' (R.) DOMESTIC ANNALS OF SCOтLAND from the Reformation to the Revolution, woodcuts, 2 vols. large 8vo. cloth, 12s 6d (pub. £1. 4s) 1858 175 CHAMBERS' (W. and R.) INFORMATION for the PEOPLE, with very numerous engravings on wood, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf neat, 9s 6d 176 CHAPELAIN (J.) LA PUCELLE, ou la France Delivrée, Poëme Héroïque, with portrait of the author, and numerous large and finely executed plates, folio, calf, 8s 6d Paris, 1656


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WITH UPWARDS OF 200 ADDITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONS. 181 CHATTO'S (W. A.) HISTORY AND ART OF WOOD-ENGRAVING, accompanied by 55 Specimens of the Art, ancient and modern, selected from the "Illustrated London News," AND FURTHER ILLUSTRATED BY THE INSERTION OF ABOVE 200 ORIGINAL EXAMPLES from the Nuremberg Chronicle, by Albert Durer, Hans Burgmair, Jost Amman, L. Cranach, V. Solis, Stimmer, and others to the present time, including a few by BEWICK, the whole mounted or inlaid in the neatest manner on fine drawing paper, thick demy folio, sumptuously bound in crimson morocco, super extra, gilt edges, A VERY HANDSOME AND DESIRABLE VOLUME, £12. 125




182 CHATTERTON (Thomas). - POEMS supposed to have been written at Bristol by T. ROWLEY and others in the XVth Century, with preface, introduction, Glossary, and facsimile of writing, (a few leaves underlined with ink) 1777; CHATTERTON'S MISCELLANIES in Prose and Verse, 1778-in one vol. 8vo. hf. calf antique, red edges, 78 6d


183 CHRONICLES.-FROISSART'S (Sir J.) CHRONICLES of ENGLAND, France, and adjoining Countries, translated by Johnes, plates, 4 vols. Hafod Press, 1803-5-MONSTRELET'S (E. de) CHRONICLES, translated by Johnes, with numerous plates, 5 vols. Hafod Press, 1809; and JOINVILLE'S (Lord de) MEMOIRS, containing a History of Part of the Life of Louis IX (Saint Louis), with Notes and Dissertations by Du Cange, translated by Johnes, maps and plates, 2 vols. in one, Hafod Press, 1807-together 11 vols. 4to. in 10, full bound in russia, marbled edges, £12. 12s

1803-9 184 CHRONICLES of the WHITE ROSE of YORK; a Series of Historical Fragments, Proclamations, Letters, and other Contemporary Documents relating to the Reign of K. Edw. IV. edited by GILES, with Notes, Illustrations, and a copious Index, woodcuts, 8vo. hf. bound, Roxburghe style, 6s


185 CHURCHILL'S Collection of VOYAGES and TRAVELS, 6 vols.; also the HARLEIAN COLLECTION, 2 vols. both works, with several hundred engravings and maps, 8 vols. folio, calf, £4. 10s 1745-52

This extensive collection of Early and Curious Voyages and Travels, comprises many now printed for the first time, from original MSS. with translations of foreign works, and reprints of rare English Voyages and Travels; also a full history of Navigation from the earliest period.

186 CICERONIS (M. Tullii) OPERA OMNIA, ex editione Pauli Manutii; accedunt variæ lectiones et index copiosissimus, admirably printed in large and clear type, 4 vols. folio in 2, half calf, fine clean copy, 15s Lutetiæ, apud Carolum Stephanum, 1555 187 CICOGNARA (L.) Le Fabbriche più cospicue di VENEZIA, with 250 large and fine engravings of Buildings, with Architectural Details, including all the best specimens of Venetian Architecture, 2 vols. impl. folio, hf. Italian vellum, f.8.8s Venezia, 1815-20 Two splendid volumes on the most interesting structures of Venice. In the literary part and chief conduct of this great work, Cicognara was assisted by Diedo and Selva, who furnished the accounts of many of the buildings.


ZOGEN von CLEVE, 41 portraits (38 engraved on wood, and 3 on copper), small folio, calf extra, gilt edges by Kæhler, £1.8s Arnhem, 1679 (at end 1677) A fine collection of full-length Portraits in Costume of this illustrious Family, with their Arms.

189 CLINTON'S (H. F.) FASTI HELLENICI: the Civil and Literary Chronology of Greece from the earliest accounts to the Death of Augustus, 3 vols. 4to. hf. calf gilt, £2. 88 Oxford, 1834

A most valuable work, indispensable to the right understanding of Ancient History.

190 COCKBURN'S (Lord) MEMORIALS of HIS TIME, written between 1821 and the close of the year 1830, portrait, 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d; another copy, half calf gilt, 10s 6d Edin. 1856

191 COINS. - CARDONNEL'S (A. de) NUMISMATA SCOTIE; or a Series of the SCOTTISH COINAGE, from the Reign of William the Lion to the Union, with 20 plates exhibiting several hundred coins, 4to. hf. calf neat, 7s 6d

Edin. 1786

192 COINS.-COMBE (T.) VETERUM POPULORUM et REGUM NUMI qui in Museo Britannico adservantur, with 15 plates exhibiting many hundred Coins, engraved by Moses, 4to. sprinkled calf gilt, fine copy, £1.5s Londini, 1814

193 COINS. SPECIMENS of ANCIENT COINS of Magna Græcia and Sicily, selected from the Cabinet of Lord Northwick, 20 large plates by H. Moses, from drawings by Del Frate, with Descriptions by Dr. G. H. Noehden, complete in 3 parts folio, sewed, 12s 6d


194 COLERIDGE'S (H.) WORTHIES OF YORKSHIRE and Lancashire (Lives of Marvell, Ascham, Congreve, Anne Clifford, &c.), portraits, thick 8vo. h. calf, 7s 6d



195 COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) The FRIEND; Essays to aid in the Formation of Fixed Principles in Politics, Morals, and Religion, new edition, by H. N. Coleridge. 2 vols. fcap. 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d 196 COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) LITERARY REMAINS, collected and edited by H. N. Coleridge, 4 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, scarce, £2. 2s Pickering, 1836-9

197 COLERIDGE'S (S. T.) TABLE TALK; Specimens of, portrait and front. 2 vols. 12mo. calf neat, 6s 6d

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206 CONVERSATIONS - LEXICON; oder Allgemeine deutsche Real-Encyklopädie für die gebildeten Stände, mit Register, eighth edition, complete in 13 vols. 8vo. uniformly hf. bound, German style, £1. 10s


This excellent Cyclopædia is renowned alike for the variety and accuracy of its details. Recent works of a similar character, both English and Foreign, are indebted to it for much of their most valuable and reliable information.

207 COOK'S (Capt.) VOYAGES ROUND THE WORLD, with portrait, map and engravings, 7 vols. 12mo. grained calf neat, 9s 6d

1809 208 COOK'S (G. W.) HISTORY of PARTY, from the rise of the Whig and Tory Factions in the reign of Charles II. to the passing of the Reform Bill, (16661832) 3 vols. 8vo. bright calf gilt, £1. Is


209 COOKE'S (E.) SHIPPING and CRAFT, 50 Etchings representing the principal classes sailing in the British Seas and Rivers, original impressions, 4to. cloth, £1.18


210 COOKE'S (W. B. and G.) SCENERY of the RIVER THAMES, from its Source to the Nore, 75 large and fine engravings, after Drawings by Owen, De Wint, fc. original impressions, 4to. hf. bound, uncut, £1.48 1822

Well deserving a place beside Turner's Southern Coast and Stanfield's Coast Scenery.

211 COOPER'S (C. H.) ANNALS OF CAMBRIDGE, from its foundation by Cantaber to the year 1849, including the History of the University, 4 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco extra, gilt tops, SCARCE, £2. 18s


212 COOPER'S (J. F.) NOVELS, an uniformly printed edition in a portable form, 21 vols. 12mo. in 11, half calf neat, 18s

1860, &c.

Comprises:-Spy; Lionel Lincoln: Mohicans; Pioneers; Deerslayer: Pathfinder; Prairie; Precaution; Wyandotte; Heathcotes: Red Rover: Water Witch Pilot; Mark's Reef: Sea Lions; Two Admirals; Homeward Bound; Miles Wallingford; Afloat and Ashore; Heidenmauer; and Headsman.

213 COOPER'S (T. S.) CATTLE SUBJECTS, a Series of 30 plates, exhibiting groups of Cattle in various attitudes, drawn after nature, and admirably printed in lithography, oblong impl. folio, hf. bd. £1. 4s n. d. 214 COPE'S (R.) NATURAL HISTORY; or a Description of the Earth and of Animated Nature, illustrated by 425 woodcuts of Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Reptiles, &c. roy. 8vo. cloth, 6s 6d


215 CORNWALL ILLUSTRATED in a Series of Views, map and 45 highly finished engravings on steel from drawings by Allom, of Castles, Churches, Seats of the Nobility, Scenery, etc. with Descriptions by Britton and Brayley, 4to. cloth, 5s 6d

1840 216 CORYAT'S (T.) CRUDITIES hastily gobbled up in Five Months' Travels in France, Savoy, Italy, Switzerland, Germany, &c. engravings, 3 vols. 8vo. calf gilt, £2. 5s


To this excellent edition are added his Letters from India, Orations, Character, Death, &c.

217 COSTUMES, MANNERS and Customs; a Collection of Works illustrating various Countries, and containing a Series of 295 Engravings, ACCURATELY COLOURED, with Descriptions in English and French, 6 vols. folio, uniformly whole bound in grained maroon morocco extra, gilt leaves and borders, £6. 6s

1800-18 Comprising:-Costume of China, with 60 engravings; the Punishments of China, with 22 plates; Costume of the Russian Empire, illustrated by 73 engravings, Costume of Turkey, 60 plates; Military Costume of Turkey, with 30 engravings: Costume of the States of the House of Austria, illustrated by 50 engravings. 218 COSTUMES of HINDOSTAN, by B. Solvyns, 60 FINELY COLOURED engravings exhibiting Costumes, Amusements, Employments, &c. with Descriptions in English and French, folio, morocco, gilt leaves, £1. 18


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78 6d


229 Tronicarum Liber cum Figuris et ymaginibus ab Inicio Mundi usque nunc Temporis, (auctore H. Schedel), with several hundred very curious and spirited woodcuts, (a few leaves damaged or mended in the margins), thick folio, old calf gilt, £2. 10s

Augusta (Augsburg) J. Schensperger, MCCCCXCVI. 230 CUMMING'S (Gordon) HUNTER'S LIFE in the Far Interior of SOUTH AFRICA, with Notices of the Native Tribes, Anecdotes of the Chase of the Lion, Hippopotamus, &c. engravings, 2 vols. post 8vo. hf. calf neat, 9s 6d


231 CUNNINGHAM'S (Allan) SONGS of SCOTLAND, ancient and modern, with Introduction, and Historical and Critical Notes, 4 vols. post 8vo. boards, scarce, £1. 12s


232 CUNNINGHAM'S (Major) BHILSA TOPES; or Buddhist Monuments of Central India, including a Sketch of the Rise, Progress, and Decline of Buddhism, 33 engravings, 8vo. cloth, SCARCE, £1.6s 1854 233 CURRAN (Rt. Hon. J. P.) LIFE of, by his Son W. H. Curran, portrait and facsimile of writing, 2 vols. post 8vo. calf neat, 7s 6d

Edin. 1822

234 CUVIER'S (Baron) ANIMAL KINGDOM; MAMMALIA, with descriptions by Griffith, Smith, Pidgeon, &c. numerous engravings, some coloured, 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 1s


235 DALLAWAY'S (James) HISTORY of the RAPE of ARUNDEL in the Western Division of the COUNTY of SUSSEX, edited by E. CARTWRIGHT; and CART WRIGHT'S HISTORY of the RAPE of BRAMBER, with maps and numerous fine engravings, coats of arms, &c. 2 vols. impl. 4to. boards, uncut, £7. 78



The above forms the second volume of DALLAWAY'S WESTERN Sussex; it comprises the reprint of the rare Vol. II. part 1 (Rape of Arundel), the first issue of which was destroyed by fire; and the second part of Vol. II. (Rape of Bramber), which was published by Cartwright, after Dallaway's death. to complete the work. 236 D'ALMEIDA'S (W. B.) LIFE in JAVA; with Sketches of the Javanese, coloured frontispieces, 2 vols. post 8vo. hf. calf neat, 10s 6d 237 DANCE OF DEATH. EMBLEMS of MORTALITY; representing Death seizing all Ranks and Degrees of People, upwards of 50 curious woodcuts, with an Apostrophe to each, translated from the Latin and French, and a Preface, sm. 12mo. boards (one leaf rather cut into) scarce, 6s 6d



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