LARGE PAPER COPY OF 735 RETROSPECTIVE REVIEW, consisting of Criti- ! cisms upon, Analyses of, and Extracts from, Curious, Useful, and Valuable Books, complete, 16 vols. 8vo. cloth, uncut, very scarce, £9. 10s 1820-8 Combining able and just criticism with copious and characteristic extracts, analyses and biographical accounts, so as in some measure to supply the dearth of works on the history of literature in our own language. 736 REVUE DES DEUX MONDES, the principal political and literary Magazine published in France, complete from the commencement of the second series in 1856 to the end of 1869, 78 vols. roy. 8vo. neatly hf. bound in vellum, and 24 Nos. sewed, £12. 12s 1856-69 While differing essentially in scope and style from our Quarterly Reviews, the Revue des deux Mondes can boast a similar influence and position. It has been conducted with remarkable ability from the first, and the most profound thinkers, and the wittiest writers of the country are invariably to be found among its contributors. 737 REYNOLDS (Sir J.) LITERARY WORKS; Lectures on Painting, Travels in Flanders and Holland, Essays &c. with Life by MALONE, and a Memoir by Faring ton, portrait, vols. 8vo. hf. calf gilt, 188 738 RICHARDSON'S (Dr. C.) DICTIONARY of the ENGLISH LANGUAGE, combining Explanation with Etymology, and illustrated by Quotations from the best Authorities, new edition, enlarged with Supplement, 3 vols. 4to. cloth, £2. 18s 1819 1855 739 RICHARDSON'S (J.) WORKS; The Theory of Painting, Art of Criticism, the Science of a Connoisscur, &c. numerous Portraits of famous Painters, 4to. calf gilt, 12s 1792 This work forms a continuation to Walpole's Anecdotes of Painters and Engravers. 740 RICHTER (Jean Paul F.) LIFE of, compiled from various sources, together with his Autobiography, translated from the German, 2 vols. post 8vo. cloth, 78 6d 1845 1793 741 RITSON'S (J.) ENGLISH ANTHOLOGY, with Notes and GLOSSARY, vignettes by Stothard, 3 vols. post 8vo. sewed, rough edges, £1. 12s 742 ROBERT (Chevalier, surnommé le BRAVE) SON HISTOIRE, par Louis-Elisabeth de Lavergne, COMTE de TRESSAN, fine portrait by Fittler, 8vo. mottled calf gilt, 78 6d Londres, 1800 743 ROBERTS' (D.) BISCAY and the CASTILES, (forming the Landscape Annual for 1837) 21 highly finished steel engravings from drawings by D. Roberts, INDIA PROOFS, with Descriptions by Roscoe, LARGE PAPER, roy. 8vo. morocco, gilt edges, 128 1837 744 ROBERTS' (D.) VIEWS in the HOLY LAND, 123 LARGE AND EXQUISITELY BEAUTIFUL PLATES, with Historical Descriptions by Dr. Croly, 3 vols, atlas folio, hf. morocco extra, gilt leaves, £10. 158 1842-9 Among the many splendid works published during the present century, the above has always held a prominent position. It is valued no less for its artistic execution, than for the deep and absorbing interest which attaches in the present day to the subjects which it delineates. To the Oriental traveller it is a valuable reminiscence of the spots that he has visited, and to those who are strangers to the East, it presents a faithful picture of the present state of the Bible lands. 748 ROBERTSON'S (W.) WORKS complete, with Life, the elegant "OXFORD CLASSIC EDITION," portraits on India paper, by Worthington, LARGE and THICK PAPER (ONLY 50 COPIES SO PRINTED), 8 vols. royal 8vo. hf. russia, gilt tops, uncut, £12. 128 Pickering, 1825 749 ROBERTSON'S (W.) HISTORICAL WORKS, with an Account of his Life and Writings by Stewart, large type edition, with portrait, 12 vols. 8vo. half calf gilt, 188 1822 750 ROBINSON'S (Mrs. M. "The Fair Perdita") POETICAL WORKS, with portrait after Sir J. Reynolds, sm. 8vo. calf gilt, with red morocco back, 10s 61 1791 "A present from the Authoress to Daniel Gibs," is written at the back of the title, in the autograph of Mrs. Robinson, commonly called the English Sappho, whose poems excited mach first published in the "Oracle." The writer subsequently appeared attention when unavowed and under feigned signatures they were on the stage, and was favoured by the special notice and patronage of K. GEORGE the FOURTH (when Prince of Wales). 751 ROBINSON'S (Prof.) GREEK and ENGLISH LEXICON of the New Testament, greatly enlarged by Bloomfield, thick 8vo. cloth, 68 1839 752 ROBINSON'S (P. Architect) DESIGNS for ORNAMENTAL VILLAS, 96 plates, the Scenic Views by J. D. Harding, with Descriptions, 4to. hf. bound, nect, 16s 6d 1836 753 ROBINSON'S (W.) STOKE NEWINGTON; History and Antiquities of the Parish of, with maps, portraits, and engravings, 8vo. boards, 6s 1842 754 ROCHEJAQUELEIN (Marchioness) THE MEMOIRS of, translated from the French, with map of the Theatre of War in La Vendée, 8vo. hf. calf, 6s 6d Edin. 1817 755 ROGERS' (S.) POEMS, (the Pleasures of Memory, &c.) beautifully printed on thick paper, and illus trated with numerous exquisite engravings after Drawings by TURNER and STOTHARD, LARGE PAPER, the plates on INDIA PAPER, 4to. morocco, gilt leares, £3. 3s 1833 It is to be regretted that the present copy is not more free than Only a few copics were printed in this sumptuous manner. usual from the spots which almost invariably disfigure the work. 756 ROLLE (Richard de Hampole) The Pricke of Conscience, a Northumbrian Poem, edited from MSS. in the British Museum, with Introduction, Notes and Glossary, by R. Morris, 8vo. cloth, 8s 6d 1863 "The length of this poem, written about 1340, furnishes us with material for the study of a most important English dialect." 757 ROLLIN (C.) HISTOIRE ANCIENNE, avec des Observations et des Éclaircissements Historiques, par Létronne, 12 vols. 8vo. grained calf gilt, fine copy, £1. 48 Paris, Didot, 1:30 758 ROLLIN'S (C.) ANCIENT HISTORY of the Egyptians, Carthaginians, Assyrians, Babylonians, Medes and Persians, Grecians and Macedonians, maps, 6 vols. 8vo. hf. calf neat, £1. 1s 1825 759 ROMAINE'S Rev. W.) WORKS complete, best edition, with port. 8 vols. 8vo. calf neat, 128 6d 1796 760 ROMAN de la ROSE, par GUILLAUME de LORRIS et Jean de Meun dit Clopinel, 3 vols. 12mo. old calf, 14s Amst. 1735 Contains other works by Jean de Meun; with an historical Preface, Notes, and Glossary. 761 Romances.-The most pleasant History of TOM A LINCOLNE, the Red-Rose Knight, surnamed the Boast of England, with the Lives and Deaths of his two famous Sous, sm. 4to. bound, rare, (a leaf or two wanting at end,) £1. 48 1635 Includes also the History of the Golden Eagle; being both delightful and profitable, 1677. This copy belonged to Dr. Bliss, and has his Book-plate; it had previously been Mr. Heber's containing Anecdotes of the Administration of Justice in Scotland, Songs, Epigrams, &c. reprinted from the original edition of 1839, with all the Supplements incorporated, one handsome vol. 8vo. well printed on thick paper, and bound in cloth, £2. 2s Privately printed, 1871 762 ROSCOE'S (T.) Wanderings in NORTH WALES, | 774 SCOTLAND.-COURT OF SESSION Garland, with 51 highly finished engravings on steel after Cattermole, Cox, and Creswick, fine impressions, roy. 8vo. hj. morocco, gilt, uncut, 148 1836 763 ROSCOE'S (W.) LIFE and Pontificate of LEO the TENTH, (1475-1521); and Life of LORENZO de' MEDICI (1448-1518), best editions, edited by T. Roscoe, with portraits and engravings, 3 vols. 8vo. hf. russia gilt, £1. Is 764 ROSCOE'S (W.) MONANDRIAN PLANTS of the Order Scitaminæ, with Descriptions and Observations, 112 very large and finely coloured plates, complete, atlas folio, calf, with full gilt green morocco back, borders of gold, and gilt top, edges uncut, early copy, Liverpool, 1828 £7.78 1846 Only a few copies of this beautiful work were printed by subscription. 765 ROSSINI (L.) ANTICHITA ROMANE: a series of In grandeur and effect these engravings are similar to those of Piranesi, to which they form a desirable supplement, the Views being different and taken at a later period. 766 [ROSSO (G. R.] HISTORIA delle COSE accorse 1822 Of this work only 75 copies were printed; the original is excessively rare, and when it occurs for sale fetches upwards of £10. 768 RUTTER'S (J.) DELINEATIONS of FONTHILL and its Abbey, (the Seat of W. Beckford), 28 fine engravings, PROOFS ON INDIA PAPER, extra coloured plates of the interiors, and etchings, with Descriptions, LARGE PAPER, impl. 4to. hf. bound, uncut, £1. 8s 1823 769 ST. COLUMBA.-SMITH's (Dr. J.) LIFE of St. COLUMBA, the Apostle and Patron Saint of the Ancient Scots and Picts, and joint patron of the Irish, commonly called COLUM-KILLE, the Apostle of the Highlands, 8vo. hf. calf antique, 78 6d Edin. 1798 770 SALTER'S (T.) ANGLER'S GUIDE; a complete Practical Treatise on the Art of Angling for Sea, River, and Pond Fish, with a TREATISE ON TROLLING, very numerous woodcuts, sm 8vo. boards, 7s 1823 77! SAMOUELLE'S (G.) ENTOMOLOGIST'S USEFUL COMPENDIUM, an Introduction to the Knowledge of BRITISH INSECTS, the best means of Obtaining, Preserving, and Arranging them, with a double set of the 12 engravings, coloured and plain, 8vo. boards, 10s 6d 1824 772 SAVAGE'S (J.) HISTORY of CARHAMPTON, Somerset, coloured map, LARGE PAPER, thick roy. 8vo. boards, 12s 1830 773 SCOT'S (Reginald) DISCOVERY of WITCHCRAFT, proving that the Compacts and Contracts of Witches with Devils and all Infernal Spirits or Familiars, are but erroneous Novelties and Imaginary Conceptions, THIRD AND BEST EDITION, with a Discourse of the Nature and Substance of Devils and Spirits, woodcuts, folio, hf. russia, AN EXCELLENT COPY, £3. 3s 1665 THE MOST CURIOUS BOOK ON THE SUBJECT. "Many copies were burnt by order of K. James I., an author on the other side of the question. Shakespeare was evidently acquainted with this learned work, and it is frequently quoted by Steevens, Malone, Douce, &c."-LOWNDES. Only 150 copies were printed of the original edition of this volume, and a considerably smaller number of some of the supplements. The present impression is rigidly confined to 150 copies, all of which are numbered. It contains several entirely new articles, besides numerous Notices and Reminiscences of an interesting character by the Editor. MINSTRELSY, with 775 SCOTLAND. JACOBITE Notes illustrative of the Text, and Historical Details relating to the House of Stuart from 1640-1784, front. 18mo. boards, 58 Glasgow, 1829 776 SCOTLAND.-NATTES' (J. C.) Scotia DEPICTA, 50 fine engravings of Castles, Seats, Towns, Antiquities, Scenery, &c. by Fittler, PROOFS, with Descriptions, LARGE PAPER, oblong folio, hf. morocco, l. 8s 1804 777 SCOTLAND.-STODDART'S (J.) REMARKS on LOCAL SCENERY and Manners in Scotland, with map and 34 fine aquatinta plates, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. mottled 1801 calf gilt, 128 778 SCOTT'S (M.) CRUISE of the MIDGE, fcap. 8vo. cloth, 5s 1853 779 SCOTT'S (M.) TOM CRINGLE'S LOG, feap. 8vo. cloth, 5s 1851 780 SCOTT'S (Sir W.) WORKS, consisting of the Novels, Tales, and Romances, THE ORIGINAL LARGE TYPE LIBRARY EDITIONS, with a series of engravings after Stothard, Westall, &c. by C. Heath and others, 42 vols. 8vo. full bound in bright grained calf gilt, marbled edges, contents lettered, A FINE SET, £12. 12s 782 SCOTT'S (Sir W.) WAVERLEY NOVELS, THE SPLENDID ABBOTSFORD EDITION, embellished with 120 highly finished engravings on steel, and 2000 fine woodcuts, 12 vols. roy. 8vo. strongly hf. bound in green morocco, gilt leaves, £14. 14s 1842 783 SCOTT'S (Sir W.) WAVERLEY NOVELS, neat The author's favourite edition, and the only one published in 1827 800 SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDIES, HISTORIES, and TRAGEDIES, published according to the true originall copies, FIRST EDITION of the Author's Text, folio, dark brown morocco, super extra, gilt leaves, by Morrell, £25. 10s 1832 SCOTTISH POEMS, never before in print, from the MS. Collections of Sir R. Maitland, with copious Notes and Glossary, edited by JOHN PINKERTON, facsimile of writing, 2 vols. post 8vo. calf, £1. 10s 1786 Includes an Essay on the Origin of Scottish Poetry, a list of all the Scottish Poets, &c. 790 SCOTTISH POETS.-GAWIN DOUGLAS' (Bp. of Dunkeld) Select Works, with Life, Glossary, &c. portrait, 1787; DUNBAR'S (W.) Select Poems, front. by Beugo, 1788; and RAMSAY's (A.) Gentle Shepherd, plates by Beugo, 1788-together 3 vols. sm. 12mo. calf gilt, scarce, £1. 10s Perth, 1787-8 791 SCOTTISH SONGS.-THOMSON'S (G.) COLLECTION of the SONGS of BURNS, Scott, and others, united to the SELECT MELODIES of SCOTLAND, Ireland and Wales, with Symphonies and ACCOMPANIMENTS for the PIANOFORTE, by distinguished Composers, portrait of Burns after Nasmyth, and plates after Stothard and Allan, 6 vols. impl. 8vo. in 3, hf. bound, (1822) 792 SCOTTISH SONGS AND BALLADS, collected and illustrated by Robert Chambers, with Historical Essay on Scottish Song, the TWO WORKS complete in 3 vols. post 8vo. cloth, SCARCE, £1. 5s Edin. 1829 £1.8s 793 SCRIBE (Eugène) son THEATRE COMPLET, a handsome edition, "ornée d'une vignette pour chaque pièce d après les dessins de T. JOHANNOT," 24 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco neat, marbled edges, £4. 10s Paris, 1834 Printed in large type. The work contains upwards of 150 humourous and characteristic sketches of French Society, Theatrical Costume, &c. 794 SEAWARD'S (Sir E.) NARRATIVE of his SHIPWRECK, and consequent Discovery of certain Islands in the Caribbean Sea, edited by Miss Jane Porter, 3 vols. 12mo. hf. morocco, 10s 6d 1832 With a detail of many extraordinary and highly interesting events in his life, from 1733 to 1749. NEW WORK ON THE SUN. 795 SECCHI (A.) LE SOLEIL ; Exposé des principales découvertes modernes sur la structure de cet astre, son influence dans l'univers, et ses relations avec les autres corps célestes, 3 large folding plates (2 coloured) and numerous engravings in the text, 8vo. sewed, 12s Paris, 1870 796 SEPTUAGINT VERSION of the OLD TESTAMENT, according to the Vatican Text, translated with various Readings and a Table of Chronology, by Sir L. C. LEE BRENTON, 2 vols. large 8vo. cloth, 148 Bagster. 1844 797 SEWARD'S (Anna) LETTERS on Subjects of Literature, Taste, &c. to the most distinguished Personages of the last half Century (edited by Sir Walter Scott) portrait and facsimile of writing, 6 vols. post Svo, morocco extra, gilt edges, 15s 6d Edin. 1811 798 SEWELL'S (W.) A YEAR'S SERMONS to Boys, preached at St. Peter's College, Radley, 8vo. cloth, 68 1854 799 SHAKESPEARE'S DRAMATIC WORKS and Poems, edited with Life, Notes, and copious Glossary, by the Rev. A. Dyce, EXCELLENT LIBRARY EDITION, finely printed, with portrait, 9 vols. 8vo. new cloth, £2. 10s (pub. £4. 12×) 1866-7 "A minute examination has satisfied us that this is the best text of Shakespeare which has yet been given to the world. "--Quarterly Review. London, printed by I. Jaggard and Ed. Blount, 1623 In this copy of the EXCESSIVELY RARE FIRST EDITION, the tifully facsimiled; the last leaf is from Booth's reprint: and the leaf of verses, titlepage, and 13 leaves at the beginning are beaumargins of the leaves throughout the volume have been neatly repaired, 801 SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDIES, HISTORIES, and TRAGEDIES, published according to the true originall copies, an accurate reprint. page for page, of the FIRST FOLIO EDITION, with facsimile portrait, LARGE PAPER (the size of the original), brown morocco, super extra, borders on the sides, gilt leaves, by Hague, A BEAUTIFUL VOLUME, £3. 10s Lond. 1623, Reprint, Booth, 1864 A facsimile reprint of the far-famed Text of the First Edition of Shakespeare, "intact as it was put forth in 1623," with the doubtful words noted in a comprehensive list of corrigenda. Also 802 SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDIES, HISTORIES, and TRAGEDIES, published according to the true originall copies, THE SECOND IMPRESSION, with the portrait by Droeshout on the title (which is carefully mounted, folio, a very fair copy in old calf gilt (but without Ben Jonson's Verses), £18. 18s an elaborate collation of the first Folio. London, T. Cotes, for R. Allot, 1632 Mr. Daniel's copy of this edition, sold for £148. 803 SHAKESPEARE'S COMEDIES, HISTORIES, and TRAGEDIES, unto which is added Seven Plays never before printed in folio, FOURTH EDITION, a portrait with Ben Jonson's verses inserted, folio, old calf, £8. 8s for £21. 108. 1685 With the exception of some half dozen leaves slightly damaged at one corner, and four leaves at the end repaired in a few places, the copy is a tolerably good one. Mr. Daniel's copy sold 804 SHAKESPEARE'S DRAMATIC WORKS, carefully edited by T. Keightley, beautifully printed in a clear type on toned paper, with portrait, 6 thick vols. 12mo. cloth, gilt tops, 16s 6d 1864 805 SHAKESPEARE'S PLAYS and POEMS, with the Corrections and Illustrations of various Commentators, a Life of the Poet, an enlarged History of the Stage by Malone, and new Glossarial Index, edited by Boswell, ports. 21 vols. 8vo. whole bound calf, contents lettered, fine copy of the BEST EDITION, £9.95 1821 A pencil note in the first volume of this copy states that it "formerly belonged to Robert Southey and was purchased at the sale of his library." 806 SHAKESPEARE. Halliwell's (J. O.) NEW PLACE, STRATFORD UPON AVON; an Historical Account of the last Residence of Shakespeare, handsomely printed in large type on thick paper, with numerous illustrations, folio, new cloth, £2. 2s 1864 807 SHAKESPEARE PORTFOLIO, nearly 100 beautiful engravings by Heath, Finden. &c. from designs by SMIRKE, STOTHARD, WESTALL, COOPER, and other eminent Artists, royal 8vo. calf gilt, £1. 8s 1825 THE ORIGINAL EDITION, LARGE PAPER. 808 SHAW'S (H.) DRESSES and DECORATIONS of the Middle Ages, from the VIIth Century to the XVIIth, LARGE PAPER COPY OF THE ORIGINAL EDITION, illustrated with 94 copperplate engravings, accurately COLOURED and heightened with GOLD, besides numerous woodcuts, the 2 vols. done up in 6 cloth cases, A CLEAN AND UNCUT SET, £14. 14s 1843 It is scarcely necessary to state that a copy of this splendid work in the state described above, is incomparably superior, both to the small paper copies of the same edition, and to the large paper copies of the subsequent one. In richness of tint, and in the scrupulous accuracy with which the colours are laid on, this work is unsurpassed by any other publication. This work will be found indispensable by those engaged in the study of Family History and Heraldry, and by the compiler of County and Local History, the Antiquary, and the Lawyer. 816 SISMONDI (J. C. L. S.) HISTOIRE des RÉPUBLIQUES ITALIENNES du MOYEN AGE, 16 vols. 8vo. half vellum gilt, £2.58 Paris, 1809-18 This work "throws a blaze of light around the most interesting of European countries during the middle ages." HALLAM. 817 SKELTON'S (J.) PIETAS OXONIENSIS, or Records of Oxford Founders, with 26 fine engravings of the Colleges, Monuments, and Portraits, INDIA PROOFS, LARGE PAPER, atlas 4to. cloth, £1. 88 1828 826 SMITH'S (Sydney) MEMOIRS by his Daughter Lady Holland, with his select Letters, edited by Mrs. Austin, 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 148 (pub. £1. 8s) 1855 827 SMOLLETT'S (T.) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, with frontispieces by Rowlandson, 6 vols. 8vo. calf, £1. 15s Edin. 1790 828 SMOLLETT'S (T.) MISCELLANEOUS WORKS, with Memoirs of his Life and Writings, by ANDERSON, portrait, 6 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, £1. 10s Edin. 1811 829 SMYTH'S (G. L.) IRELAND, Historical and Statistical, containing a History of its connection with England, Chapters on the Land and Religion Questions, &c. 3 vols. 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1844-9 830 SMYTH'S (Prof.) LECTURES On Modern History, from the Irruption of the Northern Nations, 2 vols.; and Lectures on the French Revolution, 3 vols-together 5 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 18-Another copy, bright calf gilt, £1. 12s 1848 No historical works have ever given more enlightened and brated Lectures. perspicuous views of the course of great events than these cele 831 SOCIETY OF ANTIQUARIES.- GOUGH, NICHOLS, ENGLEFIELD, and TOPHAM's Account of St. Stephens at Westminster; the Cathedrals of Durham, Gloucester, and Exeter, and the Abbey Churches of Bath and St. Albans, with 96 fine large engravings by Basire, excellent impressions, 2 vols. atlas folio, hf. russia, rough edges, £2. 58 1795-1813 A FINE COPY of this valuable work. The plates are on a very large scale, with plans, elevations, and details. 832 SOMERVILLE'S (Mrs.) MECHANISM of the HEAVENS, thick 8vo. cloth, SCARCE, £1. 18 1831 One of the best compendiums of Astronomy ever published. 833 SONGS AND BALLADS.-A VERY CURIOUS COLLECTION OF ABOVE 250 CHAP, SONG, AND BALLAD BOOKS, containing many hundred popular Songs and Ballads, printed at Alnwick, Newcastle, Morpeth, Penrith, and various Towns in Scotland and Ireland, nearly all ornamented with rude cuts, and the whole perfectly clean, 7 vols. fcap. 8vo. hf. morocco, rough edges, many entirely uncut, £10. 10s 1790, &c, A specially printed title-page to each volume styles it "A Songs." So EXTENSIVE A SERIES OF CHAPMEN'S SONG-BOOKS IN SUCH EXCELLENT CONDITION, BUT RARELY, IF EVER, OCCURS FOR SALE. Right Choice and Merrie Collection of Garlands, Ballads and 834 SOUTHEY'S (R.) COMMON PLACE Book, the four Series complete, edited by his son-in-law, J. W. Warter, 4 vols. sq. 8vo. new hf. calf neat, £1. 58 1850 835 SOUTHEY'S (R.) The DOCTOR, &c. complete, edited by his son-in law, J. W. Warter, fronts. sq. 8vo. new hf. calf neat, 10s 6d 1862 $36 SOUTHEY'S (R.) Poet's Pilgrimage to WATERLOO, with plates of Hougoumont, Ligny, &c. 12mo. boards, 58 1816 837 SOUTHEY'S (R.) SIR THOMAS MORE, or Colloquies on the Progress and Prospects of Society, with portrait and engravings from drawings by Westall, 2 vols. 8vo. hf. morocco, 7s 1829 838 SOWERBY'S (J.) ENGLISH FUNGI, 400 FINELY COLOURED PLATES OF MUSHROOMS, with Descriptions, 3 vols. folio, boards, uncut, VERY SCARCE, (presentation copy from the author to W. Roscoe) £10.108 1797-1803 839 SPEKE'S (Capt.) Journal of the Discovery of the SOURCE of the NILE, illustrated by portraits, maps, and numerous illustrations chiefly from drawings by Capt. Grant, thick 8vo. half bound, 8s 6d 1863 the Labours of the Farmer, Farm-Steward, Ploughman, Shepherd, Hedger, Cattleman, Dairy-Maid, &c. with very numerous engravings on steel and on wood after Landseer, and others, 3 thick vols. roy. 8vo. hf. calf neat, £1. 8s 840 SPECTATOR, by Addison, Steele, and others, | 853 STEPHENS' (H.) BOOK of the FARM, detailing complete edition, with Biographical Notices of the Contributors, portraits, roy. 8vo. cloth, 58 6d 1841 841 SPELMANNI (H.) GLOSSARIUM ARCHAIOLOGICUM, continens Latino-Barbara, Peregrina, obsoleta Vocabula, portrait by White, BEST EDITION, folio, calf gilt, £1. 10s 1687 This valuable work is particularly directed to the illustration of early English and Anglo-Saxon words and subjects. 842 SPENCE'S (J.) ANECDOTES of BOOKS and Men, now first published, with Notes and Life, by S. W. SINGER, portrait, 8vo. calf gilt, nice copy, 128 6d 1820 843 SPENSER'S (E.) POETICAL WORKS complete, with illustrations of various Commentators, Notes, Life, and Glossary, by H. J. TODD, portrait, BEST EDITION, 8 vols. 8vo. hf. calf, scarce. £2. 58 1805 844 SPINOLA and VERNEVIL'S GRAMMAR of HARMONY, Counterpoint, and Musical Composition, or the Generation of Euphony reduced to Natural Truth, preceded by the Elements of Music, 2 vols. roy. 8vo. cloth. scarce, 12s 6d 845 SPOTTISWOODE SOCIETY'S PUBLICATIONS complete from the commencement, 12 vols. 8vo. cloth, £1. 16s Edin. 1844-51 Comprises: Keith's History of the Affairs of Church and State in Scotland, 8 vols.; Spottiswoode Miscellany, a Collection of Original Papers and Tracts relating to the History of Scotland, 2 vols.; Funeral Sermons, Orations, Epitaphs, &c. of Bp. Forbes, 1851 with Memoir: Sage's (Bp.) Works, 3 vols. ; Spottiswoode's History of the Church of Scotland, 3 vols. 1856-70 846 SPURGEON'S (Rev. C. H.) SERMONS, preached on various occasions, and revised and published by the Author under the titles of "THE NEW PARK STREET PULPIT," and "THE METROPOLITAN TABERNACLE PULPIT," complete from 1855 to 1869, 15 vols. 8vo. (4 half bound, and the remainder in cloth) £3. 38 (pub. £5. 58) 847 STAINTON'S (H.) Manual of BRITISH BUTTERFLIES and Mогнs, with numerous woodcuts, 2 vols. feap. 8vo. cloth, 78 Van Voorst, 1857-9 848 STANFIELD'S (C.) ENGLISH COAST SCENERY, 40 highly finished and beautiful engravings by Finden, Cooke, and others, with Descriptions, roy. 4to. cloth, gilt edges, £1. 4s 1836 "I do not know any work in which, on the whole, there is a more unaffected love of ships for their own sake, and a fresher feeling of sea breeze always blowing than STANFIELD'S 'COAST SCENERY."-RUSKIN. 849 STANLEY FAMILY.-EXTRAORDINARY ASCENT of the ENCHANTED MOUNTAIN, one of the Himalaya Range, in India, by Sir EDWARD STANLEY and his Daughters, and Count Rugantino (an Italian) by R. H. P. with 13 coloured plates, 4to. boards, SUPPRESSED AND VERY SCARCE, £1. 10s 1835 850 STANLEY'S (Dean) SINAI and PALESTINE in Connection with their History, maps and plans, thick 8vo. cloth, 10s 6d 1856 851 STARK'S (J.) SCENERY of the RIVERS of NORFOLK, 36 beautiful line engravings of the Scenery of the Yare, the Waveney, and the Bure, engraved by Cooke, Goodall and others, PROOFS, with Descriptions by Robberds, LARGE PAPER, impl. 4to. hf. morocco, gilt top, £1. 58 1834 "AN EXCEEDINGLY BEAUTIFUL AND INTERESTING VOLUME: the paintings combine, in subject, composition, and detail, the united excellence of Hobbima, Ruysdael, and Van der-Velde; the engravings are by Cooke, Goodall, Burnet, and others." 852 STATZ (V.) and UNGEWITTER'S (G.) GOTHIC MODEL BOOK; the Architecture of the Middle Ages, with its Associated Arts, illustrated by 216 plates of examples drawn from existing authorities in the Churches and Public Buildings of Germany, folio, hf. morocco, top edge gilt, £1. 10s (pub. £5, 5s) 1860 1844 854 STEPHENS' (J. L.) CENTRAL AMERICA, CHIAPAS, and YUCATAN: incidents of Travel in, numerous engravings of Idols, Antiquities, &c. 2 vols. 8vo. cloth, 168 1841 1819 855 STERNE'S (L.) WORKS COMPLETE; Tristram Shandy, Sentimental Journey, Sermons, Letters, &c. portrait and vignettes by Thurston and Satchwell, 4 vols. 8vo. new calf gilt, NICE COPY, £2. 158 856 STERNE'S (L.) SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY through France and Italy, illustrated with numerous engravings after original drawings by Jacque and Fussell, 8vo. cloth, gilt leaves, 5s n. d. 857 STEVENS' (G. A.) LECTURE on HEADS, with 47 heads by Nesbit from designs by Thurston, 12mo. sewed, 58 1812 858 STORER'S (J. and H. S.) 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