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Men so mounted can get about better than cavalry, and have rendered valuable service as scouts.

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After both sides had brought to life the centuries-old grenade for use in the trenches, the French adopted the old cross

bow here shown, to propel the missiles.

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They have been condemned as spies by the French, and are to be shot as soon as the firing squad arrives.


Each month the best and most interesting original item submitted to and published in this department will receive a first prize of ten dollars; the second best, a prize of five dollars; and the five third best, prizes of two dollars each.

Good photographs or drawings that clearly help explain the text add to the value of your contribution and will increase its chances for a first prize. Items not winning prizes but considered worthy of publication will be paid for at one dollar each. There is only one restriction as to who shall compete: Professional writers are not eligible. You need not be a subscriber to compete.

Enclose return postage if you desire to have your contributions returned. Address all communications to TECHNICAL WORLD MAGAZINE, "Made by Our Readers" Department, Chicago.


(Third Prize, Two Dollars)


HERE is an idea that came to a house

wife partly through accident. One of the legs of her small kitchen table had been broken, and she was about to discard the table when she thought that if the broken leg and the other one nearest to it were sawed off at the right height to make the table rest exactly level on the stairs, she could stand on it when cleaning the walls beside the stairs. This had always been a dangerous place to reach from a step ladder, but the new device made it perfectly easy and safe. The table affords plenty of room upon which to stand without any danger, and also offers a place for a pail of water, if it is a painted wall that is to be cleaned. The table may be moved without exertion.

B. Gallogher, Berkeley, California.


An old table serves very well for the purpose.

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