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popular matador, or an Olympic champion in this country.

Mexicans see nothing wrong in their principles or actions. They have reached the age of chivalry, and are doing their best to express themselves. The two great hindrances which they have found to this expression lie in the fact that the rest of the world is content to find all of its chivalry inside the covers of Tennyson, and that the nation of Mexico has been downtrodden so long that the spirit of chivalry is a little warped. In time, however

Say! See that cloud of dust? That means those crazy cow-punchers are coming back! I'm going to leave before I get in the way of a bullet. I can't see



Old cannon stand as street corner or-
naments throughout Mexico, and some
insurrectos have dug them up and used
them-usually with disastrous results.

has reached in that country. When there is not money enough in the public treasury to arrange a bull-fight for Sunday, ring tourneys are held that are exact replicas of the tournaments of the Knights in England at the time of the First Crusade. The contestants on their chargers, with lances poised, race at full gallop towards an upright which holds a swinging ring suspended. The lance point just fits the hole in the ring, and they try to carry it from the string on the shaft of their lances. The winner is


Enthused with the love of freedom, they have enlisted in one of the numer ous revolutionist armies.

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224 page Plan Book and year's Consulting Service given with every set!

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(Continued from page 735)

cant. When Dr. Freud makes the meas-
ured statement that "nothing can be con-
cealed" he means that nothing which
occupies your mind can be wholly sup-
pressed. It will reveal itself in some
way to the sufficiently observing eye.
If it does not reveal itself in some way
of which you are conscious and aware, it-
will reveal itself in some way of which
at present you are unconscious and un-

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Bicycle, Carriage, Motorcycle, Beat, Auto, Fishing and Flash Lights. Engines. Dynames. Water Wheels. Storage Batteries. Fan, Sewing Machine and Power Meters; Telephones. Massage, Ozone and Tattoo Machines. Transformers. Belts. Books. Bells. Railways. Charging Rectifiers. Novelties and Supplies.


BIG PROFITS. Ten Cents an Hour lights Theatre. Catalog 3 ets. OHIO ELECTRIC WORKS, D18, CLEVELAND, OHIO

Bow Legs and Knock

Knees Unsightly

Send for booklet showing photos of men with and without the PERFECT LEG FORMS. Artificial Legs $49.50. Guaran teed.


140 North Mayfield Ave., Dept. 18, Austin, Chicago, Ill.

Unveiled-The Tire Classic For Motorcycles

Few ever questioned Goodyear's lead in giving the utmost in a Motorcycle Tire. And now comes our motorcycle masterpiece-the Blue Streak.

It's the famous Goodyear racing tire that won all notable records. But we've added new features to make a perfect road tire.

It is big and luxurious, with a swagger blue circle 'round the center, and the same All-Weather tread of deep-cut blocks that has helped win top-place for Goodyear Automobile Tires.

No rival has a tread so thick, or wide, or deep. So it grips the road securely when you take sharp turns; it protects against punctures and multiplies mileage.

Blue Streaks are built with four plies of fabric-size 28 by 3. And the inner tube of new live rubber-built layer on layer, like Goodyear Laminated Tubes for automobiles-is 30 per cent heavier!

In these and other ways we are giving $50,000 more value in Goodyear Motorcycle Tires this year. Yet we've cut our prices 15 per cent.

Any dealer can supply. Go at once and see this Goodyear tire de luxe that's winning thousands.


THE GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY, AKRON, OHIO Makers of Goodyear Fortified Automobile Tires (2504)




HE beaver is now in no danger of extinction; he has earned his right to live, and he will be protected against further onslaught of hunters and trappers. And he has earned this right, not because he has a valuable fur, for which he will be killed when he has grown to maturity, but because he is one of the most useful irrigation engineers we have.

The beaver is solving one of the problems which has proved most vexing to engineers since irrigation became prominent in the West. That is the problem of water supply; for while engineers can construct dams and ditches, they usually must rely upon Nature to furnish the water for the project. And that is where the beaver helps-he sees to it that the supply of water is maintained.



The beaver does not intend, perhaps, securing a lake in which to live. But to do all this; he is simply interested in mountains, he also impounds enough while he serves his own ends up in the irrigation projects, and that is why he water to insure a constant supply for has won governmental favor. Officers of their power to protect the beavers, and the Forest Service, who are doing all in scientists of the Geological Survey, who there is no doubt but what these beaver have studied the work of the animals, say lakes will be of great practical value.

Antonio on the Carson National Forest
A typical case is that of the Rio San
through a wide fertile valley, which has
in New Mexico. This river flows
been but partly taken up by homestead-
At its very source, as though the


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These lakes were impounded by the dams the little animals erected, and are valuable because they preserve water for

the irrigation projects lower down the river.


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