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government notes and bonds, and burns them up, he gives it to the Government. If he leaves it to his children, is it more moral for them to take it for personal uses than for a board of trustees to take it for public uses? Was Christ wrong when he suffered the woman that was a sinner to anoint his feet with ointment which it is quite certain she had bought with the wages of her sin? Ordinarily the best thing a sinner can do with his illearned wealth is to give it to the community; the fact that it is ill earned is no reason why it should not be devoted to the public service. It is rather an added reason why it should be so devoted. We are not here concerned with the question whether Mr. Rockfeller and Mr. Carnegie have earned their wealth by righteous or unrighteous methods, or part of it by righteous and part of it by unrighteous methods. We simply affirm that, first, it is not the business of boards of trustees to determine whether wealth offered for public use has been righteously or unrighteously earned; and, second, if it has been earned by unrighteous methods, the best thing that the owner can do with it is to give it to the public, save in the very rare cases in which it is practicable to return it to the original owners.

The supposed principle that trustees should trace to its source wealth which they receive for public uses rests on the false presumption that if wealth acquired by unrighteous means is accepted for public use it cannot be freely used for the public by those who have accepted it. The report before us does not indicate that Professor Bascom gave any reasons for believing as matter of fact that the lips of the professors in the Chicago University, or those of the graduates of its theological school, are sealed. Apparently this conclusion is based, not upon any evidence that the first do not teach and the second do not preach freely, but upon the assumption that they cannot honorably do so. In truth, they cannot honorably do anything else. It is not, indeed, the function of a professor of economics, whether in the Chicago University or in Williams College, to decide and teach whether Mr. Rockefeller personally made his money by ethical or unethical methods; that is a question for the courts of justice. But in so far as those

methods are matters of public history, they are as proper subjects for economic and ethical teaching in Chicago University as in Williams College. The graduate of Chicago Theological Seminary is morally as free to condemn dishonest and despotic methods in business as the graduate of Union or of Princeton, and is as much under obligation to do so. There is no condition implied in the acceptance of an unconditioned gift for public uses except that it shall be used for the public by the institution to which it is given. If a liquor-dealer desires to take a high-priced pew in a church, shall the trustees refuse to rent it to him lest the minister be afraid to preach on temperance? This would be to insult the minister. If a railroad desires to advertise in a newspaper, shall the manager refuse to take the advertisement lest the editor fear to demand governmental regulation of railroads? This would be to insult the editor. A professor who should refuse to condemn the violation of economic and ethical laws because some patron of the university is publicly reported to have violated those laws would be grossly unfit for his chair. A preacher who should refuse to condemn dishonesties in business because some of his pewholders are reported to be guilty of such dishonesties ought to be drummed out of the pulpit to the tune of the rogue's march. We do not believe that there is any such cowardice in the pulpits and the professors' chairs as the report of Professor Bascom's address implies. But in so far as there is any such cowardice, the remedy is not to be found in laying upon boards of trustees the wholly impracticable task of tracing wealth to its source for the purpose of ascertaining how far it has been righteously accumulated, but in inspiring the hearts of teachers, preachers, and editors

and the editors need it quite as much as the teachers and preachers-with a loyalty to truth and a courage of conviction which will make them never consider the question where the money comes from which endows their chairs, furnishes their pew-rents, pew-rents, or supplies the pecuniary resources of their journals.

If property is offered to a board of trustees which does not belong to the donor and which can be returned to its lawful owner, they are not to accept it;

not because it was unlawfully acquired, but because it is unlawfully retained. If conditions are attached to the gift inconsistent with its free use in the sense to which it is nominally dedicated, it is to be promptly declined. If there is a reasonable suspicion that conditions exist in the mind of the donor which are not expressed, there may be occasions on which it would be legitimate for the board of trustees to avoid misunderstanding by some explicit statement. But it is not their function to trace proffered endowments to their source, nor to put the donor on trial, still less to condemn him on public report without a hearing. They will not raise the ethical standards in the community, nor in the institution under their charge, by imput

ing unworthy motives to a benefaction apparently worthy in itself, nor by attaching on suspicion dishonorable conditions to a gift which is in its terms free from conditions. On the contrary, they will best serve the highest ethical ends by assuming, in the absence of evidence to the contrary, that all gifts are intrusted to them to use for the public benefit in accordance with their trust and with no other obligations than that trust implies, and by taking it for granted, if they are the trustees of an educational institution, that the teachers will be loyal to their own consciences and to the truth, without regard to the sources, real or supposed, from which the endowment of the institution is derived.

The Impressions of a Careless Traveler


March 30.


HE event of to-day was going to church. The only Sunday service which the Prinzessin arranges for the passengers is an early matin; we are awakened on Sunday morning by the band playing "Eine Feste Burg." That ends the religious services for the day, which then goes on exactly as do other days, except that the passengers do not get out shuffleboard and ring-toss, nor do I see the cards out in the smoking-room on Sunday evening. The first Sunday out, a service was announced, but it had to be abandoned; the weather was prohibitive. The second Sunday there was a simple service in the Social Hall; but as half the passengers were German and could not understand English, and half were American and could not understand German, and there were neither prayer-books nor hymn-books on board, the service limped. I think the Hamburg-American line, which seems to spare no expense in providing comforts and even luxuries for its passengers, might well recognize the fact that there are a goodly number of ocean travelers who enjoy a Sunday service, and might provide service-books so that passengers could arrange for a service if they wished to do so. The Directors may not care for Sunday services themselves, but then I do not suppose they all play

shuffleboard and ring-toss, yet the material is provided for those who do. We all drove over to Nice and then separated. B and H-started for the Roman Catholic Cathedral on account of the music of Easter Sunday, found it too crowded, and finally went to a Russo-Greek church. The Matron and I went to the English Church, where the service began with the Lord's Prayer-the Invitation to Prayer, the General Confession, and the Absolution being omitted. I wonder why. Is Absolution taken for granted on Easter Sunday? Being a Puritan, to me all Sundays are Easter Sundays. After service we met and took our luncheon at a café-confectionery-bakerrestaurant combination, where a delicious meal was served to us at a cost, including the tip to the waiter, of $2.11—that is, fiftythree cents apiece. The French do understand the art of giving delicious meals at small prices-an art not yet acquired in America, where "cheap and nasty" are terms almost inseparably connected in


Then we took a carriage and drove over the hills to Villefranche. By the shore road the distance is about five miles; by the Cornichi road, which we took, the drive was at least double that distance. We climbed a thousand or twelve hundred feet by one zigzag road to the top of a

hill, and drove down a thousand or twelve hundred feet by another zigzag to our landing-stage. B engaged in conversation with our driver, asking him all manner of questions, at our suggestion, as to places, trees, fruits, flowers, etc., and he stopped and gathered some olives that hung over the road and gave them to the ladies of our party. B's knowledge of French is but slight, and she laughed over her own linguistic blunders; but the driver was immensely pleased at being taken, as it were, into our party; he gave us a most cordial "Bon voyage" when we left him, and even when our rowboat was a considerable distance from the landing-stage we could see him standing up in his carriage and waving his hat in adieus to us. As I am making this entry I hear the Cook party coming on board after their excursion to Nice and Monte Carlo. In half an hour we weigh anchor and set sail-except that we have no sails-for Palermo.

April 1.

Palermo is the first natural harbor we have seen since we left New York, and Palermo would not be a very safe harbor were its natural protection not improved by great breakwaters. At Madeira, Gibraltar, and Villefranche we anchored in what were practically open roadsteads, and the harbor at Genoa was almost wholly artificial. We are attached by hawsers to a wharf at one side of the harbor, but five or ten feet from the shore, and are carried a mile or a mile and a half in small boats to a landing on the other side of the harbor-why, I do not know. I am told that on her first excursion the Prinzessin undertook to land her passen gers in her own steam launch and lifeboats, but met with so much opposition from the local boatmen that she abandoned the attempt in the Mediterranean Sea, and left the local boatmen to carry the passengers to and from shore. I am glad of it. Their income must be poor and uncertain at the best; and it is worth the quarter of a dollar to be greeted by them with smiles and not with curses. Before leaving New York I had looked up Palermo and laid out a day's excursion. It perhaps confirms the practical wisdom of the selection for the day that I hit upon the same route which Cook's agent had laid out for his party; but the

result was that we met them wherever we went. In our tour about the city we were half the time in the Cook procession; we came into the church or the palace to find them there, or they came in to find us there, as the case might be; in short, we were, in spite of ourselves, Cookies, as H- irreverently calls them. On

one or two occasions I had to explain to the doorkeepers as best I could-not knowing Italian-that I did not belong with them, and had my own separate fee to pay for our party. I may record here the fact that I have kept a careful cash account of the expenses of our shore excursions at Madeira, Gibraltar, Genoa, Nice, Monte Carlo, and Palermo, and find that we have had substantially what Cook has given to his parties, and have paid about ten per cent. less. Ten per cent. seems to me a small sum to pay Cook for taking off from one all the care and worry of a shore excursion—that is, from those to whom it is a care and worry.

I am sorry to have had only a day and a half at Palermo; I should like to stay here for a month. The busy harbor, full of small craft, the opportunities for boating, the environing hills-grass-covered to their summit where they are not absolutely precipitous; the curious life in the streets, with something at every turn to attract the eye-peasant costumes, pannier-laden donkeys, donkey-carts carrying six or eight passengers, with one small patient donkey tugging at the load, the attractive shops, the countrymen with their rural wares; the abundant flowers and fruits, especially the orange-trees laden with oranges rich in color, fragrant, appetizing; the soft climate, soft but not enervating; the warm, cool air (contradiction, but a harmony in reality) which caresses and at the same time invigorates; the excellent hotels, if I may judge from my experience last evening in one of them where we took dinner with a friend who is staying here; the many excursions in the vicinity from half a day to two or three days in extent, all combine to make Palermo seem like an ideal resting-place. The ride along the seashore, the public gardens, where the gardener was so taken with the Matron's interest in certain flowers that he made her up a bouquet and presented it to her; the Palazzo Reale, with its chapel, in beauty second only to

the Sainte Chapelle in Paris; the ruined cloisters overgrown with vines and wild flowers; the uninteresting cathedral-it is enough merely to catalogue these here; if I ever wish to recall them, Baedeker will do the rest. A funny experience at luncheon illustrated the disadvantage of not knowing the language of the country. When luncheon was over, I called for my bill. As the courteous waiter started off, Bsurmised from my extemporized French that he was really going for a glass of beer! But the waiter never smiled when the error was explained to him. I cannot say as much for the selfrestraint of the others of our party.


The most interesting object in Palermo —was not in Palermo at all. It is the monastery and church at Monreale, a mountain or rather hill perhaps a thousand feet above the sea, and a few miles back from the harbor of Palermo. monastery and church covers the summit of the hill, and round it clusters a poor little village, all of whose inhabitants, I should say, could be put into the church at any one service, and then twice as many more without overcrowding it. The most striking feature of this church is furnished by the mosaics, which afford a striking illustration of the incongruous literalism of Scripture interpretations which prevailed in the Middle Ages. These mosaics are intended to give to the worshipers scenes from both Old Testament and New Testament history, Here is Noah's carpenter sawing the boards for the ark with what is very like a modern saw; here Jacob's angels are seen descending a very short ladderone wonders why they did not jump, they certainly would not have required their wings while the Father looks down upon them and upon the sleeping Jacob through an open window. I suppose they are very beautiful; they are certainly very wonderful; but they are not at all credible. It is difficult for a radical Protestant like myself to get, and almost impossible for him to keep, the point of view of a mediæ val Christian. Why was this church built here on this hill-top? Why did these monks gather in this monastery to do nothing all day long but say their prayers, walk in these cloisters, cultivate the fruits and flowers in this garden, which, I suppose, in those times few but themselves

were permitted to see, and look off over those ramparts at the wonderful view— the ravine below inclosed by mountain walls tapestried with grass and flowers, the plain beyond rich with grass and fruits, still further the city, the murmur of whose ceaseless industry they could easily imagine if they could not hear, and yet beyond the city the sea with its boundless horizon and its treasures of infinite lifeall these uniting to call them to come out from imprisonment and idleness to liberty and toil the sea calling them to life and liberty, the city and the plain to profitable industry, the fruits and the flowers to the glad enjoyment of the good Father's gifts, the mountains to the worship of God in the temple not made with hands. How could they look unmoved upon all this and go back to their bare cells and their vacant life and their routine of ritual? I suppose this is inexplicable to a Protestant, because Protestantism instinctively measures the instruments of religion by their capacity to benefit man, mediæval religion by their capacity to express reverence to God. The Puritans' church was a "meeting-house" constructed and employed for the instruction of an audience; the medieval cathedral was a monument reared as a memorial to the Almighty. The motive of the former might have been Ad beneficium humanitatis; the motive of the latter was Ad gloriam Dei. The cathedral was no more built to benefit the worshipers who gathered under its roof than the monument in the cemetery is built for the benefit of the one whose body lies beneath it. This church was put on the hill where all might see the glorious monument which reverence had reared to God, and the monks offered their orisons as a tribute to their King. That the best way to render acceptable service to God is by rendering useful service to his children probably never entered their heads. Something such were the thoughts which came to me as I sat there in the church and afterward walked in the cloisters at Monreale. Perhaps we Puritans have reacted too far from the sacerdotalism of mediævalism and need to retrace our steps. Perhaps there is something in this monumental piety which we need to incorporate in our humanitarian religion. I must think more of this.

L. A.

A Study of American Workmen by British Workmen

By George Lynch

Special Correspondent of the London "Daily Express," Author of "The War of the Civilizations," "Impressions of a War Correspondent," etc.


HE tour of inquiry into industrial methods and conditions in the United States which has just been concluded by twenty-three of the members of Mr. Mosely's Commission has been very interesting. In England we had been feeling the effects of New World competition in many ways-tobacco and beef trust ways, tube ways, bridge-building ways, ocean ways; in every branch of commerce the competition of the United States was being felt. In the great world struggle for trade we are hard pressed, if we are not, as you say here, beaten back into second place, and a bad second at that. The facts were well worth ascertaining. The elephantine aid of a Parliamentary commission might be instinctively sought by Britishers, but the importance of the subject asked for something more practical, immediate, and businesslike. So thought Mr. Mosely as he paced the paths of his old-fashioned fruit and flower garden, one of the most beautiful in England, punctuating his walks by prodding with the point of his stick at his enemies the wasps, who were feeding on his luscious peaches and nectarines that embroidered with fruit-beads the sunny walls. He had made his money in diamond dealing in Kimberley-had made enough and had enough to spare for doing something in the world, when occasion should offer. He saw opportunity when war broke out in South Africa. He erected a hospital in Natal, equipped it, and presented it through Princess Christian to the British forces in the field. There are various opinions about these South African Uitlanders who have made their pile out of diamond or gold mines, but some of them, like Beit and Mosely, have commanded admiration by their philanthropic generosity. The Jews are not a fighting race; if they do not shed their blood, it is nice to see them shed their gold for the service of the country under whose flag they have made it. Mosely

having made it under our flag, with the keen business instinct of his race, did his part in the commercial struggle as he did before in the blood-spilling struggle. He brought a hospital to the wounded in war he now sends a commission to the strugglers in the commercial fight. There was a considerable amount of difficulty in deciding as to who would be the best to constitute the commission. He eventually settled on asking twenty-three secretaries of the leading trades-unions. There were many advantages about asking the secretaries of the unions. If a selection had to be made from among the ordinary members, there might have been a certain amount of invidious feeling among their fellows in the giving of them a free trip. to America with all expenses paid for about three months. Then, on the return of the commission, the secretaries of the various unions are in a better position than any one else to impart the results, and communicate throughout their unions the conclusions they have arrived at.

I must say I was greatly struck, coming over on the steamer, with the broadmindedness of the members I traveled with. I was prepared to find them rather predisposed in favor of British methods and hidebound with insular prejudice, but, on the contrary, found them approaching the task before them with absolutely open minds. They seemed prepared to look at everything impartially, and prepared to learn all that was possible in the time. Mr. Mosely and the delegates made a circular tour, in which they were afforded every opportunity for visiting and inspecting some of the largest manufactories in the United States. Starting from New York, they visited the American Locomotive Works at Schenectady, the works of the General Electric Company, and the powerhouse at Niagara; they were the guests of the Industries Federation at Buffalo, saw the iron and steel works at Cleveland, the packing-houses in Chicago, the Carnegie

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