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of our Lord.

0B 5200


5300 16

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of our Lord.

B 1600




[blocks in formation]

5400 17
5500 17




30 find the month and days of the month to which the Golden Numbers ought to be prefixed in the Calendar in any given year of our Lord, consisting of entire hundred years, and in all the intermediate years betwixt that and the next bundredth year following, look in the second column of Table II. for the given year, consisting of entire hundreds; and note the number or cypher which stands against it in the third column; then in Table III. look for the same number in the column under any given Golden Number, which when you have found, guide your eye sideways to the left hand, and in the first column you will find the month and day to which that Golden Number ought to be prefixed in the Calendar, during that period of one hundred years.

5900 19
6000 19
6100 19
6200 20


B 6400 20
6500 21




7B 6800 22

6900 23



8 B 7200 24

7300 25

7400 25
7500 26
7600 26



B 3200



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B 3600

3700 9





B 4000


4100 11

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The letter B prefixed to certain hundredth years in Table II. denotes those years which are still to be accounted Bissextile or Leap-Years in the new Calendar; whereas all the other hundredth years are to be accounted only common years.


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2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9|10|11|12|13|14|15|16|17|18|19

March 21 C 819 01122 31425 61728 920 11223 41526 22 D 920 11223 41526 718291021 21324 51627 23 E 1021 21324 51627 819 01122 31425 61728 24 F 1122 31425 61728 920 11223 41526 71829 25G 1223 41526 718291021 21324 51627 819 0


26 1324 51627 19 01122 31425 61728 920 1
27B 1425 61728 920 11223 41526 718291021
28 C 1526 718291021 21324 51627 819 01122 3
29 D 1627 819 01122 31425 61728 920 11223 4
30 1728 920 112|23| 41526 718291021 21324 5

31 F 18 29 1021 21324 51627 819 01122 31425 6 1G 19 01122 31425 61728 920 11223 41526 7 2 A 20 11223 41526 713291021 21324 51627 8 3B 21 21324 51627 819 01122 31425 61728 9 4C 22 31425 617|28| 920 11223 41526


5D 23 41526 718291021 21324 51627 819 011 6E 24 51627 819 01122 31425 61728 920 112 7F 25 61728 920 11223 41526 718291021 213

26 718291021 21324 51627 819 01122 314 27 819 01122 31425 61728 920 11223 415

10 B 28 920 11223 41526 718291021 21324 516 11C 291021 21324 51627 819 01122 31425 617 12D 01122 31425 61728 920 11223 41526 718 13E 11223 41526 71829 1021 21324 51627 819 14 F 21324 51627 819 01122 31425 61728 920

15G 31425 61728 920 11223 41526 718291021 16 A 41526 718291021 21324 51627 819 01122 17B 51627 819 01122 31425 61728 920 11223 17B 718291021 21324

18 C 61728 920 11223 41526

18C 718/29/1021 21324 5/16/27 819 01122 31425


The Minister shall begin the Morning Prayer, by reading one or more of the following Sentences of Scripture.

THE Lord is in his holy temple; neither have we obeyed the voice let all the earth keep silence of the Lord our God, to walk in before him. Hab. ii. 20. his laws which he set before us.

From the rising of the sun even Dan. ix. 9, 10.

unto the going down of the same, O Lord, correct me, but with my name shall be great among judgment; not in thine anger, lest the Gentiles; and in every place thou bring me to nothing. Jer. incense shall be offered unto my x. 24. Psal. vi. 1.

name, and a pure offering: for Repent ye; for the kingdom of my name shall be great among heaven is at hand. St. Matt. iii. 2. the heathen, saith the Lord of I will arise, and go to my fahosts. Mal. i. 11. ther, and will say unto him; Fa

Let the words of my mouth, ther, I have sinned against heaand the meditation of my heart, ven, and before thee, and am no be alway acceptable in thy sight, more worthy to be called thy O Lord, my strength and my Re-son. St. Luke, xv. 18, 19. deemer. Psal. xix. 14. Enter not into judgment with When the wicked man turneth thy servant, O Lord; for in thy away from his wickedness that he sight shall no man living be jushath committed, and doeth that tified. Psal. cxliii. 2.

which is lawful and right, he shall If we say that we have no sin, save his soul alive. Ezek. xviii. 27. we deceive ourselves, and the I acknowledge my transgres- truth is not in us; but if we consions; and my sin is ever before fess our sins, God is faithful and me. Psal. li. 3. just to forgive us our sins, and to Hide thy face from my sins; cleanse us from all unrighteousand blot out all mine iniquities. ness. 1 St. John, i. 8, 9. Psal. li. 9.

T Then the Minister shall say,

The sacrifices of God are a DEARLY beloved brethren, the broken spirit; a broken and a scripture moveth us, in suncontrite heart, O God, thou wilt dry places, to acknowledge and not despise. Psal. li. 17. confess our manifold sins and

Rend your heart and not your wickedness, and that we should garments, and turn unto the Lord not dissemble nor cloak them. your God; for he is gracious and before the face of Almighty God, merciful, slow to anger, and of our heavenly Father, but confess great kindness, and repenteth them with an humble, lowly, pehim of the evil. Joel, ii. 13. nitent, and obedient heart; to the To the Lord our God belong end that we may obtain forgivemercies and forgivenesses, though ness of the same, by his infinite we have rebelled against him; goodness and mercy. And al

though we ought, at all times, ALMIGHTY God, the Father humbly to acknowledge our sins of our Lord Jesus Christ, before God; yet ought we chiefly who desireth not the death of a so to do, when we assemble and sinner, but rather that he may meet together, to render thanks turn from his wickedness and for the great benefits that we live, hath given power and comhave received at his hands, to set inandment to his ministers, to deforth his most worthy praise, to clare and pronounce to his peohear his most holy word, and to ple, being penitent, the Absoluask those things which are requi-tion and Remission of their sins. site and necessary, as well for He pardoneth and absolveth all the body as the soul. Wherefore, those who truly repent, and unI pray and beseech you, as many feignedly believe his holy Gosas are here present, to accom-pel. Wherefore, let us beseech pany me, with a pure heart and him to grant us true repentance, humble voice, unto the throne of and his Holy Spirit; that those the heavenly grace, saying- things may please him which we do at this present, and that the rest of our life hereafter may be pure and holy; so that at the last we may come to his eternal joy, through Jesus Christ our Lord. The People shall answer here, and at the end of every prayer, Amen. TOr this.

A general Confession to be said by the whole Congregation after the Minister, all kneeling.

ALMIGHTY and most merciful Father; We have erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep. We have followed 'too much the devices and desires of

our own hearts. We have offend ALMIGHTY God, our heavenly Father, who, of his great ed against thy holy laws. We mercy, hath promised forgivehave left undone those things ness of sins to all those who, which we ought to have done; with hearty repentance and true And we have done those things faith, turn unto him; have mercy which we ought not to have done: upon you, pardon and deliver And there is no health in us. you from all your sins, confirm But thou, O Lord, have mercy and strengthen you in all goodupon us, miserable offenders. ness, and bring you to everlastSpare thou those, O God, who ing life, through Jesus Christ our confess their faults. Restore thou Lord. Amen. those who are penitent; According to thy promises declared unto mankind, in Christ Jesus our Lord. And grant, O most merciful Father, for his sake; That we may hereafter live a godly, OUR Father, who art in Hearighteous, and sober life; To the ven, Hallowed be thy Name; glory of thy holy name. Amen. Thy Kingdom come; Thy Will be done on earth, as it is in HeaThe Declaration of Absolution, or Re-ven; Give us this day our daily mission of Sins; to be made by the bread; And forgive us our tresPriest alone, standing; the People still kneeling. passes, as we forgive those o

Then the Minister shall kneel, and say the Lord's Prayer; the People still kneeling, and repeating it with him, both here, and wheresoever else it is used in Divine Service.

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