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left the field, the committee were unanimous in awarding the premiums to the following persons, viz: First premium to Joseph Goodridge, of

West Newbury, of

Second premium to Jedediah H. Barker, of Andover, of

Third premium to Perley Tapley, of Dan

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vers, of Fourth premium to Hobart Clark, of Andover,


10 00

8 00

6 00

After determining to whom the several premiums offered by the society should be awarded, the committee would state, that in their opinion, some of the ploughs used were of superior construction and workmanship, viz: the one used by Samuel F. Barker, and also the one used by Jedediah H. Barker, of Prouty & Mears' make, as also those used by Hobart Clark and Andrew Towne, of Ruggles & Nourse's make, all which we believe, in common ordinary ploughing would work well.

For the committee,


Georgetown, September 30, 1840,

II. With Single Teams.

THE Committee on Ploughing with Single Teams, REPORT: That the following persons entered their teams for premium, and ploughed, namely:

William Foster, Jr. of Andover, Moses Pettingell, of Topsfield, Nathan Tapley, of Danvers, Perley Tapley, of Danvers, Joseph C. Putnam, of Danvers, Simeon Dole, of Georgetown, Nathaniel Berry, of Andover, Samuel F. Barker, of Andover.

The committee are of opinion that the ploughing was quite equal to any former years, considering the unevenness of the land; part of it being stony. It

was with difficulty that the committee determined to whom to award the premiums, the ploughing was so equal on a number of the lots.

The competitors for the premium, ploughed each one, the quantity required.


Perley Tapley, ploughed twenty four furrows in twenty eight and a half minutes. Joseph C. Putnam, twenty five furrows, in twenty eight minutes. Foster, Jr., twenty furrows, in forty three minutes. Simeon Dole, twenty one furrows, in thirty one minutes. Nathan Tapley, twenty four furrows, in thirty three minutes. Moses Pettingell, twenty two furrows, in thirty six minutes. Samuel F. Barker, twenty furrows, in thirty one minutes. Nathaniel Berry, twenty one furrows, in twenty nine minutes. After a careful examination, the committee came to the following result, viz:

First premium to Perley Tapley, of Dan

vers, of

Second premium to Joseph C. Putnam, of

$10 00

Danvers, of

8 00

Third premium to Moses Pettingell, of
Topsfield, of

6 00

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YOUR Committee appointed to award premiums to the horse teams, would state, that of the three teams entered, only two performed. Mr. William Jones, having withdrawn, for want of land to plough.

Mr. Seth Kimball, ploughed with his own team, used Prouty & Mears' centre draught plough, performed his labor in a workmanlike manner; completing his land, an eighth of an acre, in thirty six minutes; and is entitled to the first premium of eight dollars.

Mr. Alexander Becket, ploughman, with the team entered by Mr. William S. Marland, and A. Drysdale, Scotch iron plough, had a more rough and rocky division of land, plough not well fitted for such land, yet showed himself to be a workman, and had his team under good command, performed his labor, satisfactorily, in forty six minutes, land two feet narrower than his competitor. He is entitled to the society's second premium of six dollars.

September 30, 1840.


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YOUR Committee on fat cattle have attended to the duty assigned to them, and would make the following REPORT:

Your committee find but two oxen which they think deserving a premium. One exhibited by Joseph Yeaton, from Colman's farm, in Newbury, which is entitled to the first premium. The other, exhibited by Peabody Russell, of Boxford, received the second premium, last year, consequently cannot this. One cow only offered. We see as good or better, almost daily, and think her not entitled to a premium. We would recommend to the farmers of

Essex county, to give more attention to beef cattle. The premiums offered are liberal, and will warrant extra attention to their stock.

All of which is respectfully submitted.


September 30, 1840.


THE Committee on bulls, have attended to that duty, and ask leave to REPORT:

That the whole number of bulls, and bull calves, entered, was twenty, the quality of which, taken as a whole, was good; many of them fine animals, and show an improved attention to this class of stock. Your committee have found it rather difficult where there are so many competitors and so few premiums offered on this class of stock, to do justice to their own feelings. They would, therefore, say here that if they have made many large mistakes in their conclusions, they may be considered errors of the head and not of the heart.

Your committee recommend that the first premium of eight dollars be paid to William S. Marland, of Andover, for his full blood Ayrshire bull, and that the second premium of six dollars be paid to Francis Dodge, of Danvers, for his red, two years old bull.

The committee would farther state that Mr. Horatio C. Merriam, of Tewksbury, presented a fine bull

and bull calf, for exhibition, for which he is entitled to the thanks of this society. All of which is respectfully submitted.




September 30, 1840.


THE Committee on working oxen and steers, having attended to the duties assigned them, ask leave to REPORT:

That twenty one pairs of oxen were entered for premium; that the exhibition of their drawing, which was over an ascent of about four degrees, and of loads, in a good degree, proportionate to the size of the teams, one wagon being loaded with about three tons, and the other with about two tons, was very good, and fully proved their superior training and discipline.

Your committee recommend that the first premium of ten dollars, be awarded to Dr. Joseph Kittredge, of Andover, for his brindle oxen, seven years old.

The second, of seven dollars to Hobart Clark, Esq., of Andover, for his red oxen, four years old. And the third, of five dollars to Nathan Tapley of Danvers, for his red oxen, six years old.

Your committee examined ten pair of steers from one to three years old, and recommend that the first premium of seven dollars, for steers three years old, be awarded to Jedediah H. Barker, of Andover, and the second of five dollars, to William Williams, of Rowley.

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