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was then filled with a strong brine, well prepared, and

kept in that state until this day.

Yours respectfully,

Beverly, Sept. 22, 1841.



To the Committee on the Dairy:

GENTLEMEN—I present for your inspection a firkin of June butter, containing 41 pounds.

Process of making:-The milk is strained into tin pans; it stands from 36 to 48 hours, according to the weather, when the cream is taken off, put into tin pails, and occasionally stirred. We churn twice a week, when the butter is gathered, the buttermilk is drawn off, the butter is rinsed in two waters, then is taken out, worked in part, salted, (one ounce of salt to a pound of butter,) and set aside for twenty-four hours, when the working is completed. It is then put into the firkin, and a considerable quantity of salt placed between the butter and the firkin. Kept in the cellar during the summer.

I have kept eight cows-made from the 1st of June to the 9th of July, 268 lbs-sold and used in the family, about 20 gallons per week during the time.


North Danvers, Sept. 29, 1841.


To the Committee on the Dairy:

GENTLEMEN-I present for your inspection a firkin of June butter, containing about 45 lbs.

I was not aware, until it was too late, that the Trustees had made any alterations in the premiums for June

butter, since last year; therefore, I am unable to give so minute an account of the produce of our dairy as could be wished.

We milked ten cows, one of which was a heifer, with her first calf, and one calved early in the winter. We used what milk was needed for a family of eight persons, which was probably equal to the milk of one cow.

The process of making and keeping the butter was the same as given to the Committe last year, except that the cream was not left on the milk so long by 12 hours.

The greatest quantity of butter made in one week was 55 lbs, the least, 28 lbs. The whole quantity made from the 1st of June to the 9th of July is 249 lbs.

Yours respectfully,

From R. C. Winthrop's farm,
Wenham, Sept. 28, 1841.


[NOTE. A statement made to the Committee by Margaret Wardwell, in regard to the parcel of butter for which a premium was awarded to her, has been accidentally mislaid.]


To the Committee on the Dairy:

GENTLEMEN-I present for your inspection two boxes of September butter, containing 25 lbs, being a specimen of 885 lbs. made since the 20th of May.

Process of making:-The milk is strained into tin pans, it stands from 36 to 48 hours in a cool cellar, the cream is taken off, put into tin pails, and stirred every day. We churn once a week, during the hottest weather; the cream is placed in the well about twelve hours before churning. After it is churned, the buttermilk is thoroughly worked out, and the butter is salted to the

taste; after standing about one hour, it is again worked over, and weighed, each pound separately.

This butter was made from ten cows; two of them were heifers of the first calf; the feed was common pasturing, till the 20th of August; since then they have had green stalks once a day. Eight of the cows calved in March, the other two in April. I have eleven in the family that are supplied with milk, and have sold one gallon a week.


South Danvers, Sept. 28, 1841.


To the Committee on the Dairy:

GENTLEMEN-The cheese which I offer for your inspection was made in the months of June and July. Having sold our milk a part of the season, we have not made as much as usual, but during the above mentioned months we made 135 lbs. new milk, and 173 lbs. four meal cheese, from the milk of five cows, (excepting what we used in our family, which took one cow's milk,) three of them gave milk the past winter. Their keeping has been grass only, and that dry and poor. The process of making is, to set the milk in a cool place at night, and in the morning warm it and add it to the new milk; then allow one gill of rennet to six pails full of milk; let it remain half an hour, then cut it with a thin wooden knife that will reach the bottom of the tub; let it remain again until the whey begins to appear; then place a strainer in a basket and dip it out carefully; turn it and cut it, but not too fast, and then place a follower with a stone above it, on the curd, that the whey may be all removed; then put it in the cellar to remain until the same process is performed again; then cut the two curds in small pieces, warm them in whey about ten minutes, salt it to the taste, press it two days, turning

it twice a day; then put the cheeses in an airy room, turn and butter them once a day.

Yours with respect,

Andover, Sept. 29, 1841.



To the Committee on the Dairy:

GENTLEMEN-The cheese I offer for inspection was made from the milk of seven cows, two of which were farrow. We have made use of milk in the family, consisting of eight. They have been kept in a common pasture, without any extra keep.

Weight of butter made, 182 lbs.
Weight of cheese, 862 lbs.

The process of making is the common method.




The Committee on Swine REPORT:

That there has been a great falling off in the quality and number of the swine presented, from last year, which they are very sorry to see. No breeding sows were offered for premium.

The Committee award the first premium of five dollars, for the best boar, to Charles R. Julyn, of Rowley. For the next best boar they award the second premium of two dollars to Nathaniel Dorman, of Boxford.

For the best litter of weaned pigs, they award the first premium of six dollars to Phineas C. Balch, of Newbury. Second do. of $3, to Samuel Scott, of Rowley.

Respectfully submitted,

For the Committee,



The Committee on Mulberry Trees, REPORT:

That for the grounds on which the Society's premiums are asked they would respectfully refer its executive officers to the statements which the claimants have severally made, and which the Committee believe to be substantially correct. And in carrying out the trust committed to them they respectfully recommend that the

1st prem. of $15 be awarded to Geo. Hood, of Lynn. 2d do. $10 do. to Ira Hardy, for his orchard of white mulberry trees in Boxford.

That the first premium of $10 for the best nursery of mulberry trees, of not more than two years growth, be awarded to George Hood, of Lynn.

The second, of $5, to Temple Cutler, of Hamilton.

The Committee in submitting this report, would respectfully suggest, as a subject worthy of reflection, whether the object contemplated by the encouragement held out by the Society, by its premiums on mulberry trees, &c. would not be more fully realized, should the premiums for the future be mostly or even exclusively confined to awards on silk raised and reeled, and articles manufactured from such silk. This appears to your Committee to be the plan in which public patronage is most particularly needed. It is the point where the enterprise labors; while after the great number of successful efforts in raising the trees, and the small comparative expense at which it can be done, there really appears to your Committee, but little reason why further public patronage should be extended to that branch of the business. It is also a fact worthy of consideration that under the patronage of the Society there are now scattered over the County, a great number of trees of different ages which are yielding no profit. While not a few upon which premiums have been awarded have been cut down, or suffered by neglect to decay away, the foliage of which, if it could be brought into

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