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DROPSY (from any cause)

ANEDEMIN TABLETS (Apocynum, Strophanthus, Squill and Sambucus) get prompt and positive results without injury.

(See Potter, Cushny, Sollmann, Bartholow, U.S.P.) Manufactured for the exclusive use of the profession and carried by all wholesale and retail Druggists.

Lyman Bros. & Co., Toronto, Ont., Agents
Liberal samples, exact formula and clinical data sent by manufacturer on request
to physicians.

Anedemin Chemical Company
Chattanooga, Tenn., U.S.A.

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A Therapeutic Preparation of Scientific Merit

It is now over thirty years since it was proven by careful research that the therapeutic value of Cod Liver Oil lay, not in the oil itself, but in certain principles contained in the liver of the codfish, and that it was possible to separate and recover those principles from the oil and entire liver, thus gaining for medicine all of the valuable part of what for many years has been recognized by the Medical Profession as a most efficacious and valuable therapeutic agent.

The manufacturers of VINOL desire to introduce their preparation to Physicians, containing, as it does, all of the extractives of the cod's liver above referred to, in addition to the Pepto-Manganate of Iron (Organic Iron) dissolved in pure native wine.

The reputation of VINOL as a scientific article has been established and is founded upon demonstrated facts. VINOL is, in a word, a valuable ferruginous tonic, giving the patient an assimilable form of iron that is non-astringent, neutral in reaction, non-irritating, and has no effect whatever on the teeth.

Physicians are respectfully requested to make a trial of this preparation, and to bear in mind that VINOL is not a patent medicine, as it is non-secret, all the ingredients being printed on the label, and any Physician desiring to know the manner in which VINOL is manufactured can find out by writing the manufacturers. It contains the following combination. Cod Liver and Beef Peptones, Iron and Manganese Peptonates. Iron and Ammonium Citrate, Lime and Soda Glycerophosphates. Cascarin.





A New Optical
Prescription House

It being a matter of common knowledge that certain Prescription Opticians also do refracting, we wish it clearly understood that we will do "absolutely no sight testing.'

The fitting of frames, and the grinding of lenses, to comply with the Oculists' Prescriptions, will be our only work.

No Exorbitant Prices

Modern Machinery No Side Lines Nothing for sale, excepting Spectacles, Eye Glasses and Motorists' Goggles All work done under the personal supervision of W. M. Percy, whose many years of successful Prescription Optical Experience will be at the service of the Medical Profession.

W. M. PERCY, Proprietor

Phone Adel. 5666

442 Yonge St.


The Carnation

-offers milk that will keep fresh for weeks, milk that can be always kept handy for use when needed. He offers milk that is always the same in quality-rich, pure, sweet milk-sealed safe from contamination. He has done away with worry, bother and waste; has solved the milk problem!,

Carnation Milk "from: Contented Cows" contains all the rich butter fat and food value of rich "whole milk"-and nothing more. It is evaporated to the consistency of cream. No artificial sweetening is added; and no preservatives, even when the can is opened. Because it is sterilized it will keep fresh for several days.

Carnation Milk takes the place of cream and milk in the home' It can be used for everything. As a delicious cream for coffee. For cooking, making candies, creaming soups or vegetables. For fruit and cereals. Diluted, as a drink for the children. For baby's bottle, its uniform quality and assured purity make it ideal. It is the only milk supply a home needs. And it is always at hand always fresh-always pure.

Try three or four cans of Carnation Milk. Advise your clients to order a week's supply of milk with their groceries. For remember-the Carnation Milkman is handy to your home-he is

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applied warm and thick over the entire thoracic wall, relieves the congestion by increasing the superficial circulation. The cutaneous reflexes are stimulated, causing contraction of the deep-seated blood vessels. The over-worked heart is relieved from an excessive blood pressure; pain and dyspnea are lessened, the elimination of toxins is hastened and the temperature declines. The patient is soon in a restful, natural sleep which often marks the beginning of convalescence.


there frequently develops an obstinate form of constipation, that resists routine or ordinary treatment. Nujol overcomes post-operative dyschezia, because it removes pathological conditions and restores normal, regular and thorough bowel


How post-operative constipation is induced, why it deserves intelligent treatment and how the Nujol Treatment acts, are described in the booklet

Send for it and sample to Chas.
Gyde & Son, Canadian Selling
Agents, Box 875, Montreal.

The Denver Chemical Mfg. Company


NUJOL LABORATORIES Standard Oil Co. (New Jersey) New York



The special attention of the Canadian Medical Profession
is called to


This is an antiseptic of remarkable potency, and will be
found by surgeons to be particularly valuable for use in
the Operating Room, Hospital Ward and Private Home.
It is strongly germicidal in action, free from any odor
whatsoever, and so gentle in action that it can be em-
ployed full strength as a germicidal spray in nasal and
pharyngeal trouble, and, when slightly diluted, as a stimu-
lant to encourage the growth of granulation tissue.

Attention is also called to


the odorless disinfectant. This preparation is intended
particularly for use in the disinfecting of hospital sinks,
pantries, urinals, bedpans, and for general household pur-
poses. As physicians know, the popular objection to the
use of disinfectants is their disageeable odor. To eliminate
this, without impairing their disinfecting and deodorizing
qualities, has been the aim of much chemical research. At
length, after patient experimenting, SANI-TARI has been
put on the market as a sanitary, odorless disinfectant, that
both disinfects and completely does away with all kinds
of odors in a few minutes. Itself odorless, unlike other
disinfectants, it does not overpower one offensive odor
by another. For this reason and because it keeps effectu-
ally suppressed any odor for a longer period than any
other brand, SANI-TARI has been recognized as an
instant success and is now in general use.

The Medical Profession are asked to try both McCRIM-
MON'S FLUID and SANI-TARI and see for them-
selves that they are all that is claimed for them. The
preparations are manufactured solely by

Canadian Odorless Disinfectant Co.


Telephone "Main 5877"

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