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Send for Book of Testimonials.



of Physicians Prescribe it.

"A boon to the Medical Profession."-J. Milner Fothergill, M. D., London, Eng.
"Of special value to nursing mothers."-I. N. Love, M. D., St. Louis.
"Valuable to my La Grippe patients."-Jno. B. Hamilton, M. D., Chicago.
"As a Nutrient Tonic it has no equal."-T. J. Yarrow, M. D., Philadelphia.
"The desired article in vomiting of pregnancy."-Drs. Hawley& Hawley, College Corner.
"It is a great Builder without a doubt."-W. C. Wile, A. M., M. D., Danbury.
"I get better results from it than from any other nutrient."-Wm. Porter, M.D., St.Louis.
"It is an essential and admirable remedy in exhaustive stages of diseases."-
8. D. Richards, M. D., Detroit.

"I endorse it as a real food of great value."-E. Chancellor, M. D., St. Louis.
"It has more virtues than you claim for it."-James P. Prestley, M. D., Chicago.

Two Bottles sent to any Physician who will pay Express charges.
For Sale by all Druggists.
THE ALE AND BEEF COMPANY, 267 W. 11th Street, New York.

Price, 25 Cents per Bottle. $2.50 per Dozen.

7 Reasons Why Papoid is

1 Digestive Power

Suherior To Pensin

"In other words, Papoid possesses the combined powers of the Salivary, Gastric and Pancreatic ferments."
(KILMER-Paper read before New Jersey Pharmaceutical Association.)

2 Acts Throughout Entire Alimentary Canal

"An additional advantage of Papoid (in diphtheria) is that it helps Nature to digest whatever food there may be in the alimentary canal." (Love, Prof. Clin. Med. and Diseases of Children, Marion Sims Coll. Med., St. Louis.)

3 Stimulates Natural Digestion

"Pepsin often relieves a present difficulty; but Papoid, in addition, places the stomach in condition to digest the next meal. It is far better to make the stomach do its own work. Pepsin makes the stomach lazy; Papoid does (LARRABEE, Prof. Hospital College of Medicine, Louisville, Ky.)


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4 Acts in Acid, Alkaline, or Neutral Media

"But much more convenient than this will be found the dusting of a minute portion of Papoid beneath the protective strips. This succeeds well, because Papoid acts best in a concentrated medium of any reaction whatever, pepsin only in a dilute acid solution." (MORTON, On Leg Ulcers, read before Philadelphia County Medical Society.)

5 Acts on All Kinds of Food. Can be Combined with Antiseptics

"The physiological actions of Papoid as a digestive agent have been thoroughly established. It acts upon albuminoids, hydrating them and converting them into peptones. Converts starch with great promptness, the ultimate product being maltose. It emulsifies fats. An important point is, it can be given in conjunction with true antiseptics, even corrosive sublimate in dilute solutions does not interfere with its digestive powers." (WOODBURY, Prof. Clinical Medicine, Medico-Chirurgical College, Philadelphia, Pa.)

6 Acts in the Intestines

I have accomplished more with Papoid than I was ever able to accomplish with the best pepsin. Papoid does especially well in gastro-intestinal catarrh and colitis." (DIXON, Prest. Kentucky State Medical Society.)

7 Costs Less


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For All Practical Uses of Daily Work.

It is sold throughout the World.

Send for Illustrated Catalogue.

Wycoff, Seamans & Benedict,

308 N. Sixth St.,


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Acts throughout entire alimentary tract, from mouth to anus.
"Has marked proteolytic action in acid, alkaline and neutral solutions."
RH CHITTENDEN, PH, D., Prof. Phys. Chem., Yale Univ.
Possible time of action over 20 hours.

JOHNSON&JOHNSON,. Manufacturing Chemists, NEW YORK

Raw Material Degenerates

In Transportation

Pepsin does not. Delay in utilizing material means diseased tissue. Our Pepsin is made where the Hogs are killed—thus no delay and no putrefaction. Let us send you a sample.

From about 2,500,000 Stomachs received yearly, we produce 30,000 pounds of Pepsin, over 15,000 pounds being sold under contracts to manufacturers, 5,000 pounds used by us for Essence, Tablets, etc., 10,000 pounds reserved for the retail trade.

The Cudahy Packing Co.

South Omaha


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