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officers of Corps Nos. 4, 8, 13, 15 and 17 this year, and also in spected the same. It is a pleasure to visit and instruct them in our work. They are deeply interested and I am always received kindly, and I thank one and all for their courtesy to me.

By order from National President Agnes Hitt, I organized, with the help of a Past National Aide, Mrs. Grandy and Mrs. Butts of Cailloux Corps No. 1, William Teamah Corps No. 20, Chatham, Va., with seventeen charter members, on May 8. By advice from National Inspector Mrs. Julia G. Sine, I have sent inspection blanks to the rest of the Corps, which I found it impossible to personally visit, and have received them back from all but four, and I hope before National Convention meets to have heard from them.

I have collected for Andersonville Prison Fund $13.30, and sent same to National Treasurer.

I wish to acknowledge receipt of Orders from almost every Department of the Woman's Relief Corps and thank the Department Presidents for the same.

To our National Officers, each and every one, I extend thanks for their welcome letters received from time to time, and hope that the friendly relations commenced this year will continue to the end. Pledging myself to be never weary in "well doing" for the "boys who wore the blue," and their widows and orphans, and our good and noble Order,

Respectfully submitted in F., C. and L.,


National Junior Vice-President


Yours cordially in F., C. and L.,

Sda S. M. Bride

National Secretary, Woman's Relief Corps, 1896-1897.

[blocks in formation]

'Tis thus the year that is nearing its close has passed, and I bring to you a report of the condition and membership of the Woman's Relief Corps for the year ending June 30, 1897.

The report of the Secretary for the year ending June 30, 1896, showed 114,153 members in good standing, and the number of Corps reporting, 3,059. There were 35 Departments and 54 Detached Corps. No Departments have been organized during the year, and but two Detached Corps. Dec. 4, 1896, James G. Blaine Corps No. 8 of Columbia, Tenn., was organized, with a membership of 20. May 12, 1897, Mrs. Amelia F. Colgan, National Junior Vice-President, instituted William Teamah Corps No. 20 of Chatham, Va., with 15 members. Blank applications for charters have been sent to Arkansas and Indian Territory, in response to requests, and we are hopeful that in the near future the seed sown may bring forth fruit.

There are now 35 Departments and 55 Detached Corps, with a total membership in good standing of 111,633. I am sorry I cannot report all in good standing. Eight Detached Corps failed to report last quarter. J. C. Abbott No. 4 of North Carolina and Kearney No. 5 of New Mexico, have not reported for three quarters. In February the President of the latter Corps wrote

to Headquarters that Kearney Corps had disbanded September previous. Later, upon receiving a statement of the disbanding of the Corps, the National President pronounced the whole proceeding illegal. It was the wish of some of the members to revive the Corps, but they have not reported success as yet.

Chickamauga No. 7 of Tennessee has not reported for two quarters, and Winfield Scott No. 2 of Arkansas, James G. Blaine No. 8 of Tennessee, John A. Logan No. 4 of Florida, Edward Vass No. 2 of Indian Territory, and George A. Custer No. 2 of Virginia, are each delinquent one quarter. I have written repeatedly, urging them to send reports, but they have not been received.

Garfield Corps No. 1 of Indian Territory disbanded in July and transfer cards were issued to the nineteen members. Their supplies were returned to headquarters.

There have been issued from these headquarters 10 General Orders, 1 Special Order, 2 Circular Letters, 1 National Password and Roster, 178 Commissions to National Aides and appointed officers; 1 Dispensation, Quarterly Report Blanks, Treasurer's Bonds, Election Returns, and all other blanks necessary for carrying on the work of the organization. The correspondence, which is heavy, might be materially reduced if officers would make themselves more familiar with Rules and Regulations.

The amount in General Fund, held by Departments and Detached Corps June 30, 1897, is $104,401.99, and in Relief Fund, $54,967.38. The apparent loss in both these funds is due to an effort made in several Departments to correct errors that had crept into reports, by reason of which incorrect figures had been carried from one quarter to another. Requests came to headquarters, asking to be allowed to make the necessary corrections. Many of the errors were caused by the attempt to make semiannual reports. I have encouraged the correction of all errors possible, and have assisted wherever I could do so.

It has been the custom to issue a roster of National officers and the presidents, secretaries and treasurers of Departments, and presidents of Detached Corps. Conventions are held so late in some Departments that the roster is published just preceding the National Convention, and as a source of reference to National officers, is comparatively useless. I therefore respectfully submit the following recommendations:


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