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introduce a Bill, immediately, authorizing the admission of molasses into distilleries upon terms such as those on which sugar had been heretofore admitted. Cane-juice might be admitted on payment of an equivalent duty, but he understood that that would be prohibitory.

"With respect to immigration, a statement which he held in his hand showed that it had been extensive and beneficial. The details to which he referred were as follows:

Number of Slaves in 1829. Free Labourers imported into the following Colonies to 1846.



Mauritius, 63,000 Free.

28,000 23,000 Liberated Africans. 8,500 Free.

3,000 Liberated Africans.




33,850 Free.


90,000 Trinidad, 17,788 Free. 24,000 3,181 Liberated Africans.


ceeding 200,000l. for that purpose.
Another source consisted in the
liberated Africans. At present the
cost of these liberated negroes was
defrayed by the colonists; but the
Government were prepared to cast
upon this country the cost of con-
veying these negroes to the West
Indies. But the great body of
these negroes were set free at
Sierra Leone; and he believed the
transferring them to the West In-
dies would be not only beneficial
to these colonies, but beneficial to
negroes themselves, and to the
colony of Sierra Leone itself.

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Another measure of relief would be to postpone the repayment of the hurricane loan for five years; and a new loan would be made to Tobago, as a relief on account of the last hurricane."

Reading various extracts from 6,180 Liberated Africans. the memorial of the Jamaica House of Assembly and other documents, Sir Charles contended that there was vast room for agricultural improvements in the West Indies; and if proper exertions were made, he did not despair of seeing those colonies restored to a state of comparative prosperity.

It had been found, however, that the present system of immigration did not answer; and he proposed a change. He knew that there was a risk in allowing the practice of taking negroes from Africa; that if parties were permitted to buy negroes for slaves, and to bring them from Africa upon the pretext of their being made free labourers in the West Indies, the permission would offer a direct encouragement to a renewal of all the horrors of the slave trade. With this conviction, provision must be made that if natives were brought from Africa to the West Indies, it should be with their own free will, though the Government were not disposed to throw any fresh obstruction in the way of the importation of free labour; and they were prepared to advance a sum of money not ex

Mr. Robinson gave credit to the Government for the openness of their declaration, but thought that if the West Indies were to have no other measure of relief than that suggested by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, they must be prepared for total and irreparable ruin.

Mr. Hume and Mr. Ellice also made a light account of the promised measures, but urged Lord G. Bentinck to withdraw his motion and leave the matter to the responsibility of Government.

Mr. James Wilson entered into the subject at considerable length. He commenced by observing that he should not follow the noble

Mover into those general questions of commercial policy into which he had deviated, but should confine himself exclusively to the interests of the cultivators of sugar. He placed the whole question on the interest of the West Indian planters, on their demands for protection, and on the power of Government to grant those demands. The West Indians rested their demands for protection on four distinct grounds; of which the first was, that if moral considerations compelled us to exclude slavery from our colonies, they also compelled us to exclude all sugar, the produce of slave labour, from the home market; the second, that slave labour was cheaper than free labour, and that it was therefore unequal and unjust to confine the West Indians to free labour entirely; the third, that the sugar of Cuba was the produce of slave labour, and ought, therefore, to be excluded; and the fourth, that the Imperial Legislature had power to protect the sugar colonies by excluding all sugar the produce of foreign colonies employing slave labour. He contended at great length that not one of these four propositions was true; and, in the course of his observations, entered into a laboured refutation of most of the arguments advanced last night by Lord G. Bentinck. He showed that 250,000 tons of sugar were now annually produced by free labour in countries east of the Cape of Good Hope, and suggested that even if the Legislature were to exclude the sugars of Cuba and Brazil, on the ground that they were the produce of slave labour, the West Indian planters would still find it impossible to compete without difficulty with that enormous amount of free-labour produce. He

admitted that he had heard with great satisfaction the statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer last night, not merely because he (Sir C. Wood) had announced the intention of the Government to adhere to the Act of 1846, but because he had also announced his intention to remove many restrictions which still pressed heavily on the West Indian planters; but he nevertheless thought that much further good might be conferred on the colonies by going into this Committee, for if those planters were to be saved it must be by a considerable change in the social relations of the islands in which they lived. In the British West Indian islands the whites formed only 7 per cent. of the whole population, whilst the labourers formed the other 921 per cent. ; for the whites only went there to make their fortunes, and, when they had done so, returned home to spend them. But it was not so in Cuba. In that island there were ancient families resident on their estates, and therefore attentive to the improvement and prosperity of their country. Nothing of this kind was to be found in the British West Indies; and, as a proof of the wretched consequences of such a system, he mentioned that there were 800 miles of railroad in Cuba, and not above a dozen in the whole of our West Indian possessions. Considerable mischief had also been done to our planters by the onerous restrictions placed on them as employers of labour with regard to the importation of labourers. They had also suffered injury from the want of laws for the prevention of squatting and vagrancy. Now, these were all considerations, and many others might be suggested, connected with the police

and finance of the West Indian islands, which might usefully become subjects of inquiry before a Select Committee; and, such being the case, he hoped that Lord G. Bentinck would not accede to the proposition of Mr. Hume, but would persevere in his motion for inquiry.

Mr. T. Baring observed, that of all the disheartening statements which this debate had brought forward, none was more so than the description which Mr. Wilson had given of the flourishing condition of Cuba, and of the depressed condition of the West Indian islands. Mr. Wilson had also told the House that no protection could save our Colonies; for such was the growth of sugar in countries east of the Cape of Good Hope, that he was only surprised that our Colonies were not worse off than they were, having such an amount of produce recently raised to compete with in the market. But why was this? Because the planters in the east were not fettered in their labour, and because there had not been among them that great revolution which took from them the means of producing sugar at the very moment at which it opened the home market to other sugars. When the Chancellor of the Exchequer asserted that the Act of 1846 had not produced the distress of the West Indian interest, and that sugar was now only suffering the same depression of price to which other articles were now liable, he overlooked the real question, whether the same fall of price had taken place in the sugars which were not introduced into this country before 1846, as had taken place in the sugars of our own Colonies. Mr. Baring then proceeded to show that the price of the

sugars of Cuba and Porto Rico had not fallen in the same proportion as the price of British sugars; and, having established that point, he concluded that the Act of 1846 must have had some share in producing the existing distress. Almost all the requests of the colonists the Chancellor of the Exchequer had rejected, contending that it was not the law, but the absenteeism of the proprietors, and their want of management in their estates, which had caused all the distress. Now, he (Mr. T. Baring) was afraid that the Chancellor of the Exchequer would find that the residents in the Colonies had suffered as much as the absentees, and that West Indian estates were as well managed by agents as by proprietors. The Chancellor of the Exchequer had quoted extracts from many nameless pamphlets to show that West Indian estates were not well managed; but he would have been better pleased had Sir C. Wood given the House extracts from the despatches of our different governors-Sir C. Grey, Lord Harris, and other men of intelligence and station. But how were those estates to be better managed, when in consequence of the Act of 1846 the credit and capital of our West Indies were destroyed, and the credit and capital of Cuba and Brazil had risen upon their ruin? The House had raised hopes in the West Indian planters in 1840, and in 1844, which it had subsequently disappointed. It had given them a

compensation which was clearly inadequate, for it was founded on the value of the slave, and without any consideration of the fact that when the slave was taken away from the property the property was rendered valueless. He would not

say, that if it were possible to restore slavery to the Mauritius and the West Indies, it would not be a good bargain for those Colonies to pay back that money to this country. He did not set himself up as an advocate for free trade; but, if he did, he should contend that the case of the West Indians was an exception from the ordinary principles of free trade. If it were not, would the free traders rest the truth of their principles on the success of the experiment which they had tried in the Act of 1846? They had said that it would benefit all, injure none, and produce a low price of sugar; but if it should throw out of cultivation the existing sugar plantations, as he anticipated, then it would destroy the planters, and ultimately enhance the price of sugar itself. It had been said that free trade was certain to produce harmony in all quarters; but the commencement of the era of harmony would not be very favourable if free trade should produce discord between our Colonies and the mother country. Let the House then declare whether it attached value to those Colonies or not; whether it would allow them to transfer their allegiance to another power; and whether, according to the principles of free trade, they would allow them to sell themselves in the dearest, and to buy their Government in the cheapest market. With regard to the motion of Lord G. Bentinck, he wished to say, that although the West Indian interest would look with confidence to the appointment of a Committee, if Government would give them any assurance of substantial relief, they did not attach much importance to it now, as any relief which the Committee might suggest would come too late. The alteration of the

duties on rum and molasses might be of use if connected with other measures, but would be of no use by itself. He would therefore leave the responsibility upon Ministers to decide whether the country should pay an additional price for its sugar for the purpose of giving free labour a fair trial, and of so making free labour the best exterminator of slave labour. He called upon the country to observe their conduct, and to insist upon their saying whether they would restore hope to the Colonies, to enable them to struggle against the competition of slave labour, or whether, after acknowledging their distress, they would not give them a farthing in relief, although last year they had given 8,000,000l. to mitigate the sufferings of Ireland.

Mr. Bernal supported the claims of the West Indians, as did Sir Edward Buxton, and Mr. Goulburn, the two latter resting their arguments rather on anti-slavery grounds. Mr. Bagshaw asserted the rights of the East Indies to relief. Mr. Labouchere backed up Sir Charles Wood's argument, repeating his assertion that free labour would be able to compete successfully with slave labour. Mr. Disraeli supported the motion in his usual lively and pungent style of oratory.

The real problem before the House, he said, was the success of the new commercial system in the only branch of our imperial industry upon which it had been tried it had proved, he maintained, a total failure. But the bulk of his speech was a very animated and trenchant attack on the paltriness of the Government policy and measures. He announced, in the outset, that he should give an unqualified opposition to the vote

of 200,000l. for immigration. He could not bring himself to think that such a sum could exercise any influence on the distress of the Colonies; it could not exercise any influence at all; and therefore he would not encourage the lax practice of public men, who, after having got themselves, by want of prescience, into difficulty, endeavoured to extricate themselves from it by a grant of public money. If there were the money to spare, it might become a question what would be the best thing to do with it perhaps it might be, to build a new National Gallery.

He contrasted the brief notice bestowed on the avowed remedies -the ten minutes devoted to molasses and immigration-with the hour and a half given to secret and inuendo remedies-the cardinal virtues of "energy" and "enterprise," preached by Her Majesty's Government, in jingling words, in smooth phrases, and loose abstractions.

Sir Charles Wood had preached "competition, "but competition presumes equality of circumstances; and what is the equality between the Spanish and British Colonies in the West Indies? the Spanish Colonies having abundance of labour, for which they pay nothing; the British Colonies deficiency of labour, for which they pay dear? Our headlong legislation, in fact, has created a differential duty in favour of the Spaniards. Such is the effect of being ruled not by facts, but by phrases!

The West Indian supply of 250,000 tons of sugar will disappear from the markets of the world; and what will then become of cheap sugar? Of what use will the Colonies be, except as garrisons? and, indeed, what use can we have of garrisons, in the coming millen

nium of free trade? Turning to Mr. Cobden, Mr. Disraeli concluded with a pointed and emphatic denunciation of the quackery of economic science.

Lord George Bentinck, in his reply, explained why he could not yield to the recommendations of Mr. Hume and Mr. Ellice to withdraw his motion. If either of those gentlemen had expressed a readiness to support any substantial measures of relief to the West Indies, he would have acceded to their request; but all that he had heard from them was that Government would not do more than what it had announced, and that his Committee would excite hopes which would only be disappointed. He thought it worth trying whether he could not obtain by this Committee such evidence as would at last bring conviction even to the House of Commons.

The motion for a Committee was agreed to without a division.

The next proceeding in Parliament relative to West Indian affairs, was a proposal made by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, on the 1st May, to the House of Commons, to authorize a loan of 200,000l. for the purpose of promoting the immigration of free labourers into the Colonies of British Guiana and Trinidad. This motion was stoutly opposed by Mr. Hume, who urged that, as the report of the Select Committee on West Indian affairs would shortly be presented to the House, it would be more advisable to postpone the proposed grant until that time. It appeared, however, on further explanation, that the money had already been expended, upon the authority of the Colonial Secretary, Lord Grey; a proceeding against which the Earl of Leicester and some other Mem

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