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ITALY, continued.-PAPAL STATES.—New Organization of the Executive at

Rome-The Pope promises a new Constitution to his Subjects-His un-

willingness to engage in the War against Austria-New Ministry at

Rome-Programme of its intended Policy-Assassination of Count Rossi,

at Rome-State of the Capital at this Juncture-Formation of a Radical

Ministry-Flight of the Pope from Rome-He takes Refuge in the

Neapolitan Territory.

NAPLES AND SICILY.-Outbreak of Insurrection at Palermo-Conflict between

the Populace and the Military-New Ministry appointed at Naples-The

King promises a Constitution-Enthusiasm of the People-Insurrection

at Messina Disturbances at Naples-Sanguinary Conflict in the Streets

-The King victorious-Downfall of the Bourbon Dynasty-Decrees by

the Sicilian Chamber at Palermo-The Sicilian Throne offered to the

Duke of Genoa, and declined by him-Expedition sent from Naples

against the Sicilians-Bombardment and Capture of Messina-Energetic

Measures of the Revolutionary Government at Palermo.


Denmark, and Succession of Frederick VII.-Plan of new Constitution

promulgated-Narrative of Events leading to a Quarrel between the

Crown of Denmark and the two Duchies of Schleswig and Holstein-

Deputation sent from the Meeting of the States at Rendsburg to Copen-

hagen-The King's Reply-Explosion of the Revolution at Kiel-Strong

Feeling in Denmark against the Separation of the Duchies-Proclama-

tions by the King-The Prussian Troops cross the Holstein Frontier-

Conduct of the German Assembly at Frankfort-Protest of the Danish

Ambassador-The Danish Forces attacked by the Prussians-Schleswig

and Flensbourg taken by the latter-General Von Wrangel invades Jut-

land-The Danish Army retires to Funen and Alsen-Interference of

Sweden in the Struggle-The Prussian Troops withdrawn from Jutland

-Blockade of the German Baltic Ports by the Danish Fleet-Note

addressed by the Danish Government to Foreign Ministers-Termination

of Hostilities by Armistice concluded at Malmö-Provisions of the Ar-

mistice-Speech of the King of Denmark at the opening of the Diet.

NETHERLANDS.-Appointment of Committee to revise Constitution.

BELGIUM.-Abortive Attempt of French Democrats to excite a Revolution

-Speech of the King on opening of Session of the Chambers.

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His Speech on the occasion. SAXONY.-Popular Tumults at Dresden-

Change of Ministry-Programme of Policy of new Cabinet. HANOVER.

-Reply of the King to Petition of the Magistrates-Royal Proclamation

-Meeting of General Assembly, and Speech of the King.

Renunciation of Seignorial Rights by Prince Von Leinengen-Meeting at

Heidelberg on the 5th of May-Vor-Parlament convoked-Second great

Meeting at Heidelberg on the 26th of March-Speech of Welcker-

Meeting of the Vor-Parlament at Frankfort-Election of President-

Committee of Fifty appointed-Bands of Insurgent Democrats defeated

by the Troops of the Diet-Meeting of the German National Assembly at

Frankfort Discussion on the question of a Central Executive Power-

Law passed on the subject-The Archduke John of Austria elected

Regent of the Empire-Recognition of this choice by the old Diet-

Address to the Archduke-His Reply to the Deputation-Report of Com-

mittee on Plan of a Constitution-Installation of the Regent at Frankfort

-Appointment of a Ministry-Abolition of Capital Punishments-

Question of the Armistice of Malmö-Violent conduct of the Radical Party

in the Assembly, and of the Populace-Tumultuous Scenes-The Mili-

tary act against the Mob-Combat in the Streets-Defeat of the Insur-

gents-Murders of Prince Lichnowsky and Major Auerswald-Proclama-

tion by the Regent-The question of Austria and the German Parliament.

RUSSIA. Policy of Russia.-Manifesto of the Emperor-Circular of the

Russian Government addressed to its Diplomatic Agents in Germany. [355

PRUSSIA. Speech of the King in closing the Session of the United Diet-

Great Reform Meeting at Berlin-Remarkable Manifesto of the King-

Censorship of the Press abolished—Unfortunate Collision between the

Military and the Populace at Berlin-Decree authorizing a National

Guard-Address of the Minister, Count Schwerin, to the Students-

Liberation of the captive Poles-Frederick William's Address to the

Students-Royal Proclamations-Deputation of Poles from Breslau-

Rapid Changes of Ministry at Berlin-Opening of Second Session of the

Prussian Diet-Royal Speech-Programme of the Electoral Law-Ad-

dress of the Diet-Ministerial Explanation Resignation of Count Arnim—

Basis of new Prussian Constitution-Question of direct or indirect Elec-

tion for the National Assembly at Frankfort-General Election-Meeting

of the Prussian National Assembly-Speech from the Throne-Outline of

the Constitution-Tumult at Berlin, and Attack on the Arsenal-Resigna-

tion of the Ministry-The Auerswald Cabinet-The Army and Political

Questions Change of Ministry-General Von Pfuel forms a new Cabinet

-Proclamation to the Army-General Von Wrangel's Address to the

Troops-Invasion of the Assembly by the Mob-Count Von Brandenburg

made President of the Council-Sitting of Assembly transferred to

Brandenburg-Tumult in the Assembly-Interference of the Military--

Burgher Guard disbanded-Berlin declared in a state of Siege-Disarming

of the Burgher Guard-Obstinate Conduct of the Assembly-It denies to

the Brandenburg Ministry authority to levy Taxes-The Government suc-

cessful in the struggle-Address by the Archduke John to the German

People-Meeting of the Assembly at Brandenburg-It is dissolved by a

Royal Edict.

GRAND DUCHY OF POSEN.-Outbreak of Polish Insurrection in Posen-

Horrible Atrocities committed by the Insurgents-Defeat and surrender

of Mieroslawski-Termination of the Rebellion-Resolution of the Frank-

fort Assembly as to the Partition Line drawn in Posen-German view of

the Polish Question.

AUSTRIA.-Population of Austrian Empire-Review of Events in Hungary

-Prince Metternich proposes Dissolution of Hungarian Chamber-Open-

ing of Session of Diet for Lower Austria-The Chamber invaded by the

Mob-Conflict with the Military-Proclamation by the Emperor-Flight

of Metternich from Vienna-Conduct of the Bathyany-Kossuth Ministry

in Hungary-Baron Von Jellachich appointed by the Emperor Ban of

Croatia New Ministry at Vienna-Declaration of Amnesty-Outline of

New Constitution-Promulgation of the Constitution-Changes in the

Ministry at Vienna-New Electoral Law-The Emperor abandons the

Capital for Innspruck-Proclamation to the Austrian People-Quarrel of

Races in Bohemia-The Czechs and the Germans-Great Pansclavonic

Congress convoked at Prague-Provisional Government established there

-Sclavonic Diet convened by Jellachich-Outbreak of Insurrection at

Prague The Princess Windischgrätz killed by a Rifle Shot-Bombard-

ment of Prague-The Rebellion crushed-Jellachich stripped of his

Office by the Emperor-Reconciliation effected at Innspruck-Failure of

attempted Adjustment of the Quarrel between the Hungarians and

Croats-Manifesto of the Ban-Opening of Session of the Hungarian

Diet-Speech of Kossuth in the Diet, on the Question of Magyar Nation-

ality-Address of the Hungarian Chamber-Constituent Assembly of

Austria opened at Vienna-Speech of the Archduke John-Return of the

Emperor to Vienna-His enthusiastic Reception-Contest in Hungary

between the Magyars and the Croats-Deputation from Pesth to the

Emperor Threatening Advance of Jellachich-His Proclamation—The

National Assembly at Vienna refuses to receive Second Hungarian Depu-

tation-Murder of Count Lamberg, at Pesth-The Ban of Croatia ap-

pointed by the Emperor Commander-in-Chief and Commissary Plenipoten-

tiary in Hungary-Revolt at Vienna-Flight of the Emperor-Jellachich

marches upon the Capital-His Reply to the Messages of the Diet

-Approach of the Hungarian Troops-Situation of Vienna at this Crisis

-Prince Windischgrätz takes the Command of the besieging Army-

Prague declares for the Emperor-Storming of the Suburbs of Vienna→

Surrender of the City-Execution of Blum and Messenhauser-Protest

of the National Assembly at Frankfort-The Austrian Army marches

against the Hungarians-Change in the Viennese Cabinet-Meeting of

the Diet at Kremsir-Abdication of the Imperial Throne by the Emperor

-Proclamation by the New Emperor, Francis Charles-Reflections on the

Position of Austria.

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