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Coolidge, Calvin-Continued.
Three-Power Conference at Geneva:
Discussions with U. S. officials
and instructions to Secretary of
State concerning, 42-43, 64, 89,
133-134; message to Congress,
Feb. 10, concerning invitation to
Conference, 6-8; statement to
press concerning failure of Con-
ference to come to agreement,

Costa Rica, proposal for permanent
court of American justice, 366–367
Cuba, temporary parcel post convention
with United States, x

Customs duties (see also Chile: U. S.
representations; Import and Ex-
port Prohibitions, etc.): Exemp-
tions enjoyed by foreign diplomatic
and consular officers in United
States, 414-417; protective tariff,
remarks of President Coolidge,


Czechoslovakia, attitude toward Aus-
trian investment loan, 461

Diplomatic and consular officers (see

also Diplomatic privileges and
Consuls, legal position and functions,

411n, 412
Diplomatic agents, revision of classi-
fication, proposed, attitude of
Great Britain, 410; of United
States, 411, 412

Rules of precedence as between cer-
tain officers of United States,

U. S. circular instructions concern-

Bolshevik aims and policies in
Mexico and Latin America,
Foreign loans by American bank-

ers, questions arising from
negotiation of, 312-315
Suits against United States Ship-
ping Board vessels in foreign
courts, 418

Treaties and resolutions concluded
at Washington Conference,
status, 236-238
Diplomatic privileges and immunities:
Disagreement of Department of
State with Chilean court decision
that a diplomatic secretary does
not enjoy diplomatic immunity,
549-551; exemptions from taxation
and customs duties enjoyed by
foreign diplomatic and consular
officers in United States, 414-417;
League of Nations officials, ques-
tion of privileges of, 413-414; proj-
ects VII and VIII of International
Commission of Jurists, 385-387;

Diplomatic privileges, etc.-Continued.
right of foreign governments to ac-
quire, without restriction, property
for Embassy or Legation purposes
in District of Columbia, 417-418
Diplomatic relations, establishment of

direct relations between United
States and Canada and of American
diplomatic representation in Irish
Free State, 481-484

Disarmament conferences. See Pre-
paratory Commission for the Dis-
armament Conference; Three-
Power Conference at Geneva; and
Washington Conference of 1922.
Discrimination. See Argentina: Naval
construction; Australia; and Chile:
U. S. representations.
District of Columbia property, right of
foreign governments to acquire,
without restriction, for Embassy
or Legation purposes, 417-418
Domicile, theory of, 370, 390-392
Dominican Republic. See under Bound-
ary disputes.

Economic Conference. See World Eco-

nomic Conference.

Ecuador, protest concerning U. S.
efforts for Peruvian ratification of
Colombian-Peruvian boundary
treaty of 1922, 338-341
Egypt, inquiry concerning ownership
of property in District of Columbia,
and U. S. reply, 417-418

Electric Boat Company, efforts to secure
contract to build submarines for
Argentina, 424, 431, 432-434, 435,

Equality of states, 383
Exchange of publications of the Amer-
icas, 385

Extradition, 382, 392-393, 412

Fisheries, disinclination of Canada to

authorize discontinuance of seine
fishing in Missisquoi Bay, 511-516
Foreign governments, right to acquire,
without restriction, property for
Embassy or Legation purposes in
District of Columbia, 417-418
France. See Three-Power Conference
at Geneva.

Good offices (see also Boundary dis-
putes), 387-388

Grace Line, U. S. representations to
Chile regarding proposed legisla-
tion injurious to commercial in-
terests, 526-537

Great Britain (see also Australia; Can-
ada; Irish Free State; and Three-
Power Conference at Geneva):

258346-42-vol. 1-41

Great Britain-Continued.
Commercial treaties with United
States: 1794, amity, commerce,
and navigation, cited, 503; 1815,
convention to regulate commerce,
question of application to Austra-
lia, 438, 439, 440

Inquiry concerning U. S. attitude to-

Revision of classification of diplo-
matic agents, 410; U. S. reply,


Status of League of Nations officials,
413; U. S. reply, 414

Interest in decision as to ownership
of San Andrés Archipelago, 324,

Great Lakes. See under Canada.

Hague peace conferences of 1899 and
1907, and conferences on private
international law, 372, 384-385,
387, 388

Haiti. See Boundary disputes: Domin-
ican Republic-Haiti.
Helium gas, U. S. exception concerning
exportation, 257, 282, 285
Hull, the Hon. Cordell, remarks concern-

ing World Economic Conference
and Lausanne Treaty, 239-240
Hungary. See Alien Property Custo-

Immigration Act of 1924 (see also Can-

ada: Border-crossing privileges),
restrictive features, as applied to
Australian businessmen, 437-441
Import and Export Prohibitions and
Restrictions, International Confer-
ence for the Abolition of, Geneva,
Oct. 17-Nov. 8, 246-285
Convention: Preliminary draft es-

tablished by Economic Commit-
tee, text, 249-253; provisions,
discussions and negotiations con-
cerning, 267-282; U.S. comments,
254-266; U. S. reservation con-
cerning helium gas, 257, 282, 285;
U. S. signature, 285n

League of Nations invitation: Ques-
tion of, 246-248; text, 248-253;
U. S. acceptance, 254

U. S. delegation: Instructions, 254-
266, 269-270, 271-273, 275, 279,
280-281, 282; personnel, 254;
reports, 266-269, 270-271, 273-
275, 275-279, 279, 281-282, 282-

Insular possessions of United States, re-
marks of President Coolidge, X-XI
Insurance legislation, U. S. representa-

tions to Chile regarding effects of
proposed legislation on American
interests, 541-549

Interchange of professors and students of
the Americas, 385

[blocks in formation]


Commission, 369–370; U. S.
reserve concerning, 370

U. S. declaration, 391

U. S. participation in meetings of
subcommission, 378

Public international law, projects of,
369-370, 370–371, 380-390,
393-394, 406-407

American Institute of International
Law: Code of private interna-
tional law prepared by, 375-376,
390, 399-400; projects of con-
ventions on public international
law formulated by, 366, 370-371,
374-375, 382-383, 383, 384, 385,
386, 387-389, 399-400; recom-
mendation of Commission of
Jurists for further cooperation,

Arbitral tribunal, proposal for: State-
ments and explanations of U. S.
delegate, 367-368, 368, 369, 389-
390, 408-409; U. S. attitude, 367,

of international law
(see also Accomplishments,
supra): Resolution of Fifth In-
ternational Conference of Ameri-
can States, text, 364-365; résumé
of accomplishments prior to
1927, 372-376
International conferences of Ameri-
can states: Proposals with polit-
ical implication presented to
meeting of Commission of Jurists,
reference to Sixth Conference,
395-397; recommendation of
Commission concerning codifica-
tion, text for presentation to
Sixth Conference, 393-394; ré-
sumé of accomplishments toward
codification of international law,
372-376; texts of resolutions and
recommendations, 364-365, 366
Pan American Union, code and proj-
ects prepared at request of. See
American Institute of Interna-
tional Law, supra.

Permanent court of American justice,
Costa Rican proposal and U. S.
attitude, 366-367


International Commission of Jurists-

Purpose and scope of meeting, 365–
366, 379-380, 402-407; nonpolit-
ical powers of, 394-397
Sessions, 371, 377-379, 400-407
U. S. delegates:

Appointment and instructions, 364-
367, 369

Report, text, 369-409
Statements and explanations con-
cerning proposal for arbitral
tribunal, 367-368, 368, 369,
389-390, 408-409; U. S. atti-
tude and instructions, 368, 369
International law (see also Diplomatic
privileges and immunities and In-
ternational Commission of Jurists),
questionnaires prepared by Com-
mittee of Experts for the Pro-
gressive Codification of, 410-413
International relations of United States,
remarks of President Coolidge,


Intervention, 383, 395-397; statement
by American delegation to meeting
of International Commission of
Jurists, 396

Irish Free State: Death of representa-
tive at Three-Power Conference,
92; establishment of American
diplomatic representation in, 481-
482, 482n; U. S. reply to inquiry
regarding diplomatic exemptions
from taxation and customs duties,

[blocks in formation]

Maritime neutrality, 387
Merchant marine: Chile, U. S. repre-
sentations regarding proposed legis-
lation favoring, 526-537; United
States, remarks of President Cool-
idge, VIII-IX

Italy. See Three-Power Conference at Mexico: Proposal concerning nonoccu-


[blocks in formation]

Latin America (see also International
Commission of Jurists): Aviation
service to, remarks of President
Coolidge, Ix; statement by Secre-
tary of State regarding Bolshevik
aims and policies in Mexico and
Latin America, 356-363
League of Nations (see also Committee

of Experts on Double Taxation
and Tax Evasion; Import and
Export Prohibitions, etc.; Prepara-
tory Commission for the Dis-
armament Conference; Special
Commission for the Preparation
of a Draft Convention on the
Private Manufacture of Arms,
etc.; and World Economic Con-
Arbitration,__boundary question be-
tween Dominican Republic and
Haiti, possibility of submission
to, 350, 352-353, 353-354

pation of states, presented to
International Commission of Jur-
ists, 395; remarks of President
Coolidge concerning difficulties with,
XXIV; statement by Secretary of
State regarding Bolshevik aims and
policies in Mexico and Latin America,

Morgan & Co., J. P., negotiations in
connection with Austrian invest-

ment loan, 445-446, 450-452, 457,
460, 461, 465, 467, 473–474
Most-favored-nation treatment:
Discussion in connection with prob-

lem of double taxation, 287-288
Report of Committee of Experts for
the Progressive Codification of
International Law, 411n, 413
Treaties and agreements. See Treaty
of friendship, commerce and
consular rights under Argentina,
Bolivia, and Chile.
Munitions. See Arms and munitions.

National defense, remarks of President
Coolidge, VII-VIII
Nationality, theory of, 370, 390-392


Naval armament limitation. See Three- | Preparatory Commission for the Dis-
Power Conference at Geneva.

[blocks in formation]

Permanent court of American justice,
Costa Rican proposal for, 366-367
Permanent Court of International Jus-
tice, 261, 367, 381, 388
Peru (see also Boundary disputes:
Colombia-Peru), agreement with
Ecuador (1924) for submission of
boundary question to arbitration,

Philippine Islands, remarks of President
Coolidge, X-XI

Precedence, rules of, as between certain
U. S. officers, 419-420
Preparatory Commission for the Dis-
armament Conference, 2-4, 5, 7–8,
9, 10-13, 19, 22, 29, 32, 35-36,
62, 159-213
Joint Commission report, U. S. ob-

servations: Comments of Sec-
retary of American Representa-
tion, 159-162; text of U. S.
memorandum, 166-175
Relationship of Three-Power Con-
ference to work of Commission,
4, 5, 8, 10-13, 19, 22, 29, 32, 35-36,
62, 196-197, 199-200, 204, 206
Third and fourth sessions:
Adjournment of third session, 199,
204; of fourth session, 213

armament Conference-Continued.
Third and fourth sessions-Contd.
Discussions and negotiations con-

Blockade, economic, 177
Draft conventions, 175-176, 177-
199, 200-204, 205

U. S. statement concerning
acceptable draft: Sugges-
tions and instructions,
178-194; text, 200-203
Interdependence of naval, land,
and air armaments, 175
International supervision or con-
trol of armaments, 177-194,

Limitation of naval armament,
193, 194-200, 203-204, 205;
of naval effectives,


Security Committee, U. S. par-
ticipation, 206-213
Postponement of fourth session,
question of, 206

U. S. observations concerning work
of first and second sessions, 2-4,
7-8, 9, 163-175

U. S. participation (see also Joint
Commission and Third and fourth
sessions, supra), question of con-
tinuance, 163-166

Property rights, right of foreign govern-
ments to acquire without restric-
tion, property for Embassy or
Legation purposes in District of
Columbia, 417-418

Radiotelegraph convention signed Nov.
25, text, 288-301
Recognition, doctrine of unconditional
recognition of new states, 383
Relief credits. See Austria: Loans.

Reparation Commission, 442, 443, 445,
455, 460, 463

Riots, action of American Minister on
occasion of Vienna Palace of Justice
riots, 475-476
Russia: Bolshevik aims and policies in

Mexico and Latin America, state-
ment by Secretary of State regard-
ing, 356-363; Japanese position with
respect to Russia, 50

Sanitary convention of 1924 between
United States and other American
Republics, text of additional proto-
col signed Oct. 19, 309-311
Special Commission for the Preparation
of a Draft Convention on the
Private Manufacture of Arms and
Ammunition and Implements of
War, 213-235

League of Nations invitation and
U. S. acceptance, 213-216


Special Commission for the Preparation,
of a Draft Convention, etc.-Contd.
Memoranda of U. S. views concern-
Categories and statistics of pro-
posed convention, 231-232
Methods of supplying needs for
military equipment, 232-234
Preliminary draft convention sub-
mitted to the Committee of
the Council by the Committee
of Inquiry, 225-231

U. S. representative: Instructions,
216-234; nonparticipation in
drafting committee, 235; state-
ment of U. S. views, 234-235
St. Lawrence Waterway, project for im-
provement by joint action of the
United States and Canada, xvIII,

States: Existence, equality, and recog-
nition of, 383-384, 395-397; foreign
states, competence of courts in
certain classes of cases against,
411n, 412-413; obligations in event
of civil war, 387


Chilean. See Chile: U. S. representa-
tions, etc.

United States mail, 529

Taxation: Committee of Experts on
Double Taxation and Tax Evasion,
participation of United States in
meeting, 286-288; exemptions en-
joyed by foreign diplomatic and
consular officers in United States,
414-417, 418

Three-Power Conference at Geneva for
Limitation of Naval Armament,

June 20-Aug. 4, vIII, 1-159, 175,
185, 196-197, 199-200, 204, 206
Adjournment (see also Failure of con-

ference, infra), temporary, for
purpose of consultations, 82, 85,
98, 102-103, 104, 107, 119, 126
Arrangements for meeting:
Date of conference, 13, 28, 33, 34,
35, 36, 40, 175
Delegations: British and Dominion,

33, 35, 38, 40, 45-46; French
mission of information, 39n;
Italian unofficial observers, 39,
39n; Japanese, 34, 35, 40;
United States, 34-35, 37, 40-
42, 43-45

Place of meeting, 35-37, 37-38
Committee meetings: Executive com-

mittee, 48, 52, 54, 75, 78; tech-
nical committees, 66, 70-71, 74
Discussions and negotiations con-

Anglo-American parity, 51, 52,
55-56, 59, 65-66, 72-73, 88,

[blocks in formation]

Discussions and negotiations concern-

Auxiliary craft, 46, 51-53, 55-57,
58, 66-72, 73-82, 83, 84-92,
95, 97-102, 103-104, 104-105,
106-107, 108-115, 116-119,
120-138, 141-145, 148-152'
152-153, 154

Cruisers, numbers, size, arma-
ment, and total tonnage, 46,
52-53, 55-56, 66-70, 71-72,
73-80, 83, 84-88, 89-92,
97-102, 103-104, 104-105,
106-107, 108-109, 110-111,
112, 113-115, 116-119, 120,
121-123, 124-127, 129, 131-
133, 133-138, 141-145, 148-
150, 150-152, 152-153, 154
Extension of 5-5-3 ratio to
auxiliary craft, 52-53, 55-57,
155-156; Japanese desire for
favorable modification of
ratio, and U. S. attitude, 57,
77, 113, 116, 130-131, 133
Obsolete vessels, question of re-
tention, 75, 100, 101, 110-
111, 114, 116-117, 117–118,
125, 127-129

Submarines, 46, 70, 76, 110, 111,
123, 124, 135, 138

Surface craft, 46, 58, 76, 83, 91,

95, 100-101, 105, 108, 110-
111, 113, 117-118, 123-124,
125, 127-129

British proposals relative to modi-
fications of Washington treaty,

48-49, 50-51, 53, 54-55, 56,
57-66, 73, 83, 86-87
Capital ships (see also British pro-

posals, supra), 73, 74, 93, 96
Failure of conference to reach agree-
ment: Discussion of adjournment
vs. termination, and decision to
adjourn, 139, 140-141, 147, 150,
151-152, 153, 155; Japanese sug-
gestions for averting, 148–150,
150-152, 152-153; joint declara-
tion made at final plenary session,
153-155; remarks of President
Coolidge, VIII; résumés of negoti-
ations, 139-140, 153-159; state-
ment to press concerning final
session, 155-156; U. S. action in
event of, discussion and instruc-
tions, 80-83, 89, 112-113, 114,
136-137, 138-139, 140, 145, 146,
147, 148

Irish representative, death of, 92
Japanese insistence upon naval arma-
ment limitation, 68, 72, 80, 94-96
Message of appreciation to President
Coolidge, 47

Organization of conference, 47-48


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