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a cleaner or more attractive window or interior display than stationery. An effective window show about once every four or six weeks will do wonders in boosting sales. Liberal use of dummy boxes, paper pulp, and ribbon-tied sheets of cardboard add much to these displays.

One or more floor cases, as near the front of the store as possible, should be used for interior exhibition. Wall cases above, or very near, the floor cases are convenient for surplus stock.

All displays of stationery should be dainty and attractive. Never display soiled paper. Each box should be covered with a transparent glassine wrapper.

"Special sales" are big boosters for the stationery department. A combination offer of a pound box of paper and fifty envelopes on certain days at the odd price of 39 or 49 cents is a winner. Quite often good values can be obtained by buying a large quantity of box paper at one time. These may be made use of later for the odd-price sales.


One of the very best means for advertising an exclusive line is to write a number of clever letters upon the paper in question. These can be mailed to customers, the letter calling attention to the quality and other good points of the particular paper. The prices, too, can be quoted in this way. A hundred of such letters sent to a mailing list of selected customers almost invariably brings immediate results.

Another little stunt that will help dispose of a lot of box paper is to place a perfumed blotter or some sachet powder in each box and offer the combination as "perfumed stationery."

A pencil sharpener placed near the stationery case with a sign calling attention to the fact that all pencils will be sharpened free, draws many people into the store and serves to bring the stationery department to their attention.

Where one has plenty of room, it is a splendid idea to have a desk and writing requisites for the convenience of customers. This is undoubtedly a drawing card, especially for strangers or out-of-town visitors. It saves considerable time for them to be able to sit down and "scratch off" a few business or personal notes.

I believe in featuring stationery strongly. It is a profitable and satisfactory line if the right kind of merchandise is stocked and the business gone after consistently.




I have taken advantage of that bugbear of the average druggist, "Oh, I can get some stamps at the drug store," to work up a morethan-satisfactory business on stationery and allied lines.

Here is a specimen of the way in which I go after the business:

A prospective customer steps into the store and I greet her cordially. She comes back with "Give me ten cents' worth of postage stamps, please."

Instead of frowning or acting in a disgruntled manner, I cheerfully get the stamps, and while tearing them apart or making change-from a fiver, usually—I start in:

"You haven't seen the latest addition to our line of stationery, have you?"

Customer: "Why, no, is it something new you have just got in?"

"It is indeed, and if you will spare me a minute of your time, I shall be pleased to show it to you. Our line of stationery, as you know, is always complete and consists of everything from the finest of letter papers and fancy postcards to the stamps that are necessary to carry them. We always aim to have something tosuit each and every individual, and, in addition, we are constantly adding new features. and numbers whenever they possess merit.

"Take our box stationery, for instance. Don't you like this box of delicate old ivory tint? The paper, and envelopes to match, is of very heavy deep-laid pure linen stock. have this quality in eight different shades, in-cluding baby blue, pink, lavender, etc.


"And here is a novelty papeterie that is very popular, Miss-er- your name has slipped mymind for the minute- Oh, yes, Mrs. Smith. Just notice the gold 'S' standing out in prominent relief on the white background of this. paper. It is very dainty and different and costs but fifty cents for a box of twenty-four envelopes and thirty sheets of paper."


Customer (Mrs. Smith now, and getting interested): "Have you the correspondencecards?"

"Yes indeed, we have tinted cards, initialed cards, and also water-marked ones with gold edges. For writing a brief message or a note:

of regret any one of them is most appropri- going away to-morrow for several days and ate."

Mrs. Smith: "I believe I'll take a box of those gold-edged cards with the envelopes to match." "Thank you. ink?"

And do you need a bottle of

Mrs. Smith: "No, I have some at home, which I intend to use up."

"Very well, Mrs. Smith, but please allow me to show you our perfumed ink.. It is being used to quite an extent by people who wish to impart a delightful floral odor to letters sent to friends. Isn't the fragrance delightful?" Mrs. Smith: "I believe I'll also take a bottle of it."

"Thank you again, Mrs. Smith. You will find it an excellent ink. It flows freely, does not gum or corrode, and is the very best for fountain-pen use. And, by the way, have you seen the latest fountain pen for ladies' use?"

Mrs. Smith: "No, I haven't. I would like to, though, for a fountain pen is something I have been in need of and I intend to purchase one some day."


"This lady's pen, Mrs. Smith, is particularly handy for shopping. Its small size allows it to fit into the hand-bag nicely. The screw-cap makes it non-leakable; there is no danger of soiling the hands, and it always writes with the first stroke. It is a self-filler, too, so that there is no possibility of getting the fingers all inked up while filling, as sometimes is the case with old-style pens."

Mrs. Smith: "What do they sell for?" "From $1.50 to $3.50, depending upon the size and mounting."

Mrs. Smith: "They are very nice and I may purchase one the next time I am up-town." "Thank you, and shall I send your purchases to the house, Mrs. Smith?"

Mrs. Smith: "I wish you would, but as I have some more shopping to do, please don't deliver them for a couple of hours, so that I may be home to receive them."

"Very well, I will send them up at that time. And by the way, if you wish, I will include three or four of those dainty pens in order that you may try them out and choose the one best suited to your hand. My delivery boy is familiar with the pens and can make any adjustment needed."

Mrs. Smith: "That would be fine, for I am

would like to take a pen with me.”

"All right, Mrs. Smith. If there are any further needs just call up on the phone and we will deliver at the earliest possible moment."

The foregoing is a sample of the way in which I get after stamp customers. If it does not make a sale at the time, it at least leaves an impression on the mind of the customer so that she looks us up when anything in our line is needed. Not only have I sold stationery by this method but, by the display of a little tact and diplomacy, I have also gotten rid of cold cream, face powder, digestive tablets, corn remedies, and so on, right down through our entire stock.



Of all the lines handled by the druggist no other one is so susceptible to the effect of efforts directed toward increasing sales, nor shows the direct results of any form of publicity so quickly and substantially, as the stationery line. Furthermore, the margin of profit is unusually good, there is little chance for dead stock, and being an all-the-year-round item, the stock may be turned several times. annually.

Nearly every one uses stationery of some kind and uses it almost daily. It is ordinarily bought by the consumer in comparatively small quantities, hence it may be said that each user is practically in the market for more at all times.

Stationery is rarely purchased from the mail-order houses, for if a customer wants a cheap article no saving can be effected, and if a high-class paper is wanted he knows it is risky to buy without seeing. This, to my mind, is

one of the very best reasons for giving the stationery line all the attention and prominence possible, for how many of our lines are there that are not seriously affected by the mailorder houses?

Any form of publicity will boost stationery sales, but the window display brings more satisfactory and quicker results than any other.

The effectiveness of the window display lies in the fact that if it attracts the attention of a possible buyer at all, it does so right at the place where the goods may be purchased. With a printed ad, however, no matter how effective nor how good an impression it makes.

on the reader, many things may happen to prevent a purchase being consummated-for instance, a good window display.

Fortunate indeed is the druggist who has windows large enough so that they may be divided into sections and one of these devoted to the display of stationery all the time.

Where window space is limited, the line should be displayed at least one week in each month; two displays a month will more than double the value of one.

When continuous displays are made they should be changed every week, enough difference being made in the exhibits so that they will not lose their drawing power by becoming stale. This, however, is very easy to accomplish, as stationery lends itself most readily to

the building up of attractive trims, either light or heavy.

Fancy correspondence or gift papeteries make exceptionally attractive displays. A window of pound packages of paper with envelopes to match appeals to the person of economical taste.

Featuring correspondence cards and regret size papers occasionally will be found very profitable; tablets, even, may be worked up into effective displays.

Varying the style of display by the addition of inks, pens, pencils, fountain-pens, seals, sealing-wax, and other accessories is advisable.

A heavy trim of a special value in paper always attracts attention and sells lots of goods.


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Ductless glands are those which produce secretions that are not discharged through ducts, but which pass directly into the blood current or into the lymph current. They are very small, relatively, and are found in various parts of the body. Their secretions are termed "hormones," a Greek word meaning "to arouse, or excite.”

Extracts are made of these glands, those of the sheep, the pig, and young cattle being employed.

We are more or less familiar with thyroid extract, and with Pituitrin; and the latest product to claim attention is that derived from the pineal gland. The thyroid gland is found in the neck; the other two in the brain.


The pineal gland, not much larger than a pea, and thought by some investigators to represent what was a functional eye in some of our remote ancestors, seems to regulate or control mental development. Thus it is said that abnormal mental development in children is due to excessive activity of the pineal gland. This at once suggested the possibility of using the pineal gland as a therapeutic agent. The glands were dried, reduced to a powder, and fed to young guinea-pigs, rabbits, kittens, puppies, and chickens. Remarkable results were obtained.

It has been demonstrated that not only is mental growth enhanced, but physical growth, as well.

In a series of experiments eight half-grown guinea-pigs were kept under observation for five weeks. Four of them were treated with pineal glands, and four were not treated. The latter were what is known as "controls;" that is, they were as near like the other four as it was possible to get them, and were handled in just exactly the same manner as the other pigs. were, except that they did not receive the pineal treatment. They were permitted to grow up "naturally," in other words.

The treated pigs gained 36 per cent in weight. Those which received no treatment gained 25 per cent. And not only did the treated pigs outpoint the others in the way of physical development, but they were much more alert, and seemingly more intelligent.

In other experiments chickens and puppies were employed with the same gratifying results. Pineal-fed puppies were advanced about a month over their "controls" in growth, habits, and intelligence.

Now all this is highly important, and the deduction naturally follows that an extract of the pineal gland may be of use in the treatment of certain types of backward or defective children. In truth, this has recently been pretty well established as a scientific fact.

Rather comprehensive tests along this line have been made, perhaps the most marked being those at the Training School for Defective Children at Vineland, New Jersey. Twenty-five children were treated for four months, and here is the report:

"Of the subjects, several were congenital idiots, and these, as anticipated, made no progress.

But 14 of the others made a gain, and the average, 65 per cent of a year, was twice the normal, and more than twice the progress of the control children in the same period. Some advanced eight-tenths of a year; one advanced one and eight-tenths of a year."

Not only have tests been made on the general development of children, but efforts have also been made to see what might be done to retard old age. If the pineal gland, properly administered, will accelerate the sluggish action of the brain in the retarded child, why will such treatment not, to a degree at least, revivify declining mental powers?

One experimentalist concludes that "it definitely stimulates the aging brain to the faster chemistry of younger days."

How does the gland do this? What is the secret of its spell? Nobody knows. The work that has been done so far has been in a sense that of the pioneer. There is much more to be learned.

It might be noted, in conclusion, that progress so far made warrants the use of the pineal gland in medicine, and one large manufacturing house, noted for its scientific achievements, has placed the substance on the market under the name of Pineal Glands, Desiccated.

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Opening session, State agents' convention of the American Druggists' Fire Insurance Co., Cincinnati, Ohio, May 22.


(Continued from the May BULLETIN.)

6. Name and give the average dose of five vegetable acids.

Diluted acetic acid, 30 minims; camphoric acid, 15 grains; citric acid, 71⁄2 grains; tannic acid, 41⁄2 grains; tartaric acid, 71⁄2 grains.

7. Name five mineral salts the average dose of which is one grain or less, and state the average dose of each named.

Potassium dichromate, 1/5 grain; potassium permanganate, 1 grain; sodium arsenate, 1/10 grain; sodium nitrite, 1 grain; zinc iodide, 1 grain.

8. Define the following terms when applied to doses: toxic, average, minimum.

mineral salt, (b) a mineral acid, (c) an alkali. (a) Magnesium sulphate for lead nitrate poisoning.

(b) Sodium bicarbonate for hydrochloric acid poisoning.

(c) Citric acid for ammonia poisoning.

13. Give the average dose of each of the following: (a) oxide of silver, (b) lead acetate, (c) copper sulphate, (d) arsenic trioxide, (e) lead iodide.

(a) 1 grain. (b) 1 grain.

(c) As an astringent, 1/5 grain; as an emetic, 4 grains.

(d) 1/30 grain.

(e) 1 grain. Lead iodide is rarely used internally. The U. S. P. does not state an average dose.

14. Which of the following would you refuse to dispense in 30-grain doses: lithium salicylate, potassium bromide, strontium chlo

A toxic dose is one that will produce poison- ride, zinc sulphate, tartar emetic, calcium ing.

An average dose is the one that is ordinarily relied upon as tending to produce a desired effect.

A minimum dose is the least amount of a medicine that will produce the desired physiological action.

9. Give the average dose of each of the following fluidextracts in both metric and apothecaries' measure: Digitalis, aconite, stramonium, gelsemium, and nux vomica.

Digitalis, 0.05 Cc. (1 minim); aconite, 0.05 Cc. (1 minim); stramonium, 0.05 Cc. (1 minim); gelsemium, 0.05 Cc. (1 minim); nux vomica, 0.05 Cc. (1 minim).

10. What is an antidote?

An antidote is an agent which affects a poison either physically or chemically, or both, so as to remove it from the body or alter its character by forming with it an insoluble or inert compound before its absorption with the object of preventing its toxic action upon the organism.

11. Name three kinds of antidotes and give an example of each.

Chemical antidotes. Acetic acid is a chemical antidote against alkaline carbonates.

Mechanical antidotes. Emesis is a mechanical antidote.

Antagonistic antidotes. Saponin counteracts the action of digitalis and is, therefore, a physiological antagonistic antidote for it.

12. Give an antidote for (a) a poisonous

bromide, bismuth subgallate, magnesium sulphate, strontium bromide, potassium acetate?

Zinc sulphate, tartar emetic.

15. Give the average dose of each of the following extracts: (a) opium, (b) colocynth, (c) physostigma, (d) quassia, (e) euonymus. (ƒ) rhubarb..

(a) 1⁄2 grain. (b) 1⁄2 grain. (c) grain. (d) 1 grain. (c) 2 grains.

(f) 4 grains.

16. Name ten drugs you dispense with a poison label and give the average dose of each. Nitrohydrochloric acid, 3 minims.

Antimony and potassium tartrate as an expectorant, 1/10 grain; as an emetic, 1⁄2 grain. Silver nitrate, 1/5 grain.

Arsenic trioxide, 1/30 grain.
Strychnine, 1/64 grain.
Digitalis, 1 grain.
Lead acetate, 1 grain.

Corrosive mercuric chloride, 1/20 grain.
Croton oil, 1 minim.

17. What size bottle would you use to dispense ten pounds of U. S. P. sulphuric acid, specific gravity, 1.84?

One pint of water at 25° C. weighs 7273 grains, or 1.039 avoirdupois pounds. Therefore, 1 pint of sulphuric acid, sp. gr. 1.84, would weigh 1.039x1.84, or 1.912 pounds.

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