The However, in the manufacture of the ordinary safety match the wood is first comminuted and reduced to the final shape, and then steeped in a solution of ammonium phosphate (2 per cent of this salt with 1 or 11⁄2 per cent of phosphoric acid), or in a solution of ammonium sulphate (21⁄2 per cent), then drained and dried. object of this application is to prevent the match from continuing to glow after it has been burned out. Next the matches are dipped into a paraffin or stearin bath, and after that into the match bath proper, which is best done by machines constructed for the purpose. Here are two formulas for the "composition": 1. Potassium chlorate, 2000 parts; lead binoxide, 1150 parts; red lead, 2500 parts; antimony trisulphide, 1250 parts; gum arabic, 670 parts; paraffin, 250 parts; potassium bichromate, 1318 parts. 2. Potassium chlorate, 2000 parts; lead binoxide, 2150 parts; red lead, 2500 parts; antimony trisulphide, 1250 parts; gum arabic, 670 parts; paraffin, 250 parts. Rub the paraffin and antimony trisulphide together, and then add the other ingredients. Enough water is added to bring the mass to a proper consistency when heated. Conduct heating operations on a water-bath. The sticks are first dipped in a solution of paraffin in benzine and then are dried. For striking surfaces, mix red phosphorus, 9 parts; pulverized iron pyrites, 7 parts; pulverized glass, 3 parts; gum arabic or glue, 1 parf; water, q. s. To make the matches water or damp proof, employ glue instead of gum arabic in the above formulas, and conduct the operations in a darkened This preparation is to be applied freely to any exposed parts. It may also be sprayed around the premises frequented by the flies. Strips of cloth or paper dipped in the mixture and then hung up in different parts of the room likewise aid in causing the pests to keep their distance. A mixture of one part of phenol, or one part of a coal-tar disinfectant, with 30 parts of kerosene, when sprayed around or placed in shallow dishes, is also said to be an effective fly repellent. Among the drug journals which publish monthly price-lists are the following: The Druggists Circular, subscription price $1.50, 100 William Street, New York City; The American Druggist, subscription price $1.00, 62 to 68 West Broadway, New York City; and The Western Druggist, subscription price $1.00, 536 South Clark Street, Chicago, Ill. It should be borne in mind, however, that owing to unsettled market conditions, price quotations in the various lists are partly nominal. The prices given are those prevailing in the city where the journal consulted is printed. For smaller quantities than those quoted and in markets more distant from the source of supply owing to the cost of transportation, an advance should be expected. Leading jobbers and manufacturers, in many instances, issue monthly or yearly prices-current. These lists may be obtained, free of charge, from any of the firms issuing them. Whitewash that Will Stick to Wood. B. F. M. writes: "What is added to whitewash to make it stick to wood and withstand rain, snow, etc.? In the southern part of Pennsylvania the people whitewash nearly every wall and fence, and the coating remains indefinitely. How do they succeed?” Various substances, such as burnt alum and casein, are sometimes added to whitewash to make the coating more durable. Salt in the proportion of one pound to the gallon is quite commonly recommended. The United States government uses the following coating for painting lighthouses, and it effectually prevents moisture from striking through: Take of fresh Rosendale cement, 3 parts, and of clean fine sand, 1 part; mix with fresh water thoroughly. This gives a gray or granite color, dark or light, according to the color of the cement. If a very light color is desired, lime may be used with the cement and sand. Care must be taken to have all the ingredients well mixed together. In applying the wash, the walls or other surfaces must be wet with clean fresh water; then follow immediately with the cement wash. The wash must be well stirred during the application. The mixture is to be made as thick as can be applied conveniently with a whitewash brush. It is said to be admirably suited for brickwork, fences, walls, etc., but it cannot be used to advantage over paint whitewash. To Make a Smooth and Uniform Face Wash. A. V. O. writes: "I make several different preparations for barber's use, and one of them, a face wash, gives me considerable trouble. Here is the way I make it: I soak one ounce of gum tragacanth in a quart of water for 24 hours and then add to it 15 grains of menthol dissolved in 8 fluid ounces of spirit of camphor and enough water to measure one gallon. How should I proceed in order to obtain a smooth, uniformly mixed face wash?" First of all, we suggest that you replace the gum tragacanth with an equal amount of the powdered article. Put the tragacanth in a dry mortar, add from 4 to 8 fluidounces of glycerin, and triturate until a smooth paste results. Then add, all at once and with rapid stirring, the whole amount of the water used. With this primary mixture incorporate the spirit of camphor in which the menthol has been dissolved. If all of the camphor will not stay in solution, cut down on the amount of camphor solution used, replacing it with an equal volume of alcohol. A still better product would result if you would include about 15 per cent of alcohol in the preparation. Your second query is not clear to us. Please send it in again, stating whether the amounts of the salts call for "grains" or "grammes." Dissolve the citral and the oil in the alcohol; add the water, previously warmed, slowly, in small portions, with constant stirring. This preparation should not be filtered through talc or magnesia, as to do so causes an appreciable part of the oil to be removed. Warming gently will usually remove any cloudiness, or the same end may be gained by replacing part of the water with alcohol. Lemon extract prepared in accordance with the foregoing formula should be labeled "artificial" or with some similar term in order not to conflict with the Federal Food and Drugs act. Mix the acid and the alcohol, add the water, and finally the ammonia water, with constant agitation. We are not familiar with the composition of the various proprietary compounds of this nature which you mention. Mix. H. L. H. writes: "Please tell me what to use as a base in the manufacture of the so-called solid perfumes? I want something that will have a consistency similar to that of lip pomade." Solid perfumes are composed of solid paraffin, wherewith the essential oils of any particular bouquet have been blended, while liquid, in the proportion of 1⁄2 to 1 fluidrachm of the perfume to 1 ounce of paraffin. Melt the paraffin on a water-bath, and allow to cool without stirring and without removing from the water-bath; when the "melt" becomes creamy, stir in the perfumes, and pour the mass to the depth of % to 4 inch into a tin previously brushed with suppositorymold soap solution, or pour into individual molds. When the mass sets, score the surface to the size of cakes desired. If the foregoing produces a cake of too hard a consistency the mass may be softened by including a little liquid paraffin. Lime-water and Simple Syrup. H. G. C. (Ontario, Canada) asks: "Will you please print directions for making lime-water and simple syrup?" Full working directions for making these two preparations are to be found in the United States Pharmacopoeia, the United States Dispensatory, and the British Pharmacopoeia. At least one of these books is probably in your possession. Dutiable Books. H. G. C. writes: "I am a Canadian subscriber to the BULLETIN, and I would like to know if I would have to pay any duty if I were to order one or more of the books on drug-store business published by E. G. Swift." The Canadian government requires that a duty of . 33% per cent be paid on all books, similar to those published by the BULLETIN, entering into Canada. To Mend a Glass Graduate. H. C. writes: "I have knocked a piece of glass, about one-half square inch in size, out of a 20-ounce graduate. What can I place over the hole in order to use the graduate for rough purposes?" Try covering the hole with a thin sheet of mica held in position by means of silicate of soda (water-glass) solution. Mennen's Tar Shampooing Cream Satisfies An Existing Demand. Tar is recognized by the consuming public as being beneficial to the scalp. Tar soap would be one of your best sellers but for the waste and unsanitary muss of the cake and because it discolors the hair, etc. As overcoming these objections, the House of Mennen presents Mennen's Tar Shampooing Cream-the result of several years of experimenting. Packed in a collapsible tube, Mennen's Tar Shampooing Cream is sanitary and economical. It lathers more freely. Mennen's will not discolor the hair. The hair is left in a manageable condition directly after using. It removes dandruff and excessive oil, permitting the necessary natural oils to remain. The lather washes out quickly. It promotes the growth of hair and contains ingredients beneficial to the scalp. In it there is guaranteed to be nothing injurious to either the hair or scalp. You can safely recommend Mennen's Tar Shampooing Cream to your customers, for it bears the Mennen trade mark, which is a guarantee to both you and your customers that is of the first quality and will give satisfaction. Many of your customers have been waiting for just such a product. Satisfy yourself that this demand exists by making inquiry of several of your customers. In order to acquaint your customers with this new Mennen product, there is packed in every tube of Mennen's Shaving Cream a trial tube of Mennen's Tar Shampooing Cream-thereby reaching a satisfied customer-one who believes in "Mennen" products. Thus, a sale of Mennen's Tar Shampooing Cream is assured you. Stock Mennen's Tar Shampooing Cream to care for the calls created by this sampling. Its merits will keep the customer a Mennen Tar Shampooing Cream user. Automatically it will be introduced to every member in a family. If purchased through your jobber, at $2.00 per dozen, you make a profit of 33 1/3 per cent on the selling price or 50 per cent on the cost price, making it well worth your while to include a trial order for Mennen's Tar Shampooing Cream in your next order to your jobber. The House of Mennen, Newark, N. J. BULLETIN OF PHARMACY Vol. XXX. THE DETROIT, MICH., JULY, 1916. SMASHING BOOZE-SELLING DRUG STORES. Out in the State of Washington they are wrecking "drug stores" because they sell whisky; yes, actually wrecking them! Officers of the law go in with saws and axes, and when they get through the so-called drug stores look like cyclones had struck them; counters are sawed into sections; shelving is torn down; prescription cases demolished; show-cases smashed. A new "dry" law went into effect in January, and it is apparent that a certain class of drug stores have been quite active in violating its provisions. Alcoholic spirits must be ordered through the county auditor's office, and the amount of business transacted in some sections is said to be appalling. New stores, known as "dry law" stores, have sprung up, and it is from these, mostly, that the trouble No. 7. is experienced. A place of this character in Seattle, according to the prosecuting attorney, obtained permits for 150 barrels of whisky and 247 barrels of bottled beer between February 22 and April 7. Legitimate druggists are, of course, up in arms, for an odium is cast on their business and on the entire profession; so, in Seattle, they are heartily in accord with Mayor Gill's policy of "smash 'em up!" In one store damage estimated at $10,000 was wrought by an official wrecking crew, sledge-hammers and axes being wielded right and left. A number of offending owners of stores have been arrested. INCREASING MEMBERSHIP. A representative of the BULLETIN happened to be present last month at the Springfield meeting of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Association, and the experience was altogether a pleasant one. Despite the competition of the Republican National Convention, held the same week in Chicago, the attendance was very satisfactory, and applause greeted the statement that during the last year nearly 400 new members had been secured. The most vital necessity felt by all the State associations, indeed, is that of increasing the membership. If an association is to succeed in its legislative efforts, and succeed also in its many other activities, it must speak in a representative way for a large number if not for the majority of druggists in the State. To this end it was voted at Springfield to get out a monthly paper during the coming year. This will be in the form of a four-page supplement to the "C. R. D. A. News," a publication issued by the local organization in Chicago. Most of the new members secured this year in Illinois were largely obtained by the members of the Illinois Pharmaceutical Travelers' Association. One man alone got something like 60 druggists into the fold, and the travelers, as a whole, did excellent work. As in |