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standards. There is no way of calculating the value of Calisaya preparations to the new standard, because the basis is different.

There is also a small change in the method of assay, the total alkaloids being dried at 100° C. instead of 110° C. as at present, and a larger proportion of chloroform being employed as a solvent. Thus preparations standardized for total cinchona alkaloids in the present assay will show a little higher results by the new method. However, the difference will probably come within the limits of variation set, and it will doubtless be safe to adjust stock at hand on the basis of total alkaloids stated.

Colchicum preparations are not changed in strength. The method of assay is changed, which will probably make a small difference in results, but this difference is likely to come within the limits set, so U. S. P. colchicum preparations can continue to be used without change.

Digitalis has had a biological standard attached, and the menstruum for Tincture of Digitalis has been changed with a view to greater permanency in the medicinal value. Safety requires that all digitalis preparations shall be replaced with those adjusted to the new requirements.

Guarana. The fluidextract has been increased in strength from 3.5 grammes of caffeine per 100 mils to 4.0 grammes per 100. The readiest way to adjust this preparation will be to add caffeine in proper proportions— 0.5 gramme to each 100 mils (or 2 1/3 grains to each fluidounce).

Hydrastis. The extract has been made official and the standard set at 10 per cent of ether-soluble alkaloids (hydrastine).

The glycerite is now standardized to contain 1.25 grammes of ether-soluble alkaloid in each 100 mils. This has not been standardized heretofore.

The standards on the fluidextract and tincture are not changed.

Hyoscyamus. The standards on all the preparations of this drug have been lowered slightly. The fluidextract is to be 0.065 instead of 0.075, and the tincture 0.0065 instead of 0.007. The differences are so slight as to be within the allowable errors of assay, and stocks of these may continue to be used without change.

The extract shows a greater change, being reduced from 0.3 per cent to 0.25 per cent.

Stocks of this should be adjusted by the addition of glucose or milk sugar, according as a pilular or a powdered extract is treated. To each 5 parts of the extract, add one part of diluent.

Ipecac. The fluidextract is now made in a different manner, and with a less strongly alcoholic menstruum, so that it is miscible with syrup. It has also been markedly increased in alkaloidal strength-from 1.5 per cent to 2.0 per cent. The present stock of Fluidextract of Ipecac will therefore be out of date after September 1. If used at all it must be used in proportion, for making Syrup of Ipecac, using 93.5 mils per 1000 of finished syrups instead of the 70 mils directed.

Nux Vomica preparations have been very materially changed. The Brussels Conference of 1906 recommended international standards for this drug and its preparations, based upon total alkaloids rather than upon strychnine. The U. S. P. IX. has adopted these standards and so made obsolete all the old preparations of nux vomica.

The extract now is standardized at 16 per cent of total alkaloids instead of 5 per cent of strychnine. Since the alkaloids of nux vomica are approximately equal in amount, 16 per cent of total alkaloids will correspond to about 8 per cent of strychnine. The extract is therefore more than half again as strong as the U. S. P. VIII. standard. Fluidextract of Nux Vomica must contain 2.5 grammes of total alkaloids per 100 mils instead of 1 gramme of strychnine, and the tincture (now made by percolation of the drug) 0.25 gramme of total alkaloids. All of these indicate an increase in strength, but since there is a new basis they cannot be safely readjusted except by assay.

The old nux vomica preparations should be discarded when the U. S. P. IX. becomes official.

Opium. Contrariwise the opium preparations are reduced in strength-except the extract and can be diluted. The international standard for powdered opium is 10 per cent of anhydrous morphine, and of the preparations 1 per cent of anhydrous morphine.

Hitherto opium and its preparations have been standardized on crystallized morphine, which contains one molecule of water of crystallization, or 94.058 per cent of anhydrous morphine. Therefore the difference is not merely reducing a powdered opium of 12.5 per cent to 10 per cent, but of calculating the dif

ference between the hydrous and anhydrous morphine also.

Thus a powdered opium containing 12 per cent of crystallized morphine will contain 11.29 per cent of anhydrous morphine, and can be diluted on that basis, i.e., to every 10. parts add 1.29 parts of diluent. Likewise the liquid preparations, tincture, deodorized tincture, etc., can be diluted in like fashion-to every 10 mils add 1.29 mils of menstruum— or to every fluidounce add one fluidrachm of menstruum. The fluid preparations of opium will thus be easily adjusted.

The extract is an exception, since this is now required to contain 20 per cent of anhydrous morphine, instead of 20 per cent of crystallized. The extract will therefore be about 6.4 per cent stronger than the present, and will require strengthening.

If it is desired to do this by adding morphine sulphate (this containing 75 per cent of anhydrous morphine) it can be adjusted by adding 2.4 grains of morphine sulphate to every 100 grains of opium extract (U. S. P. VIII.).

Since the U. S. P. IX. has placed maximum limits of strength, it will be just as important to dilute the Tincture of Opium on hand Sep.tember 1 as to strengthen the extract of opium.

Physostigma tincture has been strengthened, very slightly-to contain 0.015 gramme of alkaloid per 100 mils instead of 0.014 gramme. This difference is so very slight that no change will be necessary in the present stock. The extract strength has not been changed, but contains 2 per cent as at present. Pilocarpus. The fluidextract, which is the only official preparation, has been increased in strength 50 per cent-i.e., it must contain 0.6 gramme of alkaloids per 100 mils instead of 0.4 gramme per 100. This increase is not easily made on the preparation, and it will be preferable to discard the old stock or else add pilocarpine hydrochloride in proportion of 1.1 grains per fluidounce.

Squill and its fluidextract are to be standardized biologically, and old stocks of either will be obsolete unless they correspond to the standard set. Not much of the Fluidextract of Squill in the market has been standardized, hence most of the stock in hand will be obsolete when the new standards become effective. Stramonium and its preparations are unchanged in strength, hence can be continued as at present.

Syrup of Hydriodic Acid is now made by volume instead of by weight, and is required to yield not less than 1.3 grammes nor more than 1.45 grammes of hydriodic acid per 100 mils. This is an increase of about 15 per cent over the present strength, calculated on the mean of the two, or 1.375 per cent weight volume. Hence all stock of hydriodic acid on hand September 1 must be strengthened.

If the 10-per-cent acid is used, add 35 mils of this to 965 mils of the present-strength syrup (or 1 fluidounce to 27.5 fluidounces of the syrup). If the more concentrated (16 per cent) acid is used, add 22 mils to 978 of the syrup (or 1⁄2 ounce to 22 ounces of the syrup). (To be continued.)


The National Formulary IV. will have a number of standardized preparations which pharmacists must be prepared on. This is the

first issue of the National Formulary to state exact standards or to require assays, and some pharmacists may be slow to realize that new legal standards are established by it.

It has been the purpose of the N. F. Committee to follow established standards in all articles as far as consistency allowed and to avoid abrupt changes. Consequently most of the new standards will be found to accord with preparations now in the market, but they will have the added weight of authority.

Two of the preparations were standardized in the U. S. P. VIII. Fluidextract of Conium was required to contain 0.45 gramme of coniine per 100 mils, and the N. F. standard is 0.40 gramme per 100. The method of assay is different, and the new method will probably give a little lower results than the former one. Stocks of this preparation which were standardized by the U. S. P. VIII. will come within the N. F. limits, and it will be safer not to dilute the preparation. The U. S. P. VIII. Fluidextract of Conium can be used as N. F. IV. without change.

Fluidextract of Stramonium was dropped by the U. S. P. and taken up by the N. F., but the assay method and strength remain unchanged.

The other preparations have been standardized by manufacturers, but they have hitherto been free to select their own standards, and now pharmacists should make sure that the legal standard is supplied.

Extract of Conium, 2 per cent of coniine. Extract of Ignatia, 6 per cent of total alkaloids.

Aqueous Fluidextract of Cinchona is to contain 5 grammes of alkaloids in 100 milswhich is the same strength as the new U. S. P. fluidextract, but contains only 12 per cent of alcohol and some free hydrochloric acid.

Fluidextract of Colchicum Corm is to contain 0.35 gramme of colchicum per 100 mils, and the assay process is that of the U. S. P. IX. for colchicum preparations.

Wine of Colchicum Corm (0.14 gramme per 100 mils), and Wine of Colchicum Seed (0.40 gramme per 100 mils), are both standardized by the N. F.

Both of these will be made by diluting the fluidextracts, and the strengths are in direct proportion to the latter, so if the fluidextracts are right there is no reason for discrepancies in the wines.

Wine of Ipecac, formerly official in the U. S. P. VIII., is now an N. F. product and is standardized at 0.2 per cent of alkaloids. It is to be made in the same way as the U. S. P. product, but since the strength of the Fluidextract of Ipecac has been increased the wine is correspondingly stronger.

The U. S. P. VIII. did not give an assay method for this article, and consequently it has not usually carried a standard on the label. But the N. F. IV. has not only set a standard but has also given a process of assay, hence it will be necessary for pharmacists to look carefully at their stock, and strengthen it in order to avoid the chance of trouble. Wine of Ipecac U. S. P. VIII. is not the same as Wine of Ipecac N. F. IV., and the latter will be official on September 1.

Tincture of Ignatia, hitherto standardized for extractive, must now contain 0.2 gramme of alkaloids per 100 mils.

Crocated Tincture of Opium will be required to contain 1 gramme of anhydrous morphine per 100 mils. This puts it in accordance with international standards and with the new standards of the Pharmacopoeia for the opium preparations.

As pointed out in the Pharmacopoeial notes it is essential to remember that the old standards are based upon crystallized morphine, while the new are based upon anhydrous morphine, and the former contains 94.058 per cent. of the latter.

Hence 1 gramme of the new standard means more than 1 gramme of the old, the difference amounting to 1.063 grammes, which is greater than the limits of error in the assay.

It will be wise for pharmacists who make their own opium preparations to re-mark their granulated or powdered opium, calculating it as 94 per cent of the strength stated, or as 11.29 per cent of morphine if strength is not stated, then use it on the basis of a 10-per-cent opium.

Several of the Solutions now have a stated standard and a method of assay. Solutions of Ferric Acetate, Ferric Citrate and Ferric Nitrate are among these, and the standards in each case correspond to the former Pharmacopoeial standards.

It is important to note that the Liquor Alumini Acetatis of N. F. IV. is a new preparation, the article formerly official under this title now being entitled Liquor Alumini Subacetatis.

Both of these preparations are now standardized, and the distinctions should be kept in mind, for the standards as well as composition are different.

Glycerite of Bismuth is now adjusted by assay, which in turn affects the Solution of Bismuth and the elixirs containing bismuth.

Two drugs are standardized whose preparations are not-Coffee, which is required to contain 1 per cent of caffeine, and Kola, which must contain 1.5 per cent of caffeine. But while fluidextracts of these are recognized, they are not standardized.

The official coffee is roasted coffee, and the question may come up whether a pharmacist can now sell coffee which does not correspond to the standard. The latter is intended only for coffee sold and used for medicinal purposes, and not to that sold for use as a beverage. The preliminary notices in the N. F. IV. state that the standards are to apply to medicines only, hence there is not likely to be any trouble over selling coffee as a food product.

There are a number of articles in Part II for which purity standards are set and methods of testing are given, but these will interest manufacturers more than retail pharmacists. There is not likely to be any trouble over the purity of chemicals and salts now in stock, but pharmacists will have to be careful about their preparations which will have new standards. after September 1.

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In planning the newest "Biggest Little Store" Mr. Miller has made an unusual departure from the conventional store front.



When he strikes this paper, the average reader will ask: "Why write up the methods of a jeweler in a drug journal?" Perhaps is is rather a far cry-perhaps there is little suggestion here for the druggist. And yet this man Miller is so strikingly original, and has been so remarkably successful, that the story is full of human interest if nothing else. Incidentally it is more than possible that there may be something in this outline of his methods that can be applied to the drug business.-THE EDITORS.

Ultra-original advertising of many kinds and in many different mediums, backed by a strict adherence to the "square-deal" policy, has built up for Gilbert E. Miller, of Detroit, Michigan, a business that has made his three stores notable among the jewelry establishments of the country.

Seven years ago Miller, as he likes to be called, started his "Biggest Little Store" in a

room measuring eight by twelve feet. His capital consisted of "a two-dollar bill and a diamond shirt stud." The stud was sold to a man who is still a satisfied customer and Miller started to advertise.

Owing to lack of capital, advertising at first was necessarily limited. The initial ads took the form of "liners" in the "help-wanted" columns of the local newspapers.

When remonstrated with by a bankerfriend, who argued that as jewelry was a luxury men who were in search of jobs were poor prospects to whom to appeal, Miller came back, Yankee-fashion, with:

"How do you know that I am using the classified columns?"

"Why, I saw your ads there," said the banker.

"And so does every one else," replied Miller. "Everybody at some time or other reads the want columns. People in search of jobs, those

looking for better positions, and even men who have no idea of changing jobs, all read them. The habit is formed at the time in a man's career when he is looking for a chance to better himself, and he can't break away from it." From the start the square-deal policy was featured in the advertising and in the conduct of the store. To quote Mr. Miller: "There is one big idea back of every sale in the Biggest Little Stores the customer must be satisfied. I may think there are two sides to a customer's complaint, but I see that there is only one end -a square deal."

Gradually, as the business grew, various other mediums were added, until to-day Miller's advertisements are likely to be found wherever there are Detroit people to be appealed to. Newspapers, street-cars, billboards, and moving picture theaters are depended upon for bringing the greatest share of publicity.

In addition, the stores themselves furnish a fertile field for advertising. Show-cards are more than liberally used. They are posted in every available space. Price cards always have the retail figures in plain type, for much of

the store's advertising is based on the moneysaving feature of the merchandise. Package inserts are used wherever possible, and in convenient places around the stores are placed little cards bearing characteristic ads.

Each year during the holiday season an eight-page, newspaper-size, illustrated circular is distributed throughout the city.

Every one of the nearly half a hundred people connected with the business, from Mr. Miller down to the store porters, are constant advertisers for the three establishments. They talk Miller values in their homes, on the street, and, according to Mr. Miller, "even in their sleep." It is a Miller requirement that every one in the employ must "live the business."

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The newspaper advertising takes a multitude of forms, running from the little "liners" to full-page spreads. Sometimes the ads are simply bits of homely philosophy laying emphasis on the square-deal policy and the small prices made possible by low rents. This type of ad is really nothing more than what is known in newspaper circles as "paragraphing." The writer takes a subject of common appeal


The installment way-a dollar down and the devil to pay. Buying Miller diamonds is wiser than putting money in the bank. Diamonds are not a luxury. They're an investment and a good investment too. Diamonds have gone up 15 per cent in the last year-while a dollar in the bank works its "head off" all year to earn three cents.

Every cloud has a silver linin', but it ain't so of every purse. That's why I cut my price tags to fit the working folks' pocketbooks.

My customers call me Miller, Square Dealer-my competitors call me everything Uncle Sam keeps out of the mai's.

There are only half a dozen good watches madeMiller sells six different kinds.

I don't pretend to belong to your church-square dealing gets me my business.

Square dealing pays in dollars and satisfaction-I know. "High rent jewelers" say I have a unique way of doing business-that's right-square dealing is unique-with some people.

If I can't make this the best place to buy jewelry, I am going to make some other jeweler break a world's record.

I believe in square-deal prices for working people. I don't believe in "working people" for more.

When competitors "knock" you are at least being given consideration, and that's something. They say "I can't sell at my prices and live"-I'll let you know when to send flowers.

For "light summer reading" you can't beat my price tags. Lydia Pinkham says she never got a letter from a woman who wore a "Miller" wedding ring. It's a Square Deal ring-that's why-that's all any woman wants.

Lots of people used to think my Square Deal was 50 per cent advertising chatter, and a few thought I sold "tin jewelry" They know better now-7 years of square dealing-giving honest jewelry value for their money has convinced everbody-even the "doubting Thomas."

If you don't think there are sermons in stones-compare a $100 installment diamond with a $100 Miller diamondabout $40 worth of "sermon."

Love may be blind, but where the engagement ring is concerned-it is never-"stone blind."

A Miller wedding ring is hand wrought from a solid bar of gold-seamless and not a divorce in a thousandthe kind she ought to have.

Don't wait until the last minute to do your Christmas shopping-I'd like to have time to say more than just "Thank You-Here's Your Change." The crowd is getting bigger every year-but it's "your store" just the same as it was when I had to lock up when I went down to Al Smith's Beanery.

My clerks may not be very "gifted" and maybe their ties don't match their shirts-but when a Miller clerk tells you that a piece of jewelry will wear 10 years-believe him, because he knows his salary is ready Saturday nightand there is no incentive to hoodwink a customer.

Big stock of Christmas baby spoons-Had to buy plenty this year-that's what I get for selling 17,000 "lucky wed. ding rings" since I've been in business.

"Honesty is the best policy"-some jewelers put it in a gilt frame-I use it in my business.

I want you to understand I came to this town to earn an honest living-Up to date I haven't had much competition.

Everything marked in plain figures-One price to everybody-Lady said last Christmas: "Miller is just like a good pair of garters-He minds his own business and never comes down" And I don't "rubber" either.

Buying Christmas gifts from Miller is just like making love to a widow-you can't overdo it-and she's usually had enough business experience to appreciate a Square Deal.

Big trade in sight-most of my customers wait on themselves-Anyway, the clerks only know enough to show goods-No $40.00-a-week "persuaders" in the Biggest Little Stores.

That "lucky wedding ring" stuff is like being vaccinatedit doesn't always "take." Sold a ring two years ago and the lady made me engrave "In Fidelity" on the inside. I knew it was a bad hunch. She came in Friday and told me that was just the grounds on which she got her divorce. But she liked the ring so much she is using the same one again-says lightning never strikes the same place twice.

If you ever buy anything from any of my clerks that isn't just what it should be-you'll do me a favor if you'll holler. Telephone Main 1234-and never mind the Mr.just holler Miller. You can bet I'll make it right. That's the way I built my business.

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