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The inroads of these giants of commercethe mail-order houses-may make us enlarge the variety of our stock, if we wish to cater to all classes. But there is no reason why we should not-and every reason why we shouldsell anything we can, provided it yields us a proper profit.

We must be courteous to our customers. Our clerks must be neat and obliging. These are personal services which out-of-town houses cannot render. In proportion to their development depends our harvest in the field of


To modern druggists it is hardly necessary to say that a good grade of merchandise is essential in order to beat mail-order competition. As venders of such we can guarantee quality and assure the customer of the merits of our products. We can acquire a name for reliability that will mean more to the public than the few cents that might possibly be saved by trading with a mail-order house.

I do not believe that mail-order competition will make us suffer much. It should only make us more alert and eager to keep our stores at the highest point of efficiency.



We always keep at hand copies of the catalogues issued by the large mail-order houses. Then when a customer tells us of a low price quoted by one of the Chicago firms we can easily check him up.

Quite often we can show the customer that he is comparing an inferior article with the product for which we ask a slightly higher price.

With many of the advertised articles, where


only one quality is possible, we offer just as low, and in some instances lower, prices than do the mail-order houses. And in so doing we call special attention to the fact that most merchandise can be obtained just as cheaply at home as it can in a distant city.

An intelligent examination of any mailorder catalogue will show that the firm is not selling all its merchandise at cost any more than is our other big competition, the cut-rate drug store of the large cities. It is true that the concerns have their at-cost "leaders," but if a customer makes his purchases from the entire line, he is not saving so much as he thinks. We always bear down on these points when talking with customers who are susceptible to common-sense reasoning.


If the customer is at all public-spirited, we point out to him that it is the local merchant and not the mail-order magnate who pays the taxes of the town; it is the local dealer who buys tickets for the entertainments given by the numerous social and charitable organizations; it is through his efforts that most of the local improvements matérialize.

If the customer is made to see the local dealer's true position in the community, he quite often reciprocates-price conditions being equal-by turning over to the dealer much of the business that had been going out of


With those customers to whom civic pride means little or nothing, we adopt different tactics. We try to show them that buying out of town does not result in the saving of much


We tell them that in ordering by mail there is always the cost of the stamp and money order, an expenditure of from 5 to 10 cents:


This department is in the hands of the big family of BULLETIN readers, and the heartiest co-operation is earnestly urged. The following questions are announced for the next contest:

1. What is your ideal of a drug business? Submitted by Clifford H. Rudes, Utica, N. Y. 2. Does it pay to distribute calendars or other tokens at Christmas, and how can such practices be put on a paying basis? Submitted by Harry G. Cheesman, Wiarton, Ont. For the best answer to either of these questions we shall award a prize of $5.00. Other answers, if printed, will be paid for at regular space rates. Every answer should be at least 500 words long and in our hands by November 10.

the cost of the freight or express, usually 25 cents or more; and the cost of cartage from the freight house, which in most cases amounts to at least 25 cents—a total of nearly 75 cents.


To overcome this expense the order sent must amount to at least $5.00, perhaps $10.00. In addition to having to buy such a large quantity, the customer must pay in advance and then wait a week or more before receiving the goods.

When we have explained some of the manifest disadvantages of mail-order buying we next attempt to show why it is better to patronize the home-town merchant. We point out that when goods are purchased from the local dealer there are no freight, express or cartage charges, and that no advance payment is required.

In some instances, when the customer maintains that he can get a better price from Chicago or New York, we make this proposition: if he will give us as large an order as he would the mail-order house, and pay us in advance for it, we will meet the catalogue prices on the same grade of goods and, in addition, deliver the merchandise immediately.

Still another argument that we have used successfully is the one relating to the exchange of merchandise. When a customer makes a purchase from us he is not buying “sight unseen" but has the privilege of inspection and, in event of the goods not proving suitable, he can exchange them with little difficulty. There is no correspondence, no additional freight charges, and no delay of a week or more, as is the case when goods are returned for exchange to the mail-order establishments.


Wall-paper is an article frequently bought through mail-order establishments, but a little conversation with a prospective buyer usually convinces him that he can make a much better deal at home.

If the paper ordered from away does not cover all the wall space there is a delay of a week or more, while the house is all torn up. during which the extra paper is in transit. If. however, the paper is purchased from a local store, additional supplies may be secured without delay.

house will not take back the excess; we charge the customer only for what he actually uses. In addition, we trim all wall-papers leaving our store free of charge; mail-order paper has to be trimmed by the purchaser.

There is any number of arguments that may be advanced to convince our customers of the wisdom of buying at home-in practice, we have found that comparatively few suffice.


BY HARRY E. Cassady.

Living in one of the localities-a small town -where mail-order trade is solicited puts us in an excellent position to compete with the large concerns which are endeavoring to get the business of the community. We are right on the ground and can get results by personal efforts while our big competitors have to depend upon letters and catalogues for their business.

One of the successful methods we use for holding our share of the trade is to distribute a "household case" which consists of a pasteboard box containing twelve commonly-used articles, each one of which bears our own label and nets us a long profit.

A case is placed with each reliable family in town and collection made for the articles used at the end of each month, at which time, also, the contents of the case is replenished. Such a plan keeps out many mail-order preparations. advertises the store at a small expense, and creates a repeat business that means many liberal-profit sales.

The household cases are also sent out by parcel post with a letter of explanation to reputable rural patrons. Payment for articles used is collected at the end of every three months and the cases are refilled at the same time. This miniature mail-order business enables us to become better acquainted with our rural trade while adding surprisingly to our volume of business.


Another plan which we use to combat the inroads of mail-order houses is to issue a catalogue containing illustrations, prices and other information concerning a line of preparations which nets us a wide margin of profit. The If too much paper is ordered, the mail-order catalogue also illustrates and describes a num

her of well-known and worth-obtaining premiums.

Every purchase at our store entitles the buyer to a coupon showing the amount of the sale, and these coupons apply as cash on the purchase of the premiums listed in the catalogue. Double coupons are given on sales of all articles in the long-profit line illustrated in the catalogue.

We also find the use of newspaper space to acquaint the public with the fact that we meet the cut-prices offered by mail-order houses produces very good results, indirectly.

Sampling is a direct trade promoter; we can easily get our goods into many homes by that method. Once in the homes, we need not worry that the merchandise will be displaced by the mail-order firms, for those concerns cannot furnish our particular line of preparations. An exclusive line, or an "own-make" one, is therefore a great asset in keeping out the catalogue houses.

By conducting our business on honest principles, by advertising in the most effective ways, and by coming in personal contact with our customers we are able to meet mail-order competition successfully and, many times, to go it one better.


Mail-order houses have but one advantage over the average dealer: they quote what appear to be low prices. It is squarely up to the dealer, therefore, to meet the competition on a dollars-and-cents basis.

If the druggist will take a catalogue from a mail-order house and go through its hundreds of pages, he will be surprised at the comparatively small number of articles offered that really compete with him. On those particular items, however, he must meet the catalogue prices and, what is more important, he must let the public know he is doing so.

It is true that people should patronize home industry, but that argument alone won't bring much money into the cash-drawer. To convert mail-order buyers to a local store the owner of that store must show the people why it is to their financial advantage to deal with him.

Meeting cut prices of course reduces profits on a few things, but the object of the cut is to get the people coming. Any sensible plan that brings patrons into a store is bound to pay in the long run.

It pays better to make a profit of one cent on each of ten sales than to make ten cents on one sale; in the first instance ten people are brought into the store as against only one in the second. At least five of those ten can be interested in other things and will buy, provided the dealer and his clerks show the proper kind of salesmanship.

The fact that a store is meeting the prices of mail-order houses should be advertised conspicuously by means of window displays with price cards attached, and by displays on the inside of the store.

It should be made plain in the advertising that customers can buy at lowest prices from the local store and, in addition, can save the postage and express charges incidental to a mail-order transaction. The slight loss occasioned by a few reduced-price sales is not nearly so much as is frequently spent in newspaper advertising that does not begin to bring such good results.

By careful buying the cost price of the various articles which have to be sold at cut prices can be reduced materially. Joining buying clubs or going in with one or two other retailers will mean much lower costs.

The one big advantage, however, that the local dealer possesses is that he can serve his trade in person. He is right on the spot and can give the intelligent service that cannot be secured from the leaves of a mail-order catalogue.


(Continued from the September BULLETIN.)

14. Give the meanings of the following Latin terms used in prescriptions: (a) Aq. ferv., (b) chart. cerat., (c) coch. parv., (d) hor. som., (e) non. rep., (ƒ) post. cib., (g) s. a., (h) ut. dict.

(a) Warm water, (b) waxed paper, (c) a teaspoonful, (d) at bed-time, (e) do not repeat, (f) after eating, (g) according to art, (h) as directed.

15. Give the approximate number of drops in one fluidrachm of each of the following: (a) alcohol, (b) chloroform, (c) tincture of opium, (d) tincture of iodine, (e) glycerin, (f) liquid carbolic acid.

(a) 185, (b) 370, (c) 185, (d) 246, (c) 123, (f) 148.


1. Give the source and description of arsenic trioxide.

Arsenic trioxide is obtained chiefly as a byproduct in the roasting of tin, cobalt, and nickel ores, and is subsequently purified by sublimation.

It is a heavy solid occurring either as an opaque, white powder, or in irregular masses of two varieties: one, amorphous, transparent, and colorless, like glass; the other, crystalline, opaque, and white, resembling porcelain. Frequently the same piece has an opaque, white, outer crust enclosing the glassy variety. Contact with moist air gradually changes the glassy into the white, opaque variety. Both are odorless and tasteless.

2. State the dose and medicinal uses of arsenic trioxide.

The average dose of arsenic trioxide is 2 milligrammes (1/30 grain). Medicinally, arsenic trioxide is used for its alterative and tonic effects. When properly administered it affects in some unknown way the nutrition, especially of the nervous system.

3. State the official antidote for arsenic trioxide.

Four fluidounces of ferric hydroxide with magnesium hydroxide is the usual antidote for arsenical poisoning.

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6. Give the common name, botanical name, part used, medicinal action, and dose of eupatorium.

Eupatorium, commonly known as boneset, or thoroughwort, consists of the dried leaves. and flowering tops of Eupatorium perfoliatum Linné (Fam. Compositæ).

Eupatorium is tonic, diaphoretic, and in large doses emetic and aperient, and was at one time employed as an anti-periodic. The average dose is 2 grammes (30 grains).

7. State the habitat of the following drugs: (a) cascara sagrada, () saffron, (c) acacia. (d) aloes.

(a) Northern California, Oregon and Washington.

(b) Saffron is a native of Greece and Asia Minor. It is cultivated for market in Spain, France, and other temperate countries of Europe; it is also cultivated in the southeastern counties of Pennsylvania.

(c) The acacia tree forms dense scrubby forests in the sandy regions watered by the Senegal, and in Abyssinia and Kordofan.

(d) The Island of Socotra in the Strait of Bab-el-Mandeb; Barbadoes; Cape of Good Hope, etc.

8. Give the average adult dose of each of the following: (a) rhubarb, (b) copper sulphate, (c) Basham's mixture, (d) guaiacol, (e) alum.

(a) 15 grains; (b) as an astringent 1/5 grain, as an emetic 4 grains; (c) 4 fluidrachms; (d) 8 minims; (c) 71⁄2 grains.

9. Name 5 drugs having both expectorant and emetic properties.

Ipecac, antimony and potassium tartrate, apomorphine hydrochloride, ammonium carbonate, senega.

10. Name the ingredients of Blaud's pills. Granulated ferrous sulphate, potassium carbonate, sugar, tragacanth, althæa, glycerin, and


11. What is the medicinal action of Blaud's pills?

Blaud's pills constitute an excellent chalybeate tonic. They are extensively used as a tonic in debility of the digestive organs, especially when attended with derangement of the menstrual function.

12. What are the medicinal uses of the following: (a) Monsel's solution, (b) zinc stearate, (c) sodium hypophosphite, (d) ammonium chloride, (e) lobelia?

(a) Monsel's solution is useful as a styptic, either applied externally or taken internally in proper dilution.

(b) Zinc stearate is employed in eczema, acne and other cutaneous diseases, in the form of powder, or made into an ointment.

(c) Hypophosphites are recommended in the treatment of phthisis and in diseases attended with loss of nerve power, and in many of the diseases of infancy connected with the scrofulous diathesis and defect in the osseous system. Their value, however, is problematical.

(d) Ammonium chloride has the stimulant. properties of ammonia and is quite commonly used as a stimulant expectorant in bronchitis and catarrhal affections. It is also recommended in nervous affections and neuralgic disorders.

(e) Lobelia is employed as an antispasmodic. It has also been used in catarrh, croup, pertussis and other laryngeal and pectoral affections, but is chiefly valuable where there is bronchial spasm; it must always be employed with caution.

13. Name five official preparations of mercury.

Ammoniated mercury, mercury with chalk, yellow mercuric oxide, mild mercurous chloride, and red mercuric iodide.

14. Give the average adult dose of each of the following: (a) ammonium valerianate, (b) atropine sulphate, (c) chloral hydrate, (d) cerium oxalate, (e) trional.

(a) 71⁄2 grains, (b) 1/160 grain, (c) 15 grains, (d) 1 grain, (e) 15 grains.

15. What part of the plant is used of the following drugs: (a) manna, (b) ergot, (c) squill, (d) nux vomica, (e) jalap?

(a) The concrète saccharine exudation. (b) The sclerotium of Claviceps purpurea, replacing the grain of rye.

(c) The bulb of Urginea maritima deprived of its dry, membranaceous outer scales, cut into thin slices and carefully dried, the central portions being rejected.

(d) The dried ripe seed.

(e) The dried tuberous root.

16. Name a drug having (a) an anodyne effect, (b) carminative, (c) diaphoretic, (d) mydriatic, (e) sialagogue.

(a) Opium, (b) oil of peppermint, (c) nitrous ether, (d) atropine, (e) pilocarpus.

[blocks in formation]

(d) Compound syrup of squill and wine of antimony (U. S. P. VIII).

18. (a) Name a drug used as a diuretic. (b) as a styptic, (c) as an astringent, (d) as an anthelmintic, (c) as an oxytocic.

(a) Potassium acetate, (b) alum, (c) tannic acid, (d) castor oil, (e) ergot.

19. (a) Give the official Latin title of foxglove. (b) State the part used. (c) Name the active ingredients. (d) State the dose of the fluidextract.

(a) Digitalis.

(b) The dried leaves collected from plants of the second year's growth, at the commencement of flowering.

(c) Digitonin, digitoxin, digitalin, and digitalein. (d) 1 minim.

(End of Iowa examination.)

In con

NOTE. It is now the understanding that the new revision of the Pharmacopoeia and of the National Formulary will not go into effect until January 1, 1917. sideration of this we deem it best to announce that all answers to Board Questions will be based on the U. S. P. VIII and the N. F. III—the old editions-up to and including our December number.-THE EDitors.

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