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the medium of print with a 60-point name and address in a three-inch space.

Other merchants again are glad to accept and use all the dealer helps they can get, and try earnestly to write advertising copy that is worth printing, yet they don't get the returns they should. Why? Because they are ignorant of the fundamentals of appeal.

Here is where the manufacturer could show that he wants to help the dealer. Let him furnish suitable helps that will not only sell his goods alone, but that will boost the entire store. and create an atmosphere that will encourage buying and customer good-will.

A successful store can sell more of a manufacturer's goods than one which is not so successful. This is a strong reason why so many dealer helps are not met with the favor their creators think they should be. They only try to force the one certain line of goods upon the dealer's customer and in no way help to boost the rest of the store.

If advertisement copy is sent the dealer it is often but a laudation of the particular article the manufacturer sells. It does not promote the sale of anything else or list any of the other many things a dealer carries. The dealer looks upon such helps as not worth the space rates charged for insertion in the local paper; thus nothing comes of this class of helps.

It is not necessary to put the manufacturer's goods in the background. I by no means advocate that. But the advertiser should see that his helps boost in a general way the other lines the dealer carries by bringing the personality of the store and its owner more to the front. The manufacturers that are doing this are meeting with the dealers' coöperation and not their opposition.


The manufacturer who desires to gain a hold on the trade that the dealer controls should help him in his effort to become a better merchant and in his fight for success. The manufacturer who looks upon the marketing of goods to the retailer as something more than just shipping orders as received and then straightway forgetting the dealer's existencethe manufacturer who does this will be the one that gets the dealer's preference and coöperation.

If some advertiser would issue a booklet explaining the fundamentals of advertising and store service, defining appeal and response and explaining the rule of effective typographical

display this would help the dealer to advertise effectively and incidentally sell more of the manufacturer's goods.

A booklet upon effective store systems and how to install them would be received with joy by all merchants, and besides making their credit more secure, would make friends and boosters of these dealers that would many times pay for the time and expense involved. The retail merchant is human and he reacts toward the advertiser who tries to help him in the same way.


This fact holds true also where the manufacturer tries by national advertising and strong-talking salesmen to force an article down a dealer's throat without regard to his likes or dislikes, instead of trying to get that dealer's coöperation.

The dealer then pushes substitutes for all he is worth, and the advertiser is not getting the distribution he might have had, had he looked upon the dealer as human like himself.

I know from experience. The point I desire to make is this: The modern merchant who operates his store on scientific lines, combined with true courtesy and service, has no fear of chain-store competition.


He can sell just as cheap in the majority of He can have just as good fixtures and displays. He can learn merchandise and his trade's wants and operate just as cheaply as the chain store. He, further, has the human side to enlarge upon and can create good-will to a much greater extent than can the chain store.

He is also owner and boss of his establishment and can make quick decisions and changes when necessary, which the chain cannot do, as the manager is, in most cases, under the absolute control of headquarters often a thousand miles away.

Now, how can the average merchant, who is daily being forced to quit the business-solvent or otherwise-how can he be helped and trained in the methods of merchandising that are making the chain store his superior?

It is up to the manufacturer, he who depends upon the merchant to sell his goods; he must help him to adapt himself to the new conditions of business. By dealer-helps and instructive advertising the average merchant in business to-day can be developed into a merchandising expert who will boost the sale of all advertised quality goods. He will live in terror of no chain-store menace.





Seven years of living over my own store has convinced me that it is far better in every way for a druggist to live quite a distance from his place of business.

The one and only point in favor of a druggist living at his place of business is that he is always on the job, day or night; and the very

John McComas.

fact that he is always on the job condemns the arrangement, making it a poor plan to follow.

By confining himself to one roof the druggist ties himself to a humdrum existence which narrows his view-point and acts as a drag on the expansion of his business. By not getting out among his fellow men and mingling with them he acquires the reputation of being a poor mixer; and when the people think a man is trying to avoid them, socially or otherwise, they are going anywhere but to his store with their trade.


It is true, of course, that such a man could go out and mix with his fellows. But he won't. He becomes too much wrapped up in his

Monthly Department of


affairs through his continued association with them.

The one-roof man is narrowed not only mentally, but physically as well. He doesn't get the outdoor exercise, the fresh air and the diversions that are essential to develop a sound body. The confinement and lack of exercise

resulting from such a method of living unfit a man both mentally and physically to grapple with details and bring about business success.

Another objection to a man living at his place of business is that a man cannot avoid mixing up household affairs with store matters -a bad combination always, for he will neglect either one or the other; and sooner or later the neglected one will cause a smashup.

There is an occasional merchant who advocates the combination residence and store on the ground that his wife will be able to act as a clerk and thus help cut down expenses. Such a policy is a poor one, however, for a wife's time should be devoted to making a home, and not taking the place of a ten-dollar clerk.



I do not mean, though, that a wife should be kept in ignorance of her husband's business affairs; on the contrary, she should always know exactly where he stands. For her opinion and advice are sometimes invaluable


Some druggists consider that it cuts rentals in half to have their dwelling and store all in one building. Such a procedure is poor economy, for the reason that the money saved in rental will be lost many times over through circumstances arising from such a combination of home and business. In my opinion the druggist who can't make enough out of his business to pay house rent had better seek a more lucrative calling.

Still another bad feature of living at one's place of business is that the druggist is likely to be called out at all hours of the night, often unnecessarily, just because he is close to the store. Such happenings break up the muchneeded rest of the druggist and increase his already too-long working hours.

All that a druggist makes by such night calls will not pay the premium on his life insurance policy-which policy the wife will have to collect if too many of the calls are answered.


The druggist who, when his day's work is finished, simply turns out his store lights and then turns around to tumble into bed, may have more time to sleep-both here and hereafterthan his brother pharmacist who, after his closing hour, expands his chest and takes in wholesome breaths of the evening air on his way home. But he will not live so many years, nor enjoy life so much as will the right-living one.

There is of course the possibility of living so far from one's work that the task of walking home after standing behind the counter all day becomes an irksome one. The chances for better health, however, all favor the man who has to take a fairly long promenade before reaching his sleeping place.

One-half to one mile distant from the store strikes me as about the proper location for a druggist's home. Living at such a distance, he has a chance to become thoroughly awakened and cheerful in spirit before arriving at the store, whereas the fellow living in the same. block will hardly be able to get the sleep out of his eyes before commencing work.


At dinner-time his walk is usually an appetizer to the druggist who lives at a distance from his store, and the return trip helps to digest his meal.

At night, after closing, a brisk walk will displace the drugged air in his lungs with the pure ether of the out-of-doors atmosphere.

In case he should be awakened at night, the pharmacist who has to walk a little distance will be more fully alert to his task than the man who jumps out of bed suddenly to face a customer will be. Then, too, the former will enjoy his sleep all the more after completing his nocturnal stroll.

The druggist living above his store seems to me to run the danger of being supersaturated with his business and becoming a "dull Jack." He is liable to sink into a rut, and to think, sleep and talk nothing but business.

The one whose residence is apart from his store, however, can shake off cares more easily.

He has more of a chance to ride some hobby or other and to rid his clothes of the iodoform odor. He can hoe his garden or tinker with his automobile without being subjected to the petty interruptions liable to the man within easy summoning-distance of his shop. He can enjoy his book or his paper with a more restful feeling than he could if the store were only a stone's throw away.

My advice to the druggist who is undecided as to where to take up his residence is this: "Live a reasonable distance from your store so that you may be enabled three or four times a day to stretch your limbs and to enjoy some of nature's own air. Both you and the store will profit."



If any man needs an occasional respite from his duties, it is the druggist. The long hours he is on duty and the highly specialized character of his work tend to make him narrow, and taken together they constitute valid reasons why he should seek as many broadening influences in life as possible.

If he chooses the drug store for his home the probabilities are that he will follow the lines of least resistance; the attractions of his business will draw him on, absorbing all his interests, until gradually he shuts himself from the outer world completely.

Because he is so close to his business, his thoughts cannot be removed from it altogether. He cannot find time to rest his mind with thoughts of home life and outside activities. Without realizing it he becomes self-centered, and from lack of variety he misses much of the joy of living.

Most of us are acquainted with the man who boasts that he has been working, sleeping, and living in the same building for the greater part of his life; but we do not envy him.

Some druggists may choose the other extreme and live at such a great distance that they are forced to depend upon the train or upon street-car service. They are choosing the lesser of two evils; but in addition to the annoying delays and the time wasted by this arrangement, they, too, are losing the benefit of a daily walk to and from work.

The druggist who lives at a ten- or fifteenminutes' walk from his place of business

strikes the happy medium. He is in a position to get some real enjoyment out of life. His business and his leisure hours are separated. He is not tied down like the man who lives at his place of business, but he can go home and get away from the atmosphere of drugs, forgetting his cares entirely for a few hours.


For ten years I have had as a partner in the drug business a man who lives over two miles distant from the store. My residence is within a stone's throw.

As things now stand I am the first one on duty in the morning. That is as it should be, of course. I am near the store, and, as my partner points out, it would be foolish for him to get around first when I am so handy by.

He usually strides in about 9.30, full of life and vigor from his brisk walk in the morning air. So imbued is he with what our messenger boy calls "pep" that he starts in on two or three pieces of work at once. Along about eleven o'clock I cut over home and get lunch, and then come right back so that my partner may have time to walk home for lunch which his wife insists shall be served promptly at 12.30.

Very often he hasn't had time to complete the jobs he started, and, as many of them require immediate attention, it is up to me to finish them after my 30 minutes for lunch.

In the afternoon it is usually 2.30 before he shows up again. He knows nearly everybody in town, and, as he has pointed out to me many times, it is good policy for him to stop and chat with the customers, actual or possible, that he meets on the way.


Evening work we divide. I run the store

one night and my partner plans to look after it the next. The scheme works splendidly on my nights at the store. I return from supper at 5.15, allowing "George" ample time to reach home for his wife's six o'clock dinner.

On his nights at the store I, of course, don't need to leave at any definite hour, for my home is easily accessible. I can run across the street any time and tell my wife to hold supper until the hour of seven o'clock or whenever it is that my partner can get back.

It sometimes happens, however, that on my partner's night to work he calls up to inform me that his lawn-it's one he takes much pride in-is sadly in need of watering, and would I mind waiting until about eight o'clock for his return? I can have my wife bring me a little something to eat without much trouble, so it is only fair that I tell him not to bother coming back at all. We close at 9.30 anyway, and it seems too bad to bring him a distance of more than two miles for only an hour or so of work.


On rainy or snowy nights, too, he quite often stays at home, for he is situated at some distance from a car-line and it is almost senseless to force him out in the storm when I can run across without having even to raise an umbrella.

I sometimes wish, however, that he would move a little closer to the store. I seem to do more than half the work and only get an equal division of the profits.

I don't know as I should kick, though, for "George" is a great business getter. He has many intimate friends who come in to trade with him personally, and they quite often make liberal purchases. The only trouble is that he is not around to greet them, and consequently they put off buying until they can deal with him personally, and somehow or other future


This department is in the hands of the big family of BULLETIN readers, and the heartiest co-operation is earnestly urged. The following questions are announced for the next contest:

1. What is the best method of getting into the good graces of a new physician just come to town? Submitted by Wm. McKay, New York City, N. Y.

2. How do you go after desirable credit business? Submitted by Lester A. Braydon, St. Louis, Mo. For the best answer to either of these questions we shall award a prize of $5.00. Other answers,

if printed, will be paid for at regular space rates. Every answer should be at least 500 words long and in our hands by December 10.

business of that sort hasn't yielded many returns as yet.

But taken as a whole I am beginning to get (will the BULLETIN permit such language?) d-d sick of it all. I am going to ask my partner to exchanges residences with me.

I might add in conclusion that this article appears under an assumed name.



Much is expected from the druggist of today, and to perform his duties as they should be performed he must be prepared properly. He cannot work all day and then be up half the night waiting on so-called "emergency"


The druggist who sticks to his store all day and then, when closing time comes, tumbles into bed only to be called out several times during the night to sell Seidlitz powders and castor oil is not prepared to do good work the following day. His rest has been disturbed to such an extent that top-notch efficiency is out of the question.

Why should a druggist be called out of bed to fix up a glutton who starts to turn in at 2

To the Editors:

A.M. and desires to be straightened out for the following day?

Some druggists, on reading this, will disagree with me. They will say that emergency calls are really necessary, and point out from their many years of experience certain night calls that seemed to be really imperative.

Let us consider one of these seemingly necessary calls-that of a physician who wishes to purchase a tube for evacuating a stomach. The tube is necessary to save a life, perhaps, but what excuse can be offered by a physician who does not have a "red snake" available, either in his medicine bag or at a hospital?

I have discontinued night service at my store, and since doing so I have not noticed any marked increase in the death-rate.


Health is more essential than business. business is good and the druggist's health is poor, how is he going to attend to the business? The man who permits business to interfere with his health makes a poor impression on the community.. People lose confidence in his ability, for they get to believe that a druggist's health and his drugs are of the same quality-both bad.

My doctrine is to live away from my store, and by so doing get proper out-of-door exercise and sufficient rest at night.



I am sending you a photo of a genuine Colorado badger and of myself. This badger was caught when about four days old and brought to my store before his eyes were open. We rigged up a nipple and bottle, and we nursed it for three weeks; then we fed him milk and scrambled eggs, and he has become the pet of the town. He is as tame as any dog and plays like a kitten. I let him run in the store, and he has learned to open show-cases and drawers and make himself generally useful. He catches rats and mice, and I feel that he more than pays for his keep by beating Azoa out of a job.

If at any time you have space and care to run this picture, you are at perfect liberty to do so.

Haxtun, Colo.


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