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The following are recommended in the literature: 1. Dissolve 1 ounce of yellow soap in 11⁄2 pints of boiling water. Then stir in 1 quart of boiled linseed oil. When cold, add 4 pint of gold size.

2. Take fine twilled calico. Soak it in bullock's blood and dry. Then give it two or three coats of boiled oil, mixed with a little litharge, or with an ounce of gold size to every pint of the oil.

3. Thin ordinary paint with a strong solution of soap. 4. Dissolve rosin in hot boiled oil until it begins to thicken.

5. Mix chalk or pipe-clay in the finest powder, and in the purest state obtainable, to a thin paste with boiled oil.

6. Melt together 1 pint of boiled oil with 2 ounces each of beeswax and rosin.

7. Dissolve soft soap in hot water and solution of protosulphate of iron till no further precipitate is produced. Filter off, wash, and dry, and then form the mass into a thin paste with boiled oil.

All these compositions are painted on the cloth with an ordinary painter's brush. The fabric should be slightly stretched, both to avoid folds and to facilitate the penetration of the waterproofing mixture. To aid the penetration still further, the mixture should be applied hot. It is of the greatest importance that the fabric should not be damp when the composition is applied. It is best to have it warm as well as the composition.

If more than one coat is applied (three is the usual number), it is essential that the last coat be perfectly dry before the next is applied. Neglect of this precaution is the chief cause of stickiness, which frequently results in serious damage to the oilskins; they should be hung up when not in use, and allowed plenty of room.

It is inadvisable to use artificial heat in drying at any stage in the manufacture. The inflammability of oilskins may be lessened materially by the use of one of the ordinary fireproofing salts, such as tungstate of soda or alum, before the waterproofing process is carried out.

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Soldering Fluid.

H. E. R. asks: "What acid or combination is used to solder cast-iron, steel, etc.?"

According to "Henley's Book of Recipes, Formulas, and Processes," a satisfactory soldering fluid may be made by the use of ordinary soldering acid, to which has been added chloride of tin and sal ammoniac.

To make one gallon of this soldering fluid take 3 quarts of commercial muriatic and allow it to dissolve as much zinc as it will take up. This method is the one employed in the manufacture of ordinary soldering acid. The acid must be placed in an earthenware or glass vessel. The zinc may be sheet clippings or common plate spelter broken into small pieces.

Place the acid in the vessel, adding the zinc in small portions, so as to prevent boiling over. When all the zinc has been added and the action has stopped, it indicates that enough has been taken up. A little zinc must be left in the bottom, as otherwise the acid will be in excess.

After this has been done there will remain some residue in the form of a black precipitate. This is the lead which all zinc contains, and which is not dissolved by the muriatic acid. This lead may be removed by filtration through cotton or by decantation. Next, dissolve 6 ounces of sal ammoniac in a pint of warm water. In another pint dissolve 4 ounces of tin chloride. Now mix the three solutions together. The resulting solution will be slightly cloudy when the three have been mixed, but the addition of a few drops of muriatic acid will render it perfectly clear. Add only enough acid to produce a clear mixture. An excess of acid is injurious.

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of therapeutics. We might say, however, that the pain-relieving virtues of laudanum are due to the absorption of the opium by the inner ear, and to offer a substitute for the laudanum requires a substance that will act in a similar manner. A combination of sweet oil with fluidextract of conium, hyoscyamus, or belladonna would perhaps be valuable in relieving the pain of earache. Certain persons, however, are particularly susceptible to the actions of hyoscyamus and belladonna.

A mixture of 1 drachm of campho-chloral (formed by rubbing to a liquid equal parts of camphor and chloral), 1⁄2 fluidounce of sweet almond oil, and 6 fluidounces of glycerin, when dropped in the ear twice a day and kept in place by putting a little cotton-wool in the ear, is also said to give relief in cases of earache. Only a few drops are required.

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Trouble with Basham's Mixture.

H. G. C. writes: "How can 'settling' in Basham's Mixture be prevented, and what is the cause of it?"

If made strictly according to the formula of the U. S. P., Basham's Mixture will deposit upon standing, but this can be prevented by doubling the quantity of glycerin directed; when so made the solution has been found to remain perfectly clear for a year.

A precipitate or cloudiness occurring at the time of manufacture, or shortly thereafter, is due to the formation of basic ferric acetate. To prevent this, it is imperative that the solution of ammonium acetate contains a slight excess of acid, which can be determined by testing with litmus.

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thought we overcharged him, so he asked for a copy. He afterwards informed us that a competitor filled the prescription for ten cents. Our charge was 40 cents."

According to the Evans rule for pricing, which is the system advocated by the BULLETIN, the proper charge may be arrived at by doubling the cost of the ingredients and container and adding a dollar an hour for time consumed in compounding. An investigation of prescription prices in Detroit, conducted a short time ago, showed the average minimum price for 4- to 8-drachm ointments to be 40 cents.

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The Harrison Law Explained.

T. B. S.-Yes, our brochure entitled "Observing the Harrison Law" includes a full reprint of the law itself. It also takes up all the regulations and rulings that have emanated from Washington, and it discusses court decisions that have been handed down in important cases. Every phase and aspect of the law and its enforcement is presented, and the booklet will be especially valuable to every retail druggist who desires to keep out of trouble. It has been prepared especially for the benefit of our readers, and the price is 25 cents post-paid.

Saw Palmetto Compound and the Harrison Law. R. H. N. asks: "Why does elixir of saw palmetto compound come under the Harrison law?"

It doesn't. Elixir of saw palmetto compound, as we are familiar with it, is a mixture of sabal, sandalwood, and corn-silk. Such a mixture contains none of the proscribed narcotics, and we can see no reason for it being affected in any way by the Harrison law.

SOME ODD TWISTS OF ENGLISH.-Wanted-A furnished room by an old lady with electric lights. Wanted-A room by a young gentleman with double


Wanted-A man to take care of horses who can speak German.

Wanted-Saleslady in corsets and underflannels. Wanted-Lady to sew buttons on the second story of the First National Bank Building.

Wanted-A dog by a little boy with pointed ears. Wanted-A nice young man to run a pool-room out of town.

Wanted-Experienced nurse for bottled baby. Wanted-A room for two young gentlemen about 30 feet long and 20 feet wide.

Wanted-A cow by an old lady with a crumpled


For Sale-A cottage by an old gentleman with a bay window.

For Sale-A baby carriage; reason for selling going out of business.

For Sale-A nice mattress by an old lady full of feathers.-San Francisco Pacific Druggist.




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'ERE'S a money-maker for you-it's a new product in a virgin field.

H Mennen's Kora-Konia is a new dusting powder and fills a long-felt

need for the physician. It is the outcome of careful and long experimenting in co-operation with physicians.

Like the other Mennen products, Shaving Cream and Talcum, Kora-Konia will be backed by an aggressive campaign, especially to the medical profession. The success of this campaign is assured, for everyone recognizes the good standing of the House of Mennen with the medical profession. We have already sent to every registered physician in the United States, a full size package of Kora-Konia together with a letter. And this will be followed up.

Read the following excerpts taken from letters we have received in reply to this circularization. They are an indication of how the physician regards Kora-Konia:

"Am using your Kora-Konia in a severe case of eczema and find nothing like it. I tried various salves, washes, and other talcum powders, but this has done more good than all the other remedies combined. Where can I get it as needed, for I want it when I need it."

"The sample of Kora-Konia has been received. I am very much interested in it, and think it will be very acceptable for the use it is intended."

"I am in receipt of a package of Kora-Konia, which I take to be something new. But the fact that it comes from the House of Mennen, stamps it as reliable, and I will be pleased to give it a trial."

"I received your circular and sample of KoraKonia and I am highly pleased with the preparation and its formula-it fits in a niche that has long been unoccupied, and my belief is that it will be largely employed by physicians."

"Please send another sample of Kora-Konia, or let me know where I can get it. Have a severe case of eczema which the sample you sent helped very much, and I want to continue its use."

"We used the sample of Kora-Konia you sent us and were much pleased with same, but we can't obtain it here as yet. We should like about a quarter dozen cartons of same; you may send them by parcels post or express."

"Received your Kora-Konia. Prescribed it twice to-day; last patient reported none in town, and as he was leaving for the plains I gave him my package. Send me another and stock the druggists."

"Would be pleased to receive another sample of your Kora-Konia dusting powder. It is the best thing I have ever used for intertrigo and dermatitis in infants."

Even before we announced our Kora-Konia to the jobbers, orders came pouring in. Doctors are prescribing Kora-Konia, as you can see by the above. Keep the good-will of the doctor by carrying in stock that which he prescribes.

Kora-Konia can be had through most jobbers. If not through yours, write us giving his name. Did you get our booklet "Taking the Bunk out of Bonus" together with new Price List? If not, write in for your copy.

House of Mennen,

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