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Paying Side-Lines for Druggists

A line of color paint boxes for amateurs and professionals. All grades all prices drawing instruments. Boards, "T" Squares. Sets for Mechanical Drawing. Waterproof Drawing Ink.

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F. WEBER & CO., Main Office and Factory, PHILADELPHIA, PA.

Manufacturers-Importers, Artists' Materials, Drawing and School Supplies.
BRANCHES: St. Louis, Mo., Baltimore, Md.

Catalogue on Request.




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DRUG BOXES of the kind that indicate to the customer the excellence of the merchandise contained in them "quality" boxes, in short-constitute the line manufactured by the F. N. Burt Company, Ltd., Buffalo, N. Y.

Burt boxes are not sold direct, but may be obtained from almost any wholesaler or jobbing house in the country. To obtain them it is necessary simply to specify "Burt boxes" when placing an order.

Any druggist who is not familiar with the line may secure samples or a catalogue by writing direct to the company.

Why, there's not a piece of chicken in it, and there never was."

"Dat's right, boss-dey ain't no chicken in it." "Then why do you call it chicken pie? I never heard of such a thing!"

"Dat's right, boss. Dey don't have to be no chicken in a chicken pie. Dey ain't no dog in a dog biscuit, is dey?"-Bagology.

"SPUGS"-members of the Society for the Prevention of Useless Giving-will appreciate having their attention called to the Whitall Tatum "Special" waterbottle as a useful article for Christmas giving.

As a sensible gift the "Special" is eminently satisfactory. It is practical, and is guaranteed to give service for a period of not less than two years.

Why not bring Whital Tatum "Special" bottles to the front during the holiday season? If your stock is low, the Whitall Tatum Company, 410-416 Race Street, Philadelphia, will fill a rush order.

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of Controlling Soda Fountain Receipts. Used only
where a cashier is employed.

It quickly and permanently stops "leaks" whether from dishonesty or carelessness.
It provides a clean check for the customer-no more sticky and slimy checks.

Throw out your celluloid checks and other antiquated checking systems and put your checking system on a modern basis.

Our booklet describes the complete system. It will "put you wise" to some expensive irregularities under old systems and how to correct them. Write for it. THE LOCK-STUB CHECK COMPANY, 22 Quincy St., Chicago.

Bush Terminal, Brooklyn, N. Y.

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THE BEST toilet cream on the market

POND'S EXTRACT COMPANY'S and the best one for the dealer to handle


Write for particulars of our $4.00 Special
Dept. S. 131 Hudson Street, New York City.

"OLD BRASSEY keeps up his golf talk all the year round."

"Why, he plays only from April to November." “I know; but he runs a balky furnace from November to April."-Judge.

"WINDOW DISPLAYS FOR DRUGGISTS" is now in the third edition-a convincing proof of its practicability and usefulness for retail druggists.

The book contains clear-cut photographic reproductions and painstaking descriptions of 115 easy-toduplicate window displays. The displays are all practical ones, the trade-pulling powers of which have been proved by trial.

Calendars suggesting articles for display every week of the year, a collection of money-getting slogans for show-card use, and many other helps to enable you to get the best returns from your window space are also included in the book.

E. G. Swift, P. O. Box 484, Detroit, Mich., will send you the volume, post-paid, for $1.00.

"You keep a joint bank account with your wife, do you not?"

"Yes; I deposit the money and she draws it out.”— Cleveland Dealer.

THE kindergarten had been studying the wind all week-its power, effects, etc.-until the subject had been pretty well exhausted. To stimulate interest, the kindergartner said, in her most enthusiastic manner: "Children, as I came to school to-day in the trolleycar, the door opened and something came softly in and kissed me on the cheek. What do you think it was?" And the children joyfully answered, "The conductor!"-Harper's Magazine.

"ROBERTSON FRUIT TABLETS keep indefinitely, but sell so readily after once tried that their keeping properties are rarely tested," say the manufacturers.

If you want to learn of the possibilities that the selling of fruit tablets holds out to you, write to the Robertson Candy Company, New York City, for information and prices.

DINGLEBATZ: "A scientist has invented what he calls a ‘muck-ray' machine that seems destined to fill a long-felt want."

Snicklefritz: "What is its object?"

Dinglebatz: "It will enable the people to see how a candidate can spend $10,000 in getting himself elected to a $1,500 office, and yet grow rich on the deal."Indianapolis Star.

When writing to advertisers please mention BULLETIN OF PHARMACY.

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"My face is my fortune," said the girl with the dazzling complexion.

"Permit me," replied Mr. Dustin Stax, "to extend the compliments of a self-made man to a self-made woman."-Washington Star.


INTERESTING CUSTOMERS IN SANITARY SERVICE.-TO acquaint customers with the merits of Vortex sanitary paper cups and dishes, the Owl Drug Store, of Nogales, Arizona, recently conducted a poem-writing contest. Prizes of $2.50 each were offered for the two best rhymes dealing with the advantages of Vortex service. The winning entry, submitted by a woman, was as follows:

Are you strong for sanitation?
When you drink your mild libation,
You will relish it much more,
If it's served in "Vortex" glasses,
Made expressly for the masses.
Ice cream, too, in "Vortex" dishes,
Will come up to all your wishes,

At the famous Ow! Drug Store.

The $2.50 prize for men contestants went to the author of the following:

Tere with my saritary dish I sit,
While silver "Vortex" glasses click.
What harm in sodas can there be,

Since health and service so well agree?

According to the proprietors of the Owl Drug Store, the contest did much to stimulate an interest in sanitary service and to press home the fact that at the Owl fountain "every glass is a clean glass."

Vortex cups and dishes are manufactured by the Vortex Manufacturing Company, Chicago, Ill.

MRS. GREEN: "They seem to think the war will be over very soon now, Mrs. 'Arris."





8-oz. $4.00 per Doz.

16-oz. $6.75


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AMUSING and an Exerciser.

A Toy for Cats, in a box of Catnip, beneficial to the health of any cat or kitten. Cats can't let it alone. Will last for years. On sale at most Drug, Bird or Toy Counters.

DR. A. C. DANIELS, Inc., Boston, Mass.

Manufacturers of Horse, Dog and Cat Remedies.

"E PLURIBUS UNUM!" cheered Ed. Hicks as his favorite pony crossed the line.

"I don't get you," said a disgruntled person. "Such ignorance! He won out of many, didn't he?" explained the cultured one.-Puck.

When writing to advertisers please mention BULLETIN OF PHARMACY.

Mrs. Harris: "I shouldn't be surprised, Mrs. Green; twenty-five shillings a week and me 'usband away-I always said it was too good to last."-The Sketch.


DRUGGISTS are boosting their sales enormously by giving my aquariums away Free with each 50-cent purchase and getting their money back from the sales of fish food.

Comb. E.-144 24-oz. fish globes, 288 med. gold fish, 144 boxes 10c fish food, dip net and plant, $19.60
Comb. B.-72 quart fish globes, 144 med. gold fish, 72 boxes 10c fish food, dip net and plant, $11.00
Comb. C.- 72 -gal. fish globes. 144 med. gold fish, 72 boxes 10c fish food, dip net and plant, $14.40
Comb. A.-144 pint fish globes, 288 small gold fish, 144 boxes 10c fish food, dip net and plant, $16.40
We give 25 EXTRA fish if cash accompanies order. Try Comb. E, the biggest globe and fish value
ever offered to the trade. Globes by Freight. Fish by Express. F. O. B. Toledo, Ohio.






GEORGE R. FULLER CO., 99 N. Clinton Ave., Rochester, N.Y.

PARK ORATOR: "My friends, if each of us were to turn and look ourselves squarely in the face what should we each find we needed most?"

A Voice from the Crowd: "An india-rubber neck, mister."-New York Times.

THE AMERICAN DRUGGIST.-With the possible exception of the grocer and the meat dealer, there is none who occupies a more prominent and important position in our community and business activity than does the American druggist. Many towns are so stunted that they have to get along without an editor and some other agencies of progress and uplift, but it is indeed a small place that does not have a druggist.

The American retail druggist is sui generis. Travel the world over and you will encounter his like nowhere. Europe and other civilized places have their chemist and apothecary shops, which are dreary places compared with the corner drug store that is an attractive center of business and social intercourse in every populous American neighborhood. The druggist in most foreign lands is looked upon as necesary but to be patronized only in an emergency. He has no soda fountain, no free telephone, none of the other allurements that draw the healthy along with the ill to his place of business.

The retail druggist in this country has made himself indispensable by his enterprise and foresight in ministering to the requirements of those in his vicinity. He has been progressive and aggressive. He has sugarcoated the pill, has put our castor oil in capsules, given us plasters that will come off-maybe-and done a thousand and one other little services for ailing humanity. He has earned the prosperity and approval that are his. Indianapolis is pleased to be his host and voices the sentiment of appreciative patrons in all parts of the country when it wishes him continued and increased success.-Indianapolis Star.

HUBBY: "Hubbs is no kind of an umpire. He's no judge of fouls."

Wife: "Why hubby, I'm surprised to hear you say so, when he raises the best fancy chickens in the neighborhood."-Baltimore American.

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When writing to advertisers please mention BULLETIN OF PHARMACY.

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