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The suggestion that we go back to the eight or the twelve-hour law would prove no more effective a remedy now than it did then, and it is only the perspective of time that makes it seem that it was more effective than the present law. We will never progress by making any retrogressive move


There is only one way by which the overtime question will be settled to the satisfaction of the regular, the sub (and the sub is a factor to be considered) and to the office.

Do away with the bungling law that requires from three to four hours' overtime on Saturday and substitute one that will compel the office to put on an adequate day force. There is not a newspaper published that does not or could not obtain work sufficiently far ahead to maintain a day force as efficient and as profitable to it as is now obtained by the present system of "sub starving" in vogue throughout the country.

Take the overtime that is charged to the office every Saturday (in the case of the New York Herald it is usually about four hundred hours), to which may safely be added about two hundred more that will have been accumulated during the week. Divide this into days of seven and onehalf hours, and it will provide about fifteen new situations, besides saving to the office approximately $250 per week, the difference between the day scale and the overtime rate. Or, in other words, the amount of money the regular now receives, and, in turn, hands over to the sub in consideration for two and one-half hours' leisurethe bonus he receives for working five and onehalf hours overtime. ADRIAN G. CAIRNS.

New York, N. Y.



The symposium which THE JOURNAL has contained for several issues on the subjects of old age pensions and insurance have been edifying and ed ucational. Some of the arguments, however, are ludicrous and indicate unmistakably that writers advancing them have forgotten certain facts. One stereotyped argument against the International Typographical Union establishing an insurance branch is that labor unions are not charitable institutions. Inasmuch as the membership must assess itself if it adopts insurance, it is rather difficult for a man on the left bank of the Mississippi to discover the aforesaid charity. If I live long enough to partake of the old age pension I certainly will not feel shame-faced about accepting it, after paying assessments therefor for twenty If I should find it necessary to beyears or more. come an inmate of our splendid Home at any time in the future I will not have the trespasser's trepidation, recalling, as I will, having paid per capita tax therefor ever since it was projected. when I have been gathered to my fathers and shake off this mortal coil I shall not turn over in my grave, restless because a trade union charitably defrayed the expenses of my interment, seeing that I have assessed myself ever since there was a burial fund against this inevitable exigency. I un


derstand charity to mean a free offering. Our Home, burial fund and old age pension fund are certainly not conducted on that basis.

In proposing, at the Toronto convention, a committee to investigate the pension question, I was actuated by two motives. First, I recognized the necessity of labor unions pensioning the decrepit industrial soldier until such time as society, through government, undertook to do so; and, second, I had finally been compelled to accept the truth that men's selfishness must be appealed toeven in labor unions. Man's actions are controlled by his material interests, or what he conceives them to be. I certainly had no thought of charity. I want no charity; I want justice. And I shall strive until the dawn of that perfect day when our common language will contain no such word as charity.

I realize that our pension law is largely an experiment. Because it is experimental, the present rate of assessment has caused a large surplus to be created. This is not a hard problem. The assessment can be reduced, the payment increased or the age limit decreased. Either of these remedies will prevent the surplus becoming much larger. I oppose eliminating the continuous membership clause. I want the International Typographical Union card to be a valuable asset, and to grow constantly more valuable, and to make a man hesitate and think long and hard before he gives it up, because of the cost. This is why I proposed the application of the progressive principle to all of our benefit features and to our initiation fees. I recognize that the average man, with all of his love of unionism, never loses sight of the advantages of union membership, and in these sordid times that mercenary attribute must be appealed to.

I am not prepared to say whether life insurance can be practically conducted by the International Typographical Union or not. There was an "insurance branch" in the long ago. It failed because, in its voluntary nature, its membership was so small as to make death assessments prohibitive. Don't forget what a poor proposition THE JOURNAL was in the days of optional subscription. And look at it now-see how it thrives under obligatory support. This is co-operation. Your whole International Typographical Union, for that matter, is conducted along the lines of co-operation. Where would your Home be if its support were voluntary?

The dues as now levied are not high-that is to say, not exorbitant-when you analyze and see what you are getting for the outlay. I pass over the matter of local dues. You are on the ground and know all about that. If your local dues are too high, go to the meeting and find out about it. For one-half of 1 per cent you will receive in your old age $4 per week, if the law remains unchanged. If you can buy cheaper annuity insurance than that, I never heard of it. If you join the union at the age of 20 years and work six days a week, at $20 per week, until you are 60 years of age, you will have earned $41,600, and one-half of 1 per cent of this sum is $208. At $4 per week, you will receive the first year of fifty-two weeks, beginning at your sixtieth year, $209, which is exactly

the amount of your assessment for forty years! You don't have to die to beat it, either. And your premiums are on an easy-payment basis. You are not paying yearly in advance. At 15 cents a month you are paying $1.80 a year to support the Home. In forty years' time you will have paid $72, and that is surely a reasonable price to pay for a haven in your old age. For 5 cents a month, or 60 cents a year, you receive THE JOURNAL, and I say, without fear of successful contradiction, that you have never purchased an equal amount of literature of like quality at anything like this low rate. The remaining 25 cents of the per capita tax you are paying for general administrative purposes, salaries, etc., and death benefit. Considering the benefits received in shorter hours and better working conditions, the price is low. In the last analysis, whether it be faultfinding as to administration, benefit features in operation or proposed, remember you have the initiative and referendum. Use it intelligently. J. J. DIRKS. St. Louis, Mo.


The able paper of Charles H. Whittemore in the June JOURNAL So thoroughly covers the merits of the questions-financing the existing pension, and measuring prospectives of a proposed insurance plan-that I, for one, feel debtor to him for the labor invested, and wish to thank him; I reckon his points well sustained.

Mr. Fleet also makes an exceptionally strong innovation; he matches the telling table with a long-range law point-the Taff Vale decision. It is very likely that "the decision of a federal judge" would be enough to make American law, so it be to hold down labor interests at some time when not expected. It will be wise to keep chances on the safe side.

There are many good reasons, urged by many good men, for great caution in considering any further insurance legislation; but these two letters seem to me to make satisfactory ground for a decided negative. JOSEPH JOYCE. Baltimore, Md.


In the June JOURNAL, Charles H. Whittemore treats this subject very clearly, by facts and fig. ures, but he seems to have an idea that we will give Methuselah "cards and spades" in longevity and then go him several better, and I wish to utilize a little of your valuable space to show that even printers can die, and particularly those of the pensionable class, and add the fact that many of our new members are very young and callow and not likely to hit the pension fund for many


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will kindly tell us the number of members past 60 years of age, we can figure it down to a cent, as no one but one of Editor Hays' "Fifty-Seven Kinds of a D- Fool" would join a typographical union after he reached the age of 40 years, for he could not expect a pension, and the only benefit he could receive would be the privilege of working under the scale as a veteran, which he could do without the assistance of a typographical union. Colfax, Cal. A. S. WINCHESTER.


M. T. Watson's adverse criticism (TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL, June number) of my "style" is a compliment of no mean order. When, however, his role of critic merges in that of a Doctor Gradgrind, gratuitously imparting "facts," my attention is arrested.

The gentleman objects to the word Frankenstein used as a synonym for monster and advises me to "read Mrs. Shelley's famous novel," etc. On the other hand, if Mr. Watson will read the works of men famous in the field of literature in the period 1830-1875, he will find careful writers employing the term Frankenstein to denote an inhuman be. ing or thing. Further, if he will dissociate himself sufficiently long from the contemplation of the Beatific Vision-in this case the study of the priority law-to take up the Standard dictionary he will find (p. 2158, Proper Names, second definition): "Frankenstein: A man monster."

So common is the term, indeed, that, like the product of another scientist, Dr. Guillotin, future dictionary makers would do well to classify frankenstein as a common noun, signifying a being or thing so awful as to appal the senses of the beholder. EDWARD EVERETT HORTON, SR.

Brooklyn, N. Y.


Falling autumn leaves are sear,
But roses fade leaf by leaf,
And perish a dying year

Garners harvest into sheaf.
Yesterday a man looked up
To the deep ethereal blue
And quaffed from a brimming cup.
Soul inspiring "Mountain Dew."

Today he is silent dust,

Mingled with its kindred clay-
Mortal life is but a trust

That quickly passes away.
He is an immortal now,

Knows the Future and the Past;
Hears each voice and spoken vow,
And knows this sad world at last.

In the happy hereafter,

Where immortals alone dwell;
Where there are smiles and laughter,
And fragrance from sylvan dell;
Where tears are something unknown,
And joys unconfined the boast;
Where roses, ever full-blown,

Embower the heavenly host.

In memory of John Eugene Stewart, an old union printer and pensioner, born in St. Augustine, Fla., and died in St. Louis, May 15, 1909, in his sixty-eighth year. He leaves a widow, two sons, a married daughter and three grandchildren. Requiescat in pace. CHARLES CLAY SCOTT.

St. Louis, Mo.

WOMAN'S INTERNATIONAL AUXILIARY. President-Mrs. Charles Hertenstein, 3813 St. Louis avenue, St. Louis, Mo.

Secretary-Mrs. Frank W. Long, 4926 Ash street, Norwood, Cincinnati, Ohio.


Auxiliary No. 8 entertained most delightfully on June 9. The program, a most pleasing one, was opened with a piano solo, by Miss Crystal Hotchkiss, then readings by Edwin Glover, followed by some very amazing feats on the piano by Mr. Dale, son of Oliver Dale, a member of Union No. 16. Mr. Seeley next held our attention by singing "Some Day," "I'm the Leader of the German Band" and some of the most popular airs of the day, assisted by Mr. Dale on the piano. Master Heidbrink recited, and a closing solo was given by Miss Hotchkiss. The evening was enjoyed by all present a goodly number-the entertainers all being artists in their line, and we have assurances that all our future "doings" will be as great a success. We realized quite a neat little sum for our treasury, and also hope to announce an increase in membership at our next meeting.



We are pleased to announce this month that another auxiliary has been added to the list-Springfield (Mo.) Auxiliary No. 17, with a charter list of sixteen members. Miss Lena M. Sargent is president and Mrs. G. A. Bauman secretary. Mrs. Bauman will represent the new auxiliary at the St. Joseph convention.

Temporary officers have been elected of an auxiliary now forming in Joplin, Mo., and a charter will be applied for in the near future. Joplin Union has elected a committee to assist the ladies in their work of organization, and a large auxiliary is the indication.

In the city of New York an auxiliary has been organized and a temporary organization effected, as announced by the correspondent of that city in the last issue of THE JOURNAL. The ladies have been furnished with all the necessary literature, and as soon as the organization is perfected and made a part of the International organization, the fight on the unfair Butterick concern will be given a new impetus, for we will then have a direct wire to the battleground.

Preparations for the convention are no doubt well under way, and the attention of delegates and members having propositions to submit is called to the advisability of submitting those propositions as early as possible, so that the work of the convention may be expedited. Our laws admit of improvement, and anything that will make the organization a better, stronger and more useful factor in the labor movement should be presented.

We are going to keep on growing, and in time will be as valuable an asset as the International Typographical Union has. While we are in our infancy we want to make as few mistakes as possible, so would advise that all intended legislation be drawn carefully and with the view of doing the greatest good.

And if you have some good ideas for a campaign of label work for the organization, bring them along with you.



Our auxiliary met with Mrs. A. F. Hess on May 11. Our president appointed an auditing, membership, entertainment and sick committee; also appointed Mrs. H. G. Stephenson to act as secretary in the absence of Mrs. Cole, who has gone north for two months. We have had our charter handsomely framed and feel quite proud of it. After routine business had been disposed of we had a guessing contest. Then our hostess served refreshments, and all had a very enjoyable time. Yet we do not want it thought that our auxiliary is merely a social organization, for we intend to get seriously to work and make ourselves felt in Dallas. Although we feel encouraged at the increase in our membership, yet we do hope that the members of No. 173 will consider it their duty to urge the women connected with them to join us, for in union there is strength.

We met with Mrs. H. M. Campbell on June 9. There was a large attendance, and all members were very enthusiastic in regard to the label, and also in pledging themselves to work against the Butterick and other non-union concerns. After all business had been disposed of our hostess entertained with a musical program, a guessing contest and ice course, which we all enjoyed very much, spending a very pleasant afternoon together. Our next meeting will be with Mrs. W. H. Hall, 612 Live Oak 'street, where we shall be pleased to welcome any new member. MRS. M. C. HEASLIP.


The writer takes this means of thanking the ladies for electing her International vice-president, and assuring them she appreciates the honor very highly.

The members of Auxiliary No. 12 are assisting Robert Irick, chairman of the label committee of Typographical Union No. 10, very materially in his campaign for the label.

Mrs. T. F. Engelhardt, who has had the pleasure of meeting so many members of the Woman's International Auxiliary at Hot Springs and Boston, is very ill of typhoid fever at Norton infirmary, where she has been for six weeks. No one but her husband and sister are allowed to see her. Her beautiful hair has had to be sacrificed, for

everything possible is being done to assure her eventual recovery. She being a regular attendant at the auxiliary meetings, we all miss her so much, and sincerely hope she will be able to be in our midst at the August meeting. Mr. Engelhardt has the sympathy of every member of No. 12.



I wish to extend to all my friends and members of the auxiliary my heartfelt thanks and appreciation for again electing me International vice-president. And, as far as I am capable, I will fill said office to the honor, duty and welfare of the auxiliary.

I have been a little behind in my letter writing to THE JOURNAL, thinking each month I would be able to organize an auxiliary here, but have been entirely unsuccessful. However, it has not caused me to do nothing for union principles. My son and I address and send stickers to all firms that do not have the label on their printing.

I note with pleasure many new auxiliaries, which is very gratifying, as every new one is a help to the great cause of unionism.

A few words about Atlanta before I quit. As every one knows, we want the convention in 1910. Why? Because it is Atlanta's golden jubilee, of which it knows of no better way to celebrate than to entertain this fine body of ladies and gentlemen; and, as several of the writers have said, let Atlanta have it this time, as there will be plenty of time for all. So influence your husband delegates to vote for Atlanta, and, if I do not go to St. Joe, I will be on hand to help show you one of the grandest times of your life. So I hope to see one and all in Atlanta, Ga., in 1910.



All business meetings of our auxiliary are well attended every month, very seldom less than thirty attending. That is the reason the interest in No. 5 never wanes. If the attendance at social meetings keeps pace with past records, no private residence will be large enough to accommodate the members and families. There has not been a business meeting for many months that at least one member has not been initiated.

These have been busy days, both financially and socially. Mrs. T. B. Wright, one of our old members, not in years, but membership, entertained the auxiliary a few days before Decoration day, very appropriately, with a progressive national color luncheon, one of the nicest and most novel entertainments we have experienced. The house was beautifully decorated with red, white and blue streamers extending from a large umbrella of the same color in the center of each room. The hostess' three young daughters, one dressed in white, one blue and one red, served the guests progressively at three tables, one red, one white, one blue, with refreshments to carry out the color scheme. Contests and recitations were the means

of entertainment. There were thirty present, though it was a miserably rainy day.

Our other "doings" this month was a paying affair. We held a fair and supper at Mrs. Cherry's, and, judging from the sale of the fancy and also useful articles and the crowd that was served with a fine supper, it was certainly a suc cess financially, which will help on the way to St. Joe.

There are also thoughts on the way for an annual lawn social. We might call it an "annual delegate lawn social," our usual way of raising delegate funds.

Our work is not all social. I feel that every member individually does a great amount of good calling for label goods and patronizing union shops and workmen. MRS. W. A. DEVINE.


At the June meeting of No. 3, the following officers were installed: Mrs. P. M. Schmidt, president; Mrs. H. Hanson, vice-president; Mrs. H. S. Fenton, secretary-treasurer; Mrs. E. Meyer, recording secretary; Mrs. G. Pagel, guide. Sorry to say that, on account of sickness, our delegateelect, Mrs. B. W. Wedereit, could not be present; we all thought of her when we had our ice cream and cake after the meeting. The newly elected officers were installed by the past president, Mrs. C. W. Lechleidner, who was presented with a handsome hand-painted vase on retiring from the chair.

No. 3 held its annual May ball, and we want to thank the members of No. 23 for helping to make it a success.

A new baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frey. Congratulations!

It is the intention of No. 3 to give a series of basket picnics during the summer, the first of which will take place at Washington park the second Wednesday in July.

Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ohl, for the past two years residents of Sioux Falls, S. D., have returned to Milwaukee to live. No. 3 will welcome Mrs. Ohl's return to the auxiliary, who, previous to her removal from this city, was an active member.

Frank Joslin, a former member of Typographical Union No. 23, passed through the city recently on his way to Jefferson City, Mo., where Mrs. Joslin will shortly join him. Mrs. Joslin is remembered as one of the auxiliary's good label workers. Our auxiliary is gradually gaining in membership, and the prospects are that the end of the year will see us with over half a hundred names on the roll.

From present indications several members of our auxiliary will attend the convention at St. Joe in August. MRS. C. W. LECHLEIDNER.

THERE are lazy minds as well as lazy bodies.Franklin.

LOAN oft loses both itself and friend.-Shakespeare.

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