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don (Eng.); Harvey Welty, Hagerstown; William Weaver, Pittsburg; J. A. Barwood, Bristol. Cards issued-J. L. Watson, Edward D. King, D. W. Hoeckley, William Hill, H. K. Cramer, David Davis, S. Ralph Mandarin, J. B. Claypool, George A. Wagner, Edmund M. Kramer, Edward J. Walton, U. C. Dundon, Edwin S. Patterson, Charles Acheson, A. M. Jenkins, George Drury, Fred J. Deane, D. Bellerjean, jr., Charles W. Hallowell, James H. Herrin, Joseph E. Parry.



The last monthly meeting of the union proved to be of a very interesting character. Although the attendance was not large by any means, what few were there put up quite a lively discussion on the business before the meeting. It is to be hoped that what was said will bear fruit, and that each man will remember his obligation.

A committee was appointed by the union to form a bowling league for the winter months, and if there is that enthusiasm manifested over this feature as was bestowed on the recent baseball season just closed, then it is bound to be a success. The boys should get together sometime, and by this and other means find good fellowship.

Ed Tucker, lately of the "Spec" job department, has hied away to Los Angeles for a time.

It is now up to the several chairmen of chapels to send in a report every month. Get busy, all of you.

We still need a few more at the monthly meetings. There will be seats found for all who come, even if we have to buy a few more.

And now about the label. A little more work in this line will do good, and every union printer here has a chance every day.

Trade is fair and there are still a few looking for jobs. HERBERT HALL.


The prospects for another morning daily newspaper in this city are very bright. While there is nothing tangible at the time this is written, all the signs indicate that the Leader will soon launch a morning edition. If the marvelous success of the afternoon edition of the Leader can be taken as a criterion, there is no question that a morning paper, conducted along the same lines of fearless journalism, would meet with unbounded success. Without desiring to reflect upon the other newspapers of the city, which have their distinctive policies and clientèle, I wish to say that there is a growing demand among the masses of the people for an aggressive, virile type of journalism, one that will endeavor to the best of its ability to guard at all times the rights of the people. For these, and for other reasons, many of the members of No. 7 are rejoicing at the prospect of another paper in this city.

For some time past consideration has been given to the establishing of a new job scale. The present minimum scale of $16 has become moss-grown

and obsolete fit only to be wrapped up and laid away as a souvenir for the admiration and delectation of future generations. According to some of the oldest printers hereabouts, this scale of sixteen to one has been in existence for more than a quarter of a century, and they think it should be retired on a pension. As a matter of fact, it is observed but little in this city, as many of the shops are compelled to pay from $18 to $21 for firstclass job printers. With the awful increase in the cost of living in these days, it is absurd to expect intelligent and capable men to be satisfied with a scale of wages that was none too munificent when it was first established. In order to get the matter into concrete form, at the October meeting President Merz was authorized to call a meeting of the master printers to consider a five-year job scale, the intention being to propose a scale of $20 per week. There is no question that the Pittsburg job scale needs a horizontal uplift, and it looks very much as if it were going to get one.

The Lanston monotype casting machine installed some time ago in the office of the Gazette-Times is demonstrating its utility. This miniature type foundry is certainly grinding out the sorts. A firm in the eastern part of the city has also entered the field to supply the smaller printing offices with monotype fonts and sorts.

The Pittsburg Observer has removed to its new building downtown. The Observer is a bright and interesting religious journal and has a wide circulation. Unlike some of the religious publications of the present day, it is not afraid to grapple with the large and more pressing social and economic problems of the times.

James B. Culley has left the proofreader's desk on the Dispatch and is now a special representative of the National Stockman office. "Jim" has lots of friends and is a ready and fluent talker, and will make good" in this line of work.

George J. Hermann, of the East End Printing Company, has at last become a benedict. He was married on October 6 to Miss Margaret Nichols. After the ceremony they left for a visit among relatives at Marion, Ind. Mr. Hermann and his partner, Charles J. Koch, jr., are hustlers, and are well liked, and they have been remarkably successful in their new enterprise, as they have been in business but a few months.

The Union Printers' Beneficial Association is still flourishing, although the sick benefits have been rather heavy lately. The association recently extended its membership roll from 100 to 125.

The Sewickley Weekly Herald is one of the neatest, brightest and best-printed suburban papers in this section. It is under the management of the Stinson Printing Company, which has one of the best-equipped medium-sized printing offices in western Pennsylvania.

The extracts from the address of Senator Owen, of Oklahoma, given in the Washington letter in THE TYPOGRAPHICAL JOURNAL for August, are indicative of the growing spirit of tolerance so much in evidence of late years, and a recognition of the stern necessity of calling a halt in the mad rush for the omnipotent simoleons. Would that more of.

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The following resolutions were offered and adopted, on the 16th January, 1836.
Resolved, That a committee of three be appointed to have one hundred copies of the above list of prices printed, and a
copy given to each Master Printer, and that the names of all regular Journeymen in the city be affixed thereto.

Resolved, That all Journeymen Printers in the city pledge themselves to work according to the list of prices adopted;
and those who do not will be considered, by the craft, as RATS.

Resolved, That the meeting appoint a Standing Committee of five, with power to call meetings, &c.; whereupon
Messrs. Jesse Berlin, John Knox, Benj. Wright, John F. Jennings, and Geo. Marthens were appointed said committee.
Resolved, That we will ADHERE to the bill of prices adopted at the last meeting, held on Saturday, the 16th inst.
Adopted, January 23, 1836.

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The above is a fac-simile of the scale of prices of the journeymen printers of Pittsburg, Pa., adopted January 11, 1835, the original of which is in possession of Typographical Union No. 7. Inasmuch as the scale was adopted sixteen years before the organization of the National Typographical Union, and thirty-three years before the name of the organization was changed to the International Typographical Union, it shows the Pittsburg printer to be the protagonist of the or anized labor movement in that community.

our lawmakers would view the matter in the same light.

A suggestion has been made by one of our local labor leaders that an official record be kept of those killed or injured in the mills and other industrial establishments of this city. The suggestion is a good one, and to this might be added a record of the cases of tuberculosis and similar ail ments engendered in some of the rookeries misnamed printing offices. The results obtained might prove startling.

Trade conditions are normal, with an upward trend. W. H. ROBERTSON.



A new magazine is soon to be issued by the Central Publishing Company, publishers of the Household Journal and Floral Life. This new magazine will be published in the interest of the poultry-raising industry.

Norman L. Hill, an old Springfielder, but for a number of years located at Berrien Springs, Mich., in a publishing house of the Seventh Day Adventist Church, has been transferred to Nashville, Tenn., to assume a position in the southern publishing house of the same denomination. He spent a few days in Springfield on his way south.

The Gazette Publishing Company, doing a general job printing business, is soon to have a new and more modern plant, having decided to erect a new two-story building adjoining its present location.

Woman's Auxiliary No. 14 has inaugurated a label campaign that is producing results far exceeding anything that has ever been attempted along that line in Springfield. The label committee of No. 117 suggested the plan of a competitive gathering in of unlabeled printed matter, which was adopted by the auxiliary. The plan is as follows: The auxiliary to appoint two captains, to alternately divide the membership into two divisions. The ladies in each division and the male members of No. 117 of their connection to wage a contest against the other. The lady bringing in the largest number of pieces of unlabeled printing each month to receive a prize, and at the end of three months the division bringing in the largest number of pieces of such printed matter to be banqueted by the losing division. At the end of the first month the rooms of the union were "a sight to behold." The winner of the first prizeMrs. Charles Hoefle-brought her consignment in an express wagon, and others were required to use market baskets, etc., to bring in their burdens. The sticker has been used to such good advantage that already two small shops have applied for the label.

O. J. Haynes, who worked in Springfield last spring, but was compelled to seek a different climate for the benefit of his health, returned to this city a few weeks ago in a serious condition, having been over the west and south, but finding no relief. He has been admitted to the tented tuberculosis hospital here, receiving the necessary aid from No. 117 to make him comfortable as


Mr. Haynes expects to be admitted to the state tuberculosis hospital at Columbus as soon as it is ready for occupancy, which will be in a few weeks. As the local hospital has broken camp, the authorities have granted him permission to remain in the cooking apartments of the camp until he can be taken to Columbus.

The Cartwright Automatic Press Company is negotiating for the purchase of the factory building built by the Farmers' Co-operative Harvesting Machine Company in this city, and expects to be in shape to supply the demand for its automatic printing press with a well equipped factory within a short time. The present quarters are altogether inadequate at this time.

H. C. Frantz has left the employ of the Gazette. Publishing Company and is now connected with the poster department of the Lagonda Publishing Company, which does the printing for the Sun Vaudeville Theater Circuit of about seventy houses. W. S. Osbon, of Dayton, is now with the Gazette Publishing Company.

There are no idle printers in Springfield, and the prospects are that there will be a demand for many more during the winter. W. H. DAse.


The firm of Hunter & Finck has dissolved, Andrew A. Finck selling out to his partner, who will continue the business under his own name. Mr. Finck is a practical pressman, and last year was president of the pressmen's union. As to Mr. Finck's future intentions, I have not learned. He has conducted printing establishments here for about twenty years past.

C. A. Burton, president of Fort Worth Typographical Union, was in the city last month on his wedding tour.

I am sorry to say that Galveston's great causeway from the island to the mainland, involving an outlay of $1,500,000, has turned out to be what carpenters call a "scab" job. The A. M. Blodgett Company of St. Louis, though not the lowest bidder, secured the job from the railroads and county commissioners. A paragraph calling for employment of local labor, so far as practical, was in the original draft of the contract, but by an alleged oversight was left out of the signed contract. The company at once began building a village at Virginia Point, near the mainland terminus, but before construction had proceeded far it was discovered that it proposed to execute the contract on the "open shop" plan. Its offering of wages to carpenters was from 20 cents to 30 cents an hour. The Galveston scale calls for 40 cents an hour. The company has been advertising for carpenters through the newspapers in various parts of the country, offering 30 cents an hour. Its men are housed in the shanties constructed for them, and it has established a "company store," where the men get what they want provided they have wages coming to them. Meantime all supplies are brought from abroad, and thus far local business men do not know the color of its money. The company has induced the state

railroad commission to lower the cement rates from up the state, thus enabling it to "scab" even on that product. Meantime the only Galvestonian, as far as I can learn, working on the job is an old carpenter who has been for some years a union man or a non-union man, as might suit his convenience. It is rather a bitter pill to union men to think that when the job is completed they will have to cross a non-union bridge to get either into or out of Galveston. Meantime, carpenters and others are warned what to expect if they come in answer to the advertisements of this company.

R. B. SPANgler.


No greater tribute was ever paid a member of No. 94 than that accorded Kenneth M. Forbes at the October meeting. Mr. Forbes, being compelled to seek employment in other fields, was obliged to hand in his resignation as financial secretary. A motion was made to not only refuse to accept the resignation, but to place him in a position as special business agent until after the settlement of the new newspaper agreement. Forbes made a forceful speech in opposition to the plan, and requested that he be excused from serving in such a capacity. It being put up to him so strongly that he was the only person for the job, and, as it was the unanimous wish of all present (about sixty out of a membership of 100) that he see No. 94 secure her just rights, he reluctantly accepted the position amid great applause.

The secretary was instructed to send out an individual appeal to all chapels for subscription to the Home building fund. This is a most worthy cause and everyone should contribute something.

In the October JOURNAL I reported Waterbury (Conn.) Union as holding the lucky ticket in the drawing for the benefit of Allan Ball.


should have been given to Bridgeport Union, it being the one which won and donated the prize to our ex-president.

The woman's auxiliary committee has mailed return postcards to various women who are eligible to become members for the purpose of ascertaining how many are willing to join. If an auxiliary can be formed and the members give the label committee the support which it deserves, there is little doubt but that the majority of our job shops would soon be looking for larger quarters.

Another drawing for the benefit of Allan Ball was held at the last meeting. It netted a larger sum than the one which had been held but sixty days previous. The prize was won by G. W. Harding.

Windsor Jaeger, Joseph Farley and George Bastian were our representatives at the New Jersey State Printers' League convention, held in Orange, October 17. There was a large number of delegates present and a most enjoyable time was had. Don't forget that the price of the Union Printers Home postcards has been reduced to 10 cents per set of eight cards. Boost the Home and the label. PERCY L. ANDERSON.


The executive council, in rendering its decision against the action of No. 16 in the Sedgwick Parry case on the appeal of Superintendent Adair, has rendered this union a valuable service, in so far as to serve notice that the business of this organization has to be carried on in a sane and legal manner instead of by brute force. The council, in rendering its decision, did not take away any rights of the plaintiff, remanded the case back to this local and pointed out the correct mode of procedure the way that had been pointed out five months before. During the past year or more No. 16 has been kept in constant turmoil and strife by those overzealous members who took to them. selves the God-given right of trying to regulate everything connected with this union according to their views, without regard to the proper way of proceeding trying to take a short cut to gain their object, without regard for the rights of those who differed with them. No less than six cases have been constantly before No. 16 for over half a year -cases that never should have reached the floor of the union-spending the money and appealing to the prejudices of the membership and taking up the time of the officers that could have been much more profitably spent in carrying on the work of this organization. It is high time that the membership as a whole take a hand in the proceedings and give notice to those members who, if they don't like the color of a man's hair or the brand of tobacco he chews, or fit of his coat, that instead of taking up an entire afternoon of five or six hundred men to explain their reasons why, they should go out in the alley and settle it in five minutes. A large majority of those present at the last meeting of the union seemed to take that view, and four cases were wiped up in a hurry. The Parry-Adair case was thrown in the scrapheap and the plaintiff given the right to proceed in a legal manner if he desired to carry it on. In the OwenLowenberg case the procedure was on a par with the preceding case, and it, too, was dumped. In the F. C. Childs case a "Scotch verdict" was rendered, the committee finding him guilty as charged, but on a vote of the union 110 out of 297 voting thought he was not. The committee found in favor of the plaintiff in the Bassler-Linn case and recommended a reprimand as his punishment. There are still two cases to be disposed of, which will probably come up at the next meeting of No. 16, and the doctor will probably cut out the sore spot and put the patient in a proper frame of mind for speedy convalescence. Let us put a stop to this petty bickering, and, instead of hindering, help our officers to do the work they wish to do-make of Chicago a 100 per cent union town.

In acknowledgment of the testimonial of the Typo Athletic Association, which was presented to him after the baseball tournament last August, President Comiskey, of the White Sox, says: John M. McGowan, President Typo Athletic Association:

FRIEND MCGOWAN-Please accept my heartiest thanks and appreciation to yourself and fellow members of your organization for the beautiful

testimonial tendered me. I wish to add that if at any time I can be of any service I will be only too pleased to have you call upon me. With the kindest remembrances, I wish to remain, gratefully yours, CHARLES A. COMISKEY.

Tom McEvoy, the only son of William McEvoy, died September 25. The funeral was held September 28 from Our Lady of Sorrows Church, where high mass was celebrated. Mr. McEvoy had been a member of No. 16 for about twenty years, starting as an apprentice on the Chicago Tribune in 1885, and continuing in the employ of that paper up to the time of his death. He was 41 years of age. Besides the aged parents, his wife and two children survive him. The sterling qualities of Tom McEvoy will always live in the memory of those who were intimately acquainted with him, and the following resolutions passed by the Tribune chapel expresses the sentiment of all who knew him:

Some twenty-four years have passed since Thomas McEvoy came as an apprentice to The Tribune composing room. The older members of our chapel have seen him pass from boyhood into manhood and on into the ripeness of middle age. But the years bore on him lightly, and he carried himself so straight that he seemed still youthful to us. We were not prepared nor expectant when death called him. As straight as he carried his body, that straight he carried his soul. In the years we knew him the elements of his character changed but little. Who of us in all these years found him weak-hearted? Or wavering? Or dishonest? Or unkind? Or faithless to a friend or a trust? Therefore let us write upon the books of our chapel that this departed friend was Courageous steadfast, honest, kind and faithful. May the knowledge of how his fellow workmen look upon the book of his life, now that upon its last page appears the word "finis," comfort in some measure the wife who sorrows for her husband, the children who weep for their father, the aged parents who mourn their son. To them and to his friends we, the members of the Tribune chapel, give these words in token of sympathy.

Col. Dennis J. Hynes, one of the oldtime printers of this country, succumbed to heart failure the fore part of October. Funeral services were held from St. James' Catholic Church, burial being in Kenosha. Many old soldiers, among whom Colonel Hynes was an idol, attended the funeral. Born March 17, 1841, in County Mayo, Ireland, Colonel Hynes came to America a few years later, and, after finishing a high school course, hired out as an apprentice, in 1855, on the Democratic Press, which paper was consolidated with the Chicago Tribune in 1859. At the end of his apprenticeship, he joined No. 16 and worked at the case until the breaking out of the civil war, when he enlisted in the Seventh Illinois Cavalry, and was elected lieutenant. For his many acts of bravery he rose in the ranks, until at the end of the war he was breveted lieutenant-colonel. After being mustered out he returned to Kenosha, Wis., where his people lived, and was elected mayor of that town. Afterward he went to Missouri, where he went into the contracting business, was cashier of a bank, speculated and lost; then returned to his trade and worked along the Missouri river when the "pirates" were in their prime. During the war Col. Hynes fought side by side with Maj. William Medill, brother of the late Joseph Medill, of the

Tribune, and won the latter's everlasting friendship by bringing the body of Major Medill through the southern lines during the most trying times of the war. From 1884 until 1902 Colonel Hynes was in the employ of the Tribune, leaving there to enter the county treasurer's office, where he was employed to the day of his death. He is survived by his widow and two daughters.

John Halloran, in the service of the Inter Ocean for more than forty years and for several years its night editor, died October 19, at 3:30 A. M., at the Commercial Hotel, Wabash avenue and Van Buren street, after a brief illness. Mr. Halloran learned the printer's trade in Milwaukee during the civil war and worked as a compositor on the From Chicago Republican before the great fire. the case he passed to the news desk, and for sev eral years prior to 1900 was night editor. Failing health led him to seek a less trying post, and one was found for him on the composing room day force. At the time of his death, at the age of about 70 years, he was the senior in service of all the employes of the Inter Ocean. "The Judge," as he was known to his associates, was endeared to them by his genial temper and his unfailing courtesy.

C. Frank Sheldon, fifty-seven years a member of the International Typographical Union, dropped dead while on his way home from work on the evening of October 19. Mr. Sheldon was 75 years of age and actively engaged in the business as proofreader on the Breeders' Gazette, where he had been employed for many years. Frank Sheldon had always been active in union affairs and had been honored many times with elective posi tions in No. 16, as well as other unions throughout the International Typographical Union jurisdiction. He had served No. 16 as vice-president in 1895 and for the past fifteen years or more had been one of the trustees of this union, which position he held up to the time of his death. He was a member of U. S. Grant Post No. 28, Grand Army of the Republic. His wife and two children survive him. Funeral services were held from his late residence, 746 Southwestern avenue, Friday, October 22. Interment was in the union printers' lot at Rosehill.

John D. McDowall, of the Evening Post, is back on the job after a couple of months spent in England. "Mac" reports a very pleasant trip....James Carville, of Washington, D. C., father of Al and Billy, was renewing acquaintanceships with friends and visiting relatives around Chicago the past month.... Philip G. Howard, of the H. O. Shepard chapel, is spending a couple of months across the "big pond".... Miss Jo Coffin, of the New Orleans Picayune, stopped off here a few days while on her way home from a visit to her brother in New York. C. C. Beatty was showing her the sights...."Nick" Fort is laid up at Wesley Hospital with appendicitis....Louis Chandler, of the American, received a telegram from his father-in-law, October 16, from Muscatine, Iowa, informing him that he had become the father of a boy. Louis started at once for the Iowa city.... Mr. Macfarlane, formerly of the Daily News, has chucked his job and started

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