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A Medical Journal

Containing the Proceedings of The Colorado State Medical Society and its Consti-
tuent Societies, With Papers Read Before Them, Abstracts of the More
Important Current Articles and Other Related Matter



Volume VI

January to December, 1909







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Calcium Salts in Skin Diseases, Use of, 446
Cancer of the Larynx, Operative Treatment of,

Cancer, The Natural Cure of, 170

Cancer, The Diagnostic Value of Hemolysis in

Cases of, 290

Carcinoma, Cervical Lymph Node Enlargement
the Sole Early Sign of Carcinoma of the
Esophagus, 85

Cardiac Insufficiency by Intravenous Adminis-
tration of Strophanthin, The Treatment of,

Carmody, Thomas E., 4

Carroll Fund, The, 188

Catatonia, Thyroidectomy in, 437

Causes of Death in the Registration Area of the
United States, A Brief Study of the, 167

Central Artery of the Retina, Sudden Obstruc-

tion of the, 88

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Colorado Ophthalmological Society, 51, 139, 179,
226, 456, 486

Colorado Ophthalmological and Oto-Laryngolog-

ical Societies, 98

Denver Post-Graduate Club, 457

Diabetes Mellitus, Pathology and Treatment of,

Diabetes, The Oatmeal Cure of, 398

Digestion, The Psychic and Adaptive in, 105
Disability and Death, Myocardial vs. Endocar-
dial Affections as a Cause of, 200
Dupuy, Eugene, 428

Dyde, Charles B., 269

Dysmenorrhea and Sterility, The Surgical
Treatment of a Most Frequent Cause of, 357

Earache and Its Consequences, 79

Editorial Comment, 1, 55, 105, 145, 185, 229, 261,

303, 335, 367, 413, 461

El Paso County, 95, 137, 178, 225, 256, 299, 332,

361, 447, 481

Emmanuel Movement, The, 2

Endocarditis, Chronic Infections, 471
Epilepsy, Flechsig's Treatment of, 357
Epilepsy and Other Nervous Disorders, Correla-
tion of Pathological States Between the Thy-
roid and Prostate Glands and the Uterus,
Chiefly Bearing on, 428

Esophagus, Cervical Lymph Node Enlargement
the Sole Early Sign of Carcinoma of the
Esophagus, 85

Esophagus, Laryngologically Considered, Sur-
gery of the, 443

Estes Park Meeting, Hotel, Automobile and
Railroad Rates, 303

Exanthemate, Aural Complications of, 476
Fever, Alimentary, 220

Flies, in Transmission of Impetigo Contagiosa,

Fractures, Immediate Operative Treatment of

Certain, 114

Fractures of the Leg, 110

Freeman, Leonard, 114, 464

Fremont County, 92, 332, 448

Gall-Bladder Through a Vaginal Incision, An
Original Method of Examining the, 291

Gallaher, Thomas J., 153

Gastric Crises and Morphine, Tabetic, 248

Gastric Ulcer as Tested by Operation, The Di-
agnosis of, 291

Gastro-Jejunostomy, Jejunal and, 358

General Neuritis of Both Cranial and Spinal

Nerves, Following Typhoid, Report of a Case

of, 207

General Session, Proceedings of the, 393
Gilbert, O. M., 200

Gonorrheal Conjunctivitis, Metastatic, 331

Glycosuria in Pregnant Women, Clinical Sig-

Heart Stimulants, with Especial Reference to
the Digitalis Group, 43

Hemolysis in Cases of Cancer, The Diagnostic

Value of, 290

Jackson, Edward, 156

Kickland, W. A., 82

Laboratories, Army, 146

Lactic Acid Bacilli and Exhibition of Cases,
Further Report of the Progress of Experi-
ments with the, 89

Pelvic Inflammation of Tubal Origin, Choice of
Time for Operation for, 329

Pemphigus of the Conjunctiva, with Report of

a Case, 243

Perforation, Omentum in Treatment of, 439
Peritoneal Adhesions, Post-Operative, 252
Phlephlebitis, Ligation of Veins in Purulent,

Phlyctenular Affections of the Eye, The Etiol-
ogy of, 331

Pernicious Anemia, Cholesterin in the Treat-

ment of, 42

Place of the Medical Doctor, in the Body Poli-

tic, 55

Retinal Hemorrhages and High Arterial Pres-

sure, Relation Between, 189

Retinitis, Pre-Albuminuric, 436

Rheumatism, Acute Articular, 75

Rheumatic Fever, The Treatment of Acute, 169

Rheumatism in Childhood, 350

Rosenmueller's Fossae and Their Importance

in Relation to the Middle Ear, 360

Round Ligament of the Liver, Cyst of the, 399
Salt as a Remedy for Hemorrhage, Table, 170
Salt as a Remedial Measure, The Restriction
of-Diet and Typhoid Fever, 248

Sanitation at the Isthmus, 461

San Juan County, 97

San Luis Valley, 361, 483

Scarlet Fever, The General Treatment of In-
fectious Diseases, with Special Reference to,

Scarlet Red upon the Epitheliation of Granu-
lating Surfaces, The Effect of, 399

School Children, Examination and Care of, 304

Serum Therapy, The Present Status of, 67

Sharp Uterine Curette, The Abuse of the, 122

Silver Salts as Compared with Silver Nitrate

in the Treatment of Ophthalmia Neonatorum,

The Newer, 172

Silver Wire in Opening the Kidney, 474

Spaulding, W. T., 350

Specialists, Should We All Be?, 82
State Health Reports, 409

State Society, The Next Meeting of the, 229

Stuver, E., 246

Sun Baths, Hurtfulness of, 435
Syphilis, The Etiology and Diagnosis of, and the
Bearing of Our Recent Knowledge of These
Points upon the Treatment of the Disease, 18

Syphilis by Aachen Methods, The Intensive

Treatment of, 397

Telangiectasis, A Case of Congenital Cavern-

ous, 245

Tetanus, Magnesium Sulphate in Treatment

of, 44

Third Heart Sound, 436

Thrombosis of the Intracranial Venous Sinuses
of Otitic Origin, 153

Thrombosis of the Cavernous Sinus Following

Mastoiditis, A Case of, 148

Thrombosis of the Cavernous Sinus, Ocular and
Orbital Symptoms of, 156

Trained Nurse. The, 246

Tubercle Bacilli in the Blood, 291, 396, 472

Tubercle Bacilli in the Circulating Blood in

Tuberculosis, 130

Tubercle Bacilli in the Circulating Blood, 356

Tuberculin, The Integumental, Reactions, with

Report of 155 Moro Inunction Reactions, 26

Tuberculosis, Enlargement of the Heart and

Liver as an Early Sign of Pulmonary, 130

Tuberculous Involvement of the Bones in Child-

hood, 345

Tuberculosis-Tuberculosis Is a Disease of

Childhood, 219

Tuberculosis, Immunity in, 162

Tuberculosis, Some Immunity Problems in, 165

Tuberculosis, The Early Diagnosis of, 403

Tuberculosis of the Lungs, The Operative

Treatment of, 330

Tuberculosis of the Bladder and Kidney, The
Diagnosis and Treatment of, 327
Tuberculosis, The Relation Between Human
and Animal, with Special Reference to the
Question of the Transformation of Human
and Other Types of Tubercle Bacillus, 42

Tuberculosis and Its Treatment by the Admin-

istration of Mercury, 416

Tuberculosis, Tubercle Bacilli in the Circu-
lating Blood in, 130

Typhoid Bacillus Carriers, 147

Typhoid Bacilli in Breast Milk, 434

Typhoid Fever, 35, 58

Typhoid Fever in Infancy, with Special Refer-

ence to Diagnosis, 306

Typhoid Fever, Diet and-The Restriction of
Salt as a Remedial Measure, 248
Typhoid Fever, The Bath Treatment of, 185
Typhoid Fever, Treatment of, 317

Upper Abdomen, The Importance of Early Di-
agnosis in Certain Troubles of the, 340

Vaccine, The Transference of, 248

Van Meter, S. D., 212

Van Zant, C. B., 265

Venereal Disease, Prevention of, 109

Webb, Gerald Bertram, 26, 165

Weld County, 51, 94, 134, 177, 225, 255, 298, 361,
449, 483

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