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this acid possesses the merit of attacking diseased tissue and noninterfering with healthy tissue, its caustic or escharotic properties being destroyed or suspended almost simultaneously with its application. The strength of the acid which I have found to be most desirable for use, is that made with three parts of water with one part by weight of the acid. When the lips of the os have become ragged from deep ulcerations, the strength of the acid may of course be greater, and I have often used it with equal parts of acid and water, but the introduction of the acid into the cervix of this strength causes so much pain as to necessitate the recumbent position and rest for some days thereafter. This acid I apply with the applicator, around the extremity of which had previously been laid a coating of cotton; this cotton is well wetted with the acid and quickly applied. Another remedy, and a favorite one, is the tr. iodine, with equal parts of cod liver oil or with glycerine. Sol. of subsulphate of iron is most valuable, but the permanent stains upon the instrument or upon whatsoever it comes in contact, makes it a somewhat disagreeable remedy to use. These remedies proving so satisfactory the nitrate of silver has almost fallen into disuse in our hands, although it is no doubt one of the most valuable remedies of this class.

I think I should hesitate a long time, and exhaust the materia medica in search of a remedy and exhaust my practice too, before resorting to the actual cautery. It appears like a barbarous remedy, if it be not such; and the civilization of our time would be much less shocked, and science receive greater homage and respect by limiting the use of this method of treatment to the brute creation, and forbearing to use the actual cautery as a remedial agent for diseases of the female sexual organs. I may entertain this much of disrespect for the use of the cautery, and at the same time acknowledge its usefulness in certain instances. Did I not make this acknowledgment what has been herein written, would indicate disrespect to the teachings of Ricord, and others, whose opinions are always entitled to consideration.

Mention might be made of other agents of this class, but this article has already exceeded the limits proposed for it in the outset, and must be brought to a close. Nothing could be gained by going through the whole catalogue of remedies; some one or all of which might be made available, although not possessed of equal merits.

As pertinent to the question of imposition I recall to mind now an extraordinary case of skilled diagnosis by a popular physician at the head of a "water cure establishment." He possessed the astonishing ability of looking through the speculum into the cavity of the uterus, through the uterus into the peritoneal cavity, and there beholding the work of destruction which had been going on for years, and explained to the satisfaction of his patient that certain bands within the abdominal cavity as a result of previous disease, had so much contracted as to draw down the whole abdominal viscera into a heap, which, of cousre, was the cause of her ailment, and that the treatment he should adopt would expand these bands and restore the parts to their former condition. The most extraordinary thing connected with this extraordinary diagnosis is, that the aforesaid physician made a most intelligent and cultivated lady believe in his absurd statement. On examination of this lady some time afterwards we found simply a retroverted womb.

The community of women, much more than members of the medical profession, are, or should be, interested in the subject matter of how they may enjoy immunity from medical imposition. In the absence of institutions managed by a corps of competent and skilled physicians, these women seek, as a dernier resort, a "cold water cure," and are at once put upon a course of treatment for uterine disease extending over a period of months. If perchance one escapes this treatment, it is only an exceptional case. If the physician in charge be competent and honest, all is well, but if he be incompetent, then upon the poor uterus rests the curse; then is the unfortunate uterus made to pay tribute to ignorance and the penalty for the overweening and misplaced confidence of its possessor.

It is time the profession had awakened from apparent lethargy; there is pressing necessity that the profession bestir itself, not indeed so much on account of itself, as on account and in behalf of those who are victims of misplaced confidence of those who annually congregate at these popular places of resort for medical treatment. The profession should at once take this large class of invalids out of the hands of pretenders, by creating healthy public sentiment, and inciting the community to the importance of establishing a place of refuge adequate to the exactions of the opulent and the necessities of the poor.


Removal of a Neuromatous Tumor.


Dr. Miner:-In the December issue of your Journal I noticed the remarks concerning your extirpating two tumors of nerve, and the perfect success of the treatment in relieving pain, and I therefore send you the following account of a case which recently came under my observation:

The patient, Mr. Edwin Stanley, aged 70, consulted me over a year since, in regard to a tumor situated on the inner side of the leg, just above the knee-joint. I advised removal, to which operation he consented on the 15th of January last. The tumor had existed for over eight years, gradually increasing in size, and measured two and one-half inches in length and one and one-half in breadth, ovoidal in shape, firm, and inelastic, and exquisitely tender on pressure. He could assign no cause for its occurrence, having never received any external injury—as wound, blow, or bruise. He experienced much inconvenience in walking, though no decided pain in the tumor itself, except from pressure, but down the inner side of the leg and foot he suffered exceedingly severe, sharp, and stinging neuralgic pain, felt most at night, and in proportion to the amount of exercise during the day. incision three inches in length was made over the tumor. The tissues separated, when the filaments of the internal saphenous nerve were found separated, about two-thirds spread out upon the posterior surface. These immediately uniting in a common trunk at the lower extremity of the tumor. The tumor was easily removed after dividing the nerve above and below. The internal mass was quite se, nearly white, and homogeneous. The wound was closed by sutures, and a firm compress applied beneath the part, and treated in the ordinary manner. It healed nicely, and the sutures were removed on the sixth day. The relief from pain was complete, he resting better at night than he had for years before. The third day he complained of the neuralgic pain returning, and he suffered severely therefrom, but that gradually subsided, and at this time-one month after the operation-he enjoys perfect freedom from pain, there being only a loss of sensation and coldness on the inner side of the leg, which will probably remain some time.


Medical Society of the State of New York-(Concluded.)

Sixty-First Anniversary.


The meeting was called to order by the President, and after a prayer by the Rev. Dr. Reese of Albany, the minutes of the previous meeting were read and approved.

Delegates to International Medical Congress.-Dr. Brinsmade, on behalf of the Committee of Delegates to the International Medical Congress at Paris, made the following report:

The undersigned, delegates from this Society to the "International Medical Congress," held at Paris on the 16th day of August, 1867, respectfully report, that they might make sure of being duly admitted to the Congress, they called on the 15th of August, at the office of the Secretary, M. Jaccoud, No. 4, Rue Brouot, with the certificates of their appointment by this Society, and after sending up cards and waiting for some time in the ante-room, we were informed by the female concièrge that M. Jaccoud was engaged, but that we might record our names in a little book lying upon the table, and take a green "carte de membre adhérent," on which were the names of the President, M. Bouillaud, and the Secretary, M. Jaccoud, the filling up of which we were allowed to do as we might think proper.

Inasmuch as our credentials were not required we of course reserved them for future use, if necessary. They were never called for, or examined by any officer or committee, showing to us that less discrimination was observed in order to give character and distinction to a scientific assembly than we were accustomed to in our own country. The card informed us of the day of the first séance, but neither the place nor hour of meeting was designated. After not a little inquiry we learned that the place was the great Hall of the "Faculty of Medicine." On presenting ourselves at the door, no cards or certificates were demanded, and we entered with the crowd to find seats for ourselves. The bare benches of the amphitheatre were arranged in the usual semicircular manner, without any support for the back; and gentlemen were compelled

to step upon them to reach the forward seats, and in sitting were forced to use the one in front for their feet, bringing boots and coat-skirts in disagreeable proximity. The room was indeed a large one, but so imperfectly ventilated that respiration was quite difficult after remaining a few minutes. The dirty and uncomfortable seats, the heat, and the irrespirable atmosphere, prevented a majority of the audience from remaining during the entire session. It did seem to us that in the elegant city of Paris pleasanter accommodations might have been secured wherein to receive invited guests, who were the accredited representatives of governments and of learned societies from all parts of the world. Your delegates deemed themselves honored by their appointment to represent so large a Society from so large a State as that of New York, equaling in population and size several of the kingdoms of Europe; and confess that they felt themselves, in virtue of their office, entitled to some consideration.

But, according to French arrangements, any person having access to the ante-room of M. Jaccoud could avail himself of all the privileges procurable by the green ticket.

About the 6th of January last your delegates received through the mail a ticket which seems to be intended as an acknowledgment perhaps rather tardy that they were entitled to the "Carte de membre adhérent." A large proportion of the audience seemed to be young men, perhaps young physicians, and medical students of Paris and vicinity. There were present, however, adding grace and dignity to the assembly, from cities, towns, and schools of continental Europe, many of the most distinguished medical men of the world.

Great Britain and Ireland sent but few, scarcely any, of their great surgeons and physicians. America was represented by some of our ablest men.

The names of Virchow of Berlin, Halla of Prague, De Méric of Brussels, Bérard of Montpelier, Baron Larry and Ricord of Paris, Frérichs of Berlin, Ernest Hart of London, Sangalli of Pavia, and of many others of equal celebrity, would confer honor upon any congress.

It was announced by the Secretary that on Saturday evening, August 24th, a banquet would be prepared at "Le Grande Hotel" for those who would send their names, with a Napoleon, to the

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