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The author having considered the various modes in which medicines gain entrance into the fluids, devotes the remaining part of the work to their behaviour after their absorption. We should be happy to present to our readers the mode of reasoning adopted in this part of the work, but must forbear, simply stating that from a careful examination we find the reasonings singularly conclusive, and in point of originality surpassing all works upon this subject.

Circular No. 5, War Department, Surgeon General's Office, Washington, -May 4th, 1867. Report on Epidemic Cholera in the Army of the United States during the year 1866.

Probably no question has agitated the medical mind more since the last two years than that of Epidemic Cholera, and the numerous books and pamphlets published of late, bearing upon this subject, is highly illustrative of the deep interest felt on the part of the medical profession: With praise-worthy energy Brevet Lieut. Col. J. J. Woodward, Assistant Surgeon U. S. A., devoted himself to the arduous and difficult task of preparing a 'Report on Epidemic Cholera," as it occurred in the United States Army during the year 1866, and the history therein transmitted by him to the Surgeon General is entitled to the consideration of all interested in this subject.

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From the monthly reports transmitted from each station it appears that out of a total mean strength of 12,780 men 2,708 attacks of cholera had occurred with a fatality of 1,207, or nearly 50 per cent. of deaths of all attacked by the disease. Out of the total number of attacks, 1,749 cases with 706 deaths, occurred among the white troops, with a mean strength of 9,083 men; the remaining 959 attacks with 501 deaths occurring in a mean strength of 3,697 colored troops. The maximum fatality seems to have been on the first and second days after the attack recoveries becoming proportionately more frequent as the disease progressed, the greatest duration of any fatal case being to the fifteenth day.

Regarding the origin and spread of the disease, Dr. Woodward says: “The epidemic appears from the records to have radiated from two chief centers." The first "originating in the overcrowded barracks of Governor's Island, New York harbor, in the immediate vicinity of an infected city, through which recruits passed with more or less delay before arrival. The infection spread by traceable steps to Hart's Island and other points in the harbor, to Tybee Island, Georgia; to Louisiana, by way of New Orleans; to Texas by way of Galveston, etc. The other principal center appears to have been Newport barracks, Kentucky, where the disease was plainly introduced from the infected city of Cincinnati, on the opposite side of the Ohio river, spreading from thence to Augusta and Atlanta, Ga., and Nashville and Memphis, Tenn."

The value of stringent hygienic precautionary measures is strikingly illustrated in the reports of Brevet Major E. McClellan, Asst. Surgeon U. S. Army, in charge of Fort Delaware, who says: "Epidemic cholera has existed to a very considerable extent during the past month in, and around Delaware City, where, in the aggregate of fifteen hundred inhabitants, some thirty odd deaths have occurred. No case has

occurred among the troops of this command, and but one upon the island. The most rigid regulations are enforced as regards communication with either of the adjacent towns, and no fruit is permitted to be landed upon the island." From this and other similar statements of surgeons, it would appear that quarantine exerted a great influence in arresting the disease, and although the question is not conclusively proved, the facts nevertheless are of great significance. Hygienic measures greatly mitigate the severity of the disease making it more amenable to treatment. No new therapeutic methods have been suggested which possess any value, the results being alike, all things equal, no matter what therapeutical agents are employed.

Prof. Horatio R. Storer's Lectures to Physicians.

It will be observed by notice in our advertisement sheet that Prof. Storer will deliver a second course of lectures to physicians, upon the Surgical Diseases of Women. His first effort appears to have been eminently successful, and we notice that the physicians who attended the course, were men of experience and attainment in the profession. Perhaps there is no better way of representing the sentiment of his first class than by republishing their own resolutions, which we find in the June number of the Boston Medical and Surgical Journal.

"At a meeting of the physicians in attendance upon Prof. H. R. Storer's course of lectures on the Surgical Diseases of Woman, just delivered at Hotel Pelham in Boston, the following preamble and resolutions were adopted:

WHEREAS, We, the attendants upon Prof. H. R. Storer's first private course of lectures on the Surgical Diseases of Women, being regular practising Physicians and Surgeons, have long experienced the disadvantages arising from the very im perfect manner in which these subjects have been treated in our text-books, and by the professors in our colleges; many of the most important diseases and operations being entirely ignored, by men who think deeply and reason candidly in all other matters pertaining to medicine and surgery; and whereas, we cannot but feel that this class of diseases is the most important, believing it to be the cause of more suffering than any other, therefore,

Resolved, That we tender to Dr. Storer, our sincere gratitude for taking the advanced step which he has, thereby giving us, as we hope he will hereafter give others, the opportunity of hearing these subjects discussed thoroughly and impartially.

Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to Prof. Storer, and sent to the Medical and Surgical Journal and the New York Medical Record for publication. (Signed,)

CHAS. M. CARLTON, Norwich, Conn.
DANIEL MANN, Pelham, N. H.
E. G. BULLARD, Blackstone, Mass.

J. A. MCDONOUGH, Boston, Mass.
M. C. TALBOT, Warren, Penn.
Boston, June 15, 1867.

H. GEROULD, Erie, Penn.

E. F. UPHAM, W. Randolph, Vt.
G. J. ARNOLD, Roxbury, Mass.
W. A. I. CASE, Hamilton, C. W.
W. L. WELLS, Howell, Mich.

Through the politeness of our friend, Dr. Lewis Krombein of this city, we are in receipt of a specimen of Ferri Carbonas Effervescence, prepared by Dr. F. Weidler of Cincinnati. It appears to be a palatable preparation of iron, and may prove acceptable when iron in other forms is not well borne.

THE NEW SYDENHAM SOCIETY.-The aims of this Society are best set forth in the following extract from their laws:

I. "The Society is instituted for the purpose of supplying certain acknowledged deficiences in the existing means of diffusing medical literature, and shall be called The New Sydenham Society.

II. "The Society shall carry out its objects by a succession of publications, of which the following shall be the chief: 1. Translations of Foreign Works, Papers, and Essays of merit, to be reproduced as early as practicable after their original issue. 2. British Works, Papers, Lectures, etc., which, whilst of great value, have become from any cause difficult to be obtained, excluding those of living authors. 3. Annual Volumes, consisting of Reports in Abstract of the progress of different branches of Medical and Surgical Science during the year. 4. Dictionaries of Medical Bibliography and Biography. Those included under Nos. 1 and 2 shall be held to have the first claim on the attention of the Society, and the carrying out of those under 3 and 4 shall be considered dependent upon the amount of funds which may be placed at its disposal.

During its brief existence of nine years, this Society has published thirty-five volumes upon various medical subjects, all of which being of practical and permanent value. Prominent amongt these publications is the Society's Atlas of Portraits of Skin Diseases, taken from the plates of the celebrated dermitologist, Dr. Hebra. The annual subscription price of one guinea, or seven and a half dol* lars, entitles the subscriber to the series of volumes published during the year; the entire series or any part thereof can be procured. All communications should be addressed to the Honorary Secretary Dr. Dunglison, 1116 Girard Street, Phila delphia. The following list of works constitute the series for 1866 and 1867:


1. Bernutz and Goupil on Diseases of Women. Vol. 1.

2. Fasciculus of Atlas of Portraits of Diseases of the Skin (three beautiful colored plates, life size).

[blocks in formation]

4. Bernutz and Goupil on Diseases of Women. Vol. 2.


1. Griesinger on Mental Diseases.

2. Biennial Retrospect of Medicine and Surgery.

3. Fasciculus of Atlas of Portraits of Diseases of the Skin (colored plates). 4. Hebra on Diseasee of the Skin.

Vol. 2.

THE nmerous friends of Surgeon J. H. Baxter gained by valuable services during the late war, will be pleased to learn of his advancement to the rank of Lieutenant Colonel. We know of no promotion in the Medical Corps of the Army more deservedly earned and giving more general satisfaction than that of our friend, and we would tender him our sincerest congratulations. The following paragraph we clip from the Washington Chronicle:

CONFIRMED.-We are pleased to notice among the confirmations by the Senate on Saturday, that of Surgeon J. H. Baxter, U. S. Vols., late chief medical officer of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau, as assistant medical purveyor, U. S. A., with the rank of Lieut. Colonel. Dr. Baxter served with great credit during the entire war, and this mark of appreciation of his services by the Surgeon General, Secretary of War, the President, and the unanimous voice of the Senate, must be peculiarly gratifying to his friends and to the late surgeons of the boards of enrollment throughout the United States. This promotion will not interfere with the completion of the medical report of the Provost Marshal General's Bureau, upon which Dr. Baxter is now engaged, in accordance with a resolution of Congress.

We are in receipt of the following Circular from George Mendenhall, M. D., Chairman of a Committee on Medical Literature, appointed by the American Medical Association. We hope that each of our readers will render any aid in their power to make the report of the Committee as complete as possible:

CINCINNATI, June 5th, 1867.

The undersigned were appointed at the last annual meeting of the American Medical Association, held in Cincinnati, a Committee on Medical Literature for the current year. The duties of this Committee are defined in the following regulations of the Association:

"The Committee on Medical Literature shall prepare an annual report on the general character of the periodical medical publications of the United States with reference to the more important articles therein presented to the profession, on original medical publications, on medical compilations and compends by American writers, on medical reprints of foreign medical works; and on all such measures as may be deemed advisable for encouraging a national literature of our own."

Being desirous of making as full a report as possible, the Committee desire that you shall forward to the Chairman a copy of all medical books, pamphlets, essays, monographs, periodicals, reports, lectures, proceedings of societies, etc., that may be issued by you, as early as convenient after publication, that they may be brought to the notice of the profession.

These favors will be advantageous to publishers, and will facilitate the objects had in view by the appointment of the Committee, and greatly oblige,

Yours, respectfully,



CONSANGUINEOUS MARRIAGES.-We would direct the attention of our readers to the annexed circular of Dr. R. Newman, one of a committee appointed by the New York State Medical Society, "to investigate and report upon the results of consanguineous marriages." This subject has, from time past, elicited the deepest interest throughout the medical profession, and its importance demands from every physician a communication of such facts as may have come under his observation, thus promoting a final decision of this question.

NEW YORK, July, 1867.

SIR-At the late meeting of the "Medical Society of the State of New York," it was resolved: "That a Committee be appointed to investigate and report upon the result of consanguineous marriages, etc." If such marriages come under your observation, you will confer a favor by answering the following questions, and transmitting such report, before November next, to the undersigned, one of the Committee appointed:

1. Name (initials) and age of husband; 2. Nativity; 3. Age when married; 4. Constitution; 5. Health, deformities, peculiar diathesis; 6. Health of his family, hereditary diseases, deformities, etc.; 7. Name (initials) and age of wife; 8. Nativity; 9. Age when married; 10. Constitution; 11. Health, deformities,

peculiar diathesis; 12. Health of her family, hereditary diseases, deformities, etc.; 13. How are the parties related to each other? 14. How long married? 15. How many children, or sterility? 16. Abortions, cause, how many, and at what period? 17. Children died, at what ages, and from what disease? 18. The constitution, age and present health of living children, deformities, mental conditions, idiocy, cretinism, deaf, mute, blind, epilepsy, albinism, insane, etc.; 19. Remarks and other information.

Hoping to receive your valuable coöperation for the advancement of medical science,

I remain yours, most respecfully,


Books and Pamphlets Received.

The Physiology and Pathology of the Mind. By Henry Maudsley, M. D., London, Physician to the West London Hospital, Honorable Member of the MedicoPsychological Society of Paris, formerly Resident Physician to the Manchester Royal Lunatic Hospital, etc. New York: D. Appleton & Co. Buffalo: Breed, Lent & Co.

A Treatise on Human Physiology, designed for the use of Students and Practi-
tioners of Medicine. By John C. Dalton, M. D., Professor of Physiology and
Microscopic Anatomy in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York;
member of the New York Academy of Medicine; of the New York Pathological
Society; of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Boston, Mass., etc.
Fourth edition, revised and enlarged, with two hundred and seventy-four illus-
trations. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea, 1867. Buffalo: Breed, Lent & Co.
On Railway and other Injuries of the Nervous System. By John Eric Erichson,
M. D., Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons, Professor of Surgery and Clinical
Surgery at the University College; Surgeon to the University College Hospital;
Examiner in Surgery at the University of London, and formerly so at the Uni-
versity of Durham and the Royal College of Physicians. Philadelphia: Henry
C. Lea, 1867.

Essentials of the Principles ane Practice of Medicine, a Hand-book for Students
and Practitioners. By Henry Hartshorne, M. D., Professor of Hygiene in the
University of Pennsylvania, etc., etc. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea, 1867.
The Principles and Practice of Disinfection. By Robert Bartholow, A. M., M.D.,
Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the Medical College of Ohio.
Cincinnati: R. W. Carroll & Co., 1867.

Transactions of the Medical Society of the State of Kansas, for the year 1866.
Prize Essay on Medical and Vital Statistics, by Franklin B. Hough, M. D., of
Lowville, N. Y., Superintendent of the New York State Census of 1855 & 1865.
Annual Report of the Commissioners of Emigration of the State of New York,
for the year ending December 31, 1866.

Report of the Board of Health to the Common Council of the City of Troy, presented April 4, 1867.

MESSRS. A. SIMPSON & Co., New York, announce the early publication of the work of Prof. Julius Klob, of Vienna, on the Physiological Anatomy of the Female Sexual Organs, translated from the German by Drs. Kammerer and Dawson.

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