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plete in this respect that in some cases even the most obviously absurd and inconsistent views are shown to be unfounded, as if physicians might yet believe and adopt them, unless again shown to be irrational. This work sustains the wellknown reputation of the author, and contributes to his deserved popularity as an earnest thinker and clear and instructive writer. The illustrations are most excellent, and contribute greatly to the value of the work. Whoever desires to be in possession of all that can be said upon the general questions involved will not fail to possess this work, which is full, complete, and carefully prepared, well worthy attention from medical students and physicians.

A Manual of the Dissections of the Human Body. By Luther Holden, F. R. C. S., Assistant Surgeon of and Lecturer on Anatomy at St. Bartholomew's Hospital, London, with notes and additions by Erskine Mason, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy at the College of Physicians and Surgeons and Surgeon to the Charity Hospital, New York; illustrated with numerous wood engravings. New York: Robert M. DeWitt, publisher, No. 13 Frankfort street.

The author claims but little originality in the preparation of this work, the material being almost eutirely extracted from the standard works on anatomy, compiled and arranged to serve the student in the pursuit of his studies in practical anatomy, and also to refresh the memory of the surgeon in the surgical relation of parts. With this object in view the vessels, nerves, lymphatics, muscles, etc., are described as they present themselves in each region upon dissection, their surgical bearings especially pointed out, and wherever practicable and consistent with the character of the work, operations upon the cadaver described. The editor has made such additions relating to the anomalies of vessels and muscles, as in his opinion, the student should become acquainted with. also added the measurements and weights of organs. One hundred and thirty-four illustrations of unusual merit embellish the work, and greatly add to its value. Altogether the work of Dr. Holden is one of the best and most perfect anatomical guides we have yet seen, and its merits cannot be too highly commended; it is neither too concise nor too diffuse. The publisher has furnished the work in a highly creditable manner.

Books and Pamphlets Received.

Therapeutics and Materia Medica. A systematic Treatise on the Action and Uses of Medicinal Agents, including their Description and History. By Alfred Stillé, M. D., Professor of the Theory and Practice of Medicine and of Clinical Medicine in the University of Pennsylvania, etc., etc. Third Edition. Revised and Enlarged. In two volumes. Vols. 1 and 2. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea; 1868. For sale by Theodore Butler.

On the Diseases of the Skin; A System of Cutaneous Medicine. By Erasmus Wilson, F. R. S. Seventh American, from the Sixth Revised English Edition. With twenty Plates and Engraving on Wood. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea; 1868. For sale by Theodore Butler.

The Indigestions; or Diseases of the Digestive Organs Functionally Treated. By Thomas King Chambers, Honorary Physician to H. R. H., the Prince of Wales, etc., etc. Second American, from the Second and Revised English Edition. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea; 1868. For sale by Theodore Butler.

Materia Medica for the Use of Students. By John B. Biddle, M. D., Professor of Materia Medica and General Therapeutics in the Jefferson Medical College, etc. Third Edition Enlarged, with Illustrations, Philadelphia: Lindsay & Blakiston; 1868. For sale by Theodore Butler.

Atlas of Venereal Diseases. By A. Cullerier, Surgeon to the Hospital Du Dieu, etc., etc. Translated from the French with Notes and Additions, by Freeman J. Bumstead, M. D., Professor of Venereal Diseases, in the College of Physicians and Surgeons, New York. With about one hundred and fifty beautifully colored figures, on twenty-six plates. Philadelphia: Henry C. Lea; 1868. Parts 2 and 3. For sale by Theodore Butler.

The Neuroses of the Skin: Their Pathology and Treatment. By Howard F. Damon, A. M., M. D. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippencott & Co.; 1868. For sale by Breed, Lent & Co.

Odontalgia, commonly called Tooth-Ache. Its Causes, Prevention and Cure. By Parsons Shaw. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippencott & Co.; 1868. For sale by Breed, Lent & Co.

Cases of Ovariotomy, by Warren Green, M. D.

OVARIOTOMY.-Samuel Cole, M. D., writing from Heidelberg, March 4th, to the Chicago Medical Journal, reports in full, a case of ovariotomy, operation having been made in the hospital by Prof. Friederich of the University of Hiedelberg. The tumor removed was a unilocular cyst. Patient healthy and vigorous, not sufering much from the presence of the disease. Patient died at the end of the third week, the following being the anatomical diagnosis: "Peritonitis diffused, encapsuled collections of pus in the vesico and recto-vaginal culs-de-sac. (Douglas'), lobular accumulations in the left lung, fibrinous pneumonia in the right, acute intestinal catarrh and parenchymatous degeneration of the abdominal glands." On the ninth day the "clamp hanging by only a few necrostic shreds, was removed." Spencer Wells clamp was applied to the pedicle, the cyst amputated, and stump cauterized by ferrum candens. He says the operation was done in a "masterly manner. The Chicago Journal in its "News and Gossip." says: "Prof. Peaslee's last case of ovariotomy died on the fourth day, although apparently doing well until a few hours before death." Hamilton does not like ovariotomy; J. R.Wood, ditto. Too uncertain; it it a kind of surgery you can tell nothing about, etc., etc., as we extract from a private letter from New York. The letter from our Hiedelberg correspondent on this subject will attract attention. So far as present appearances go, the operation is speedily to become much less frequent, if not pass into disuetude."

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The operation in Hiedelberg may have been done in a masterly manner, masterly stupid manner, it appears to us. Why leave on the clamp if the pedicle is cauterized? or, why cauterize the pedicle if clamp is to remain? The most "masterly" absurdity ever practiced in making the operation was applying clamp and leaving it outside the incision, dragging upon the pedicle. If in Hiedelberg they still operate in this manner, we think they better suppress their reports and operations. All operations in surgery are "too uncertain." Will they be abandoned? Will capital operations be abandoned because they are uncertain in results? Is it of any use to tell us that Hamilton aud Wood do not like it? not in the least in the world; the impartial record of facts can alone establish or dissuade; ovariotomy does not rest its claims or merits upon being liked or disliked.

HOMEOPATHY "PUTTING ON AIRS."-Dr. F. H. Krobs, of Boston, recently read a protest against a woman being admitted as member of the Massachusetts Home. opathic Medical Society, and quoted several texts of Scripture to show that woman was, by divine law, expected to occupy a subordinate place in human society-that she was not to teach or usurp authority, but to keep silence in the churches. He thought her deficient in talent for the abstract sciences, lacking originality and genius, and affirmed that women, when misplaced, became bold, arrogant, tyrannical and full of folly. The society voted thirty-one for, and thirty-three against, admission.

CREW'S MUSTARD PLASTER.-Improvements in the minor matters pertaining to the sick room are often practically the most important. There are few physicians who, on the simple application of a sinapism, have not met with vexatious delays and disappointment, owing to the inertness of the article used. The mustard of the shops is almost universally an adulteration, as well as the larger proportion of that sold at drug stores. A fair trial of Crew's Spread Mustard Plaster proves it to be perfectly reliable, and superior to either M. Riggollet's "Papier Sinapisé" ⚫ or "Cooper's Sinapiæ Tissue," which owe their virtue to Cayenne pepper. Crew's plasters are made from the best English mustard and warranted to retain their qualities for an indefinite period.

AMERICAN JOURNAL OF OBSTETRICS.-The first number of the American Journal of Obstetrics has been received. It is edited by E. Noggerath, M. D., and B. F. Dawson, M. D. It contains four original articles, editorial and miscellaneous articles, abstracts, etc. It is published by Moorhead, Bond & Co., New York. The first number leads us to predict a popular and valuable journal, though we cannot fully appreciate the occasion for a journal devoted wholly to obstetrics and the diseases of women and children; perhaps such division is desirable, but we have never yet seen how the various departments of medicine can be more profitably cultivated when separated from each other.

Medical College in Detroit.-The physicians connected with the Harper Hospital and the public-spirited and wealthy citizens of the city, are engaged in the establishment of the Detroit Medical College. The enterprize will doubtless prove a success, as those engaged in the effort are earnest, and successful in their undertakings. Its professorship will, we learn, be filled for the most part by Detroit men. Dr. S. G. Armor, Dr. E. W. Jenks, Dr. T. A. McGraw, Dr. G. P. Andrews, Dr D. O. Farrand and Dr. S. P. Duffield, are all spoken of in connection with certain departments of instruction. Other resident physicians will probably be invited to fill chairs in the college,

OBITUARY.-Died in Dunkirk, N. Y., May 8th, John C. Matteson, M. D., aged

38 years.

At a meeting of the Physicians of Dunkirk, appropriate resolutions were passed expressing their sense of loss and their sympathy for the family of the deceased.

The Hahnemann Medical College building in Chicago, has been seized by the officers of the United States government, it having been used as a coyer to a vinegar factory, in which the shrewd detectives found a concealed still, with all its appurtenances. It is claimed, however, that the still was onty in use for preparing mother tinctures" and attenuations. There is much consternation in homœopathic circles in the city over this mesalliance of vinegar, whisky, law and infinitesimals. The Faculty refuse to testify as experts in the litigation which is to follow unless allowed honorary fees.-Chicago Medical Journal,

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ART. I.-Abstract of Proceedings of the Buffalo Medical Association. TUESDAY EVENING, May 5th, 1868.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Dr. J. R. Lothrop. Members present-Drs. Lothrop, Congar, Shaw, Smith, Abbott, Potter, Trowbridge, Wetmore, Samo and Johnson.

Report of the minutes of the last meeting accepted. After which Dr. J. R. Lothrop made the following remarks:

This occasion does not call for, nor does my inclination lead me to much speaking, at this time. Your time can be better employed and suggestions had better follow than precede service. Especially would they be inopportune now, when we hope soon to receive them more practical, fit, and wise from our retiring President. But I will say a few words, more to show that I do not slight the occasion, than from any feeling that they may profit you in any degree.

Entering upon the duties of the office to which you have chosen me, I desire to express my sincere thanks for this proof of your generosity and confidence. That you have deemed me fit for it ought to be enough to lead me to work to the extent of my ability to promote the great object for which this Association was formed. I hope I may be able to do this, but I am impressed with a becomVOL. 7, NO. 11–52.

ing distrust when I remember the highly useful and honorable history of this Association. Many things have been said here which have been widely read and much thought of. This Society has had a broad utterance, and may with just pride speak of its work and claim its share of honor. It is entitled to receive this in equal measure with any kindred association in the land, for none has been more earnest or progressive. But not alone for


what it has done should we cherish it; nor yet because what is said here may be read by many and exert a wide influence. should remember that the best thing it may give us, is selfimprovement. We should prize it as a source of instruction to ourselves.

The prime object of our meetings here is to derive benefit and instruction from our related experience and the discussion and remarks which grow out of it. The discussions are not for the purpose of setting up or maintaining mere pride of opinion, but to elicit truth. And while for that object difference of opinion is more or less to be looked for, all opinions should meet with just consideration. Nothing is more difficult than rightly to interpret experience. It may convey to different minds equally candid, equally earnest to know what is actually true, lessons very unlike, if not indeed directly opposite. The fallacies of experience are familiar enough to all of us, and while we must not allow ourselves to be drawn into skepticism on the one hand, or exclusiveness on the other; nay, while we must not give these fallacies of experience too cordial reception, and thereby fall into the bad habit of looking at experience rather for its fallacies than its truths; we may and ought to question hasty conclusions and opinions, although they claim to be founded upon experience. Careful observation alone makes experience valuable, and its deductions sound, and consequently no contributions are more interesting or instructive than cases. Even the most common cases, well stated, are instructive always, and especially a well-arranged collection of such. Every member can give his share of these, the younger as well as the older, and there is no necessity for waiting for novelties or strange things, while the ordinary experience is always repeating itself and always teaching something new. Time, and better methods of study, are every day proving to us that what seems best known is yet capable of yielding to us new truths, and there are but few things of which it can be said they

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