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rock spoke of the cheapness of raising these seedlings, and said that 65 bushels of cones had been gathered at Mont Alto this year.

Mr. Frank G. Kennedy, Jr., stated that in Mifflin County and vicinity one of the principal causes of forest fires was the young and irresponsible hunters, who were out gunning during the entire year. If the Legislature would pass a law forbidding the selling of firearms to persons under twenty-one years of age, it would aid in preventing many forest fires. He stated that the Logan Iron & Steel Company had spent last year but fortytwo dollars in fighting forest fires, while in a previous year fifteen hundred dollars, not including horse provender, etc., had been expended on two occasions on forest fires which burned over a length of four to seven miles along the mountain, and had been started by hunters. It was a hard problem to solve. On motion adjourned.

Report of the General Secretary of the Pennsylvania Forestry Association.


T certainly indicates a hopeful state of mind that your General Secretary should report himself more than satisfied by the advances made in State Forestry work during the past year. In fact, every important project outlined for the period has been successfully inaugurated. While there have been serious reverses in the forestry work of one of our neighboring States, Pennsylvania has nothing of the kind to record. The acquisition of land by the Commonwealth has been quietly, but successfully, continued. hope to be in possession of 600,000 acres within a few months. It is probable that under Governor Pennypacker the million acre mark will be reached and possibly passed.


This is a proper place to say that Pennsylvania still holds the record for a continued succession of governors who have given to the forestry movement every possible aid, and who were in hearty sympathy with the work.

For intelligent advice and active help we must all be ever grateful to Governor Pennypacker.

The Legislature, in its last session, granted every request made by the Department of Forestry, and manifested its appreciation of our work so positively as to entitle the members to the best thanks of this Association.

From the public press we have also had a continued support, without which our rapid advance could not have been possible.

The women of the State, ever present in every good work, are still the active advocates of the

policy of the Forestry Department. Special men| tion should be made of the fact that the various women's clubs of Pennsylvania have uniformly, when appealed to, lent the great help of their organization in shaping our work and policy. The Federation of Pennsylvania Women, at the meeting held in Carlisle, heartily endorsed what has been done in the past, and our plans for the future. It is impossible to overestimate the influence for good possessed by such a band of representative women from all parts of the Commonwealth. With a courage which is invincible, and with motives which are above the suspicion of any sordid or selfish purpose, they have entered the domain of public events to strive for whatever uplifts mankind, or promotes the decencies of life; we must wish them Godspeed in their efforts. In all of our forestry work we have, up to this | time, been seriously hindered by want of trained wardens. I am gratified now to say that there has been during the past year a decided improvement in this respect, which improvement has been in great measure due to the fact that our employés have become more familiar with their duties. There still remains the serious drawback with even the best of these men, that owing to lack of education in forestry they cannot take charge of work in reforestation. One of our plantations has failed simply for want of competent supervision. The time is near at hand, we hope, when our wardens will all be trained, practical foresters. The opening of the Forest Academy in Wiestling Hall, at Mont Alto, has been auspiciously accomplished. At present there are thirteen young men there engaged in forestry studies and in practical forestry work. We have not aimed to open a college. Our more modest aspiration has been to fit young men for doing intelligently the elementary forest work which the State has in hand. No doubt, out of this, something higher and better will be evolved in the future. But let that provide, "Sufficient unto the day" is the work thereof!

Details of the school will be found elsewhere, as given by Mr. George H. Wirt, the Principal. It is enough for present purposes to say that these pupils are mounted, uniformed, armed, wear the State Forestry badge, and will shortly be sworn in as special officers to protect the State lands against fire and against depredators. The effort to establish a corps spirit among them has been most successful. They are the State's earliest representatives in the new profession of forestry, and they have an honorable and commendable pride in their calling. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of the fact that these men are mounted, and can in the shortest

possible time be placed at any point in the South Mountain Reservation to suppress a forest fire. We have also now in some portions of the South Mountain Reservation the assistance of the telephone in hurrying help to any point when needed. During the past year better protection has been furnished to our wardens. Comfortable houses for the men, and stables for their horses, have been erected. More, however, are needed.

Turning now from the State Forest Academy, I desire to call your attention to the State Sanatory Camp for Consumptives, located in the South Mountain range, about fifteen miles southeast of Chambersburg. In my judgment we should take a very narrow view of the possibilities of State ownership of lands if we were to limit those lands to the production of timber. That would be forestry simple and pure, and all right so far as it went. But these lands belong to the people, were purchased for them, with their own money, and it requires no strong effort to realize that they, the people, the owners, are entitled to every benefit which they can derive from them without interfering with the general good of the Commonwealth!

It may be, no doubt is, an invasion of the field which the forester claims as his own when these Reservations are thrown open to the public for sanatory purposes; we can, however, well afford to endure the doubts and protests which may arise, and calmly claim for Pennsylvania that she has been the first State to deliberately plan that these Reservations shall be for the healing of her citizens, as well as for the production of timber!

By Legislative enactment the sum of $8000 was appropriated for the erection and maintenance of a Sanatorium on South Mountain. It was all that was asked for! It was enough to prove whether, or not, the plan of a mountain camp would be successful in treatment of tuberculosis. If it was not successful, then it was enough money to


Seven cottages and a large assembly building have been erected.

During the six months which have elapsed since the institution opened, there have been thirty inmates. Of these, six have returned to their homes cured. Four more are ready to go. Four have been discharged for misconduct. One was returned as incurable. Two are much improved. One died from excessive, surreptitious use of tobacco. The remainder are improving, though not all so rapidly as we could desire. Surely this is a satisfactory record for an institution where everything is still in the rough, unfinished condition, and where all that the State furnishes is shelter, water and air. As a rule, our patients are not

blessed with enough of this world's goods, else they would probably have gone to sites which were more comfortable and where curative reputation had been established. Often they are unable to purchase sufficient food. They seldom have enough warm clothing to safely endure that exposure to the winter air in which their largest hope lies.

Oh, for money. Money which could be wisely spent to help those unfortunates and to prove for all time that there is healing in the Pennsylvania Mountains for those suffering from that most common and most dangerous disease, consumption, which is communicable to the public. Money so given is less of a charity to the sufferer than it is a protection to us and to our own families. Will not kind benefactors to our South Mountain Sanatorium arise in this hour of freezing need? It should be said here that but for the help of a few friends a year or more ago the start could not have been made in that locality, which convinced the Legislature that there were substantial grounds for the appropriation which they made later. The good results already gained by the South Mountain institution are stimulating the citizens of Harrisburg to open a similar one nearer home for their own consumptives.

So all good works grow! It is noteworthy that the private assistance thus far rendered has been mostly by those who were connected with this Association, or with the various women's clubs of the State. We need two thousand dollars now to do our best work there for our suffering, but curable, sick. The Sanatory Camp opens a new field for philanthropy. May those who have the means to enter it be inspired to do so!

I am glad to announce that the good forestry work done already in Pike County by the Yale School is to be enlarged in the future, and that to mere theoretical instruction a demonstration course in the forest is to be added.

Forestry is broader than State lines. It concerns the Nation. Many streams which arise in one State do their largest work, or greatest harm, in another. The lumber once produced here was utilized in the commerce of the world. I would therefore suggest that it would be wise if a portion of our State lands adjacent to Milford could be turned over, upon suitable terms, for the work of the Yale School.

The dearth of timber, but lately doubted and denied, is upon us. Its existence is practically acknowledged by the fact that prices have risen, and also by the fact that wood-consuming industries are now competing with the State in the purchase of lands. This leads to two statements: 1. That the period of forest conservatism has

arrived and that the next step of these industries must be to place the lands which they acquire under scientific forestry management. This will provide work in the near future for all properlytrained foresters. 2. The State must actively begin, not simply timber protection, but timber production.

There are many thousands of cords of wood now available for pulp on the State lands, which could be cut to the benefit of the remaining timber and marketed to the advantage of the State.

In less than two years our State Nursery will have more than a million of young seedlings ready to transplant.

For the present, we will be obliged to confine our planting to the abandoned farms which have come into possession of the State in its larger | purchases. There is no use in planting open woods until our system of protection against fires has become better organized.

Our fire laws are all right, and need only an intelligent enforcement by county officers to render them effective. The fact is evident enough to all who care to learn that in spite of the annual spring and autumn fires the destruction over the State at large is being better limited each season. During the past year the protection of the lands owned by the State from fire was better than ever before, and comparatively little timber was lost. It is the duty of the county officials to see to it that forest lands owned by private parties, and for protection of which taxes are paid, should have the protection paid for.

The wisdom of encouraging private parties to engage in timber culture by furnishing them seedlings from the State Nursery at a nominal cost is, I think, beyond dispute. It is to be hoped that the next Legislature will authorize us to do so.

Forestry, especially in its inception, does not lend itself readily to exposition. Nevertheless, the Forestry Department will be represented at the Louisiana Purchase Exposition, which is to be held during the coming year in St. Louis. We hope our exhibit will be creditable.

The work of the future will be mainly upon | lines already commenced, which means, in other words, that forestry work in Pennsylvania is already fully inaugurated and needs only to be further extended. We ask your active co-operation in the future, as in the past.

I desire here to thank this Association for the vigorous and effective help it has rendered the State Department. And I especially wish to thank the officers of the Association for their timeconsuming, unselfish labors.

Report of Council of the Pennsylvania Forestry Association.


URING the past year the Council meetings have been well attended, a quorum being present at all of them. The June meeting, an especially representative one, was held on invitation of Col. R. Bruce Ricketts at Ganoga Lake, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania, where the members who assembled from different sections of the State had an opportunity to exchange views and inspect the fine forests, streams and beautiful falls in the vicinity of the lake.

In the general forestry work of the State decided progress was made in 1903. Five forestry bills introduced in the Legislature became laws. One act authorized the appointment of a Deputy Commissioner of Forestry and an additional clerk. A second conferred upon persons employed by the Commissioner of Forestry, for the protection of the forest reservations, the right to arrest without warrant offenders against the laws protecting timber lands, etc., either on the reservations or lands adjacent to them. A third bill limited the amount to be expended by the State Forestry Reservation Commission in any one fiscal year to $300,000, but this did not affect contracts already made for the purchase of lands. A fourth act appropiated $8000 for the erection and maintenance of a sanatorium on the South Mountain Reservation, this sum to cover the expenditures for two years, commencing June 1, 1903. The fifth bill authorized the purchase of lands and buildings adjacent to, or their erection on, the Mont Alto Reservation for a forestry school at a cost not to exceed $6000, also $10,000 additional for instruction in forestry for forest wardens at said school for two years, ending June 1, 1905. All of these laws are now operative, the sanatorium is an accomplished fact, and the forestry school successfully inaugurated.

During the year considerable land was added to the State forest reserves, the total now reaching about 600,000 acres, but this is not one-half the acreage reserved in the neighboring State of New York, where there are over 1,400,000 acres, the greater portion being in the Adirondack Region. The forest nursery established near Mont Alto, Pa., has been well managed and is giving excellent results.

The General Secretary, Dr. Rothrock, will in his report present interesting details in regard to the status of the work in this State supplementing the above outline.

The past year has witnessed the inauguration of a new Governor, the Hon. Samuel W. Penny

packer (who like his predecessors, Governors Stone, Hastings, Pattison and Beaver), is taking an active interest in the forestry reservations, and it is hoped that during his administration the advance of the work will be rapid, particularly in securing additional lands for forest reserves, in inaugurating a policy of caring for all the reserves already secured, and enforcing the laws for the prevention of forest fires.

Both of the Spring Arbor Days proclaimed by the Governor, and the Autumn Arbor Day which is selected by the Superintendent of Public Instruction, were generally celebrated, especially by the schools, thus encouraging the coming generation to become even more interested in forest preservation and utilization than its predecessor.

The national forest reserves have also been increased during the past year, the total area of the reserves in the United States and Alaska now being over 63,000,000 acres. This does not include the reserves in our insular possessions, there being over 250,000 acres in the Hawaiian Islands, nearly 66,000 acres in Porto Rico, and about 47,000,000 | acres in the Philippine Islands, of which 20,000,ooo acres are stated to be virgin forest. All of these reserves in the United States are west of the Mississippi River, with the exception of one at the headwaters of this stream, and the larger number are in the Rocky Mountain or Sierra Nevada regions, where they are especially valuable in maintaining stream flow, and in supplying existing and prospective irrigating canals.

The forestry associations in other States, as well as the national organization, are making an active propaganda; but we regret the closing of the New York College of Forestry, owing to an adverse report of the Committee of the Legislature, and trust it may soon be reopened.

Many of the railroads of this country, owing to the constantly increasing cost of ties, are investigating the desirability of securing suitable forest. lands on which to raise their own tie timber, using scientific forestry methods, and a number have already either purchased or set aside tracts for this purpose.

At the last annual meeting our total membership was 1735; since that time 93 persons have united with the Association, 28 resigned, 43 were dropped, and 32 died, showing a net loss of 10, making the present membership 1725. The roll would have shown a gain as heretofore, but for the members dropped for non-payment of dues.

We regret to announce the death of two active members of Council, Mr. Joseph W. Johnston and Mr. Theodore D. Rand. Both have been actively identified with the Association for many years;

their wise counsel, willing co-operation and interest in the work of the Association will be missed.

At annual meeting the question of changing the constitution of the Association, so that in future the annual dues will be $2 instead of $1, and life membership $25 instead of $15 as heretofore, is to be acted on. The Council at the June meeting recommended this change to the Association.

The Council also desires to place on record its appreciation of the work of the various Committees, and the generous aid which has always been accorded by the press throughout the State.

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The "Grange."

"Ver ubi longum tepidasque præbet


Jupiter brumas."-HORATII, Carm. II., vi, 17. HE Grange, located in Haverford Township, Delaware County, Pa., is one of the many notable country-seats surrounding Philadelphia, its period of greatest fame being that immediately succeeding the Revolutionary war. Situated on Cobb's Creek, just beyond the boundaries of the city, half-way between the old Haverford Road and the West Chester turnpike, it is in the midst of a rich farming country, although removed only about seven miles from the City Hall.

In 1682 a Welsh Quaker, by name Henry Lewis, selected this spot as his wilderness abode, and erected a stone house, which still remains, forming the rear of the mansion of to-day, and named his estate Maën-coch.

About 1750 this estate was purchased from the second generation of the Lewis family by Captain John Wilcox, or Wilcocks, who added to the buildings and named his place "Clifton Hall.” This gentleman kept slaves busy on it.

In 1770 Captain Wilcox's son-in-law, Mr. John Cruickshank, a Scotch gentleman, purchased the estate of Clifton Hall and commenced the landscape gardening which, since continued, has made the place, in this respect, unexcelled in the surrounding country. Mr. Cruickshank repaired the house; gave it the name of the Grange, in compliment to General Lafayette, whose native home in France was so named; built greenhouses; cut the terraced walks in the flower garden; and at his death, in 1783, left the adornment of the grounds to be continued by his son-in-law, Mr. John Ross. It was during the ownership of the Grange by Mr. John Ross, and the latter's son Charles, that it was at the height of its Colonial splendor, when Generals Washington, Lafayette, Knox and Mifflin; Franklin, Talleyrand, Marbois, Volney, and other famous men of the day, made it their resort of summer afternoons.

In 1810 the estate was sold to Mr. John H. Brinton, who in 1816 sold the greater part of the estate to Manuel Eyre. After Mr. Eyre's death, which occurred in 1845, the Grange was purchased from his executors by Dennis Kelly; but the house and pleasure-grounds continued to be occupied by John Ashhurst, Mr. Eyre's son-inlaw, who leased this from Mr. Kelly. In 1849 Mr. Kelly sold to John Ashhurst a portion of the estate, including the mansion, plantations and pleasure-grounds, and the house was largely rebuilt by Mr. Ashhurst in 1850. In 1864 Mr.

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Ashhurst also succeeded in buying back a portion of the old estate lying south and west of the mansion, which had been sold to other parties by Mr. Brinton.

Approaching the Grange through heavy stone gate-posts, a straight avenue is entered forty-five feet in width and perhaps a quarter of a mile long. The roadway occupies only the middle third, while either side is adorned by a strip of lawn fifteen feet broad, at whose outer sides grow rows of stately deciduous trees. The usual objection to straight avenues, that of monotony, does not apply here, as the attention is animated by a panoramic view of pasture-lands to the left as we rise over a gentle slope, which exposes at the further end of the avenue a fitting terminal to the straight road, in the shape of a gurgling stream, the Cobb's Creek of the present day, the Karakung Karkus of the Indians, and the Mill Kill of the early settlers. This stream runs across the road, from right to left, splashing over rocks from a thickly wooded region above, and below lapsing silently into the mellow sunlight of the pasture fields, where the gentle herds of cattle stand idly in the shadow of the trees that here and there guard its bank.

For the true lover of nature, however, the approach towards the house has already been too rapid. On leaving the highway we should have paused within the gate (where at once a cool air from the distant stream wafts across our path), in admiration of a massive forest of sturdy trees to the right. Bordering the avenue on each side is a closely set row of three-thorned acacia trees, formerly planted as a hedge, but now, with the growth and judicious trimming of fifty years, forming beneath their arching branches an admirable shade. Further along the drive we find the trunk, handsome still in its decay, of an immense pin-oak, standing a little forward from the rank of trees of more moderate size, as if conscious of the superiority conferred by age. Glancing along the rows of stately and graceful trunks of sycamore, tulip, maple and beech, with an occasional horse-chestnut or a catalpa, valuable in a landscape for their brilliant flowers in spring time, across a second field to the right is seen a group of weeping willows, and, as if father to the thought, discern that they surround a fair-sized pond of water. Standing as sentinels on each side of the bridge are huge trunks of black walnut, along whose myriad branches the red squirrel delights to skip, laying carefully by his store of winter nuts. Crossing the bridge and leaving the realm of unshorn nature, rare shrubs of varied hue and form of foliage greet the eye. The road now winds slowly to the right around a steep in

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