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FRIENDS AND BROTHERS :-In presenting you with this number of the ENGINEERS' JOURNAL, we most respectfully tender you our heartfelt thanks, and wish one and all a very "HAPPY NEW YEAR." You have made this little journal a grand success, and it is a pleasure to us to acknowledge your support, and to have the opportunity to send you this, our Seventh Annual Greeting.

The contributions you have sent to the JOURNAL have made many a heart glad, and smoothed the rugged path of the widow and orphan. While you have aided those that are in need of a friend, you have also done good service for the cause of the Brotherhood.

Your efforts to sustain the JOURNAL for the year just closed, enabled the Brotherhood to dispense as charities over six thousand dollars-and the reading af one letter from a recipient of your favors, would pay you a thousand fold for the small outlay you made for the JOURNAL. One Brother writes: "If you could have witnessed the gratitude that Mrs. expressed when gave her the donation that the Brotherhood sent her, you would never

No. 1.

begrudge all the money or labor you have given to our cause."

The JOURNAL has done very much to introduce and advocate the merits of the Engineers Brotherhood. We frequently receive letters from gentlemen informing us that they have accidentally seen one of our monthly JOURNALS, and that they were both surprised and pleased to know that the engineers were so well organized. They commend both the JOURNAL and the organization, and are willing to help promote both If every member of the Brotherhood would take the interest in their own welfare that their friends feel for them, the JOURNAL and the Brotherhood would be classed among the most successful enterprises in the country. Will each one of the twelve thousand subscribers of the JOURNAL send us, with their name, one new subscriber for 1873?

The past year has been a year of unusual prosperity for the JOURNAL. It has found many new contributors, whose articles are read with interest. It has also formed many new acquaintances, whose influence is regarded as a valuable acquisition. We commence the New

ie came

with brighter prospects than we have ever bad before, and we fondly anticipate a grand success for the JOURNAL for '73. Ins'ructive and entertaining as the JOURNAI has been in the past, we hope and intend to make it more so in the future. Our experience is continually growing greater and greater, and our ambition is yet undiminished.

To cultivate a taste for reading in the minds of the Brotherhood, and at the same time contribute to their moral and intellectual advancement and growth by the character of its contents, is the aim of the JOURNAL..

Another great principle with the JOURNAL is to inculcate in the minds of the Brotherhood sentiments of self-respect and self reliance. thus strengthening and rendering more manly their characters, which are to endure with them through life.

And especially to the young men of our Order, and readers, does the JOURNAL furnish a fine field for intellectual improvement. By reading and writing for its columns, they may largely increase their abilities, and as they advance in knowledge, they may correspondingly elevate their standing socially and professionally. thus fortifying themselves against many allurements and temptations which may confront them, by having required self-respect and self-reliance.

The JOURNAL is also particularly devoted to the interest of the home circle of the Brotherhood. Being a medium through which the wives, sisters and daughters, of all may communicate in regard to the habits, qualities and character, which makes home the brightest, happiest and most desirable place on earth.

Therefore, with a great reliance upon the continued interest of our old subseribers, who will bear witness in regard to the fulfillment of past promises, we enter upon the duties of the year before us with' the firm conviction that 1873 will be the most interesting and prosperous year in the history of the JOURNAL.

* your annual greetings be as confi

dent and sincere for your friends, as ours is for your future prosperity and happiness; and we hope this year will close without sundering any of those friendly ties which so happily exist at the beginning. We promise to use our utmost exertions to merit your cordial support, and our prayer is, that we may all join with heartfelt thanks at the close of the year in the salutation of a truly "HAPPY NEW YEAR," for 1874.

With many thanks for your favors, and an earnest request for your friendship and support for the JOURNAL, we are, with grateful hearts, very respectfully and fra ternally Yours truly,

L. B. GREENE, F. G. A. E.

BOSTON, Dec. 18, 1872. MR. CHARLES WILSON, GRAND CHIEF OF THE B. OF L. E-Dear Sir :-We, Engineers of the Boston & Worcester Division of B. & A. R. R, after perusing your address, delivered before the International Convention of the Locomotive Engineers, in St. Louis, and heartily endorsing those valuable truths and sentiments, cannot let them pass unnoticed. We have presented our names asking you to accept our many thanks, and assistance, if needed, to carry out those valuable principles, as you have taken such a noble stand, in trying to elevate our positions as men, as well as engineers, in advocating temperance, and by improving our abilities, to advance us in our positions as Locomotive Engi


We also offer up our prayers to Divine Providence, that your life may be spared to see that state of things brought about among the Engineers.

Yours with much respect.

J. M. Alger, S. B. Hobart, J. M. Alexander, E. L Wallace, Seth H. Ellis, J. W. Hurd, M. H. Taft, W. Goulding, J. W. Chamberlain. W. F. Leach, J. H. Chander. W. H. Swallow, J. H. Baird, C. A. Fisher, A. F. Spencer, F. T. Ellenwood, A. L. Hunter, Warren French-Engineers B. & A. R. R.

T. L. llenderson, I. Brooks, Andrew Henry, J. A. Swinerton-Engineers F. R. R.




With the seasons compliments to each true friend,
I wish the New Year may bring its fullest joy
And blessings. May the truth and sweet ik nocence
Of love, in rare abundance surround your li e,
To enliven with freund health, and richly crown
With competence its every need; may your mind,
Touched by no discord, like a fairly strung harp,
Be full of rich melody; in unison, vibr»ting
With nature's harmony. May tin e-yet veiled
By the fates inexorable law, when developed,
Cast our fines in pleasant places; with chaims
Our intelligences to improve, and, in richest force
Enhance every sphere of action. If dread adver-

Ourp ths o'ercast, or, yet a brighter prosperity
Give us its more than electric lightsomeness,
May we, in each measure, be alike brave, noble,
True and useful to each other; and should death's
Last call summon us from earth to eternity's fold,
May we be ready, as for a feast, to participate
In the mercies of that better land, "Where
The wicked cease from troubling, and the weary
Are at rest."

Buffalo, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1873.


I NEVER said Duke Osborn was not handsome- never even when I was He had gi sy eyes angered at him. and brown skin, gipsy-like too, for the matter of that, and all manner of kinks and curls in his black hair, and such a throat. He wore his collar turned back, and a not of some bright color under it and he had a bright, dash ing way with him that no one could help liking.

When the Warrior came in with the three o'clock train-the Warrior was the name of his particular engine, you must know I used to see him up in the engine house, on the bright lookHe never took out along the road. any notice of me then, so I could look as much as I liked; not that I caught more than a limpse either, yet somehow I was always at my window with my work by ten minutes to three. Then I'd catch the first scream of the whistle, and then I'd see her turn the curve, and hear her chip, chip, chip, as she slackened speed and came into the station.

Mother and father used often say that they should sell the old house and move away, on account of the noisy new railway; but I liked i. 1 might not but for that one little fact of seeing

Duke Osborne run the Warrior in at
three every afternoon.

Did I only see him then? Oh, no.
He was off at six every evening, and at
half past seven he was withme. He'd
been courting me for ha f a year, and
not that I'd have told him so for any-
thing, I loved him better than my life
-a great deal better. I used to won-
der whether, perhaps, I did not love
him too much; but it wasn't a sort of
I felt it be-
love to be ashamed of
cause he was good and true, and great
in his way, if he was but a hard-work-
ing engineer on a railroad.

There was one or two men in the town who had been through collisions, and bore the marks of it, and when I raw them I used to think if that sort of thing ever happened to Duke, and he should lose his handsome looks as hey had, I'd-I'd-oh, you know all about it; of course I would, if I cared for him at al. But I wasn't much afraid, because, as he said to me often and often-"If an engineer never drinks, and does his duty, those behind him are not in. much danger. And I know the voice of the Warrior as I know yours, my dear; and if she sobs too fast or 00 slow, I know it in an instant. I never forget what a trust I have in charge; and may God forget me if I ever do."

And, chip, chip, chip, she came in every day, just at three, the train of steam behind her, and all a shine, like some great jewel, with care and


ing. I never shall forget her until my dying day, nor the first litt e lar-off scream that seemed to say, "Nanuie, look out; Duke is coming

Well, this went on, without any change for six months, as I have told you and we were engaged; and Duke brought me the dearest litt e forget-menot ring. And I wore it openly, and one knew did not care if every

whose ring it was. I was as proud that he had chosen me to be his wife as though he had been a king; and when any one told me that there never was a love affair yet that did not give some pain to a woman, or that an engagement never ran its pace through without a quarrel, I used to laugh. I have not any pain because I loved Duke! ha quarre! That could'nt b.

You see I didn't know all yet.

I was making up some of my things already, when Cousin Charlotte came

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down from the city to pay us a visit. I never had been fond of her, but blood is blood, and she was mother's sister's child, and we always asked her once a year. She kept a milliner's shop in Street, and she made money by it too, and was rather a brisk, bright-looking young woman; but perhaps the whims of her customers and the mistakes of her hands had soured her temper. She had a way of talking against people, and a scandalous story about every other one she spoke of, that made me almost angry.

"If all the world is so bad, I don't want to know it," I said over and over again to mother, and she used to answer: "Well, well I know it seems so; but we all have to come to it at last Perhaps Charlotte don't like it as much as she seems to "

Well, Charlotte came down, as I say and a great budget of news she had for


That evening Duke came. I hadn't told Charlotte anything about him, but she could guess what there was between us, I suppose. She was very silent that evening, and looked at him with a strange, searching gaze that certainly was not polite; and she went to bed early, and never said "good night." But when Duke was gone, and I was alone in my room, I heard some one tapping at my door, and said "Come in," and in came Charlotte. I saw the tears come in her eyes.

"I've got something to say, to-night, and you'll hate me for it. Of course, though, it's my duty. That young man who came here to night is your beau, I suppose?

"You can't know anything about him that's not good," I said.

"You like him, I suppose?" she said. "I'm engaged to hiin," I answered "I won't listen to any lie about him.”

She came across and took me by the hands in a sisterly fashion not usual with her.

"Nannie," she said, "I'm going to tell you Heaven's truth-that I swear I see that man every day when and where he ought to blush to be seen, especially if he's engaged to a good girl like you. A woman lives opposite us --a woman whose husband has gone away, you know She has one little boy, and she's very handsome. He comes to see her every day; he gives

her money; he kisses her. I've seen both things. It's been disgusting to me before, but now-oh, Nannie, when I see what he is to you I turn sick. It must be when the engine con es in and is waiting at the station Once or twice he has stayed longer, but not often, only on Sundays, and it's Heaven's truth"

My heart gave a great leap. Duke did often spend Sunday in the city. I never thought of asking why. But yet I said

"I can't believe it, I won't. You think it is Duke, I know; but it's some other man. Why, I'd as soon doubt myself as him."

But I began to cry, notwithstanding. "Nannie," said Charlotte, "I don't ask you to take my word. Run down to the city with me. Come into my work-room, and peep through the shutters, and you will see for yourself."

"I will, said I; and I'll see some man I never saw before in all my life."

And I tried to believe this through all the hours of the night before she left me, and all through the early journey to the city next day.

I went up into the work-room of Charlotte's house, and we two kneit down at the open window, peeping through the green blinds. Over the way was a tiny little house, and at the window sat a young woman, very pretty as Charlotte had said.

"That's her," my cousin whispered.

And I felt my blood begin to boil. I knew how hate felt at last, and no one need want to know. I think I could have killed some one then. It seemed all true when I saw how pretty she was, though I never could understand the reason for that.

I could't say a word. I just looked and looked. At last I heard Charlotte whisper, "There he is."

And there he was indeed, I saw him -it was no one else-go up the steps of that little house, and ring the beil. The woman ran out to meet him; so did the child; and he kissed them both. That was the last I knew for some time. I fainted away, with rage and sorrow, and Charlotte had a time with me, and thought for a while that I would die.

But I lived and went home with my cousin, who said I felt quite ill, and must go to bed.

So I did. And I begged Charlotte to

tell no one yet, but to ask mother to say that I was to ill too see any one who


I awoke next day as people do awake when trouble is new to them. First it was I, Nannie Hunt, to whom life was so bright and full of hope. Then I was some one else, whom I hardly knew, who seemed to be I; and I sat up, and put back my hair, and wondered how I could bear the change.

One thing must be done, and it could not be done too soon. I must part myself from Duke Osborne And I took all his little gifts, his letters, the lock of his black hair, and my little ring, and made a package of them, and sealed it close, and then I wrote this note:

"Duke Osborne, I send you back the gifts I took, as I thought from a true man.

"You know why, and I shall not say anything more than that I have been to the city, at my cousin's house in -Street.

"I send these things I have treasured so back to you, and I forbid you ever to speak to me again. All I can wish is, nevermore in all my life to see your face or hear your voice.

"I loved you, or I would not have promised to be your wife; but I hate you now, and with that hate I bid you good-bye forever.


Then I sealed the note, and directed it, and resolved that when the Warrior came in that day at three I would send it to him.

I sat at the window at the usual time, waiting for that chip, chip, chip," down the road-waiting as prisoners sentenced to death may wait for the hour of doom.

But by-and-by people began to come out and look up the road. I saw men look at their watches. I looked at mine. The Warrior was overdue by ten minutes; soon by fifteen, by twenty, by half an hour, by three quarters. Then a little engine, with some men on board, went off to look for her, and the crowd grew larger and the faces more serious.

As for me I had forgotten all my wrath -all my reason for wrath also. I only knew that the Warrior was nearly an hour behind hand and that Duke was her engineer.

"Chip, chip, chip"-the engine was coming back. Two hours and a half were gone. Chip, chip, chip," slowly, horribly. She turned the corner of the roadnot the Warrior, no one hoped that-only the little engine that had gone after

her. She brought two carriages with her. Four were due and the red flag fluttered from the engine, and the end of one carriage was battered in and broken.

I was out of the room, and with the crowd of men and women in the street, now. I saw a few people alight. I saw others helped out, with bandaged arms and heads. There had been a collision; we knew that already; but-they were bringing something out on a boardsomething wrapped in a sheet, sopped and dripping with blood. Four men carried it towards the station.

A tall man, blackened with smoke and dust, followed it. I caught his arm. "Who's that? Who is that?" I asked. He stopped and looked at me.

"Good Lord!" said he. "Live along side of a railroad, and not know! Thatwhy, of course that's the engineer." "The engineer of the Warrior?

I ask

ed. "That's what he used to be," said the


Some one caught my hand just then.It was Lotty.

"Come home," she said. "I needn't have told you, poor child-I needn't have told you.'

He was dead, dead, and I had written words of hate to him as he lay breathing his last. He was dead. Good or bad I thought of nothing else now.

"Don't tell the folks," I said to Lotty. "He's gone, and why should they know?" And she promised.

The day went on and ended; the night came: another awful day broke and dragged away. I had neither slept nor wept. The doctor who had been called in, looked grave as he touched my pulse. I knew I was in danger of going niad.The clock ticking in the hall seemed to say, "Duke is dead! Duke is dead!" over and over again, until they stopped it, and still another day brought me only pain.

It was noon and the sun seemed redhot to me, and my mother put a heavy blanket over the white window curtain to shut its light out; but it did not shut the sounds from me. At three I heard it-the scream far away, and faint at first; then shrill and near. Then chip, chip. chip, again. Of course the three o'clock train would come in, if the Warrior were smashed to atoms and the engineer dead; but how could I bear it? I put my hands on my ears to deafen them, but I heard it still-long after the iron horse stood quiet in the station. And at last I heard another sound-a woman's scream-my mother screaning. and her voice crying out, "Duke, O Duke, we thought you

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