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By the appointment of Synod the Annual Collection in behalf of the Home Mission and Supplemental Fund is to be taken on the third Sabbath of February.

As the name indicates, the object of this fund is two-fold. On the one hand it is Missionary in its design, intended to aid in planting Presbyterian Churches where hitherto they have not existed; on the other it is Supplemental in its character, intended to supplement the inadequate stipends of ministers in the weaker congregations of the Church.

It will be remembered that for the former of these two objects a collection was taken in the month of November, that collection being a substitute for the one formerly taken in that month in behalf of the college. It was authorized in view of the urgent claims which the work of Church Extension was felt to possess. And as it was purely exceptional in its character; as it was a collection, moreover for the year 1865; the Committee anxiously hope that it will not be allowed in any degree to interfere with the success of the present collection, which is for both departments of the Home Mission work, and for the year 1866.

The work of Church Extension progresses. New and promising fields are being undertaken. Encouragement is given on all hands to widen the sphere of the Church's efforts. And the only limit that can be assigned to her extension is that entailed by her limited resources in men and means. In these circumstances the Committee trust that all the congregations will consecrate liberally of their means to God's cause, so that this department of the Church's work may not be hindered.

Be it remembered, moreover, that this fund is the only one the Church has for supplementing the ministerial stipends in the weaker congregations. Such stipends are in most instances utterly inadequate. The Committee have for some years been urging on the Church the duty and necessity of fixing on £150 as the minimum income of her ministers; and toward this standard they have been making some progress of late. Still their revenue is much too limited to meet the object. They are certain that every thoughtful man will admit such a minimum standard to be sufficiently low. They are certain, too, that if the Church's resources were only duly developed, such a standard could be reached. And they would, therefore, earnestly commend the cause to the liberality of all the congregations.

The Committee believe that the two objects thus contemplated by the fund commend themselves to the cordial approval of the Church. They bespeak, therefore, a generous response to this appeal. And even as it is the Divine blessing alone that can crown their efforts with real success, they would ask for the Home Mission work a special and constant place in the Church's prayers.

Manchester, Feb. 1, 1866.



Collections to be remitted to Robert Lockhart, Esq., Treasurer, 1, Rumford Place, Liverpool.


Ar the last meeting of the Free Church Presbytery of Glasgow, Dr. Buchanan having recalled to the mind of the brethren that the last General Assembly recommended that a deputation from the English Presbyterian Church to Scotland at some time last year, for the purpose of making collections on behalf of the Home Mission Fund of that Church, should be welcomed by the congregations which might find it convenient to receive them, and that the November Commission had altered the period of the visit of the deputation to next March, said that the brethren in England had accordingly made arrangements to come north in that month. He felt it was due to the deputation, and to the cause they had in hand, to request the respectful attention of the Presbytery to the fact of their coming, and the object of their mission. They all know what an arduous work their Presbyterian brethren had in England. They were few and alone-almost buried, one might say-in a crowd where everything in the ecclesiastical institutions and habits of the people with whom they intermingled was, as it were, adverse to their mission and the success of their cause. The Free Church had no home mission in England, although there were thousands and tens of thousands of Scotchmen in that country, who, as in too many cases, were falling or had fallen from the ways and from the habits of their godly forefathers, not merely, but were drifting into utter neglect of the ordinances of God. Now, as the Free Church had no mission in England, and were not likely to institute one in that country, it was surely their duty to aid the mission of the English Presbyterian Church by their prayers, by the holding up of the hands of their brethren, and by their offerings to replenish their treasury, so that they might be in a better case for the carrying on of the very difficult work which God had laid to their hands. The deputation were coming to Scotland to ask help to their fund to enable them to tide over the initial stages of their Church extension. He hoped they would meet with a friendly and cordial response, and that facilities would be afforded them as much as possible to enable them to gain access to the pulpits, as well to the hearts and the pockets of of those members of the Free Church who were best able to help them.

Dr. Miller suggested the appointment of a small committee to render what assistance was necessary to the deputation in their visit to the congregations within the Presbytery.

After a few remarks from several members expressive of their sympathy with the cause for which the deputation are going to seek support, the suggestion of Dr. Miller was adopted, and a committee was appointed, Mr. Somerville convener.


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ject into their serious consideration, with The monthly meeting of this Presbytery the view of amending the constitution and was held on Tuesday, in the vestry of defining the curriculum of study, and devise St. George's Presbyterian Church, Myrtle such other measures as may tend to promote Street, Liverpool; the Rev. John Clelland, the glory of God and the good the Church.” Moderator. The Rev. George Johnstone After discussion, the overture was unanisubmitted the following overture: mously adopted. The Presbytery then "Whereas a theological college is essential considered a call from the Fairfield congreto the well-being and extension of a church; gation, to the Rev. R. Lundie. After whereas such college should be as fully commissioners had been heard from Fairequipped and efficient as possible; and field and Birkenhead, Mr. Lundie addressed whereas, through the liberality of a Christian the Presbytery at length, and ended by layman, the theological college of the Pres- saying that "the preponderance, so far as I byterian Church in England has recently can read the moving of the balance, is not received a large endowment, it is humbly great, yet is, on the whole, toward the reovertured by the reverend the Presbytery ceptance of the call;" whereupon it was of Lancashire, to the very reverend the agreed that he should be released from his Synod of the Presbyterian Church in Eng- present charge, and inducted into the land, that they would take this whole sub-charge of Fairfield. The Rev. R. Mitchel,

the minister-elect of Bolton, was examined Whereupon Mr. Dunn, according to apby the Presbytery on the subjects pre- pointment, conducted divine worship, and scribed, and his ordination was fixed for preached from 2 Tim. iv. 5, last clause, the 11th inst.; the Rev. J. B. Johnstone" Make full proof of thy ministry." Mr. to preach and preside. The Rev. J. Pater- Terras gave the address on Presbyterianism. son read a petition from the congregation The Moderator having called on Mr. at Shrewsbury, craving the Presbytery to McGuffie, put to him the questions apappoint a session. He was glad to report pointed by the Synod to be put to all pro that there was every prospect of a good bationers prior to ordination, to all of which congregation being gathered there. He he gave satisfactory answers. Mr. McGuffie moved that their petition be granted, and, was then by prayer and imposition of hands at the same time, urged on the members of ordained to the office of the holy ministry, Presbytery the desirableness of as many of and received the right hand of fellowship them as possible attending the congrega- from the brethren. Mr. Scott then addressed tional meeting, to be held on the 16th inst. the minister and people on their respective The Presbytery agreed to appoint the sea- duties. On retiring from the church the sion, and instructed the Moderator to congregation gave a hearty welcome, in the attend. The Presbytery then adjourned. usual way, to him now set over them in the Lord. Next ordinary meeting, as formerly appointed, to take place at Bankhill Church on the first Tuesday of February at eleven o'clock a.m.

PRESBYTERY OF NORTHUMBERLAND.— Alnwick, January 9th, 1866, which day the quarterly meeting of Presbytery was held here and duly constituted; the roll being called, sederunt, the Moderator, Mr. Edwards, Dr. Anderson, Messrs. Huie, Cathcart, Robinson, Fergus, Barrie, Forsy h, Douglas, Craig, Davidson, and Blythe (Clerk), ministers, with Messrs. Flint and Potts, elders. Reasons of absence from Messrs. Hoy, Brown, and Benvie, were read and sustained. Minutes of last quarterly mee ing and subsequent meeting were read and sustained. Dr. Anderson then proceeded to read his essay on the

PRESBYTERY OF BERWICK.-This Presbytery met at Bankhill Church, Berwick on-Tweed, Dec. 19th. Present: The Rev. Robert Scott, Moderator; Messrs. Fraser, Terras, Cant, Haig, and McLean, ministers; Mr. Towns, elder. The minutes of last meeting were read and sustained. The Presbytery proceeded to hear the trials of Mr. George McGuffie, when, after having engaged in prayer, Mr. McGuffie delivered the exercises formerly prescribed, and was examined on Hebrew, Greek, Church history, and theology. The Presbytery, upon a conjunct view of the whole trials, agreed unanimously to sustain the same with approbation; and appointed his ordination to take place in the church at Etal, on Wednesday, the 10th day of January next, at eleven o'clock a m. Mr. Dunn to preach, Mr. McLean to give the exposition of Pres-" Limits of Free Inquiry," after which the bytery, Mr. Scott to ordain and address the minister and people; and ordered the edict to this effect to be served on the church at Etal on Sabbath next, by the person officiating. Mr. Andrew Brown, teacher elect of Norham school, was examined on English grammar, geography, arithmetic, mathematics, and Bible doctrine. The Presbytery being satisfied with Mr. Brown's examination, sustained the appointment. Adjourned to meet at Etal Church on the 10th of January, at eleven o'clock a.m. January 10, 1866. On which day the Presbytery met according to adjournment, and was duly constituted by the Rev. R. Scott, Moderator. Present: The Revs. R. Scott, J. Fraser, D. Terras, and W. Dunn. Mr. Towns, elder. Mr. Fraser was appointed Clerk pro tem. Rev. Mr. Craig, of Crookham, being present, was associated. The edict, appointing the ordination of Mr. McGuffie to take place this day, was returned duly served and attested; and the congregation having been publicly called on to offer any objections to the life or doctrine of Mr. McGuffie, and no such objections having been offered, it was moved that the ordination services do now proceed.

members present concurred in the expression of their high satisfaction with the valuable essay just given, and requested Dr. Anderson to give a résumé of the subject at the next quarterly meeting, to which he agreed. Communion Rolls and Session Records from Newbiggin, Branton, Crookham, and Framlington, were produced; also Communion Rolls from Widdrington and Glanton, and Session Records from Harbottle, were produced and ordered to be attested by the Moderator. The Presbytery ordered the Communion Rolls and Session Records of the other congregations to be produced at the next quarterly meeting, and all Communion Rolls and Session Records to be brought up in future at the January quarterly meeting. School schedules from Crookham, Branton, Felton, Wooler, Glanton, Warenford, and Bavington were given, read, sustained, and ordered to be attested by the Moderator; the former Committees for the examination of schools within the bounds were re-appointed. Home Mission schedule from Felton was given in, read, and sustained, and ordered to be attested by the Mode

rator. Dr. Anderson, Messrs. Blythe, CANNING STREET PRESBYTERIAN Huie, Cathcart, Edwards, Robinson, Fer- CHURCH, LIVERPOOL.-On Tuesday evengus, Forsyth, Douglas, Barrie, and David-ing, Jan. 2, the members of the congregation son, reported that they had taken up collec- of the above place of worship held a soirée tions for the several schemes of the Church. at Hope Hall, when they took the opporThe Presbytery agreed at next meeting tunity of presenting their pastor, the Rev. to hold a conference in regard to the Col. J. R. Welsh, with a handsome piece of lege. Next quarterly meeting was ap- plate and a purse of money. There was a pointed to be held in the vestry of St. numerous attendance. The Rev. J. R. James' Church, Alnwick, on the second Welsh, who presided, read an address, in Tuesday in April, at 12 o'clock. The which he gave an account of his pastorate, Presbytery adjourned to meet at Felton on extending over a period of twenty-three Tuesday the 30th current, at 12 o'clock. years. Mr. W. K. Coubrough submitted a PRESBYTERY OF NEWCASTLE. - This statement of the congregational accounts, Presbytery met in the John Knox Church, which showed that the financial condition Newcastle, on the 9th of January, and was of the church was in a satisfactory condi duly constituted by the Moderator. Pre- tion; though the building had cost a sum sent, the Revs. T. W. Brown, Moderator; of £8,000, they were in a position to say John Black, Andrew Wilson, John Brown, that the whole of the debt formerly existing S. M. M'Le land, and John Reid, ministers; had been liquidated, and they owed no man with Messrs. R. Brewis, I. Taylor, H. anything. Other addresses, on missions M'Laren, and J. P. Saybourne, elders. and subjects connected with the work of The minute of last meeting was read and the church, were delivered by various sustained. Reason of Mr. Jeffrey's absence speakers. Mr. John Patterson, after some was read and sustained. The edicts de- remarks on the subject of congregational claring the John Knox and St. George's accessories, presented the testimonial. He churches vacant were returned duly served referred to the Rev. Mr. Welsh's long conand attested. The Presbytery agreed that nection with the church, his ministerial the following, in regard to Mr. Miller, be labours, and the good feeling which had put upon the record, viz. :-The Presbytery always existed between him and those of agree unanimously to record their high whom he had the pastoral charge. It was esteem for Mr. Miller, and their sympathy the appreciation of those high qualities with him in the sore affliction which has ren- which had induced the members of the dered necessary his retirement from the pas- congregation to testify their respect and toral charge of the John Knox Church and esteem for their worthy pastor in a tancongregation; and further, their sense of the gible form, and on their behalf he asked his great services which he has rendered to the acceptance of the testimonial which had cause of pure and undefiled religion during been subscribed for. The plate consisted the period of his ministry in Newcastle, of an elegant silver tray and tea service, preaching the Gospel in its fulness and supplied by Mr. Dismore, the inscription purity, and commending it by a blameless being as follows:-" Presented to the Rev. walk and conversation. Mainly through his J. R. Welsh, M.A., by members of his conexertions the John Knox Church was erected, gregation worshipping in the Presbyterian and under his ministry the congregation Church, Canning Street, Liverpool, as a has been gathered and consolidated; and token of affection and esteem, and in rethe Presbytery hope and earnestly pray membrance of his faithful labours here as that he may be spared, and, by the Divine pastor for the last twenty-three years.blessing, restored to such a measure of Jan. 1, 1866." Mr. Patterson added that health and strength as will enable him to it had been thought desirable to expend for resume the active duties of the Christian the plate only about one-third of the ministry. The Blyth School Schedule was laid on the table, examined, and ordered to be attested. At the instance of Mr. T. W. Brown, the Presbytery agreed that the consideration of his suggestion in reference to a Presbyterian Church Extension Fund should, in the present circumstances of the Presbytery, be postponed. A letter from Mr. Blake, student in theology, craving an extension of time for his trials for licence, was read, and the Presbytery agreed to grant him till next ordinary meeting. Next ordinary meeting was appointed to be held in the John Knox Church on the second Tuesday in March next.

amount contributed, the remainder to be added in a purse containing about £200. The Rev. J. R. Welsh, in accepting the tes timonial, thanked his friends cordially for the proof they had given him of their kindness. Referring to his ministerial labours, he said he had always exerted himself to the best of his ability, though he was not aware that he had done so much as to deserve the compliment which had been paid to him. He regarded the testimonial as a token of their affection, their esteem, and the confidence reposed in him.

SHREWSBURY. - The cause here continues to make progress. On the 15th of

January, the Rev. James Paterson, of Liver- | sons were present, who partook of a sumppool, preached and administered baptism. tuous tea, at sixteen tables, presented and This being the first occasion of the dis- presided over by the ladies of the congregapensing of this ordinance in connection tion. After tea, the chair was taken by the with the English Presbyterian Church here, Rev. John Jeffrey, minister of the church, much interest was shown in the service. who in a short speech referred to the Mr. Paterson intimated that the Presbytery growing prosperity of the congregation, as of Lancashire, at its last meeting, had re- evinced in the large increase of membercognised the station here as a congregation ship during the past year; and also in of the English Presbyterian Church, and various other ways. He likewise adverted had appointed an interim Session to watch to the gratifying fact, that he was supover its spiritual interests, of which he had ported on this occasion by ministerial been made Moderator. He also signified brethren of the English Presbyterian, his intention, at an early date, to ad- United Presbyterian, Independent, and minister the Sacrament of the Lord's Baptist churches-the platform thus being, Supper, and invited those who desired to for the time, converted into a kind of become members of the congregation to miniature type of the Evangelical Alliance. confer with him. On the following even- Able addresses were delivered by the Revs. ing a social meeting of the congregation A. Reid, W. Walters, R. Brown, R. Leitch, and friends was held, and was very nume- and J. G. Potter. The church choir was rously attended. The meeting was a most in attendance, and by their admirable percordial and enthusiastic one, and afforded formance of a number of pieces of music, most gratifying evidence of the great interest contributed greatly to the enjoyment of which the cause has excited in the town. the evening. Not the least interesting cirThe Rev. James Paterson presided, and cumstance connected with the soirée, it after addressing a few words of encourage- may be added, was the presence on the ment to the congregation, spoke on the platform of Pastor T. Meyer, of the Lu"Church's Extension Scheme." Mr. Dea- theran Church of Norway (recently apkin, treasurer of the congregation, reported pointed missionary to the Scandinavian his having a balance in hand. Mr. J. M. seamen in the Tyne), who received a hearty Leitch, of London, then delivered an address welcome from the audience. The proceedon "The Work of a Presbyterian Congre- ings altogether afforded the utmost satisgation." The Rev. Mr. Cleland, of Leeds, faction. Moderator of Lancashire Presbytery, spoke on "Presbyterianism;" the Rev. William Kennedy Moore, of Liverpool, on "The Principles of Congregational Success;" the Rev. Mr. Ross, of Manchester, on "Sabbath Schools; " and the Rev. John Steele, Licentiate of the Free Church of Scotland, at present supplying the congregation, on "The Relation of the Presbyterian Church to other Evangelical Denon.inations." The meeting was a most successful one, and the attendance at the diets of worship on the following Sabbath were much increased. Mr. Steele's services are highly appreciated by the congregation, and contribute much not only to build up" those who wait on his ministry, but also to advance its interests generally in the town.

NEWBIGGIN-BY-THE-SEA.- The annual social tea-meeting in connection with the Presbyterian Church was held on Christmas-day. There was a large attendance of members and friends of the congregation. A vast amount of information was given in regard to the various operations of the congregation during the past year by the esteemed pastor (Rev. Thomas Robinson) and other office-bearers of the church. This is the first anniversary of the settlement of a pastor over the congregation, a circumstance which added considerably to the interest of the occasion. Sabbath and Week-day Schools are in active operation. Commodious school premises are about to be erected, for which a considerable sum has already been contributed. A debt of nearly £500 has, with the aid of the Debt Extinction Fund, been removed from the church. Altogether the prospects of the congregation are most encouraging.

PRESENTATION, LEWES, SUSSEX.-At the new year, the Rev. John Prentice, English Presbyterian minister, Lewes, received from the young ladies attending his Bible Class a very handsome easy chair. The fair donors THE YOUNG MEN'S SOCIETIES' UNION. in presenting their gift to their beloved-The annual meeting of the Presbyterian pastor, hoped that the warm affection which prompted the simple offering would more than compensate for its want of costliness. GATESHEAD ENGLISH PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.-The annual soirée of the Gateshead English Presbyterian congregation took place, on the 12th ult., in the Music Hall, Newcastle. Upwards of 500 per

Young Men's Societies' Union of London was held in the lecture-hall of the Presbyterian Church, Regent Square, on the evening of Monday, the 15th of January. J. R. Robertson, Esq., President for 1865, occupied the chair until in the course of the evening he made way for the President then elected for 1866. After the usual

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