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Lloyd, preliminary report of a case of por- Nasal tuberculosis in a monkey, 212

encephalon, 381

Lupus erythematosus of eyelids and face,


Lupus vulgaris, infectious complication in,


Neck, pulsations and murmurs in veins
of, 195

Nephrectomy and pyloroplasty,consecutive,


Nephritis and pyonephritis, 387

Lymph stream, operation of tuberculin Neurasthenia, treatment of, 692

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Malignant disease of tonsils, 487

Neve, glandular tuberculosis and its oper-
ative treatment, 625

Newborn, hysteria in, 228

Newman, malignant disease of the tonsils,


Mallory, sacro-coccygeal dimples, sinuses, Nitrites, therapeutic action of, 698

and cyst, 263

Massage, pelvic, 226

Mastoid perforation, after-treatment of,

Mastoid process, opening of, 340


SOPHAGUS, stricture of, 596
Esophagus, surgery of, 597

Oliver, significance of ocular symptoms in
intra-cranial disease, 163

Maunsell, new method of intestinal sur- Oöphoritis, acute, complicating pregnancy,
gery, 245

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Ophthalmometer in practice, 718
Oral syphilis, chromic acid in, 308
Osborne, case of acromegaly, 617
Osteotomy of femur, 463

Ovarian cysts, extra-peritoneal, 104
Ovary, papillary cystomata of, 226

Medicated oils, intra-muscular injections Ovum, migration of, 218

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Middle ear, chronic purulent inflamma- Pedicle, retro-peritoneal treatment of, 223,

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Mixed infection by the streptococcus and Pelvic suppuration, 103

Mouth, defecation by, 454

Pelvic suppuration by the sacral and para-
sacral methods, treatment of, 335

Mudd, echinococcus multilocularis of the Pelvis of kidney, surgical anatomy of, 592
brain, 412

Pental narcosis, 695

Multiple arthritis causing premature labor, Pericarditis, hemorrhagic, 84


Myoma of uterus complicating labor, 477
Myomectomy during pregnancy, 723
Myopia, cure of high, 719

Myxedema treated by massage, 584

Perineorrhaphy during pregnancy, 727
Peritonitis, chronic, in childhood, 484

Peritonitis, pilocarpine in, 699

Perityphlitis, treatment of, 197

Peri-urethral abscess due to gonococci, 468

Petroleum, crude, in treatment of conjunc- Pulmonary artery, congenital stenosis and
tivitis, 93

Pharyngeal diphtheria, treatment of, 231
Pharynx, cysts of vault of, 95

Pharynx, disease of median recess of, 94
Phenyl urethan, 574

atresia of, 482

Pulmonary phthisis, 697

Pulsations and murmurs in great veins of

neck, 195

Purified tuberculin, 79

Phthisis, morbid states of heart in chronic, Purpura hæmorrhagica complicating preg-


nancy, 721

Phthisis pulmonalis, proposal to discard Pus-producing bacillus obtained from earth,
the term of, 81

Phthisis, treatment of, 77, 188

Piperazin, 581

Pneumonia, acute croupous, treatment of,

Pneumonia in children, temperature in

acute primary, 486

Pneumonia, new method of treating, 698
Pneumonia, treatment of, 73
Pneumonomycosis, 454

Pneumothorax and pneumo-pericardium,
spontaneous, 193

Polypus of male urethra, 338
Porencephalon, case of, 381

Porro operation with intra-peritoneal treat-
ment of pedicle, 479

Portio vaginalis, anatomy of, 225
Post grippal psychoses, 361

Power, ununited fractures in children, 531
Pregnancy after conservative ventro-fixa-
tion, 101

Pregnancy and parturition complicated by
cancer of uterus, 218

Pregnancy, extirpation of cancerous uterus
at end of, 478

Pregnancy, hemorrhage from ruptured
tubal, 99

Prostate, operative treatment of enlarged,

Prostatic obstruction, radical cure of, 709
Pruritus, alkalies in universal, 470
Pruritus ani, teucrium scordium in, 574
Psoriasis a neurosis, 474

Psorospermosis and molluscum contagi-
osum, 96

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Culver, Venereal Diseases, 302
Davis, Consumption, 571

Davis, Practical Obstetrics, 179

Finlayson, Study of Medical Cases, 567
Hare and Chrystie, Practical Thera-
peutics, 298

Herschell, Indigestion, 687

Hirst, Human Monstrosities, 434
Huidekoper, Age of the Domestic Ani-
mals, 689

Jamieson, Diseases of Skin, 569
McClellan, Regional Anatomy, 171
Osler, Principles and Practice of Medi-
cine, 680

Potter, Materia Medica, Pharmacy,
and Therapeutics, 177

Poulalion, Calculi of the Lung, 439
Roose, Nerve Prostration, 305

Sexton, Rational Cure of Deafness, 437

Stomach, injury to, from catheterization,

Schüller, Treatment of Tuberculosis, 447

Sisley, Epidemic Influenza, 572
Soury, Functions of the Brain, 175
Stewart, Lectures on Otorrhoea, 436
Thomas, Diseases of Women, 558
Treves, Operative Surgery, 67
Tyson, Physical Diagnosis, 571
Vaughan and Novy, Ptomaines, Leu-
comaines, and Bacterial Proteids, 442
Walsham, Surgery: its Theory and
Practice, 182

Streptococcus osteomyelitis in children,
422, 535

Stricture of the larynx, 214
Strictures, treatment of, 467
Strontium, 77

Strontium, lactate of, in albuminuria, 185
Strophulus infantum, 476

Strychnine nitrate in toxic amblyopia, 75
Styptic, a new, 448

Sulphonal as a sedative and hypnotic, 444
Sulphonal, poisonous action of, 445

Wharton, Minor Surgery and Band- Superior maxillary bone in a pregnant

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Roberts, after-treatment in operative sur- Surgery, spinal-cord, 395
gery, 258

Syphilis, immunity of mother from, 221

Ruptured urethra, immediate suture of, 331 Syphilis, intra-cranial, 30

Syphilis, oral, chromic acid in, 308

ACRO-COCCYGEAL dimples, sinuses, Syphilis, transmission of maternal, 220

SA and cysts, 263

Salicylamide, 313

Salophen, 447

Salpingitis, relief of, 724

Salts of calcium, 693

San Remo, leper hospital at, 294

Sarcoma uteri, 605

Scarlatina, short incubation of, 229
Scarlatina, tongue in, 481

Scoliosis, new apparatus for, 715

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Sensorial aphasia, lesions found in a case Temperature, normal, of aged, 589
of, 324

Tenotomy of tensor tympani, 345

Septic endometritis, treatment of, by drain- Teno-vaginitis tuberculosa, 643


Shock, treatment of, 449

Skin diseases, mineral water in, 472

Skin diseases, 476, 633

Soaps, medicated, 471

Somnal, study of, 692
Sore-throat, cedematous, 213
Spearwound of the abdomen, 462
Spermatic cord, cysts of, 333
Spinal-cord surgery, 395
Spinal sclerosis, posterior, 705
Splenic anæmia in children, 608
Sterility in fat subjects, 227
Sterility in the married, 354
Stomach, dilatation of, 333

Stomach, electrization of, 578

Tetanus as a complication of ovariotomy,

Tetanus, contribution to the study of, 673
Therapeutic papers, 190, 452, 582, 700
Thoracic aneurism, tracheal tugging as a
diagnostic sign of, 455

Throat, pustules of, 94

Thrombosis of superior longitudinal sinus,

Tizzoni's antitoxin, 451

Tongue in scarlatina, 481

Tonsillitis, 187, 212, 326

Tonsils in health and disease,

Tonsils, malignant disease of, 487

Tracheal tugging, value of, 701

Trachelorrhaphy by the flap method, 100

Tracheotomy and intubation, 482
Traumatic aneurisms, treatment of, 335
Traumatic tetanus, chloral and Calabar
bean in, 192

Urinary infection, 707
Urine, black, 198

Uro-hæmato-porphyrin in urine, presence
of, 702

Trephining for fracture of vertebral column, Uterine fibroids, treatment of, 227


Tropho-neurosis of skin, 471

Uterine hemorrhages, hydrastinin in, 222
Uterus, backward displacement of, 722

Tubal pregnancy, hemorrhage from rup- Uterus, changes in size of, 354

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Tuberculosis, guaiacol carbonate in, 445, Uveal iritis, 91


Tuberculosis, helenine in, 188

Tuberculosis of bones and joints, treatment
of, 696

Tuberculosis of larynx, 696
Tuberculosis, pulmonary, cantharidinate of
potash in treatment of, 446
Tuberculosis, pulmonary, injections of aris-
tol in treatment of, 77

Tuberculosis, treatment of, 307, 586

Tuberculous abscesses, treatment of, 714
Tuberculous cervical glands, surgical treat-
ment of, 461

Tuberculous disease of breasts, 332
Tuberculous processes, treatment of, 107
Tuberculous uvulitis, 94

Tubo-ovarian cysts, 227

Tumor of brain, 467

Tumors of breast and their treatment, 328 |
Tumors, retro-peritoneal, 17 -

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Vaginal hysterectomy for cancer, 351
Vaginal hysterectomy for pelvic suppura-
tion, 103

Vaginal hysterectomy with plastic opera-
tions within the pelvis, 104
Valvular lesions, treatment of, 449
Van Arsdale, streptococcus osteomyelitis in
children, 422, 535

Vander Veer, retro-peritoneal tumors, 17
Varicella, incubation of, 358

Varicocele in the female as a cause of
neurasthenia, 353

Vascular tumor of urethra, 465

| Venereal ulcers, aristol for, 581
Ventro-fixation, pregnancy after, 101
Vertebral column, fracture of, 87

Twin labor followed by rupture of cyst, 217 Vesico-vaginal fistula, closure of, 353
Tympanum, chronic disease of, 339
Typhoid fever, antiseptic treatment of, 579


[LCERATIVE aortitis, a case of, 321
Umbilical hernia in newborn, opera-
tion for, 219

Unilateral palsy of cerebral nerves, 200
Ununited fractures in children, 531
Uræmia attended with hyperthermia, 453
Uræmic coma and convulsions, treatment
of, 78

Ureter, anatomy and surgery of, 43
Ureters, inflammatory stricture of, 462
Urethra, excision of stricture of deep, 595
Urethra, female, endoscopy in diseases of,

Urethra, polypus of male, 338
Urethra, suture of the ruptured, 331
Urethra, vascular tumor of, 465

Vickery, contribution to the study of chorea,

WALTON, contribution to the study of

chorea, 520

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Copyright 1892, by LEA BROTHERS & Co. All rights reserved.
Entered at the Post-Office at Philadelphia as Second-class matter.

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