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SERM. grees, as our Familiarity with them inII. creases. Whereas the Word of Revelation

is like its Author, of an Endless and Unfearchable Perfection; and the more we look into it, and revolve it in our Minds, the more Reafon ftill fhall we find to admire and adore the Wisdom of the Great Revealer of it.

I have therefore hinted to you fome Thoughts concerning the Drift of our Saviour's Reasoning, and the peculiar Appofitenefs of it in relation to the Perfons who made the Enquiry in the Text; that I might excite you from thence to meditate in like manner on the Other Parts of the Book of God, 2 Tim. which are equally profitable for Doctrine, and able to make us Wife unto Salvation, through Faith which is in Christ Jesus. Wherefore, search the Scriptures, for as in Them Ye have Eternal Life, fo have

iii. 15.


Room alfo for an Eternal Growth and Improvement in that Knowledge, which leads to it; in that Knowledge, which we can here attain unto in Part only, but fhall hereafter, when the Veil of this


Flesh is done away, more perfectly com- SERM. prehend; and the more earnestly we af- II. pire after it, and labour for it, in this State of Imperfection, the more Exalted a Degree of it fhall we poffefs in Another World. And do Thou, "Bleffed "Lord, who haft caufed All Holy "Scriptures to be written for our In"ftruction, grant, that we may in fuch "wife read, mark, learn, and inwardly digeft them, that by Patience and

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Comfort of thy Holy Word we may "embrace and ever hold fast the blef"fed Hope of Everlasting Life, which "thou haft given us in our Saviour Je"fus Chrift."


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