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It has been experimentally proved that the addition of Pure Petroleum to albumen undergoing Digestion by Artificial Gastric Juice, expedites the process and also increases its completeness. It is, therefore, of the greatest value as a nutritive agent in


of the


See report of the American Therapeutic Society, May, 1901. TERRALINE leads the way as the Most Advanced Preparation of Purified Petroleum, a medicament that is rapidly attaining a well deserved importance in the materia medica. Its uses are manifold. It is a disinfectant, and, according to Dr. White in the Medical Record, August 9th, 1902:

"It inhibits the growth of putrefactive and patho-
genic bacteria, such as are met with in the alimentary
canal, yet does not inhibit or interfere with the peptic
or pancreative digestion."

Modern pharmaceutical methods have enabled us to produce in TERRALINE a perfectly pure preparation of petroleum, freed from noxious and rauseating properties, odorless, tasteless, and entirely assimilable, being well tolerated by even the most fastidious.

TERRALINE is put up in 12-oz. bottles only (never sold in bulk) and may be obtained at all prescription druggists.

A regular size bottle will be forwarded free to any physician upon receipt of 25 cents to pay carriage.

Medical herald


There is no secret about Scott's Emulsion. Nothing is covered up by obscure references to "active principles " or "alkaloids." Neither is it an alcoholic mixture put up under some mystifying title.

Scott's Emulsion is simply an emulsion of the best Norwegian cod liver oil combined with the hypophosphites and glycerin.

We use the whole oil in Scott's Emulsion because the great reputation of cod liver oil as a food and medicine was made by using it in this way.

When cod liver oil is indicated, the whole oil must be used and it can be secured in no better way than in Scott's Emulsion.

Samples Free.

SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, 409 Pearl St., New York.

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Petroleum Emulsion

immediately benefits and quickly relieves and
cures chronic coughs, throat inflammations and
lung congestions. The first dose brings relief to
the cough; each succeeding dose contributes its
share to the sum total of vitality that enables
the system to permanently throw off the attack.
It is not only a respiratory sedative, but it
is also a reliable nutritive tonic.




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