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Fig. 81. Posterior view. Moderate tuberculous infiltration, right apex, with a small and large cavity. Slight infiltration, left apex. Thickening at root of left lung. Heart of small size. Wellmarked thickening of mediastinal pleura simulating aneurysm.


Fig. 82.-Posterior view. Well-marked thickening of mediastinal pleura, closely simulating aortic Heart small, displaced upward and to right (courtesy of Dr. Arneill).



Fig. 83.-Posterior view. Gross infiltration at right apex, with thickening of mediastinal pleura, simulating aneurysm. Slight tuberculous opacity at left apex, with some thickening at root of both lungs. Heart displaced a little to the right. Partial obliteration of cavity at right apex.


Fig. 84.-Posterior view. Well-marked fibrosis of mediastinal pleura, simulating aneurysm. Large cavity on the right, behind, above, and below clavicle, inclosed by fibrous tissue band which moves very definitely on respiration, as disclosed by the fluoroscope. Heart small, partially obscured, displaced upward and to the left. A complete cervical rib on right, rudimentary on left (courtesy of Dr. Sewall).


Fig. 85. Posterior view. Infiltration of each apex. Well-defined thickening, mediastinal pleura, markedly simulating aneurysm. Large circular pulmonary cavity in right upper region. Characteristic mottling from tuberculous infiltration on both sides. Heart small and displaced upward.


Fig. 86.-Posterior view. Extensive carcinomatous infiltration of mediastinum, very closely simulating aneurysm. Diffused glandular involvement in both lungs, secondary to primary involve ment of the left breast, which was completely excised two years ago. Evidences of advanced infiltration in the lung are corroborative of physical signs. A visible palpable mass, recognized as per photograph (Fig. 25), over the upper part of the sternum. and to the right. Heart obscured, displaced upward

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