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Mustard Pencils (Crayons Sinapismes) have followed the menthol pencils in Germany. They are recommended to produce counter-irritation by rubbing behind the ear in face-ache, and on any affected part for rheumatism.

Leucorrhea.--The following combination is highly recommended in the treatment of leucorrhea:

B Tinct. belladonnæ

Aletris cordial (Rio)...

M. S.: A teaspoonful three times daily after meals.

To Abort Coryza.—

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M. Sig.: Gtt. x on blotting-paper to inhale every hour.-Practical Medicine.

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Or the following prescription may be used internally:

RExtract of hyoscyamus..

lodide of potassium.

Bicarbonate of potassium.

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10 grains .50 grains

2 drachms

I drachm

31⁄2 ounces

A dessertspoonful every four hours.-Journal des Practiciens.

Injections for Gonorrhea.-Dr. J. G. Lohlau, of Buffalo, writes in the New York Medical Journal: The best of all remedial injections I have ever used in (gonorrheal) urethritis, chronic or acute, is the following:

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I use a six-ounce syringe (Uitzmann) with a Mercier (coude) catheter, which I insert as far as the prostatic urethra; inject after having cleaned the urethra with six to twelve ounces of boiled water. I next inject three to four syringefuls, so that about six ounces enter the bladder, in order to prevent cystitis. It all passed out alongside of the catheter.

Parke, Davis & Co. Supply All Potencies.-The ringing report in favor of the serum treatment of laryngeal diphtheria submitted to the American Pædiatric Society, and the stress laid on the early employment of a potent and concentrated antitoxin, impel us to remind the readers of the MEDICAL FORTNIGHTLY that we have long been in position to supply every strength, from 250 to 2000 units. The profession seem to lean by preference to doses of 1000 to 1500 units, but we can supply promptly all requisitions for a highly concentrated serum in doses of 2000 units. Our serum is rigorously tested and possesses, when it leaves our hands, a slight excess of antitoxic power to make good the loss of strength ensuing with age. We furthermore particularly call your attention to the fact that our containers are glass bulbs, hermetically sealed-not ordinary vials and corks. Dr. Geo. Duffield, in the Journal of the American Medical Association, March 6th, said: "I have found Parke, Davis & Co.'s anti-diphtheritic serum most efficacious. Apart from the potency of this brand, I must commend the ingenious manner in which it is marketed, viz., in hermetically sealed glass blubs, which exclude the air and keep the serum strictly aseptic." Dr. B. H. Detwiler, in the Therapeutic Gazette for January, stated: "I prefer the anti-diphtheritic serum made by Parke, Davis & Co., as it is held in bulb tubes that are smaller in bulk, more convenient for use, more aseptic than the ordinary packages with corks, and the serum itself gives less pain in injecting." Dr. W. A. Walker, in Pediatrics, October, 1896, said: "I have used several serums, but have been best satisfied with the effects of that sent out from the Biological Department of Messrs. Parke, Davis & Co. I heartily approve of the way this firm now puts up the serum, in bulbs instead of in bottles." An editorial in the St. Louis Medical Era, January issue, affirms: "The antitoxin now offered the profession by Messrs. Parke, Davis & Co. is undoubtediy the safest and most reliable product on the market." We should be very glad to have you write for our file of antitoxin literature, which includes interesting reports from hospital, municipal and private practice. PARKE, DAVIS & CO.


THE "BRAUNSCHWEIGER MUMME" MALT EXTRACT. The Long Island Brewing Company, makers of this peerless extract of malt, do nothing by halves. A few weeks ago every physician of this great brewing city of St. Louis, was called upon by a pleasant-mannered young gentleman, who, after introducing himself in a few words as possible, left with the physician one or two bottles of the Mumme, merely remarking that the brewing company represented by him, was appealing to the medical profession through the medical journals, to prescribe and recommend Mumme; but that it was not to be expected that physicians would do anything of the sort in regard to a product of which they knew nothing. Courteously requesting the physician to do the Long Island Brewing Co. the honor of sampling their Mumme, he bowed himself out, leaving the physician in a good humor and in condition to enjoy a swig of Mumme. Druggists can make up their minds that a great brewing house that has the courage to invade the very "head centre" of American brewing interests; that understands human nature so well, and is willing and able to take the course mapped out, is bound to create a demand for its product; and they can confidently place orders for it.-National Druggist.

A COMPLETE LIST OF THE PHYSICIANS (with correct addresses) who attended the Golden Anniversary of the American Medical Association, at Philadelphia, for one dollar. Send bill or stamps. Address,

Fassett's Bureau of the Medical Press, St. Joseph, Mo.

HOT WEATHER NOTE.-The following strong tribute to the merits of Imperial Granum is from one of the most eminent physicians of Philadelphia: "I have had faithful trials made of Imperial Granum, and can announce it to the profession as a good, reliable food as a substitute for mother's milk in little babies afflicted with any digestive derangement, but especially in enteritis or what is commonly known as summer complaint." Physicians can obtain samples of this most valuable food free, charges prepaid, on application to John Carle & Sons, 153 Water Street, New York City.

MULFORD'S DIPHTHERIA ANTITOXIN is supplied in previously sterilized glass-stoppered bottles, secured with special seal. The advantages of this are manifold. There is no loss from breakage, since the bottles are extraannealed. The contents can be easily drawn into the antitoxin syringe. The unbroken seal always shows that the bottle has not been opened, and that it is, therefore, still hermetically sealed. When it is desirable to inject part of the contents of a bottle, as a second dose, after several hours, the glass stopper need only be securely replaced. In addition to all these, the bottle will stand upright when the syringe is being filled. Mulford's Antitoxin has been found pure and up to a high antitoxic standard in all the comparative tests of antitoxin thus far made.

NEW INSTRUMENT CATALOGUE.-Through the courtesy of the McIntosh Battery and Optical Co. we have just received a copy of their eighteenth edition catalogue of Electro-Therapeutic Appliances. McIntosh means everything that is first-class when you see it on electrical or optical goods, and it goes without saying, that everything in their catalogue is of interest to the physician, whether he is a buyer or not. It is equally certain that after seeing he is sure to wish to be a buyer. The present catalogue gives net prices, a marked improvement over previous editions, obviating, as it does, the necessity of familiarity with a discount table. The catalogue covers a wide range, and it is difficult to conceive of a physician needing anything in this line which he cannot find quoted therein. It is sent to physicians on application, mentioning the FORTNIGHTLY.

PILULÆ PERPETUA-Pills (bullets) of metallic antimony were used in olden times to induce cathartic action. A contemporary writer says: "So little is the erosion from the surface of these pills in their passage through the human system that they can be recovered and used over and over again.” Hence they were known in the early Pharmacopoeia as pilulæ perpetuæ. Not unlike these are many mass pills of to-day both in penetrating qualities and the fact that they depend on "erosion" from their surface for what little action they may possess, and, as many of them display similar resistance to solvents, they might be styled the modern pilulæ perpetuæ. Contrast these with Upjohn's Friable Pills. Pill formulæ made by our process exhibit the medicinal ingredients to the digestive apparatus in a form offering the least resistance to assimilation. Your specifications should indicate whether you wish Friable Pills or the "solid kind" dispensed on your prescriptions.

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(30 volumes preserved aqueous solution of H.O2)


(C. P. Glycerine

GLYCOZONE combined with Ozone)

These remedies cure all diseases caused by Germs.

Successfully used in the treatment of Infectious and Contagious diseases of the alimentary Canal:

Typhoid Fever, Typhus, Yellow Fever, Cholera Infantum, Asiatic Cholera, Dysentery, Etc.

Send for free 240-page book "Treatment of Diseases caused by Germs," containing reprints of 120 scientific articles by leading contributors to medical literature.

Physicians remitting 50 cents will receive one complimentary sample of each, "Hydrozone" and "Glycozone" by express, charges prepaid.

Hydrozone is put up only in extra small, small, medium, and large size bottles, bearing a red label, white letters, gold and blue border with my signature. Glycozone is put up only in 4-oz., 8-oz. and 16-oz. bottles. bearing a yellow label, white and black letters, red and blue border with my signature.

Marchand's Eye Balsam cures all inflammatory and contagious diseases of the eyes.

Charles Marchand,

Sold by leading Druggists.


Charles Marchand

Chemist and Graduate of the "Ecole Centrale des Arts et Manufactures de Paris" (France)

28 Prince St., New York.

[blocks in formation]



A Powder-Prescribed in the
same manner, doses and
combinations as pepsin.



Hypodermic Tablets, Quickly Soluble

We claim (and a candid comparison will convince any one) for our soluble tablets, the following points of superiority, viz: First-They are quickly and entirely soluble. Second-They are permanent in form and accurate in dose. Third-They are safe and rapid in action.

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......... 1-6 1-10 gr.
Eserine Sulph..... ..1-60, 1-100 gr.
1-100 gr.
Hyoscine Hydrobrom..
Hyoscyamine Sulph 1-50, 1-100 gr.
Mercury Corros. Chlorodin, 1-40. 1-60,
1-150 gr.
Morph. Bimeconat... 3, 14, 1-6, % gr.
Morph. Muriate..
1%, 1-6, 4 gr.
Morph. Nitrate .4, 1-6, s. 1-12 gr.
Morph Sulphate.. %. 1-6, 4, 3. 1⁄2 gr.
Morph. %. and Atrop.. 1-200 gr. No. 1
1-180 gr. No. 2
.1-150 gr. No. 3
...1-100 gr. No. 4
...1-155 gr. No. 5
...1-100 gr. No. 6
...1-150 gr. No. 7
...1-120 gr. No. 8
1-200 gr No. 9
..1-120 gr. No. 10


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64 18.

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1⁄2 gr. 1⁄2, 1 gr. 1/4 gr



Conline Hydrobromate. 1-102, 1-50, 1-60

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Digitalin, Pure

.1-'00, 1-60 gr.

1/4. 1/4,

Duboisine Sulph.

1-10), 1-60 gr.


1228 Market Street, Philadelphia.

For sale by all Druggists.


52 Maiden Lane, New York.

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By Louis Cohn, M. D., New York. It is a well known fact that of the regular clientele of a surgical dispensary, patients suffering from some form of chronic ulceration constitute the greatest number. Considering that treat. ment in such cases must extend over a more or less prolonged period in order to be successful, and that most of these patients possess migratory tendencie, which are carefully nured by friends who are constantly recommending different doctors and dispensaries, it is not to be wondered at that in a great many instances the final outcome of a certain line of treatment cannot be fully observed. In my dispensary work it has been, therefore, a somewhat difficult task to test the various local applicaions in the treatment of chronic ulcers, and then come to some definite conclusin as to their respective merits, for while a number of cases improved and others got well under each line of treatment. a great many remained uncured or the padient disappeared from sight before much had been done. The various methods of local treatment comprised the use of ichthyol 10 per cent., ung. diachylon, lead paint, acetanilid and bismuth, and strapping with diachylon plaster.

We had just about concluded to award the prize of superiority to the use of the diachylon plaster, when a pamphlet describing the nature of Protonuclein reached our hands. The preparation of the drug is based upon the fact that all living beings possess some property which enables them to resist poisonous influences. Toxic germs in food, water or the air may be taken into the sysThe tem or by direct local contact. poison-resisting property is therefore existent in the blood. It is now well estab. lished that the element of the blood which possesses this property is the white blood corpuscle, or leucocyte, and that if the leucocytes are of sufficient number and possess their normal vitality and strength, the pathological or toxic condition will be overcome and health restored.

Nuclein, when formed in the blood, is the result of the action of the leucocytes upon the proteids. When introduced into the organism it acts in two ways: first, by imediately exciting the action of each leucocyte, causing it to proliferate or break into nuclei (leucocytosis).— and the fundamental axiom of physiology is that the more active the leucocytosis the greater the vital resistance;second, it furnishes to the leucocyte material which, under a depressed vital condition, it is unable of itself to construct from the proteids, while it so strengthens and increases the number of leucocytes that it overpowers the toxic germs. Thus it may be seen that Protonuclein, which is a combination of all the nucleins of the body, is the true tissue builder and antitoxic principle of

the organism. Protonuclein is derived from the lymphoid structures of healthy animals, without the use of any chemical. By a delicate mechanical process the nuclein is separated without changing the condition in which it exists in the organism.

According to the view of Dr. Wyeth, as given in his well known standard text-book of surgery, an ulcer is the result of molecular death in the integument of mucous membrane and the underlying areolar or submucous tissue. As molecular death is caused by a loss of nutrition in those parts, it looked to me as if Protonuclein was the magic agent that could restore life by stimulating the leucocytes and thus vitalixing the parts affected. I determined to give it a fair trial and asked the manufacturers for a supply of their Protonuclein Special Powder for local use, and their Tablets for internal use, .of which they kindly sent me a generous quantity. I here with submit one of the most unpromising cases treated with this agent with surprising success, and I honestly believe that a trial of the preparation will yield remarkable results in every case of stubborn and unyielding ulceration.

Case 1. Mr. S., aged 45, peddler, in good health, had had for 15 years a varicose indolent ulcer on right leg which had been more or less all the time; size 4x8 inches; one-fourth to onehalf inhce deep, indurated edges, inert unhealthy graulations. Treatment with Protonuclein Powder dusted over surface of ulcer, after a thorough cleansing of the same with hot bichloride, 1-3000, and after applying at the first dressing pure carbolic acid to the base. On top of the powder over the ulcer a pad of absorbent gauze was placed, and over all a cotton bandage from foot to knee. This dressing was changed but twice a week. Time of treatment from September 16 to October 24, 1895, when ulcer was perfectly healed and a rubber stocking ordered.


Mr. K., 15 years old, came to my office and had a fully developed case of tonsilitis, both sides being involved by the inflammation. Placed him on constitutional treatment for the fever and on glyco thymoline (Kress) as a local treatment, by swabbing the affected part with one-half strength solution, and ordering him to use a spray (onefourth strength) every one or two hours.

The next day, to my great surprise, all the inflammation and the white natches had disappeared; the spray was ordered continued three times a day. In three days the case was all well and sound. Have treated three cases since that time with uniformly good results. April 10th, 1837.

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