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Absenteeism, Mr. McCulloch's view
of the economical effect of, re-
futed, 24.
Academies, their influence on Italian
literature, 77.

Adams, John, his doubts of the sin-
cerity of France in regard to our
independence, 474---his subse-
quent testimony in favor of Frank-
lin, 479-value of his correspond-
ence during the Revolution, 480
-his public employments and ser-
vices, 481.

Adams, Mr. J. Q., his election to the
Presidency in 1825, 392.
Eschylus, character of the genius
of, 63.

Africans, anecdotes of the, 82, 83.
Alexander, succeeds Massasoit, 428
-conduct of the Plymouth gov-
ernment towards him, and his
death, 429-remarks on this, 430.
Alexander, Mr., his portrait of Capt.
Morgan, noticed, 514.

Alfieri, first appearance of, 61-his
early character and peculiarities,
62-difference between him and
the Greek tragic writers, 63-
question, whether his tragedy is
an improvement upon the French,

64-his adherence to the unities,
65-influence of his example, 66.
Alfred, King, his version of a por-
tion of Bothius, 349.

All Fools Day, attempts to explain

the origin of the festival of, 199.
Allston, Mr., description of his Span-
ish Girl, 506-his lines on the
same subject, 507-his Tuscan
Girl, and lines upon it, 509-his
Roman Lady reading Tasso, 510.
American Library of Useful Know-

ledge, reviewed, 515-its object,
and contents of the volume, 519.
American Poetry, Common-place

Book of, reviewed, and excellence
of its moral tone, 297.
American System, account of the, and
Mr. Clay's exertions in regard to
the, 375-its real scope and ob-
ject, 390.

Anglo-Saxons, wedding custom of
the, 214-Rask's grammar of their
language, and Conybeare's illus-
trations of their poetry, reviewed,
and the importance of studying
their language, 325-neglect of
this study, particularly in Eng-
land, 326 of the theory, that the
living tongues of Denmark, Swe-
den, and Norway, are borrowed

from theirs, and Rask's argument
on the subject, 327-reason de-
rived from the difference of struc-
ture between theirs and the Scan-
dinavian, 329-Rask's argument
to shew, that theirs is not the
foundation of the Danish, 330-
difference between their poetical
language and the Scandinavian,
332-between their metrical sys-
tems, 333-affinity of their lan-
guage to the Teutonic, 336-its
real origin and influence, 337-
its re-appearance in the modern
English, and character of its ver-
sification, 338-their fondness for
narrative verse, 341-specimen of
their poetry, 342-classification of
its relics, 343-their Heroic Lay,
345-their lay on the battle of
Bruanburh, 347-other specimens
of their narrative poetry, 348.
Antiquity, general reverence for, and
the cause, 191.

Aretin, pensioned by Leo X., 71.
Ariosto, notice of his Orlando, 45-
comparison of Tasso with, 48-his
style and fable, 49-his popula-
rity in Italy, 50-his dramatic
style, 60-neglect of him by Leo
X., 71.

Arts of Life, their origin and pro-
gress, 81-of the various methods
of preparing food, 84-of the mills
used at an early period, 85—of the
various modes of preparing bread,
butter, and meat, in ancient times,
85, 86-ancient mode of eating,
90-old English mode, 91-of the
construction of houses, 92-of the
art of warming houses, 95-of the
use of coal and chimneys, 97-of
dress, and fashions in regard to, 102.
Athenæum Gallery, exhibition of
paintings at the, for 1831, 506-
Spanish Girl in Reverie, described,
506-Roman Lady reading Tasso,
its merit, 510-character of the
exhibition, 514.

Attic Fragments quoted, in regard to
a controversy between Brougham
and Canning, 259.
Augustin Monks, anecdote of, 86.

Ball-playing, how early practised,
193, 194.

Beaumarchais, his first interview
with A. Lee, 463-arrangement
made with him, for furnishing
supplies to the colonies, and his
letter to the committee of corres-
pondence, 464-character in which
he acted, 464-course of the U. S.
with regard to his claim, 466-
equity of his claim, 468-and pro-
vision of the late treaty in regard
to it, 468, note.

Beckmann, character of his history
of the arts, 81.

Bede, his account of Cadmon, 343.
Beds, how constructed in ancient
times, 98.

Belisarius, floating mills invented
by, 85.

Bells, antiquity and supposed vir-
tues of, and their early introduc-
tion into England, 208-ringing
of, on occasions of public rejoic-
ing, 209.

Bembo, his feelings in regard to Leo
X., 71.

Berni, his style noticed, 45.
Bible Society, its importance, 517-
and probable effect, 518.
Biography, moral benefits of, 227–
its general uses, 228.
Blind-man's buff, its antiquity, 194.
Boccaccio, his style, and influence
upon Italian literature. 52-his
description of the plague. 53-
comparison of him with Chaucer,


Boiardo, his Orlando Innamorato,
noticed, 45.

Bon-fires, antiquity of, on occasions
of public rejoicing, 209-frequen-
cy of, on midsummer-eve, 210.
Bonuci, his history of Pompeii al-
luded to, 95, note.

Boston, destruction of the tea in, at
the beginning of the revolution,

Boston Society for the Diffusion of

Useful Knowledge, when formed,
and what it has accomplished, 518.
Brand, Mr., his attempt to explain
the origin of the celebration of
All Fools Day, 199.

Bread, mode of preparing, at an ear-
ly period, 85.

British Colonies in America, impoli-
cy of the conduct of our govern-
ment in regard to them, 455.

Brougham, Mr., sketch of the life and
character of, with a notice of some
of his works, 227-his claims to
public respect, arising from his
exertions in the cause of man-
kind, 229-his birth, 230-some
account of his early life, 231-his
philosophical publications, and his
Colonial Policy, 232-his entrance
into Parliament, and exertions for
the repeal of the Orders in Coun-
cil, 233-expression of public feel-
ing towards him, 234-his early
labors in the cause of general ed-
ucation, 235 his exposure of abu-
ses of public charities, 236-in-
stance of this, 237-attacks made
upon him in consequence, and
debate in Parliament on the sub-
ject, 238-his speech quoted, on
the Court of Chancery, 239-ill-
treatment of him by the ministry,
and his letter to Romilly on the
subject, 240-his bill for the edu-
cation of the poor, 241-violence
of the churchmen against it, and
its fate, 242-account of his other
parliamentary efforts, 243—his
speech on the Congress of Vienna,
quoted, 244-his motives for be-
coming the advocate of the Queen,
245-account of a case in which
he was concerned, 248-his efforts
in Parliament for a reform of the
law, 249-his plan for this pur-
pose, 250-other efforts of his in
the cause of education, 251-pub-
lications and societies suggested
by him for this purpose, 252-pub-
lic obligations to him, 253-his
efforts on the subject of slavery,
254-his elevation to the peerage,
255-influence of his character
and talent, 256-cause to which
they have been devoted, 257-his
person and oratory described, 259
-his essays on the pleasures and
advantages of science, 528-ob-
jection to it, 529.

Bryant Mr., his merits compared
with those of Dana, 299-incor-
rectness of Mr. Cheever's esti-
mate of his poetry, 301-his lines
to the Evening Wind, quoted, 303
-his Damsel of Peru, quoted, 304.
Butter, early accounts of the prepa-
ration of, 86.

[blocks in formation]

Carmichael, Mr., ability of his let-
lers to the committee of corres-
pondence during the Revolution,

Casa, reform produced by, in Italian
literature, 40.

Casti, grossness of the Tales of, 55.
Cemetery, Mount Auburn, report of
the Horticultural Society in regard
to the, 397-of the great Egyp-
tian, 401-of the Athenian Cera-
micus, 402.

Cervantes, character of his novels,

Chancery, English Court of, Mr.
Brougham's account of its defects,

Chaucer, character and influence of
the tales of, 57-comparison be-
tween Boccaccio and, 57.
Cheever's Common-place Book of
American Poetry, reviewed and
quoted, 297 et seq.-its merits,

Cherokee Case, opinion of the Su-
preme Court of the U. S. in the,
reviewed, 136-not decided on its
merits, 142-difficulty of, and ob-
jections to the decision of the, 143.
Cherokees admitted by the Court of
the U. S. to be a State, 144—and
of course a foreign State, though
this is denied by the Court, 145-
importance of presenting their
case to the Court on its merits,

Chiabrera noticed, 40.

Child, Mrs., her merit as a writer,

Chimneys, when first introduced into
England, 97.

Christmas, origin of the custom of

decorating with evergreens at,

Church, Capt., his success against

the Indians, 439 et seq.
Church, Catholic, foundation of its
ancient power, 174.
Clay, Mr., Prentice's Life of, review-
ed, 351-importance of his exam-
ple at the present time, 352-his
birth and early education, 353-
his first attempt to speak in pub-
lic, and admission to the bar, 354
-account of his defence of indi-
viduals charged with crimes, 355
-his success in civil suits, 356-
his first employment in public life,
357-his election to the Legisla-
ture of Kentucky, 358-his rela-
tions with Burr, and election to
the Senate of the U. S., 359-his
exertions in the Legislature of his
own State, 360-account of his
speech on the common law, 361-
its extraordinary effect, 362-his
re-election to the U. S. Senate,
and exertions in behalf of domes-
tic manufactures, 363-his other
efforts in Congress, 364-his elec-
tion to the House of Representa-
tives in Congress, and to the office
of Speaker, 365-his influence in
that capacity, 366 his skill as
leader of the democratic party,
367-his appointment as Commis-
sioner to Ghent, and resignation
of the Speaker's chair, 368-his
re-election to Congress on his re-
turn, 369-short view of his sub-
sequent career, 370-his exertions
in the cause of Spanish America,
372-his title to the credit of its
emancipation, 373-his labors in
the cause of Internal Improve-
ment, 376-his views on that sub-
ject, 377-his speeches upon it,
380-and his success, 381-his ef-
forts to establish the protecting
policy, 387-his becoming a can-
didate for the Presidency, 392—
his appointment to the office of
Secretary of State, 393-clamor
against him in consequence, 394
-character of his mind and elo-
quence, 395-merit of his speech-
es, 396.

Coal, not used by the ancients, 97.
Committee of Correspondence during

the Revolution, steps taken
the, in regard to our foreign rel
tions, 459.

Common Law, description of th
English, 247-Mr. Clay's spee
in Kentucky upon the, 361.
Congress, character of that of 177
113-steps taken by those of 17
and 1775, in organizing the fo
eign relations of the country, 45
Congress of Vienna, Mr. Brougham

speech relating to the, quoted, 24
Conybeare, Mr., his Illustrations
Anglo-Saxon Poetry, reviewe
325-specimen of them, quote
345-his account of the Herd
Lay, quoted, 347-his version
the Song of the Traveller, quote

Crawford, Mr., his claims to t
Presidency, 392.

Crook, Mr., his account of the Ma
quesans, quoted by Mr. Stewa


Cruscan Academy, its effect up
Tasso, 77.


Dana, Mr., examination of M
Cheever's estimate of his poetic
merit, 299-his mode of treati
religious subjects, 301-his lin
on Day-break, quoted, 305.
Dante, his Divina Commedia, 30
comparison of Milton with, 32
honors paid to him by his cou
trymen, 33.

Dead, respect for the, 397-reaso
for this, 398-how exhibited
ancient times, 399-among the
raelites, 400-ancient practice
burying the, without the ci
403-respect for the tombs of th

Deane, Silas, his mission to Fran
462-his arrangement for suppl
to the colonies, 464-situation
affairs at the time of his arriv
469-his proceedings there, a
treatment on his return, 469-
subsequent conduct, and his ch
acter, 470-his stipulation for t
services of Lafayette, 472.
Decameron, style, and effect prod
ed by the, 52-its freedom in
gard to the clergy, 54-its gro
ness, 55.

Denina, remark by, on the Cruscan

Academy, 77.

Dickinson, John, early character and
sentiments of, and reception of his
Farmer's Letters, 114-important
part acted by him in the first Con-
gress, and explanation of his
course in regard to the Declara-
tion of Independence, 115.
Diplomatic Correspondence of the Re-
volution, reviewed, 449-value and
importance of the work, 450-im-
portance of continuing it, 483.
Divina Commedia, defect of the, 30
-its power, 31-its reception in
Italy, 33.

Drama, Italian, defects of the, 60.
Dress, ancient fashion of, 100-rea-

sons of some Hebrew regulations
in regard to, 101-of modern, and
certain fashions of, 102.
Druids, their mode of celebrating
New-Year's day, 197-their rea-
son for decorating with evergreens
in winter, 207.

Drummond, Mr., his professorship of
political economy at Oxford, 1.
Dumas, M., his character, and Frank-
lin's letter to him, requesting him
to act as agent of the Committee
of Correspondence, 460-his appli-
cation to the French ambassador,
461-his services, and the reply of
the ambassador, 462.


Edinburgh Review, article in the 98th
No. of, examined, 122-character
of that article, 134.
England, danger of her present po-
litical condition, 167-circumstan-
ces creating this danger, 168-
probability of a convention of the
people of, to amend the constitu-
tion, 188.

English Novel-writing, probable in-
fluence of the, 58-causes of the
superiority of the, 59-same sub-
ject again noticed, 75.
Essay on Population, Malthus's, ex-
amined, 3-quoted, 3, 4, note.
Exhibition of Paintings, [See Athe-
næum Gallery.]

Europe, prospect of reform in, 154—
certain revolutions in, 155-of the
war in, predicted by Mr. Canning,
156-beginning of this war, 157–

difficulty of predicting its issue,
158-real character and principle
of the contest, 159-general char-
acter of the political institutions
of, 160-strength and foundation
of the aristocratic principle in,
161-abuses of the aristocratic
system of, 163-of the liberal sys-
tem, 164-danger of those States
of, which are founded upon a
mixed principle, 166-of the pro-
bable issue of the contest in, 178-
reasons why the American system.
of government is adapted to, 179
-reply to the argument derived
from want of intelligence, and in-
equality of fortunes in, 180-reply
to the argument that the people
of, are habituated to hereditary
institutions, 182-probability of
the introduction of the liberal sys-
tem into, 183-reasons why the
people of, are ripe for change, 185

of the effect of Napoleon's ca-
reer upon the military support of
the governments of, 185-little
reliance which the governments
of, can place upon their armies,
186-probability that the issue of
the contest in, will be favorable
to free institutions, 189.
Everett, Mr. E., his essay on the im-
portance of scientific knowledge,
519-quoted, in regard to Fulton,
522-his lecture on the working
men's party, quoted, 523.


Festivals, why more frequent an-
ciently than now, 195-small num-
ber of American, 207.
Floralia, what, 201.
Filicaja, noticed, 40.
Fine Arts, test of excellence in the,
510-reasons why it is desirable
that they should flourish in this
country, 511-what kind of profi-
ciency most desirable, 512-of
landscape and portrait painting,

Finch, Capt., his directions to his
crew, on visiting the Washington
Islands, 490-his judicious con-
duct, 506.
Fire-works, account of the earliest
use of, 210.

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