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.3. ltt view of the mixture of lunguagea l lune ilt this report listed almost everything ‘.\iIll the proper l-lttglish title. unless it is to be found under some spcrilic Spani-h rapt ion. ln the latter case l have ordinarily given the Spanish title. with l'lnglish translation when there was an exact I':Ilf_'ll~lI mllllHllt'lll.

t'». There is in New Mexico a rich mass of docttlncntztl'y material in the ltttlltls of private llllll\ltlllill\ “ho :ll‘t' tlt-st'l'lltletl from earl)’ Spanish and l-Ittglish settlers. This .~lltlltlll be exploited at an early date. It could not be touched upon in this report for ‘want of time and money. and lit'l'illlrt' the report concerns itself only “llll olliciztl

or seuiiotlieial archtves.

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The need of an annual bibliography in which shall be registered all books and articles, of any value and importance, relating to American history and published in a given year, is one that has been acutely felt by many investigators. Early in the history of the American Historical Association some attempts were made to satisfy this desire. A bibliography of the writings of the members of the association for the year 1890, prepared by Mr. Paul Leicester Ford, appeared in the annual report for that year. Bibliographies of similar scope for the years 1891 and 1892, prepared by Mr. A. Howard Clark, appeared in the annual reports for the next two years, while that for 1893 contained a list of contributions toward a bibliography of American history for the years 1888 to 1892, by Prof. John Martin Vincent.

Ten years later a more comprehensive list in the form of a volume of 294 pages entitled “Writings on American History, 1902 (Princeton, 1904),” was made by Prof. Ernest C. Richardson, librarian of Princeton University, and Mr. Anson Ely Morse. A volume of a somewhat different plan, Writings on American History, 1903, prepared by Prof. Andrew C. McLaughlin, Mr. William A. Slade, and Mr. Ernest D. Lewis, under the auspices of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, was published by that institution (Washington, 1905, pp. 172). After an interval followed the series, Writings on American History, 1906, 1907, and 1908, prepared by Miss Grace Gardner

Grifiin and published by the Macmillan Co. (New York, 1908, 1909,'

1910, pp. 186, 162, 174). From the beginning of this new series the enterprise was sustained by a group of subscribers consisting of the American Historical Association, the Buffalo Historical Society, the Chicago Historical Society, the Colonial Society of Massachusetts, the Massachusetts Historical Society, the Missouri Historical Society, the New York Historical Society, the Oregon Historical Society, the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, the Western Reserve Historical Society, Mr. Charles Francis Adams, Hon. Simeon E. Baldwin, Mr. William K. Bixby, Mr. Clarence M. Burton, Mr. Adrian H. Joline, and Hon. George L. Rives. The preparation of the material for 1909, herewith presented, is due to the continued aid afforded by tho sanio gt‘llt'rous subscrilwrs. .\t this point. howovor, though the proparation of tho material continuos to he provided for by such a subscription. tho printing ltlltl publication of tho annual bibliography is tt_\~ltl|lt‘tl b_\' thc .\niol'ican llistorical .\Ss‘nt'tttllttll, and it Ina)‘ be (‘Xpt‘t'tt‘tl that such a list will appear oach _voar in the annual report of tho amociation.

To those who tlo~iro to havo coinploto sots of tho volunios hitherto pnhlishotl. it may bo uwlul to know that tho \‘Hltllllt‘ [or l‘JttL! can .~till ho "httllllt‘tl from the Library of Princoton l'nivorsity. that for 1903 from tho (‘arnogio Institution of Washington. whilo tlioso for 1906. 19th", and 190$ can ho olilaint'tl from tho .\laoinillan (‘o. up to tho ontl of l)ocetnbor. 191 I. .\t'tor that ilato tho last three can be obtained only from tho sot-rotary of tho .\niorican Historical Assut'lntlnll, to whoso custody tho stock wiU bo thon transforrtal.

Tho ensuing pagos havo boon proparo<l tipon the same system as the volutnos for moo. 1907. and two. 'l'ho intontion of tho compiler has boon to inohnlo all lmoks antl tlrtlt'los, however briol. which contain anything of valuo to tho history of tho t'nitotl .\‘tatos autl of British .\'orth .\tnorica. With ro_~poct to tho regions lying south of tho continental l'nitotl Statoa. howox'or. and to tho l’acilic i~lanils. tho intontion has boon to inchnlo all writings on tho history of those rcgiom pul>li~lictl in tho l'nitoil Statos or Europe; but tho product (not rolating to tho l'nitoil Stan-.\t of South Aniorica antl othor Mttltll— wanl rogions lia~~ boon loft to thoir own bibliographont. .\'ow oditiorm of bookm if tho_\' contain no new material, havo not boon llUtlt‘Ptl. Whoa no othor (ltltt‘ of publication is given, the tlato is won. Tho annotations have boon continod to explanations of titlo~~v which soom to llt‘t‘tl oxplanation; to analvsos of contonts (in man)‘ casos taken from tho cataloguo cards of tho Library of t'ongroaa), whon t\llt\l_\'$(‘$ SOOlllt'tl roqui~ito; and to Inontion of critical appraisals in a few journala~ who~o criticisms havo \‘alllo.

A topical arrangoniont has boon followoil. ‘b; a rule tho books and articlos in any division aro arrangotl alphalwtically by tho authoni' mum-.\. In a tow casos anothor arrangomont appcarotl to be more helpful; in tho (‘use of biography tllltl gonealogy tho subject of the hook or article tlotortninos tho alphala-tioal arrangomont. .\ttontion is callo<l to tho special llltll'X. which sorvos as an alphabetical guide to the material lioro pro~onto1l in a mothmlical claxaitication. and which procotlos tho gonoral imlox of this volume.

ln tho compilation of tho luau-rial. port'ornnal at tho Library of (‘ongrosm .\lixa‘ (iritlin ha~' lttlll most obliging a>~i~tanco from Dr. llerbert Putnam. Librarian of (‘oiigrt-aq, aiul from Mr. -\pploton l’. t‘. Grillin, Chief Axsistant Librarian.

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