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Talbot. Elisha Holllngaworth. The development of Mexico untli-r lliaz. .\lt-nm ‘a NM. , \ 1| (.\lar ) l89-196. [3607

Temple. W 0. \ tlt'll'lltl! of President "in. MHHDY'H mm, \lll \-:.- lilI36. [seas

Znrtta. Alonso de Hinturia do In Nun-u l-Iapafia. Tum-r prune."- \la-lrill. \'. Sllfln'l. ('Il, "all; 5| ll'nlw'rit'tn tln lilihwn tlur lllnl'llllfl [P'l'frljla‘ ;\ L lu-lufll tlq.\lllttl'lt‘ll. l l.\ [3609

Central America.

Walefle. M tl~ In‘ l‘aru-lia Ilt- l' \m-iriqnl- w-tttmh- l-M .\t|!ill~-, l'atutnzi, (‘u-ta llira, IA‘ ‘it-mm. Lagn)‘, ltupr l'l tin-‘nu, l'.m-, llllf. l'I. l-a-qm-llv. lll'.’ p. [8610-1


Cabrera, Diego Estrada. A aon'~ lll'll'M' ul his father; l‘n-sitlt-nt Palm-n “l "Hall"mala and his carver. ()vurusn, 2d ser., l.l ll t_.\pr.) 259-267. [86"

Winter, Nevin Otto. Guatemala atul her people of tn-(lay; lwing an avmunt oi the land, its historv und (levelupmt'n’, the people, their vii-turns untl t‘llanal‘h'l'islivp; to which are nailed chapters on llritish Honduras and llw Yl‘vlllllll‘ U‘ llt-ntlurzu, with melon-new to the other muntrit-a nl ('ontral Amt-rim, Salvador, .\imracun, and Costa ltim. Boston, I.. l‘. Page. .\ii, 307 p. platen, portrn, map. [3613


Jamison. James Canon. \\'ith Walk-1 in Shaman; or, lh-uiini-n-t-un-a 0’ an “flirt-r oltht-Atnt-riran phalanx. t‘olutnhiu, Mu ,Stl-plu-ns pub. 00. l~l p putts‘. [36“


weir, Hugh 0. The mmant‘e of Panama; remains and reminixvnn-a ul pw-t eentu. rion. l’tn'sau's, \' (Jan.) 398—l06. [3616

Spears, John B “'hi-n .\lunran destroyed Panama. Ut‘Ttvs, l.l\’ ltllllll'l 360-37! [3616 ltqanltng the capture ul l'anama b3; lhn bwruwr Norman, ln lnfl.

Panama Canal.

Cornish, Vaughan. The l‘ananu mm] -..wl its uulu-nl. Inlltluu [run] 'l‘v l‘ l'mrin. l‘J'J p. plJll". lulll. map. [3611

Itlller-Beymer, Paul. lh-r l‘ananialuml in (‘0'' Pulitik der \'~-r~-inigt|-n Staten; t-im- \‘(ilkvrrwhtlirhe Studie. l'-- rim, l'uttknmmvr und .\l0hllm~'ht. M p. illtu. [361a

Hegel. Fritz. lh-r Panamakanal. llull~' a. S , ‘it‘llllllt'I-Sl‘hMvl-l hkv llrut Lrh-i u'.-l \‘erlag. [h], l..'~' p. plan-a, map, plan -.\ng--w.uult4~ tiu-gmphiv. .\T-r. 1%. “oil. 6) [3619

West Indies.

Bellet. Daniel. Ila-n (lmrult-d .\utill~-. ('tu-lv tlt- w’wqmpllle t'~l‘ullI-lllll|tll'. l'.tri-, litlllmulu. lll,Ill-'r]t. map. [3620

Cundall. Frank llililllqhaphy ul tlu- “out ln-lim H'Xl lttililtg Jatnaimr. Kingston, The ltustilutt- ulJamaim, ll'll‘ , HI" I [0;], I710 p [3621 "Index ol lla‘lie's' tp l'a‘J—lfll ltrln'lrs rvll-n-rm lo " llthlloernphla )amalernm," pub. by the lnafl

t .W In HIL', Ih'l'l "mpg-lenient to lltlmugraplua tunalmruu," pub t'an Dupontes, P. Chcmin. la-a Petites Antilles. l'ari.-, l-I. (iuilmotu. viii, 30..’ p. map. [8622 Pellerin de Latouche, G. de. Les Antilles francaises. REV. FRANQ, XXXIV (Man)


129-147. _ [3628 Thompson, Charles Herbert. The Quakers and their principles. SPECTATOR, CII (May 1) 696. [3624

Regarding the Quakers in the colonization of the West Indies in the seventeenth century, and the danger to which the colony was exposed owing to their declining to bear arms.

British West Indies. Blake. CARRIBEANA, I (Apr.) 51-57. [3625 Genealogical notes of the Blake family of the West Indies. Deeds relating to the West Indies. CARRIBEANA, I (Jan.-Apr.) 19-24, 63-65. [3626 A list of West Indian deeds on the Close rolls from 1661 to 1800, indenture side.

CARRIBEANA, I (Oct.) 165-171. [3627 Monumental inscriptions in England relating to West Indians. CARRIBEANA, I (J an .Oct.) 24-33, 76-83, 123-128, 178-184. [3628 Transcripts of parish registers. CARRIBEANA, I (Jan.—Oct.) 37-44, 86-93, 138-143, 158-164. [3329

Transcripts from registers at the Public record oflice, among the old Board of trade papers relating to the Leeward Islands. They range from 1720 to 1730. ‘

Brodie, of Antigua. CARRIBEANA, I (July) 98-100. [3630
Genealogical notes.
Lyons, of Antigua. CARRIBEANA, I (July) 137-138. [3631
Genealogical notes.
Davis, Nicholas Darnell. Notes on the history of the Jews in Barbados. AM. JEW.
HIST. Soo. PUB., XVIII, 129-148. [3632
Kirton, of Barbados. CARRIBEANA, I (Apr.) 65-67. [3638
Genealogical notes.

Marriages at the Cathedral, Bridgetown, Barbados. CARRIBEANA, I (J an.) 33-34. [3634 Appeared in the “Barbados diocesan magazine and West Indian guardian,” for January, 1907. Marriages, 1648-1652. Matson letters relating to Dominica, 1800-1805. CARRIBEANA, I (J uly-Oct.) 129132, 172—178. [3635

Letters from the co ondence formerly in the ossession of John Matson, Sen., Chief justice and Judge of the Vice-Admira ty court and President of ominica in 1796.

Morne Bruce, Dominica. CARRIBEANA, I (Apr.) 57-59. [3636

Notes from the report of Douglas Young, the Administrator of Dominica, on the condition of the old military burial-ground at Morne Bruce, Dominica.

Smith, of Grenada. CARRIBEANA, I (Oct.) 150-158. [3637
Genealogical notes.
Rev. Tho. Norris’s register. CARRIREANA, I (Jan.) 18—19. [3638

Entries copied from the private Register kept by the Rev. Thomas Norris, chaplain to H. M. forces, 1813—16, and Protestant Colonial chaplain for the Island of Guadaloupe and its dependencies, 1813.

Gardner, William James. A histor of Jamaica from its discovery by Christopher Columbus to the year 1872; inc uding an account of its trade and agriculture; sketches of the manners, habits, and customs of all classes of its inhabitants; and a narrative of the progress of religion and education in the island. [New ed.] N. Y., Appleton. xvi, 510 p. fold. map. [3639

First ed. 1873. Also pub. in London, by T. Fisher Unwin, 1909.

Judah, George Fortunatus. The Jews’ tribute in Jamaica; extracted from the Journals of the House of assembly of Jamaica. AM. J Ew. HIST. SOC. PUB., XVIII, 149

177. [3340 List of marriages on record in Jamaica previous to 1680. CARRIBEANA, I (Jan-July) 12-17, 59—62, 118-123. [3641

Add. MS. 21,931, British museum.


Livingston, N00 8. Records olhmnicn. (‘maximum 1 duly» 135437‘ {3642

Name: of persons whuq- willsm mgislemd in Jnmnica pn-vium In 1700. 4'.\ mu n u \ .\. l(Ju1_v;103-1H. am Add. I8. 21,831, British mumm.

Dll)‘, 01 Mums-rm! .\h-l lMm-mm' "A 101000 01 1311111)’ hiflli‘" 11"\"'1~1-"1 1|! 111" momnin'f Rivhani lLw- 1>..l_\'.‘v fluuummsn. 1 Jul) 111 11." "3644

Browne, “1 .\'.-vb fumnnpn'a. l ‘.141: -ZL'>711'.'. [3645 licmbgral mun.

PlflSh n-ui-drr "1 .\‘l J~-1m'~. l'ig Tr“: .\'wi- "\mumz.“ \ I u 1.1 1;‘. 11'.‘ {3646 \ mmrdpl oHho puuh mum 0131. Juli". Hm “mum-ml momma, IL‘, ITU.

81.10hn‘s. Fig Trw, .\"-\-i~ ".uuunrux. I .Lm 11.". Q3647 A 11st of lomhfloao lurm-uum In 51' John's, 1>'.,7Tm, .\'mu.

Brunt. --1 $1 1'hris-lnphl-r. ‘\IHHIHANA, 1 (Jan.) 4-8. [3645 Wants.

Pogson. (J S! 1‘hrisluph1-r. (‘.umumma, 1 (Jan.) 8-11. {3649 Gene-logic‘! nun-.\.

Spooncr, 0151. (‘hrivtnphoh (‘.\u|u|n:.\\'.\, I (Jan.) 2 41. [3660 Whom

Almanac of St. Kills Int 1825. ('luuumzw \, I (J\;l_\) LU-IM, [3661

Cnnyngham 0131. Kim. 1'.uuu|n.\\,\, I July) 1m 1m’. [3652 (M noun.

Phipps "I .\‘l. Kim. Puuunmsa, 1 Apr.) (37-76. [3653 Gcnmlodcdnolm.

Abstnc! of patent fur land in St. \'inm-nl [1777] t‘uuunnuxn, 1(Ap1n1lM-‘L';v 3654


Mines. Hubert H. B. (‘lanai-id": .\ S :lllish in-limliun (--r L110 aduxm-xm-nt o! slaves iulo frvedmcn. Y n i: an . .\'\' I (IQ-b ; 4124.11 [38“ "W0 hi“ to dad Illhlho mm! lvpk‘d phun ol lho Spnnhh ulna rl'gunn 1n .\?:.".'rn_z1'.ho'1.'h Um man! Iblrh 1 null [m u manna-1 In [In Ilka-l 01 l‘uln; Ln. unknown a“ the Rom-n und

8 d‘"1111, man-ribs grow 1mm (‘ulna umdulom and mm mm“! than" to other \\ m1 In Inn

Bacardi 1 Korean. Emilio. (‘réuimu d" Santiago 11v ('uba. Barn-Inna, Bspufia, Tip. d0 (‘arbonell _\ Balm-n, NIB-09. 2 v. illus.. puns‘, maps. Q3656 Burdwcll. Percy. Pun'hmblv ufl'u-w in (‘0111-41 u-rritnry .\\| Jul'lL n'nwmAr 14w, HI (.hn.» 119-136. [3656: Dhru-ion 0H1“- rhlms 1n \Zuu Lu v. 1" S . and 0111110111)‘ v. llrunh. \- r L 1. Im‘oh-al (2.1- ‘mag!

a! lumen In um.“ L-r u m. !~. .. prhr h»! I-vu p14 und" Spank!» rub 1:1 I'uln, m‘! \- Mrh rm n Ilhld by (he 1'. .~. :nllluuy gux and‘.

Burton. Robert. Sim-g0 and vaplun- u! Hanna in 176;’, “n. “In. MAIL, 1'\' UN.) 321-335. 3657

Cuba. Oflcmn de1 ocnso. ('ulvu: pl. mlalinn, hipmry ulnl m-uun-w 1907. Pump. by \'irlur H. Olmslod, dim-nu’, um llvnr)‘ iinmn-u. zm-i-Imm dim-1m: m'mua 01 Cuba. taken in the yvu 1907. \Vw-hingh-n, l'niu-d Sun-n bun-an 01 (he n-nmn. 275 p. port., plan. 3638

Haiti. Dtewsen. Sun. 110 mrto 1mm; rPjwL-rta-lhng um m-cv-n- [Koh-nhnvn] Gyhh-n

dnlsh- lmghnmlvl, Xufl'iflk lurlug. [a]. 1m p_ [3.

(krmm-Lllb Spunk-n; up; 110-! ‘in mm; m m born, u“; pun-sun; Ind. I noun; Voodoo; Elston-lathe; Immune; Anx'rlkn. )


Vaissière, Pierre 'i. e. Georges Pierre Charles de. Saint-Domingue; la société et la vie créoles sous l’ancien régime (1629-1789). Paris, Perrin et cl", 1909. [8], viii, 384 p. plates, ports., map. [3660

“Published twenty October, nineteen hundred and eight . . .” cf. first prelim. leal.
Rev. in: Am. hist. rev., XIV (July 1909) 842-843. -

Porto Rico.

Navarrete, Agustín. San Juan de Puerto Rico. AMÉRICA, IV (Oct) 277-286, 30 9—31 9 . ' [3661 Historical and descriptive.

Wester, Arvid M. T. E. E1 combate de San Juan. Capítulo XVIII de la obra. “La. campaña de Santiago de 1898.” Traducida al castellano por J. P. F. Lundblad. corregida y arreglada por Domingo Arráiz de Conderena. Madrid, ImPr. de la. “Revista técnica” de infant. y cab. 38 p. map. (Publicaciones de la ‘Revista técnica de infantería y caballería”) _ [3662

Willoughby, W. F. The reorganization of municipal government in Porto Rico: political. POL. SCI. QUAIL, XXIV (Sept) 409-443. [3663 South America.


Adler, Cyrus. Original un ubliahed documenu hitting in Thomas Tretnino do sobremnntel 163*). An. aw. um‘. soc. rt‘n, X\ ll, ‘II-3|. [3664 One ot the but known ot the south AYIII‘HI‘LUI martyrs oi the inqutattton.

Barbageiata. lingo D. l’éginmi Sudamerieanan (ennayo de historia y literatura). Hareelona, (la-u editorial Sopena. 240 p. [3665

Bingham, Hiram. The journal of an ex ition acroat Venezuela and ('olombia. NINE-HIT}; an exploration of the route 0 Bolivztt'a celebrated march oi Hi!) and 0‘ the battle-fields oi ltoyucii and ('arubobo. .\'ew Haven, t‘onn, Yale publishing anocintion; [etc., etc.] viii, 287 p. illusn. (old. map. [3666

Christison. David. The River Plate region forty-three years ago. Scott‘. 0:00. 8110., XX\' (st-pt.) too-4M. [333‘: Aomunt o! a South .\mmirm tourney in in}.

Dodd. Walt"! hirleigh. a! Modern constitutions; a collection of the fundamental laiw of twenty-two oi the "Nil important countries of the world. uith historical and bibliugntphical notes. (‘hit-ago, The Fain-veil)‘ ui ('hicagu [in-m; [ett‘.. etc] 2 v. [3666

(‘minim—v. I: The Argentine nation. p. l-L'D; liraall, p. lt‘.. lhl; l'hlll', p. 217-14

The emancipation of South America. Rn‘. or ltt‘.\'., Xl. tJuly) 109-] ll [3669

Franceschini. Antonio. L'emigmzione it.1li.m.t nell' America -l~l .\'i-i, Pllliii eullza

mtnnsionecoloniale ir.\n~;1tl.-mtic.|. iii-nu, Forzani ei‘., I903. xxvii, ll-l‘ p [3670 It". in: lth-ista ltatiana dl .\urtulugla, Kill, 55 GL

Ittlhlll. I". ‘molt (Iclumugh) Explorers in the .\'el' world before and :titrl' Columbus and the Hint)’ of the Jesuit litiminmt oi Paraguay. \\'ith pn--t‘olunil-i.m maps. London, .\'. Y. [etc.] lnngmann. siiiI 313 p. port. maps. [3671

A book 0t South Amertmn history.

Osborn. Chase Salmon. The .\mieztn l-lllli (South .\tnerii'a). ('hit‘agu, Mt‘t'lufg. '2 v. plates, ports, maps. [86?! Rev in; .\‘atton, LXXXIX (July 8) 10¢. Spears. John R. The painting of South American dictators. .\lt'saav'a, .\l l [.\uz.) 677-4383. [3673 Argentine.

Bunge, Carlos 0. Historical ilhetch of education in the Argentine Republic. 1' S. nt'tt. IDUC. Bill, 350-357. [3674

Bpangler, J. I. British influence in Argentine. .\is'rn. univ., XCI (.\'ov.) 896-!)1. [3675

Bolivia. Bolivia. Bolivia—Peru. Document”: que juatitiean la actitud tie Bolivia mntm el

laudo arbitnl dictado por el [m-nidente de la ltepublica Arei-ntina en la cur-ntién de limit“.q will In “Pptiblit‘tl del 't'ftt, 1909. .\'. Y., Yolk print. (‘0. 63 p. in]... "up. I“?!

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