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will become perfectly pliable and can be made to conform to any desired shape, both laterally and longitudinally. A few of the advantages of these splits are the following: Because of the rough exterior they do not slip under the bandage; not being sufficiently porous to absorb septic material, they can be easily sterilized; are impervious to moisture; these splints do not interfere with X-Ray examination of the fractured part. A full set of Du Puy's splints, consisting of forty-five pieces, will be sent to any of our readers for $15. Address Geo. L. Warren Co., Niles, Mich.


GONORRHEA. In the treatment of this affection it is considered essential by many authorities that during the acute stage the medication should be internal, nad that injections should not be resorted to until the acute inflammatory symptoms have subsided. The remedy selected for the local treatment of these cases should be which will not injure the delicate and sensitive urethral mucous membrane, while sufficiently powerful to destroy the gonococci. It should also exert an astringent effect in order to reduce the congestion and arrest the discharge. A remedy which will do all this without giving rise to subsequent cicatricial formation has long been a desideratum. For the purpose, Micajah's Medicated Uterine Wafers have proven of great service. One wafer dissolve in three ounces of water as an injection will give most satisfactory results. For convenience bougies may be prepared by combining the wafers with cocoa butter and insert into the urethra twice a day and or retiring.

HUNTER MCGUIRE'S OPINION. -The late Hunter McGuire, the most celebrated surgeon of his time in the United States, if not in the world, was asked his opinion of antikamnia by Dr. Thos. C. Haley of Riceville, Va. Dr. Haley in writing of this circum

stance to The Antikamnia Chemical
Company, says as follows: "I recently
wrote to Dr. McGuire and gave him
my experience with antikamnia in my
own case and that of others. Of my-
self, I said that I had been using the
five-grain tablets for four or five years
consecutively, and always with great
and signal relief to my sufferings. I
vouched for it as being the grandest
succedaneum for morphia. While I
entertained these opinions personally,
I still felt that the quantity taken
should be justified by consultation.
Hence the letter to Dr. McGuire and I
am pleased to hand you herewith his

The following is Dr. McGuire's reply:
St. Luke's Home, Richmond, Va.,
Nov. 8, 1894.

Thos. C. Haley, M. D.

My Dear Doctor:-I don't see any reason why you shouldn't continue to take the remedy (Antikamnia tablets) of which you speak and which has done you so much good. I don't believe it will do you any harm. With kind regards and best wishes, very truly yours, (Signed) Hunter McGuire.

FOR HOMES OF TASTE.-The famous old Delineator, which for 27 years has occupied a unique position in the American magazine world makes a great departure with the January number, just out, by printing a prospectus of what will appear in the twelve issues for 1901. With The Delineator in the house half a million practica! women know that they have the very latest dress news at hand, set forth in such a way that by her own needle each woman can keep up to date positively and inexpensively. The science of housekeeping the care of children in sickness and in health, the art of living and of living well, a life progressive in a home beautiful-of all these things The Delineator is acknowledged to be the best exponent in the world.


SANDER & SONS EUCALPTOL (pure volatile Eucalypti Extract) an article on inhalations of Eucalpytus in Diphtheria, by Prof. Dr. Mosler, Director of the Medical Clinic of the University at Griefswald (Berlin, Klin. Wochenschrift) it is stated: "The gl.eucalpyti e folies I employed in my tests I received through Holzle & Chelius, Frankfurt, it must not be mistaken for the more frequently offered ol. eucaly-pti australe, which is obtained from the eucalyptus tree. This latter is used for mechanical purposes only, and has a far cheaper price; it is however, no longer employed as an internal medicament."

In a direct communication Dr. Mosler says: "At your special request I gladly certify that the ol. eucalypti e folies with which I experimented in 1878 and 1879 was taken from the stock maintained by the firm of SANDER & Sons, Bendyo, Australia, with Holzle & Chelius of Frankfort. It has ever since rendered me the most excellent services."

Samples and literature of Sander's Eucalyptol gratis through Dr. Sander, Belle Plaine, Iowa. Meyer Bros. Drug Co., St. Louis, Mo., sole agents.

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