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Christians in those parts of the world.

[Another account of Sabbatti Sevi states, that "after he declared himself a Mahometan, he thenceforward laboured to convert the Jews to Mahometanism-a change, be alledged, necessary previous to their final restoration. As a proof of the strange force of delusion, his followers still believed in him, even after such open, such avowed apostacy. They said Sabbatti was carried up into Heaven, and a Demon had assumed the shape and white hair of the old man, on purpose to disgrace him.”]

past ought to convince them, that the objects they are pursuing will always illude their grasp. On the approach of the Allies to Paris, in every step they took, our newspaper Press discovered the certain signs of a

and the streets were covered with carpets | Jews to the utmost scorn of the Turks and
for him to tread upon. The Jews expect-
ed that this Messiah should lead them to
Jerusalem, or the Holy Land, and made
provision accordingly to attend Sabbatti,
who nominated those Princes who were to
govern them in their march; and to such
a height of folly and delusion were they
arrived, that Nathan, the associate of
Sevi, took the courage and boldness to
prophecy, that in the month of June, the
Messiah should appear before the Grand
Signior, take from him his crown, and
lead him in chains like a captive. Such
discourses, with the general infatuation of
the Jews in all places where they resided,
made them, instead of transacting their SIR, The facility with which mankind
usual affairs of traffic, stuff their letters fly from one source of consolation to ano-
with nothing but wonders and miraclesther, is only to be equalled by their credu-
wrought by their Messiah: as, that whenity, and their constant reliance upon fu-
the Grand Signior seat to take him, here events, although every thing that is
caused the messengers to die instantly,
upon which other Janissaries being again
sent, they all fell dead, but with a word of
his mouth he restored them to life; with
many other lying wonders.The Grand
Signior having information of the mad-speedy and lasting peace, and the nearer
ness of the Jews, sent a messenger to bring
Sabbatti to Adrianople. Being brought
into the presence, he appeared much de-
jected, and the Sultan told him in short,
that if he could not shew him a miracle of
his own proposing, he should be punished
as a deceiver and impostor; which was,
that Sabbatti should be stripped: stark
naked, and set as a mark for his most
dexterous archers, and if the arrows pierced
not his body, but that his flesh and skin
were proof like armour, he then would be-
lieve him to be the Messiah, and that God
had designed him that greatnes she pretend-
ed to.-Sabbatti, not having faith enough
to stand so sharp a trial, renounced all his
titles to kingdoms and governments, and
humbly acknowledged that he was but a
poor Jewish Priest, and had nothing of
privilege or virtue above the rest of his
brethren. The Grand Signior replied,
that having committed treason, he had no
other means to expiate his guilt but by
turning Mahometan, or else the stake to
be driven through him was ready at the
gate. Sabbatti in this extremity declared,
that be cheerfully embraced the Turkish
faith, and esteemed himself much honoured
to do it in his presence, and so he conti-
nued in the house of the Grand Signior
ten years, and then died, exposing the

the din and clangor of war approached the
Parisian capital, the nearer to our fire-
sides was the joyful harbinger, the nearer
the welcome sound which was to bring
us plenty and abundance. Well, then,
peace was signed at Paris; peace was
proclaimed at Paris, at Vienna, at St.
Petersburgh, at Berlin, and in London;
peace, in short, was announced to all
Europe, and nothing remained to com-
plete the universal joy but the presence
of those blessings which are generally con-
sidered the attendants or companions of
peace. But what has this much-longed-for,
this every-where-sighed-for, peace brought
us? What blessings, what advantages
has it produced? None-nothing but.
chagrin and disappointment has been
the reward of that perseverance and
forbearance, which has so long charac-
terized this credulons nation. One might
have thought that disappointment, so great
after such unwearied patience, would have
opened the eyes of the people to the decep-
tive tricks by which they are misled by our
bireling newspapers, and determined them
to emancipate themselves from the leading-
strings of their interested guides. Would
you believe, however, Mr. Cobbett, that
those very men, who were the loudest in
their complaints against the peace, are

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now the most forward in expressing expressed in the following article, which I their confidence, that the Congress now have extracted from last night's paper --⚫ opened at Vienna will produce all those "The Americans give out, on the auto"rity of letters from Ghent, that' great and glorious results which expected from the Peace.The Con-"have given way in the subject of the gress is in every man's mouth; the Con- "new Boundary Line for the Lakesgress is to cure every thing; the Con-contenting ourselves with exacting that gress is the universal-panacea by which all armed vessels shall be destroyed, trade is to flourish, corn to grow, the na- "and none but ships of a certain tonnage tional debt to be paid, and the taxes to be "be allowed to navigate the Lakes taken off. In short, to talk of any thing "that the principal object now relates to else, to think of any thing else, but the "the Indians, we insisting to include Congress, or to doubt of its omnipotence, "them in the negociation and arrangewould involve a man, now-a-days, in as "ment for Peace, the Americans desirmany difficulties as Jacobinism involved "ing to treat with them separately." "This is the American account-the Briits professors, in this country, at the beginning of the French Revolution. This is "tish must, of course, be a very different a great grievance; and having given you one. We must have a new boundary the hint respecting it, I hope you will take" line-any arrangement short of that wil an carly opportunity of exposing it in your "be unsatisfactory. Should the contest be Political Journal. "prolonged by that demand, the accom"plishment of it will weil compensate the "evil. Canada must no longer be left in AMERICA.I have given below the "such a state, as that the invasion shall official documents as to the recent opera- "be held up by the Americans in terrorem, tions of the contending armies in Canada," to influence our political measures. The and in the United States; a Proclamation" exclusion of the Americans by the war of President Madison, respecting the de- from the fisheries was last year the means struction of Washington, and another "of employing many thousand additional tons Proclamation of Sir John Sherbrook, de-of shipping, and consequently of scamen. claring the country lately occupied by our "To give up therefore a branch of com troops, now to belong, in rightful sove- "merce which is of so much importance to reignty, to the Crown of England. On us as a naval power, as well as with ethese interesting and important documents," ference to its profit, would indeed be imI intend offering some remarks in my next. politic.. We shall not, we hope, falter a Meanwhile, it might have been expected" moment in enforcing our own exclusive that so many disasters, occurring, in so right in the fishery, as well as in deshort a period, to our army and navy, "manding the WHOLE OF THE LAKES; would have taught the corruptionists to be" but the war may on this account be a little more moderate than of late when" somewhat prolonged. This is at least a they discussed American politics. Instead "probable opinion; but wisely conducted, of adversity producing this effect, the "the contest must terminate in our favour. Times and the Courier are more vchement," There may be another effort; but that extravagant, and outrageous than ever. "will be the last. But it is the opinion In both, the American Government is "of some, that the conquest of Canada loaded with the most opprobrious epithets; having become hopeless, and the defence and the conductors of the French news- "of the American sea frontier still more papers are denominated by the Times "in-"so, the American Government will be solent and ignorant declaimers," because" inclined to make peace on any terms they express a wish that the country of "they can procure. It is, however, to be Washington, and of Franklin, may pre-"recollected, that our terms have risen, “serve its independence, and not fall under" and properly risen, with our successes, "the yoke of England." From this it is" and that they are such as go very deeply clear, that if the hypocritical writer of " to wound the pride, as well as to affect this Journal had the Americans in his " the interests of the Americans. Whepower, he would place them as much under "ther they will make a struggle to avoid the yoke as the most cruel and unrelenting "those consequences of their own folly negro driver places bis unhappy slaves." which are so imminent, or whether their The views of the Courier are pretty clearly" spirit is so completely evaporated that

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they will readily acquiesce, it is for time by the enemy himself, leave no prospect of to determine. Much will depend on the safety to any thing within the reach of his predatory and incendiary operations, but in manful spirit manifested by the Congress. It is and universal determination to chastise and expretty evident that the Federalists will pel the invade.-Now, therefore, 1, James Madison, President of the United States, do "enter Congress with more influence and issue this my Proclamation, exhorting all the "confidence than formerly; and it is not good people thereof to unite their hearts and "less certain that even some of the demohands in giving elect to the ample means pos"cratic members will inculpate the Go-cers, civil and military, to exert themselves in sessed for that purpose. I enjoin it on all Om66 vernment for the disasters of the coun-executing the duties with which they are retry; and thus, whilst they defend the principle of the war, they will condemn "the conduct of it. No slight expecta-viding for the defence thereof; for the more "tions are entertained by the Americans "of getting France to aid their cause. "Let France beware. Her support of "the Americans in their war against this country was one of the causes that pro"duced the French Revolution."






spectively charged. And more especially, I require the Omicers commanding the respective military districts, to be vigilant and alert in proeffecinal accomplishment of which, they are au thorised to call to the defence of exposed and threatened places, portions of the Milita most conveient thereto, whether they he or he not parts of the quotes detached for the service of the United States under requisitions of the general government.-On an occasion which appeals so forcibly to the proud feelings and patriotic devotion of the American people, hone will forget what they owe to themselves, what they owe to their country, and the high destinies which await it; what to the glory ac quired by their fathers, in es aplishing the independence which is now to be maintained by their sons, with the augmented strength and resources with which time and leaven had blessed them - In testimony whereof I have Lere unto set my hand, and cansed the scal of the United States to be fixed to these presents.Done at the City of Washington, the irst day of September, in the year of our Lord 1814, and of the Independence of the United States the 39th. By the President,


JAS. MONROE, Sec. of State.

GAZETTE EXTRA-GLORIOUS NEWS. NEW YORK, SEPT. 16. [By the Steam Boat Paragon.] Copy of a Letter from General Macomb, to his father in this city, dated Sept. 12


Whereas the enemy by a sudden incursion have succeeded in invading the capital of the nation, defended at the moment by troops less numerous than their own, and almost entirely of the Militia; during their possession of which, though for a single day only, they wantonly destroyed the public edifices, having no relation in their structure to operations of war, por used at the time for military annoyance; some of these edifices being also costly monuments oftaste and of the arts, and other repositories of the public archieves, not only precious to the nation as the memorials of its ORIGIN and its early transactions, but interesting TO ALL nations, as contributions to the general stock of historical instruction and political science. And whereas advantage has been taken of the loss of a fort, more immediately guarding the neighbouring town of Alexandria, to place the town within the range of a naval force, too long and too much in the habit of abusing its superiority wherever it can be ap plied, to require, as the alternative of a general "MY DEAR FATHER-The British army conflagration, an undisturbed plunder of private under Sir G. Prevost, consisting of four briproperty, which has been executed in a manner cades, each commanded by a Major-General peculiarly distressing to the inhabitants, who had, inconsiderately, cast themselves upon the of experience, a light corps, and squadron of justice and generosity of the victor-And dragoons, and an immense train of artillery, whereas it now appears, by a direct communiinvaded us for six days, during which pe cation from the British Commander on the Ame-riod the troops, in small parties skirmished rican station, to be his avowed purpose to em- with them, and took prisoners and killed ploy the force under his direction, "in destroying and laying waste such towns and districts many. Yesterday they opened their batte upon the coast as may be found assailable; add-ries on us with bombs, twenty-four-pounding to this declaration the insulting pretext that ers, howitzers, and rockets, but we silenced it is in retaliation for a wanton destruction com- the whole at six in the evening. Their fleet atted by the army of the United States in Up-attacked ours at the same time, and after an per Canada, when it is notorious, that no de-engagement of two hours their large vesse's struction has been committed, which, notwithstanding the multiplied outrages previously committed by the enemy, was not unauthorised and promptly shewn to be so; and that the United States have been as constant in their endeavours to reclaim the enemy from such outrages, by the contrast of their own example, as they have been ready to terminate, on reasonable conditions, the war itself.-And whereas these proceedings and declared purposes, which exhibit deliberate disregard of the principles of humanity, and the rules of civilised warfare, and which must give to the existing war a character of extended devastation and barbarism, at the wery moment of negotiations for peace, invited

all struck to our gallaut Commodore. The gallies ran off. The British Commodore was slain, and the killed and wounded is enor mons. Our loss is 115 in killed, and 130 wounded. The British army raised the siege last night, or rather this morning, at two o'clock, and are now in full retreat, leaving in the field their wounded and sick. Sir George has requested me to treat thein with humanity and kindness. The whole force does not exceed 1.500.effectives."

"I have sent the militia and light troops

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(From the Tray Register.)


"DEAR SIR--This is a memorable day. Re joice! the British fleet is in our possession, after a battle of two hours and a half, in Cumberland Bay, opposite Plattsburg, which I had the pleasure to witness. The British force, consisting of a 36 gan frigate, one brig mounting 22 guns, two sloops of 10 guns, and three or four row gallies, surrendered to Commodore M-Donough, and the force under his command.

EXTRACT OF A LETTER FROM ALBANY, SEPT. 15. "DEAR SIR-To give some idea of our expretations and belief, I inclose you the Extract issued since yesterday morning. The account brought by Major Tatton, who eft the fort on Monday afternoon, and arrived here last evening, is this- That after "The conflict was sanguinary and decisive, Sitarday there was no fighting by land, sav It is said the enemy had 10 guns more than ing throwing of bombs and cannonading ; | MDonough commanded. The action is that the feels were engaged two hours and just closed, and while I write there is a tre15 minutes; that the British Admiral's shipmendous cannonading and discharge of sunk directly after being brought into shal-muskelry heard in the direction of PlattsHow water; that Governor Prevost sent a fogburg. to the fort to hear the state of the wounded, The British troops are engaged with and the amount of the killed and wounded; ours: the issue dreadful. The attack of the that on the return of the flag (being San- British on land commenced at the same time day evening) he commenced a precipitate as that on water.Their force is much superetreat, leaving his ammunition, provi-rior to ours, but our gallant little band w..l sions, &c. and wounded on the field, give them a warm reception,

the whole amount is estimated at about
60,0001; that the militia pursued him, and
had not returned; that the killed and
wounded left by him had amounted to
about 400. You have all the particulars as
far as I have been able to learn them. It is
certain now we have no cause to apprehend
a northern excursion from the enemy, and I
trust it will have an effect upon his attempts
u our city in the south. You have no doubt
received ere this my letter of Tuesday even-
ing. If any thing official transpires I will
give you the first intelligence ther of."
(From the Northern Centinel Extra.)

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SEPT. 11, TEN O'CLOCK. "GLORIOUS NAVÁL VICTORY. We have met the enemy and they are ours."


By several persons who witnessed the naval engagement on Lake Champlain this day, it is undoubtedly true that four of the Jargest British vessels have been captured by the fleet. It is stated by many who were in full view, that every British vessel had been Captured except three galleys. The British Commodore was killed the first shot. Commodore M-Donough escaped unhurt altogether. Every officer on board his ship was either killed or wounded. The engagement commenced at half-past p. m. and continued for two hours and fifteen minutes.

An attack was made at the same time by fand on Plattsburg. We have only heard that the enemy was repulsed, and that the militia distinguished themselves gallantly.

"On board the British ship 106 men were killed. The Growler had but five men alive when taken. Oar loss on board the Commodore's ship is 60 killed; wounded not known. Lieut. Perry was not in the engagement, being severely indisposed in the town."

"We momentarily expect news from the forts. The mail is waiting, and I must cons clude in haste. Yours, &c.

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W. MOULTON." Albany Gazette Extra, Sept. 16.

A letter from a gentleman in this city, now at Burlington, dated Sunday evening, Sept. 11, states, that every officer on board Captain M'Donough's ship, himself excepted, were killed at the commencement of the enagement; that the slaughter on board both ships was immense; that the New York Militia was drove about three miles by the British, but at length drove the British and killed many.


DEFEAT OF THE BRITISH ARMY AT PLATTSeurg. · Gentlemen who arrived in the last even ing's Northern Stage, and who left Burlington on Monday morning state, that by a Mr. Tybe and a Mr. Ransom (both respectable and intelligent gentlemen), who left Plattsburg on Sunday evening, information was received of the defeat of the British army, under Sir G. Prevost, and the attack on Plattsburg, after a severe and long contested action, with the loss of between two and three thousand men in killed, wounded and prisoners. The action commenced on land at the same time with that on the Lake. The British, at the commencement of it, forced the Saranac, and drove our troops about three miles, when they were met by the Verment militia, who came to the aid of their brethren in arms, and fought with the heroie courage and resolution of the ancient Green Mountain Boys. Every man did his duty; every one fought for his country, his family, and his fire-side. Victory was ours, the ene my were defeated, and forced to a precipitate retreat across the Saranac."


“About two miles beyond this post, the British From our Correspondent, Philadelphiu, Sept. | alvance became engiged, when General Ross

15, 1814. Yoon.

"An express has just arrived from Elkton, stating, that the British re-embarked yesterday morning, and dropped down ten miles below Baltimore. Gen. Ross killed while reconnoîtring. They had 5000 landed.”

Extract of another letter received from Philadelphia per Mail, dated Thursday, 10 minutes past 12 o'clock :—“ An express has just come in from the out-post, which brings accounts from Baltimore. It left there. yes. terday afternoon at three o'clock, and conveys the glorious account that the British were compelled to retreat, and had all reembarked on board of their shipping. The deserters and prisoners taken, give the ac count that Gen. Ross was killed reconnoitring, that the fleet had dropped down nine miles. The Baltimorians lost but few men, and were in high spirits."

received a wound in his breast, which proved mortal.

The advance continued to press forward, the enemy's light troops were pushed to within five miles of Baltimore, where a corps of about six thousand men, six pieces of artillery, and some hundred cavalry, were strongly posted under cover of a wood. Dispositions were immediately made for a general attack, and upon the signal being given, the whole of the troops advanced rapidly to the charge. In less than fifteen minutes the enemy's force, being utterly broken and dispersed, fled in every direction, leaving on the field two pieces of cannon, with a considerable number of killed, wounded, and prisoners.

"The day being far advanced, and the troops much fatigued, they halted for the night on the ground from which the enemy had been driven. At day-break on the 13th, the army again advanced, and at ten o'clock occupied a

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a half distant. Arrangements were made for a night attack; bat during the evening, Colonel Brook received a communication from the Com mander-in-Chief of the Naval Forces, from which it appeared, that, from the sinking of vessels in the harbour, naval co-operation against the town and camp was impracticable.

ADMIRALTY BULLETIN. “Capt. Crofton, of the Navy, arrived early this morning with dispatches from Sir A. Cochtane, giving an account of a most brilliant vic-position eastward of Baltimore, about a mile and tory over the American Army before Baltimore, in which twelve thousand Americans were completely put to the route by about four thousand of our troops, including a brigade of seamen; the Americans fled with the utmost precipitation, leaving two pieces of cannon behind, and all their wounded. We grieve to say, that General Ross, while in reconnoitting, received a musket ball in his breast, and almost immediately expi; and the command devolved on Colonel Brook. As the town of Baltimore, defended by strong works and vessels in the entrance of the harbour, and twenty thousand men, could not be carried without a greater loss than the object was considered to be worth, our gallant little army retreated to their ships without molestation. An account has also been received of Captain Gordon's expedition to Alexandria, which was most complete and most brilliant."


"Downing-Street, October 17, 1814, Dispatches addressed to Earl Bathurst, one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, were received early this morning from Colonel Brook, dated the 17th of September, on board his Majesty's ship Tonnant, in the Chesapeake. "The division of troops under the command of Major-General Ross, effected a disembarkation on the 12th of September, near North Point, on the left bank of the Patapsco River, distant from Baltimore about thirteen miles. Three miles from North Point the enemy had entrenched himself across a neck of land, from which position he precipitately retreated upon the advance of the British troops.

"Under these circumstances, it was determined not to persist in an attack upon the town, and the troops were withdrawn on the 11th, three miles from their last position, where the army halted, in expectation that the enemy might be induced to quit his entrenchments. The enemy, however, shewing no disposition to follow, tos wards the evening the troops retired, and took up ground for the night, about three miles and an

half farther.

"At a late hour on the 15th, the army was rew embarked at North Point." List of Officers killed and wounded in action near Baltimore on the 12th Sept.

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