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AN ACT making appropriation for the payment of expenses and counsel fees in the contests of the election of the executive state officers for the term commencing the first Thursday after the Tuesday in January, 1891.

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of

for expenses and counsel

contests of the

state officers.

SECTION 1. That the following sums of money Appropriation be and they are hereby appropriated out of any fees in the money in the treasury belonging to the general election of fund, not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of the expenses and counsel fees in the contests of the election of state executive officers for the term commencing the first Thursday after the first Tuesday in January, 1891, as follows, to-wit:

To John H. Powers, for attorney's fees, three hundred ($300) dollars; for witnesses' and sheriffs' fees at Lincoln and Omaha, two hundred and fifty ($250) dollars.

To James E. Boyd, witnesses' and sheriffs' fees at Lincoln and Omaha, one hundred ($100) dollars.

To W. H. Dech, witnesses' and sheriffs' fees at Lincoln and Omaha, one hundred and twenty-five ($125) dollars.

To Thomas J. Majors, for attorney's fees, three hundred ($300) dollars; witnesses' and sheriffs' fees at Lincoln and Omaha, one hundred and twenty-five ($125) dollars.

To John C. Allen, for attorney's fees, three hundred ($300) dollars.

To John E. Hill, for attorney's fees, three hundred ($300) dollars.

To Thomas H. Benton, for attorney's fees, three hundred ($300) dollars.

To George H. Hastings, for attorney's fees, three hundred ($300) dollars.

To A. R. Humphrey, for attorney's fees, three hundred ($300) dollars.

To A. K. Goudy, for attorney's fees, three hundred ($300) dollars.

To Potter, Waring and Boyles, and Bert E. Betts, for reporting and transcribing testimony, five thousand ($5,000) dollars.

To B. F. Johnson, notary public, three hundred and fifty ($350) dollars.

To A. S. Tibbits, notary public, three hundred and fifty ($350) dollars.

To A. W. Scott, notary public, three hundred and fifty ($350) dollars.

To F. R. Watters, notary public, three hundred and fifty ($350) dollars.

To H. L. Day, notary public, two hundred and twenty-five ($225) dollars.

To Silas Cobb, notary public, two hundred and twenty-five ($225) dollars.

To E. E. Thomas, notary public, two hundred and twenty-five ($225) dollars.

To I. L. McLeod, notary public, two hundred and twenty-five ($225) dollars.

To Daniel Johnson, notary public, two hundred and twenty-five ($225) dollars.

To John D. Ware, notary public, two hundred and twenty-five ($225) dollars.

To Stewart & Mapes, notaries public, Norfolk, one hundred ($100) dollars.

To Cramer & Boyles, notaries public, Indianola, fifty ($50) dollars.

SEC. 2. The auditor of public accounts is hereby Warrants. authorized and directed, upon the presentation of proper vouchers, to draw his warrant on the general fund and against the appropriation as made in section one (1) of this act, for the several amounts herein appropriated, such warrants giving the name or names of the person or persons entitled thereto and the nature of the services performed or claim allowed.

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AN ACT to authorize the governor to convey to John Dee the south half (1) of the southwest quarter (†) of section No. twenty-four (24) in township No. eleven (11) north, in range No. seven (7) east, of the sixth (6th) principal meridian, in Lancaster county, on payment therefor.

WHEREAS, John Dee settled upon the south half of the southwest quarter of section No. twenty-four (24), in township No. eleven (11) north, of range No. seven (7) east, of the sixth (6th) principal meridian, in Lancaster county, Nebraska, in the spring of 1856, intending to take same under the

For the relief of John Dee.

United States Statutes concerning pre-emptions; and

WHEREAS, The land at that time was not surveyed and no adverse rights had attached thereto; and

WHEREAS, Same after survey was certified to the state of Nebraska under acts of congress dedicating to said state certain lands on account of certain salt springs, and the title thereto is now held by the state although said John Dee has continued to reside on said land from date of settlement until the present time and has made valuable improvements thereon: Therefore,

Be it enacted by the Legislature of the State of

That the governor of the state of Nebraska is hereby authorized and directed to convey to said John Dee, by deed duly executed, the said south half of the southwest quarter of section No. twentyfour (24), in township No. eleven (11) north, of range No. seven (7) east, of the sixth (6th) principal meridian, in Lancaster county, Nebraska, on payment therefor at the rate of one and % ($1.25) dollars per acre, being the amount required to pay for same under the pre-emption laws of the United States.

Approved March 24, 1891.


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