Η 611 Approved said sum, or so much therof as may from time to time be required, upon receipt by him of proper vouchers approved by the adjutant-general." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 574. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 34 OF CHAPTER 149 OF Harbor Commission to care for and maintain certain wharves, piers, docks, etc. It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 34 of chapter 149 of the general laws, entitled "Of the protection of navigation," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 34. When any of the wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips, docks, basins and other property, or any part thereof built, constructed, improved or acquired by said commission, shall have been completed and shall be ready for use, said commission may in its discretion open such wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips, docks, basins and other property, or any part thereof, to public use, and may employ such engineers, assistants, agents, clerks and other persons as it may deem necessary for the care, management and maintenance of such wharves, piers, bulkheads, slips, docks, basins and other property, and for the promotion and development of the public use thereof, and the general assembly shall annually appropriate such sum as it may deem necessary for the purposes enumerated in this section." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. L CHAPTER 575. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTIONS 1, 2, 6 AND 8 OF CHAP- STATE CENSUS." It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Sections 1, 2, 6 and 8 of chapter 86 of the general laws, entitled "Of the state census," are hereby amended so as to read as follows: Η 693 taken. to be "Section 1. A census of the population of the state census, several cities and towns shall be enumerated as it exists on the fifteenth day of April in the year one thousand nine hundred and twenty-five, and on the fifteenth day of April of every tenth year thereafter, or on such other day as the general assembly may direct. "Sec. 2. The information called for by such census shall consist of the place of abode, name, relationship to head of the family, sex, color or race, age, citizenship and place of birth of the residents of the several cities and towns of the state. What information to be included. "Sec. 6. The census-board may employ special agents Special Agents. to obtain information required by the census whenever be given census board. in their opinion the information can be obtained in this Compensation. information as it may require to carry out the provisions of this chapter. "Sec. 8. The census-board may fix the amount of compensation to be paid to the agents and other persons employed under the provisions of this chapter with the exception of the compensation paid to the superintendent of the census, which compensation shall be fixed by the general assembly in each census year; and the state auditor is hereby authorized and directed to draw his orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of the several amounts so fixed, within the amount appropriated therefor, upon the receipt by him of proper vouchers approved by the governor." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Η 531 A Clerical assistance to clerk of dis CHAPTER 576. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 6 OF CHAPTER 416 OF It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 6 of chapter 416 of the general laws, entitled "Of salaries and clerical assistance and of appropriations," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: "Sec. 6. The clerk of the district court of the sixth trict court of judicial district is hereby authorized and empowered sixth judicial district. to employ such clerical assistance as he may require in his office in recording, indexing and attending upon the files of said court, at an annual expense not exceeding eight thousand three hundred dollars; and the state ১ 1 auditor is hereby directed to draw his orders upon the for carrying out the provisions of this act. SEC. 2. For the purpose of carrying out the provi- Appropriation sions of this act, the sum of nineteen hundred fifty dollars is hereby appropriated, out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated, which sum shall be available for the payment of such clerical assistance during the period beginning December 1, 1924 and ending November 30, 1925, in addition to any sum appropriated by an act making appropriations for the support of the state for the fiscal year ending November 30, 1925; and the state auditor is hereby directed to draw his orders upon the general treasurer for the payment of said sum, or so much thereof as may from time to time be required, upon receipt by him of properly authenticated vouchers. SEC. 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. CHAPTER 577. AN ACT IN AMENDMENT OF SECTION 43 OF CHAPTER 45 OF It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Section 43 of chapter 45 of the general laws, entitled "Of the state auditor, and of returns to him," is hereby amended so as to read as follows: H 541 A March 4, 1925. Approved Statement of unpaid bills to be made to state auditor, when. "Sec. 43. Every officer, board, commission, and commissioner for which an appropriation is made shall annually, on or before the tenth day of December of each year, render to the state auditor a complete and itemized statement of all bills and accounts incurred, due and remaining unpaid, together with a statement of the unexpended balance of said appropriation; and the state auditor is hereby directed to compile, arrange, and transmit such statements to the general treasurer, on or before the fifteenth day of December of each year." SEC. 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage, and all acts and parts of acts inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Η 689 Α Appropriations made for state work house and house of correction to be applied to the state reformatory for women, when. CHAPTER 578. AN ACT RELATING TO APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE SUPPORT It is enacted by the General Assembly as follows: SECTION 1. Whenever hereafter the state workhouse and house of correction shall be abolished as provided by law, all appropriations for salaries, repairs and furnishings and maintenance for said institution shall be deemed to have been made for the state reformatory for women, for the then fiscal year in such parts and proportions as the state public welfare commission may determine, and the unexpended balances of all appropriations for salaries, repairs and furnishings and maintenance for said institution shall become available for expenditure, during the fiscal year for which such appropriations were made, for the state reformatory for women; and the state auditor is hereby |