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thirty days from their receipt at the office of destination, and the country of origin may collect from the sender, for the return of the parcel, a sum equal to the postage when first mailed:

Provided, however, that parcels prohibited by Article II and those which do not conform to the conditions as to size, weight and value, prescribed by said Article, shall not be returned to the country of origin, but may be disposed of, without recourse, in accordance with the customs laws and regulations of the country of destination. When the contents of a parcel which cannot be delivered are liable to deterioration or corruption, they may be destroyed at once, if necessary, or if expedient, sold, without previous notice or judicial formality, for the benefit of the right person, the particulars of each sale being noticed by one post-office to the other.


The Post-Office Department of either of the contracting countries will not be responsible for the loss or damage of any package; but either country is at liberty to indemnify the sender of any package which may be lost or destroyed on its territory.


Each country shall retain to its own use the whole of the postages, registration and delivery fees, it collects on said packages; consequently, this Convention will give rise to no separate accounts between the two countries.


The Postmaster-General of the United States of America, and the Director-General of Posts of Sweden, shall have authority to jointly make such further regulations of order and detail as may be found necessary to carry out the present

DECEMBER 14, 1905.

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Ante, p. 2893.

Duration etc.



Convention from time to time; and
may, by agreement, prescribe con-
ditions for the admission in pack-
ages exchanged under this Conven-
tion of any of the articles prohib-
ited by Article II.


This Convention shall take effect and operations thereunder shall begin on the first day of February, 1906, and shall continue in force until terminated by mutual agreement, but may be annulled at the desire of either Department, upon six months' previous notice given to the other.

Done in duplicate, and signed at Washington, the 14th day of December, 1905, and at Stockholm the 14th day of November, 1905.

[Seal of the Post-Office Depart-
ment of the U. S.]

[Sweden seal.]

DECEMBER 14, 1905.

vensom att, efter öfverenskommelse, besluta rörande de vilkor, på hvilka föremål, som enligt Artikel II äro uteslutna från postbefordran, må kunna försändas i paket, utväxlade på grund af detta aftal.


Detta aftal skall träde i kraft och dess bestämmelser börja tillämpas den 1st Februari 1906. Det skall förblifva gällande, intill dess det genom ömsesidig öjverenskommelse varder upphåfdt, dock kan detsamma upphäfvas jämväl på begäran af endera postförvaltningen, efter 6 måneder i förväg hos den andra förvaltningen gjord uppsägning.

Utfärdadt i två exemplar och undertecknadt i Stockholm den 14. November 1905, samt i Washington den 14 December 1905.

GEORGE B. CORTELYOU, Postmaster-General of the United States of America.


The foregoing Parcels-Post Convention between the United States. of America and Sweden has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified.

In testimony whereof I have caused the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed.


By the President:

ELIHU ROOT Secretary of State

WASHINGTON, December 21, 1905.


DECEMBER 14, 1905.

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The import duty assessed by an officer of customs on contents of this parcel amounts to......... which must be paid before the parcel is delivered.



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This certificate is given to inform the sender of the posting of a parcel, and does not indicate that any liability in respect of such parcel attaches to the Postal Administration.

Form 1.

Form 2


Convention between the United States and Roumania for the reciprocal March 18/31, 1906 protection of trade-marks. Signed at Bucharest March 18/31, 1906; ratification advised by the Senate May 4, 1906; ratified by the President May 10, 1906; ratified by Roumania June 20, 1906; ratifications exchanged at Bucharest June 21, 1906; proclaimed June 25,




Whereas a Convention between the United States of America and Preamble. His Majesty the King of Roumania providing for the reciprocal protection of trade-marks was concluded and signed by their respective


Plenipotentiaries at Bucharest, on the
day of March, one
thousand nine hundred and six, the original of which Convention,
being in the English and Roumanian languages is word for word as

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